💾 Archived View for aphrack.org captured on 2021-12-03 at 12:44:48. Gemini links have been rewritten to link to archived content
⬅️ Previous capture (2021-11-26)
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==Phrack Magazine== ___________________ C F P P H R A C K 7 1 ___________________ Dear readers, let's take a moment for poetry: // Based on Ulysses // Alfred Lord Tennyson - 1809-1892 // patched by FX of Phenoelit - still alive It little profits that an idle king, By this still hearth, among these barren crags, Matched with an aged drive, I mete and dole Unequal laws unto a savage race, That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. I cannot rest from travel; I will drink Mate to the lees: All times I have enjoyed Greatly, have suffered greatly, both with those That loved me, and alone; on shore, and when Through scudding disks the rainy Hyades Vext the dim screen. I am become a name; For always roaming with a hungry heart Much have I seen and known - code of men And manners, climates, councils, governments, Myself not least, but honored of them all, - And drunk delight of battle with my peers, Far on the ringing plains of shady toys. I am a part of all that I have met; Yet all experience is an arch wherethro' Gleams that untravell'd world whose margin fades For ever and for ever when I move. How dull it is to pause, to make an end, To rust unburnish'd, not to shine in use! As tho' to breathe were life! Life piled on life Were all too little, and of one to me Little remains: but every hour is saved From that eternal silence, something more, A bringer of new things; and vile it were For some three Suns to store and hoard myself, And this gray spirit yearning in desire To follow knowledge like a sinking cloud, Beyond the utmost bound of human thought. This is my son, mine own Telemachus, To whom I leave the keys to my drive, Well-loved of me, discerning to fulfill This labor, by slow prudence to make mild A rugged people, and through soft degrees Subdue them to the useful and the good. Most blameless is he, centered in the sphere Of common duties, decent not to fail In offices of remoteness, and pay Meet adoration to my hacking gods, When I am gone. He works his work, I mine. There lies the port; the parser puffs his sail; There glooms the dark, the broad C Software majors, Souls that have toiled, and wrought, and thought with me - That ever with a frolic welcome took The thunder and the Sun-Shell, and opposed Free hearts, free foreheads - you and I are old; Old age hath yet his honor and his toil. Death closes all ports; but some things never end, Some work of noble note, may yet be done, Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods. The lights begin to twinkle from the racks: The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends, 'Tis not too late to seek a newer world. Push constants to the stack machines, And sitting well in order smite The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds To sail beyond the VM stacks, and the baths Of all the western stars, until I die. It may be that the GOOG will wash us down; It may be we shall touch the Hasty Likes, And see the great Turing, whom we knew. Though much is taken, much abides; and tho' We are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are, One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield [control]. ___________________ PHRACK 71 awaits your input, the impatient accepted will be sent straight to our paperfeed. You know the rules: + 7-bit ASCII + English language + DO USE OUR PGP KEY BELOW + AND DO INCLUDE THE ANTISPAM KEYWORD Since the introduction of the paper feed feature, your submission has four possible outcomes: 1. The article is accepted, it can be published in the paper feed if you want. Congratz. 2. The article is accepted, but will be published in the final release. If you decide to contribute to PWN or linenoise (lul), this will be the case. Nice one. 3. The article is not *yet* suitable for PHRACK but nonetheless would be with additional work. A Phrack Staff reviewer is assigned to help you to improve your paper. After improving it, it will be included in the paper feed or in the final magazine. 4. The article is rejected. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PHRACK mQINBFM+oeYBEADMTNkOinB/20s5T9Oo3eG39RaE6BQjgegag6x3DxIPQktLdT9L vsC8OH0ut4KKx8iva62BxNMr8Y24cpMIG0mBgGxDn9U6TaexmhgeTKGZWaS/61Ew EfgG4QSzQTj2soX9g6uo5HTRnl7cYPUsVRO7NIbNj15F9O6Q1xmnhSs79pyiqQ7/ uNgZJrNXY2ksd1jbfxUsHzV9KY7YjqVmUJEEHA6IHfmjwJ6E5accmHK+Q1RrPJL3 SafFFOlnvtZLW62ZMsEc5H8TsKl73E3fv2jHLkNIGO9mrmfLgBwM/KkuRy4WQVzL TsgiRGLYKIbgPAFskbYdmH7elWBoUWA7YDw6yXZnysqL0St/g2/vYhVOVcGT9gKV oTBNGSKDhvfMGSj8lphDOUIshuFkCWGX7XyI5KWPfgDdCTm6I+JPhrTfmrLfDi6V GSLgX6r8Yulz0clChZlFBgKCmveI+KnCPj3k96pXcyenA9dR2GDQuCUjHSg4lYlp OTDS7bPXE4KbPNKDFgwHFRJ7oATbzS7hMkLkDnRNEMxAPcZ0EXkEQQmHUHG4tLty aAuE8vqC4eamd6Jz5GsSz8BK5FzsY0Wr0bK5L9TfkSyaIsAkRuFlI6OEYRfLxIwl qkgxz0opRCr19V0bZ9UQWcnnQ/JwFc8Iq1Eazj4bWpDAQbvtx5uf+43CEwARAQAB tB9QaHJhY2sgU3RhZmYgPHN0YWZmQHBocmFjay5vcmc+iQI9BBMBCAAnBQJTPqHm AhsDBQkJZgGABQsJCAcDBRUKCQgLBRYCAwEAAh4BAheAAAoJEPuBHb1p2hqMRHsP /iozBA8LTwIPHhfsGURzUP0eCyUmOTkXrKq8rmotwGL2TrDz97J4RYhEOLSQ6o25 7HhKwukNcuYx55HduZDiQ/BtOV2dTqatHo3exiAaFTcGZXtFguJKDpDybyi8z2mS usIoGwyW6yiNmmjTVm9mV5BDKyHNagKra0ReKMPCTgQP3l+0GUTimNvlZdKkrmxw yEi7i2xTpDGk3UklWDHuo4kcogRoJ+N+T1w8wv1JbPCXTxp1GoM6z42iG/kWBhpo 1ZG9NCVHGRaAN2en+MzLMf2lj/txuhwSImKvkLR+2XXfu7v0Z+ztBW3V0qez+R2h 0URBFqA8wwF5juc8Ik1M3fsEBbA4mnNIisgToeSsJNkGUw8hJKXsNs3xKppLiOpL 1j05xm5tCQMCUv+RiVW6esjj/jTNijaZLUqxYDhTDZwcNpKYsvE9o7ylkEOtxqHE 2GJCyHwkq1powSZaiLzK5RotOxuElyHdtYE60pacPcijolo7vM2gWJiSFaOz/BmP CJiAxCeNu5H7xdZ94vLTAsVFaRvRTMlb+iUSHCJF9JQTYBgZ2OtpQ2yyEEL1a1Bi wqxFxIQzVKzAV74z1SHDJRJR21HeAE85PEDlbGtswtdmqEiJ7jwqzZrk8Pe+onrF RT31DRBJt45+viOP4bhow1WcBfr3OJ89oPp41+Yk/4BsuQINBFM+oeYBEAC1ciFl 0fCB5p1LDlIy/emTYiUccoRXA5cqbULshyFyBEJSpfI16yK/AkVmUe40L7Y44qwF HMereGmiMH10CpzE28YiJx+bYsrg32tHErczEs2xtsO4gnGTgJf+1VVtICaoAobr g0xUAcsevW+10lJtlo2BRDL9mldO4efeAvC9AlX76SgiTCT6LTXUMrNgtnW2HKbI IZuOHdZAFKmh6NNmUb0ITK47Y4ZZ3wwCYJDiQ+KOjnWEuIwkG+YowflIbZYjB/7b EZNs26SpWwNHw0XbP9JhyG1JKFauN72YI9/NSUAZmu6pAMy/JNCDfw2rChk+63Q1 mtTNXa13lpb8zRi0cBHEPSibIryyqhabe5dzrucD79ekKfp6m4Ts9B3nL313RHAe z0ByRSuC/iDjyC5tYc3LH/aR+zFkmz50nV6Cwk0Of1TJ9UBi7kMSSvnZ+gCRabtU D7cjq3TtraAicUs2yr0YdCiGHU71KGAMwhQIKZ7IxqUcVwDNTxd3wSVeC6GdRph4 5htgIWY3GTw7sjMdkFtZK8QsnmfCuIm+GYGiDqT63lpsBwle0KG3GgvU29OZD91G 323jsXHK+tw4Dvx2lpGfZ+1lNxFZWhLvSjllkNRtkBHOA5BKYOC9EaPktKdq25Ou POuw3j++iFd3fNqlebQKC4luCp9AG/BfvjM2EwARAQABiQIlBBgBCAAPBQJTPqHm AhsMBQkJZgGAAAoJEPuBHb1p2hqMke8P/0+O0WYVhBOuzi4V1KBuVZW1CeWNngM/ dEugOZn4GX+MdMPiVuM34LAxcZUWfdhLs1ebsGOKcUSn+aa6xYfotnhWGxxWUoRs vgtRa7oDKXAEp2/b6QbXUPlK1htrK7kQtdvzqAVktKzWUp8XJxLSMOaN0B6ocS2p vL2cFs5TPApHvaK0GvmtaC/REcRTgctey0EPzFaCsMAZ3Pxc9b+2rhMYozSkhs0O gga/EfvhF5+LmB9mtFKGjomrUX7IPwUJ3RPuPZ63MTLqkZLtX833xx1aN4r/u5mD 3KI3rSgrtvDx7zBk0AnN9t9pI5WtEmK7vs1PhDJ+3TIG4Y8cL1u7U91/BE2CdoRB yHGmJZ5vcmhCbQVWHIqXFw5V9FVjN3ZehmwtQTGkBThgvA4WKOD03Q9DtJKMoPgz tiukTPBE4ez8zj5vR5SoR3fCWCUBJD+jBKyB+N+KAWUVsnwFKe07dsEAb2Gm6/aF APChjN9MGeDV0JQR85w7wdGGtDVCNk/Rpg7JMbTgrKB3R1LERbjsOQG3+UeWwUWS PGccf30uvPcpEVj6SFl78/OjL/xsZYn2+gOGvwChg2UzYJ53r04aPVFyAU4bt8QO uH6Xyl34RAPjnQdQwMWmwTIv97lJaGU/KCW+RAxXX4iPLXN7GaVZRxQIwYAS4NSP 2tTJXfcKIpxZuQINBF4XdKoBEACzpbhtM/fz9vBadAQ/irCsZXBPJNN9OG/RgUfe Vra7Jl6fhLjSSDrzoNQAU1+0CrJJIyb6REF7PNG2fevhfjYlVSccOMaYBcXQ7SGM kxeK6SxMmJ3rX0BqqNPN5xsULZ6/EUjCuCdBS4QnCd5Pfv3TTd+m1vofvLTk7EU5 rn3GbSRjO4a662ewyLyaSw7k0y3ryskuY7HWwdDB1T2gV0538FDbZJJ9Lvnc6aYL jJ4Uq+/hzsobjAF73PHMV3KCTfeOyGHgUAQBJj4ypR1OwzynpS/0FltwYB7RRllx vYKhBv4QA489CMnwK1r/6PpC1nPjyTCpx+Dj19nEy4nYzLIQkDf330rz3lFTcjnA GYgQvr9GfE9dnl6mrOT6Fbsj4AhLxbEbpjkHuCvLGF1fAQarnjfyvUEI+Yetme2N Ex/C7XPLAJKIrA7wpnObZ0h610//O8JaFMuOsfoQgNf3m2TNt+CfwOe76hjZ1NzJ Vv22NzkqH+VGR6x2PwNaAy39SMMAQSA6rM8Hj0BGRWn7UEvaIyqptlmHS/9CHoyc gnIhY9hRDp2KpRg+9uhmSapT0QQFEF9Otoa8X2vt69ze1geJ4SFW+NFU9zcdOohz 6a8SpX+7rG//XLIs2vPTZo1hpY/RZ+5XPptUpXdFjZzMRbpnFkpPNbyETQYYelBW XkJ00wARAQABiQIlBBgBAgAPBQJeF3SqAhsMBQkHhM4AAAoJEPuBHb1p2hqM6ZUP /RhXtbGZ9wHWo5rMCZcDLvfyjutFdXUxjd6zatlxasM/5sxJvOLxmfrAvZZ+eWyA 92LiCc19rt0GQAEOAz09ruo/kJmrNqzU0orrF1U/8L9ETJztJqXSt4fZHajC5Y71 GD0e9KkCfvUykaeg4l3fnij3eE/toJ2gEqGetjXOgd+kaJQX/Knq0bVBhCILtTDf Nl64tgrvuhKdS2j9YLFqx67p3uaCbaJmWWfUetbUi3qqMR9XNYcxNJm0KGfEdZ/W 34/fH4ec9UMRWjgbRozN9pjqDXgmY+tPpNQFrufvflqJB6sDIYvor11DYmVue2Rc hd6omo2nyaCv5+cJubdltc5E2re3ZdzLEE9yOJ7lMEaUl7/jrgGO7XHmIQEqGA40 NZFgGrPhir3lwY40nNhcCxmEpwHG9KKW0oJJB3z1kbivdfXW4+kAUhwnF0dJnxEh C+8150deuedjuoQxt3UCVjvq+1Xurgzyf53Ra7hwbjmInkSbfNPhEikoZ2Hu2D2F icSO65h/MFVxk9hyui6NKM0pWfow2jU2B2qIvloqdERODzqxENJjyb8p3KA80TLg mW0tBEw+oiIpUnHdYPRHheheRA03w6hmwzAyW443mDWCauttCSBrWTJ9donJYwyw dQp1dLPJydPWmyQHlJcMxykgnWEJqizcgQpMfw/tZQMS =u6qB -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- EOF