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A Gemini-style proposal

Charles Iliya Krempeaux cikrempeaux at gmail.com

Wed Nov 3 05:58:23 GMT 2021

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

If you think of “highlight” as bolding, then —

At least for the alphabet we commonly associate with English, Unicode hasbold versions of those characters:

𝐀 𝐁 𝐂 𝐃 𝐄 𝐅 𝐆 𝐇 𝐈 𝐉 𝐊 𝐋 𝐌 𝐍 𝐎 𝐏 𝐐 𝐑 𝐒 𝐓 𝐔 𝐕 𝐖 𝐗 𝐘𝐙𝐚 𝐛 𝐜 𝐝 𝐞 𝐟 𝐠 𝐡 𝐢 𝐣 𝐤 𝐥 𝐦 𝐧 𝐨 𝐩 𝐪 𝐫 𝐬 𝐭 𝐮 𝐯 𝐰 𝐱 𝐲𝐳𝟎 𝟏 𝟐 𝟑 𝟒 𝟓 𝟔 𝟕 𝟖 𝟗

𝗔 𝗕 𝗖 𝗗 𝗘 𝗙 𝗚 𝗛 𝗜 𝗝 𝗞 𝗟 𝗠 𝗡 𝗢 𝗣 𝗤 𝗥 𝗦 𝗧 𝗨 𝗩 𝗪 𝗫 𝗬𝗭𝗮 𝗯 𝗰 𝗱 𝗲 𝗳 𝗴 𝗵 𝗶 𝗷 𝗸 𝗹 𝗺 𝗻 𝗼 𝗽 𝗾 𝗿 𝘀 𝘁 𝘂 𝘃 𝘄 𝘅 𝘆𝘇𝟬 𝟭 𝟮 𝟯 𝟰 𝟱 𝟲 𝟳 𝟴 𝟵

If you are writing English, you could use those characters.

--Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.cikrempeaux at gmail.com

On Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 4:04 AM Roberto Soccoli <roberto.vpt at protonmail.com>wrote:

Gemini now expects the "* " tag for lists.
I propose a single "**" tag, which I call "highlighted", which can be used
several times in each paragraph of text as a switch that was initially
turned off.
Each client can interpret "highlighted" at will.
Now I throw this message into space. 🚀
Roberto Soccoli
Telegram me: @Roberto_Soccoli
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