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2600 r NOVEMBER, 1986 VOLUME THREE. LUMBER ELEVEN $2 ^CMâ more than a bargain by John FrMiiifirt Hud Emmanuel < Hrvlrfcsteiri Losi month, we printed a stoiy on ;i eortlpuny called ICN, Tliiâ month, we have more details whseh may prove ij$e]u3. The Independent Communications Network supposedly all ows yon to ma ke all the ealLs you waist for !i tiX) a mouth , To sifin up for this, you need a sponsor. You can also, if vou choose, sponsor ether people. If you manage to convince SOonebody to use this system, you make 125, If that person convinces someone else, they mate $25 tind you make S5, Jt JIOOS down si* levels, so the maximum you can make is ÂŁ50 on one sale. Rut there V no limit to how many sates vou can mate. Tlia t's how that end of tlse dea I works. Some iieople who sign up for ICIN choose tite ''marketing plan " which is what was just described, Olheis choose both this and phone service (which is referred 1o as âpurtylinc service" 1 ), And some just ehoose to use the phone service alone. We called ICN Jo ask a bout sign ing up, The person at tin: other end said 1 hut if ice wanted to sign up, wed be given a n SOfl number to call to get our dial tone, Everyone gets the same StKJ number, If iTs bsi^y or if it rings more than once, the customer must hung up and try again. fie said straight oul thill we probably wouldn't jf?et through the first time. Lie said on the average you have to redial for about l^-ti m mutes to get the dial fOtte, He said that evenings were very busy and it wasn't a good idea Lo try then. "What a bunt duyÂŁTwe asked. âThey're busy too," he said, Whal TCN is d bing is reselling ATT's WAIN hncs. This in itself isn't illegal, Rut ICN is estLmatct! to have over &.UOO customers, fubtl only 54 lines- for thei r long distance network, ] t would be quite a trick to find ou! how many customers ICN resti? has. All personnel seem to take offense at this question, TCN was sLarted in Wautoma, Wisconsin on July r$, lf?Sb. It didn't hike Long for complaints to roll Into the Wisconsin Public Service Commission, In September, ICN relocated in Cody, Wyoming, The representative told us tifcU there is no corporate i ncome tax. in Wyoming. ICN saves a Int hy never sending out hills. The S 100 is due on the last WOrkingduy of the month. Presumably, LftbeydonH get pii id , youraocess code is shut off. There is a Iso another method, which is a [idle (tightening. They subscribe to a service known ns Cher ko matte, which will a utornattealLy take .ÂŁ 1 00 On L of your cheeking account every month! We have yet to find anyone who has successfully completed a call an this system, or even gotten a dial tone. The SOfl number we oh l-i lined never stops ringing, And not all the Complaints come from irate customers who can't geL through. In TCN^ first ad campaign, they ÂŁive an example of a WATS number. The number was given presumably so customers or sellers could see what fi real lsiX> number looks like, Tlie number they gave, 800*1 CN-FK EB belonged to the Life Control Institute in New Jersey. 1.0 was stuck paying for every call that people made to the sample SOU number, thinking they could yet free phone mils. Eventually I he people f rom LCI sent ICN a letter requeuing that they pay for their share of the WATS hill, bid ICN' never sent a response. Accord ing (o the representative, customers tuive at) davs to claim a refund, Ele also told us tluiL once you did get through, T4il them were three possible ways your call could bs: Completed. The find was optie-fiher, which g;ive the best connection. The "second was FX copper, which was fairly good. I he third was A TJfcT W ATS . which he said was the worst and that you could bandy busir the person pa Ihe other end. The company has some kind of a deal worked out with AT&T in which they gel more lines put in as they get more customers, Their codes are six digits Ihtlgand oils can lie made to anywhere Ln the United Stales, Including Alaska, Hawaii, awl c1l<: V i.rgin Islands. Calls t;mY be made from A laska or tc Canada or Mexico. THI1 1- IK Si r ISSUE of ICN k newsletter, âParty line 7 But Jhc party may be a surprise for subscribersâ buried un tha back of One of their âTippticatsoji 1 ' forms in tiny print is (Ik fact that commissions arc nol paid to yoir for any custonwrs you sign up, but only on customers that also pledge U, be salesmen. If you sijyi up for Jhe service, you may discover a whole worlil yf simitar surprises. Specifics We did a lillle detective work on ICN and this is what we came up with. The General Manager Is Larty Hartsougb. the President is John Heeg.and the Vice President is Robert Booh. The current address tor ICN corporate headquarters is 808 Meadow Drive, Cody, Wyoming 824 14. At this address rhev Itave 25 lines allocated as follows: .SO 7-5 8 7 -47 DO to 09 j s Lhc customer service deparhnent. As of Monday, November 3. (here wax only fi live line hum sequence. 470 [ .6. 7, 11,0 are being eliminated. They have another ten-line bunt sequence; 307-587- 47.10 lo 39. Wc suspect Lhis is used for sales people to cal! ip regarding sates t(ui L have just been completed, On these lints, (conlinut'-d on page 3-88) MASTERING THE NETWORKS by John Anderson ] tie dearie to allow computers to lii.IV to each other Lias given way to a mu Ltitude of networkscaeh having the ir own protocol arid characteristics . These diveâą neLworks-are liJL gaiewfiyod CO each olher such that a truer on any one of Chest* networks tan ootnmimkaite wild a user on .another network. In a sense- the networks themselves are nel worked lopelhcr. In this article, we will at tempi to untangle Ihc wires connecting there networks and examine the ARPAnet* RTTNF.T, CSnct, Mail net, UUCP network, a nd tlicir gate ways. The ARPAnel is perhaps the most well known of alJ the networks. 1 he ARPAnel is funded by Ihe Advance Research Projects Association (Department of Defense) and exists 10 allow else various research institutions to shine both resources and information. All types of machines running every imaginable operating sysCem Lue on th is network. Havi ng an account on a machine which is an AKPAneL nude is Uifi most desirable position lo be in front a networking standpoint. This situation is advantageous heenuse the ARPAnel hits gateways, to ail of Ihe networks we will discuss, Because of tins and some properties we will discuss later, the ARP A net has also been termed the IntcrNct. Physically, ARPAnel nodes arc con ucctcd by dedicated data lines and use theTCP, 1 ' 1 P protocol lor Communical ions. The T CP: I P protocol is one of the most popular and veisatik networking protocols currently available. TrP;' 1 I s was made popular by the ARPAnet and evolved Or'i it, A node on Lhe ARPAnel CUP remotely login to, send mail to, and transfer flics with any other node cm the network d Lnsciiy. This is Lite only network which allows a nscr to remotely login to all of the nodes on the network. The hacking possibilities for a user nn this network arc almost unlimited. The Network [ n for paction Center computer which is available to ARPAnel users is ihe idlblMXe network resource. Et provides abundant information about the ARPAnel and Hie various gateway sites-. A user on the ARPAnet can contact NIC by using Uk command TELNET to ope i'l a e 0 n n c c t i n n w i t h SRUNJC.ARPA. The BITNET is sbuLim Lt> lhe ARP, A net in that it alsn uses dedicated lines for communications, The solidarities end ilsere because instead of the TCP,' l P protocol the 1M t'NET uses 1 he Rf>C?s (Remote Source Control System} protocol. This network was originally composed Of IR-d mainframes and mlnicomputcTS due to its Lise of lhe RSCS protocol which is exclusively IRMâs, Recently RSUS emulators have become available for machines running VMS and UNIX . Scvcml rrnn- 1EM machines have joined the R1TNET using these emuLitors and many shall follow. It is doubtful* however, that the RITN ET will ever support aLI of the features tha L lhe AR P Ariel boa si s since 1 lie RSCS protocol is very restrictive. The BITNET only supports electronic moil and tile transfer between its nodes. It is noi possible for one node to remotely login to another. Inrpii rics about the Rl'I'N ET can lie add netsed to: Edncom ttitiLH'f Network Information Center P.O. Box 364 Princeton, N.l M5Jt Phone: 734.1878 1 he CSnel or PhuneNel is u network of uilivcnsity computes sciencedepartmems and other research institutions. The CS net Ls radically different from the networks mentioned above in that every node on tile network Is only connected to the relay node (CSNET -RELAY) . The connection to th is centra) node is not via a dedicated Sine but via d ia l-up phone Lines. Periodically (usually once a day) the CSNET-REl AY will call each node cm (lie network to sec if there arc any messages to be transferred . This type of network Architecture gave the CSnct its second name, PhoneNel. The CSitet Only supports elect ionic mail and is not Likely to ever support any other network functions if it d nes, not cha ngc Its method of networking. The CSnel is run by Bolt Re ranch and Newman Inc. and can be contacted at the following addieis: Roll Rcranck and New man Eire. 10 Moulton, Street Cambridge, MA 0213k PI, one: (617} 4*7-2777 A network similar to Lhe CSnei is lhe MaiLnel. Apparently tins network only supports tlie transfer of uui U, Al liiis luue ike ty|ie nf network structure and machines using this network ate unknown to lhe author, However, it would notheunreasonahk to assume that this network uses a Structure similar 10 live C-Rnetâs. Please address any additional information about Mailnet to this mugarine. Pe rhaps the Largest and most loosely structured network is Lhe UUCP uei work. This network lias nodes ill Canada, Japan. Europe, Australia, Lind many oLher Courtl riiis. The UUCP network is composed exclusively of machines running lhe UNTX operating system. The network uses dial-up phone lines for Lhe transmission of dt'tia And UsCS tlic UUCP protocol. U LT CP (U nix to U nix Copy Program) is found on every system running Unix and systems need only establish a connection with one system on the network lo become a fuSly functioni ng node. The transfer of mail to any node nn the network is supported. Remote Logins mid file transfers me only supported with your direct neighbors. With SO many different networks, a need ibr inter-network oommt, nkmions arose. Gateways aic the bridges which link these networks together. Gateway sites a re sites which reside on two nr more networks. these gateways allow for the transfer of mail messages fr ont one net work to another. They do not allow (amtimiod on /Wgr 3-bb) 3-ai rvr 'e-y- Voice of Reagan Tortures Patients Kojin A Republican plnn In pin one larpeto! voters with ,l pre- recorded irtc&iSji.t tioirt Prealflerit KotaaLd Reapair bark fined fpifcri critica lly iJI potlenls at Mesquite Community 1 Eospiial in Tfitas were inundated with Mil calls fin rvsarly lour hours. N iitscs jtilI > i;-: i C Li r i iif the hospital'll IhLesisifVt CMC ward, wL-.ii y of auawej iuc telephomp every few mimites only in hear the presidential tt â : ; â . savl Miuy I inally took nil polkut tdcphoitei otf i In' book on a ldwqL Saturday niphl . "Tlverewerr a lot [nfcnlkjand they were very opj;;uv.aLing. 3 :1 like Id fcuOw wild did. it" Said bob (iritfLCH, riEdiX-ialC admPnistmtnrof the suburban Dallas hospital. A KpOkmartait for Lho Ki'p'.ihkeuii National Committee said Ibe party wee crying, to e neoumfuc voter turnout in the election, but did not intend to press for votes among ssek petiole. Ihr Lejenbimc ljI ts WCct .cciici :i led by computers- dikl WCiO supposed 1o ff> only to enrolled Republicans- nnd Ren^m siipparters in spreilie iitui of 23 status, bul m>( Tewas., lie said. [So maybe it wpa Kcags.ii himselfl frcs-klctHs pjet bored 1ooâ0 FBI Actions Anger Parents I â â t ml "4p w. !âJ tin M utc llia'i a. year after the I 'll I sebed computer ciqmpnienL used by 23 NiifLli COun.ty ((.âili/omia) teenagers. there have been fid acres Li a fid r.s> Chargesâ jlesL a number of arfgty price rats, {In October 55, NKJ, ift MSI agents, armed wilh search warrants, eoufetaied computers, Keyboards, modems, and software from homos ip Vista, Ei-spund id u. Oceanside, Carlsbad, Poway, and kanclm Prna.'KpjitDS (all in Saulhem Laliforili3.il. "Rie FEU alleged tlsat (lie leens bnd used their eompuiers to illr^ally tap into n financial dr.lohite peed by the Chnse Manhattan Rank. I lie irtvfsLigatLdrl has now ended, with the icertagcn signing deterred prosccul ion agcccihciLle stating 1 hat if tltcy do not â comm it nnyorinset wiLliin the ytstr. they will not he pro* edited . "J be government Iras J:o the computer gar. U S. Attorney Peter Nnryer is confident thru if the rose ever earn a tu Lriat, Lhe youths wiruld be convactcd . â1 LliinK justice was done," Nun.cz said. "1 don't tliiitk it was necessary to convict people or tty them, When we got thetr attention, they IsisicnLly acknowledged the problems had been CicalCd and they walked away. It's unfortenaic they still Wasil to carry on ihe buttle in ibe press." fieverat of Ihc 'LTnagem and Lhcir parcr Is in LIili: IltsL intcTviewsahout theeaseâ saylbere was no iudkfUiopllmllbc rialabnse was reslricleit. Tbey nee alsnupsuL about the ciyndacL of Use Fist; they nslted Ibat tlycir onmes fiot be ncsica hj. "ireflhePUrn^entl accused n n(5 bniassed my son and snid if hie Latkid abisut it Lis anyone, he'd be accused ;;l uhsLraction of joslioE," said unc p.ircul. TIk FBI denies tlia.1 its asents acred rudely. "Any lime a warrant is served, jienjilc feel sinctirnlHHlabki. 3 llsiisk anyoiicwoulil, 'said FBI apoksoicffn) Gan y Losuruo. "Our n ty-nts are Kenllemen, Ibuy do not intimidate people, they diin'! araic people.' [3 lay sure don't af-tuC uil] One tecnajver, who was al chinch when Ibe Pitt came knocking, sail! thal his mtiLhcf and an I [II a^etiL come Lu the ebukb In ^et him. 1 Le saitl Lbat iL was Only 'Ofied Lite KJStstaiLCd Lit qiHist iiOU lin'd that the ifalLtCd v.'lial Ji'j bail bmb aOOUBCd of. " i'Jicrc was no way to know tliot it was a hip.b-kvd syftem used bya hank,"he sn : d. âThe-ycnded up by Selling me I was in a lOL of LiOuble. " The trouble bad all tsnrletL mgnlbs earlier, secieTol teens cesntend. when a tnll-lfee r.nnibrr on an d I Kilobit hijBctiii boaid .e,v,'L' tltcro bokss to an uifkbov,yi ay stern. That unknown system litrned out to b* the mnssive I user. h i is i! Dola Corporation, iiHed hytip to 21JXKI eiisknners wbo pay Isjt access to its fiiiantciaL ibftWJiation. Unkpown users had Uttib tappilffi ibtolhe system and chanfirg password's. I? 1 it holh sciuths and parents say lliat the ICCifS WCtC enct»itag«5 to use UlC system and wem given an account ki Access. "You liad Ihc telephone number nnrt thecode name, then you OOncccCtd with the system. " said one poaCdl. "At aCellC poifit,, there would be a 2iClp OJWLatOt who WOUll) dcpl with you. Thm peraofi would offer apy kind of help ypn would wnnL. "Why would they nsk how enu wc help you and eaplaui differmt pnris of the system, ami literally ask i:iy SOU 30 Call haekV Ll was an esl rcbldy friendly altil'.lde, [f they had even OlfCC told him Ihcy didn't want him on the system. It would 3iaVC been diLlcrcjiL. 1 " CJpe parent Ihoupht the system Included panics and an encyclopedia ard Lliat iyatCs'iL OWiSCfa fVOtild cvontnalty nsk them La puieltase th.e servioe- They kind the trap on. Ibey wanlei! the kids to caLI, Llity were afrnid they bad n hacker un tbc system. 1 kitOW if sounds Yinrve and sLupid but nOnC of tllC porcbts knew " > unez labels as "ânonsense" Lbe iijea lbat Lbe kens did not know rhev had tapped into a niajoi iLiLabatC. "Allof these kids were (tetl inn ' ntoa compiler that they knew they should not have, 1 " he said. âWbeLbCC Lhcy tiBW all Lite tCH or it is just a hunch of nonsense. YOU jest don't c-j fiiuimnf;i|'ip r around ni other people's property," L Iff t-cens Hbd tltfir pn rentssny thcfâh.sse ManhaLlmi system find Absolutely no warning or name on Lhe system cstJCpf LllC identifying Clide "I DC !17D" ktcsplam Lls.'.L this was fi private, financial database. â "[hfiC WSa Ito wnrbidfk" S-n id one: morhf t. "â[f an yon? wmabl hnvo-tnid gel off, ymiâre breaking, Llie iiw, dies WOdhl ISStUC Ifcvcr happen cd." "'It would hnse been Tnnuy, [f it wnsnY si> terrify inp,"jrvjL her parent mid of lhe iceslenL. "[ ke|iL Lluuliil^ tl ki i will l>C Alt afstlogy ami well ail laugh abOOL si, lrt.it libit will never happrn." âO'- imd "Zâ Controversy Rages rrT-imHYrvi Mtvsl people never isoticed they were mining, hut (I COIbpiUCi' eoniuHiinL lYon'i Laiiibttlvllle, New Jency calls Lt unfair lbat the letters "Q"and "7" have been lefl off tiff ICSepIlPftC dial. JSernard Kiskin, operating under thn name ''Qurnt in ÂŁyjyuu ndt", « thf OiganizCr o3 âCiLiccns Quest to Squcevjc tj nnd Z Bnck Onlp tlw Teiepfrioitc Oial". He sorr tek|ihuiie makers are d iscrimiuai iuj; nguirut n Ippse number of bueJitKa-ta. Rukln said itâs haul to come up wilb a oitchy vanity mimherâ most of which are actually wordtâ foe pirva shups Olid bar lteeue icsiatinniLs without a cnmpirfR alplanrl, " Atulrak 's numhcrii J -COO-US A-ll A LL, but die it V uoâQâor â Z'Otf! die telephone dial to spelt out Firm. Queen or B-B-Q." he Hlid. Tt iskiiij 5$, hns writleia 1o New Jersey Bell, Bi ll Atlantic, and si a otbeT telephone oompaniEsanound lb? coutlljy tiyinfilO-pCt Lhe lettera On Llie telephone dials and bul Ions, New Jersey BdJ epokcewntiia.iL LynCLLe Vivian! said no one Acer complained, about the m issing letter* before. "'Vs'e coulditY slctlLify Where in history it was determined what Letters wmild go on what buflOLIS." she said. Bdl the ItUlhbCT 1 is reserved Lee ai es code use and 41 is reserved for the op;rntuT, she said, Uniter Ibe old Rell system, CtfephoriC liaLillJ3 bcputwitli Lwo leLters, followed by live number* Few tAelianges bc^su with "Q" or "7," so those letters vaiceoc: lefl off Ibe dia Is. Ms. Vjviaiu said. âW'o ikiw assign trlepborw- listings by numbers., not letters. 1 " altc anid. I lie cliange would have to be made on l he *et itself, Wtilcll is st.sndmd tbroiifillOUl tile natLon and piubably elsewhere, she aaid. [Pizza Cuecn?] 3-83 Letters You Wrote T>Vir2m\ An; there still any hard-core Tclenel luit k^rK out theft? Aft yuu Lired of Telenet dropping La n ier on you after x dumber of aics? Tlttn use DunsncL! I found these ?i umbers originally puslcd us Unix; d ial-ups, but found them to he Dunsnct access number*, Tbns ^ prompt on Dimsnet looked familiar so ] tried SOar'ie Teknct addresses and they we it the- sum: as Telenet. Here ft I'C the numbers: 6 E 2-493-0294, 612-893-0296 2AM6T5222 Amwleiis Dftir Amadeus; Thanks for the info. However, we found that Duwnel drops Harriet on users too a! no a cerium number of unsuccessful tries, Ami not ail the adiim'ses are the sitme, f or instance, typing MA 11 .won't get yoi i Telemail as It will on Tchou-t, but another type of system. There also seem to be more commands, Typing if LLP reveals some of them. Dear Itififr- I In trying to find nul what my ANT is, Om you help? frustrated in Minmi Dear FI M : AN Is (Automatic Number Identification) come in many shows and, -tires. Qursis9SB. Other people must dial 31 1 «, hear their phone number read hack to diem. Others we've heard of ary 1223, 114, 4102222, and even 1 -200-555-1 21 2. We d appreciate hearing any others from our readers. It might act unity he easier m some eases to find out from thy operator when you Ye no! sure what your number Is. They won V t?H you on many occasions due ro â'privacy "considerations, hut one way around that it to act life a repairman and request the J drop line ID This, we V told, usually works. Dtur 2600 : T his comes from a Pacific Roll bdl insert: âA new prefix, S 1 1 , w i 1.1 soon be a vaila bk for you to call you: Pacific Bc3L busJn*su office toll-free from any area served b v us. All our business office numbers will be replaced by toll-free numbers with an 8 1 f prefix.. âIf your PaeRell business office numbers changed to an -6 11 prefix, the titw prefix and number will appear on your telephone bill. âAfter tbi* change, you only difiJ 811-XXXX front Tmv PacRcll a re li in the state to reach your local office toll-free. However, iJ you aft culling from ail area where 1+ dialing is required, you must continue to dull the [ before dialing the Kven. d igit 8 3 E number. âSome ot you who have special i/.ed equipment could have a problem in dialing ihe 811 prefix, You may need to contact youi vendor. Until equipment modificatkin is unade, you mav continue dialing the (lid business office nmnbcrs available from 411, 'This change will save you the cost t>f a (pit cull to Paclkll when a call is made to all non-Inca I offices, (Today, calls (o our hi) s a iv normally tn 1 1 free from a customc r's home or bus:nc.y> areajâ h Reader on (lie Pacific Dear Header: Something else wiitc.k is popping up in many places it thy. ability to choose your operators. Generally, dialing one ft "will get yon iwf heal operator, i.y, New York Telephone, New Jersey dell. Dialing âQQfwill get you m AT& T operator. The local, operators are used for making eollee.i, third party, and credit yardi alls to 'local areas whereas A T&. T operators handle longer distane.es, We presume they both dan;- the same eapah t lit lev, iifi i If rt 1 1 en t- w iff. . 3-44 Dear 2<S#r How come Northern Virginians cunt dial 976-XXXX Calls at ail? Since these arc Eo cal calls, 7-digJt dialing is called for. 976 number? a ft trapped to Lire general "fcanmoi be completed as dialed 1 ' recording. Tf you dsaL 2172 first, you gpt the stant tluug. If the 97$ service provider has also signed up for the 97(5 exchange in Baltimore, you Can reach It by dulling 30N97&. XXX X, but youâll be charged for an interLATA Long distance call on I he carrier of your Choice, assuming that carrier accepts 9? 6 culls (Sprint and MCI dn not), Actually, fiien; ss a way LO reach 202-976 numbers from Northern Virginia: U-sO u a Jong distance service lvliidi accepts calls via your dialing a 7-digit local access number which tlicir switch answers. \3o your secuiity code, ihen 202-976-XXXX nixi the roll will go through, Ihe only Jong distance kca'Lc-C which accepts 976 calls to ulv knowledge is ALtoet (formerly Max), and they charge S2.05 plfis tax for each call regardless of length of time or distance. AT&'J acecprs 976 calls, but only to other LATAs. AT&T also charges only the cost of the longdistance call itself to 97b numbers: Ihey donât carry back tlie 976 provider! premium cllitrgr to the caller. Presumably, tins is the reason most aLtemaic long distance Companies either don't allow 976 or choice through tlie nose tor il, Neil her oi these: resi sons- aii'SCiLr to bother AT&'l . ( Hie Virginia P1?C does not allow the âdiaJ it callsâ 1 us they believe they cost loo much and are of dubious value, i.c., dad-porn, etc,) Privute Sector SnlMriher Dear PSSi While those folks may wry well be right about the lack of quality on dial-it services, they really have no business tlecr'ding for you what you can and Cannot call. Everyone should he tii lowed access to those phone numbers if they he willing to pay the_ Charges, We Ye shocked that Sprint and MCI don 't afiow H 'd is ft i 976. As for as we Ye concerned, duty have absolutely no right to do this, If you ward to call die weather In New York from Chicago, who arc they to say that's not allowed? Fortunately, there are always ways around their system. Unfortunately, TffXhtypes are pretty much the only people who know tl\\s. So, for the benefit of everyone alee, u-v suggest complaining day and night to any company that selects what phone numbers you ran call. In the meantime, here are some alternatives. In oar area (616, 71A, 211, 914). tt new exchange has opened up. Tn<- 9ft) cw change also has dtal-it services as well and may be reachable sitin9rtj isn t, So fat, we ve omy found two working numbers, 970-0000 and 97<)fs9 l A2, both of which can be described ns alternate porno services. And if the weather is ail you Ye after , then we be got good news. [Vent her tote is anew service that not only gives the weather, but allows you to choose what city you wsmt to hear a forecast for! You simply hay in the area code or, for foreign cities, the first three letters of the city, This system is also useful for telling you the local time, "(here are even sente hidden pities, we Ye told. Here are the numbers for this hvr Ye found so far: 212-355-1212, 212-237-5 757, 214^50-5(150. 214- 869-9200, 3h3-63(>d659. 312-056-0950, 404-976-7676, 512-222- 2222, 602-250-2323, (i 19*444-4444, 713475-65^5, undid 7-975- 75. We re also told if tat 1-9/6-76 7f> will work from inside the 612 area, but not from outside. Dear 26 i}th You ask wtiylhcre is no âOf on the phone dial. Name me one ( continued on page 3-36 1 The 2600 Information Bureau BBS NUMBERS BRITISH 1 2007377 12495747 13411719 13417840 10407150 10489400 13786337 13992130 t 4793047 1 4309704 1433^607 1 3423772 i 5424977 45710026 13792288 13796740 16064194 4 6232034 16313076 16302034 164SOO10 16303734 46697249 16791 SOS 16796193 1 6808 243 17036133 1 7940633 1833 0965 4S63019S 13640439 13033290 1 0988894 49022346 1 9275920 19414203 19349847 19604742 19607402 19933322 19864360 206414Q1 206062354 206967134 207343355 214303761 214440274 214441484 272421196 273773971 27445246 277228367 279441108 279443311 293720012 313461097 31 3366316 016373272 3617369449 37631B818 394633336 39233116 394276306 393272611 40130743 402473041 42934346 440820002 443733343 443733290 45334799 49 2497130 22246IB24 222464723 223243642 2246413SS 22464713S 22323276 2262921 10 227232628 743311077 244349336 244677978 246865043 247435162 249813204 23654494 23732974 23934494 26352346 26822177 76323122 268710637 260778933 260779956 270767023 432839169 404637299 486223174 49676335 4067SB71O 49249194 493781334 302313983 30688526 509418132 312605607 314248526 314289924 314283984 374426132 324420133 37460399 324822330 383SB7128 53439389 33433833 3303097128 36984607 592860313 (continued on {Htg? 3-ÂŁ6} 2600 fISSN 0749-385 L) Editor and Publtaher Twenty Six Hundred Associate E diners E r ic Cor lev C-av >d II ude-rma n Executive Director Helen Victory CiirtoQP ist Dan Haider 5HS Operator Tom Bten Junlt .VbiiL Receiver RichAnJ Petrov -ch Writers - John Drake, Pau Estev, Mir. French. Emmanuel j Goldstein, Chaster Holmes. The Kid 5 Company. Lax Lul'hor. Lord Phrenker, Mko Salerno, Too Shadow. S lent Swilchman, and the u sua I anonymous bunch 25C\j is pub rOifvl I?,, 2KC 1 Enlerprisns, Inc . as >alt!anio«Ynnry erdanuflticfi. .ANMJAL BUBSCfl â TON PA TPS S12_ individual; sUfl. corporal*?: 52C, L'.v rjHHij Lirervis subscription 52«i sponsorship ssmg. BACH ISSUES- 5-3 anch. individual^, 53 c-aclâ. -soris-iy-ale 92 SO each. rsic-KC-si?. MAKE CHECKS PAVAKI.E to 2K*> Enlcrsnsw. Ire WRITE TO 2fOC, P.O. 0m tâ1 tkllr Island, NV llh5JC752 TELEPHONE IS 1 6l 751 16-00 PRIVATE SECTOR Q6S: |2Ql ) 3S5-4A31 AfiVCRTISIIVJfj DEPARTMENT PO flprf 702. Middls Is'jrd. tff 1 1 9b3-0762. Cn 1 1 itx rArap. ASTICLP SUBMISSION AjVD LETfPHS eo Bax 3? Middle :s;ard, Mr 1 1353 CC&a VA? rsadilv acccp-; ad'clc-i, Inna'A CltopeiiFy artwark, prd dgi3 let publication. POSTMASTER Thi is privnân ini.iil '7r "i the Defense Department. They 're railing around she neighborhood to see if anyone ran turtp them figure out why every nw of their mlssikz y eejss iteerritiing {heir ewnmemds os\d aim inf; themselves at Sirs. ORediy 's house down the bioeft. " 3^5 BBS NUMBERS fkwfrflHft/, fâą jPi'i't' 6022S97S3 720263073 60420441 70476366