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Tell HN: GitHub is down again

Author: pupdogg

Score: 441

Comments: 269

Date: 2021-11-27 20:40:04


xfbs wrote at 2021-11-27 21:21:16:

It's amazing how much stuff breaks when GitHub goes down. I'm doing some Rust coding right now, the rust-s3 crate tells me that to look up what feature I need to enable (tokio + rustls), I need to look into the Cargo.toml. Well, the repo won't load, and nor can I clone it. Well okay, fuck that I can use the default dependencies. But no wait I can't, I can't even do a cargo build because cargo uses a github repository as the source of truth for all crates. No more Rust for me today :(

dandotway wrote at 2021-11-27 21:54:40:

In the 1970s-80s we managed with email lists and tarballs on multiple mirrors. Git itself decentralizes source control, and yet we all want to use single-point-of-failure Github.

Anyone remember when Github took down youtube-dl?

I wonder how much Big Brother data Microsoft is gathering on Github developers. "Oh, as part of our hiring process, just like we scan your FB and Twitter, we also scan your Github activity to evaluate your performance as best as our machine learning overlords can assess it. Do you create Github projects and then abandon them when unfixed issues accumulate? Our algorithm thinks you're a bad hire."

adeelk93 wrote at 2021-11-27 22:03:28:

> Anyone remember when Github took down youtube-dl?

I would blame the law (DMCA), not those forced to abide by the law (Github)

kevin_thibedeau wrote at 2021-11-27 22:10:53:

The law also permits content to be restored immediately upon receipt of a counternotice. Somehow the data silos never get around to supporting that.

zinekeller wrote at 2021-11-27 22:26:52:

GitHub can't, until at least the the public support is in their favour, because legally it's a hot water. This is _not_ your ordinary copyright DMCA Complaint, this is the section 1201 concerning circumvention, which is held to a different standard. This is essentially RIAA telling GitHub "if you're not stopping this, we'll see _you_ (not the YT-DL developers) in court".

roastedpeacock wrote at 2021-11-27 22:34:56:

> GitHub can't, until at least the the public support is in their favour

Public support on which grounds?

d1sxeyes wrote at 2021-11-28 09:03:46:

I can’t see any evidence a counter notice was filed until the EFF got involved, at which point GitHub immediately reinstated YouTube-dl.

Did GH ignore a counter notice?

anchpop wrote at 2021-11-27 22:21:37:

twitch actually does do that IIRC, not sure about others

dandotway wrote at 2021-11-27 22:43:51:

Laws need teeth to be enforced. It used to be illegal to harbor runaway slaves, or to be a Catholic priest in Protestant England. So people built cleverly hidden Priest Holes[1] in houses to hide. But you can't really build the equivalent of a Priest Hole within Github, because Github is not your house, but rather your lord's castle.



boogies wrote at 2021-11-28 02:54:40:

> blame the law (DMCA), not those forced to abide by the law (Github)

What about those abusing [a misrepresentation of] the law (the RIAA) and the members who pay their dues (Microsoft)?

roastedpeacock wrote at 2021-11-27 22:36:32:

It was an unfortunate situation. I don't entirely know how GitHub handled things before the Microsoft acquisition but it also wouldn't surprise me if Microsofts legal department is more risk adverse compared to GitHub internal.

> I would blame the law (DMCA), not those forced to abide by the law (Github)

It seems even in the context of US-based companies that some companies are a little more "trigger-happy" with DMCA and other claims compared to others.

skeeter2020 wrote at 2021-11-27 22:09:19:

Especially because they worked to try and make sure this wouldn't happen again.

Teever wrote at 2021-11-27 22:22:43:

Your argument is pure sophistry.

Microsoft is a member of the RIAA and works closely with the MPAA to further control over society with DRM and intellectual property restrictions like the DMCA.

It is well within the power of an entity the size of Microsoft to oppose something like the DMCA and the fact that they don't indicates not that they can't as you imply, but that they don't want to.

jasonjayr wrote at 2021-11-28 02:23:12:

There was _actually_ a movie about this very thing. Miguel De Icaza had a cameo. The villain company was a thinly veiled replica of Microsoft, and the CEO looked like Bill Gates. (



In another thread a few weeks ago about code signing, I mentioned we should just hand Apple Source code for the apps it distributes in the store, to make review more thorough and reliable. Replies objected "Why would you give your source code to another company?" ........ and github is still a thing? (



Fnoord wrote at 2021-11-29 15:32:29:

Some of the features in that movie would work nowadays, such as paintings detecting a visitor and changing based on the visitor or their mood or sound input (don't remember exactly). Wasn't there also something with satellites?

Also, ironic De Icaza ended up working for... the company he wanted to work for all along, ...Microsoft. Though Friedman left Microsoft (or at least stepped down as GitHub CEO).

De Icaza was also featured in the Finnish movie The Code [1].



WesolyKubeczek wrote at 2021-11-27 23:47:03:

It was still rad back in the 1990s and 2000s, then came in people who think that if they repeat a bullshit sentence loudly enough and pushily enough, people at large will equate it with truth: "Email is too inconvenient to use".

I'd say those people do have a point about how manipulation tactics work, but email being inconvenient is bullshit.

tentacleuno wrote at 2021-11-29 08:18:30:

What's inconvenient is using proprietary Electron apps just for communicating, while not being able to communicate on my phone without downloading and installing a proprietary app.

On the other hand, you have email: open-source clients are available for virtually every platform, it doesn't turn my laptop into an electric bar fire, it doesn't drain my phone's battery (or if it does, I could just install another client!), etc.

It's quite sad how something as beautiful as email is being replaced by corporate garbage like Teams, which comes bundled with Office 365 (and that's a whole 'nother crapfest). Uch.

afavour wrote at 2021-11-27 23:37:02:

> Do you create Github projects and then abandon them when unfixed issues accumulate? Our algorithm thinks you're a bad hire."

This data is public and to be honest I’m amazed we haven’t yet seen a YC startup promoting that they do exactly this.

jzb wrote at 2021-11-27 23:39:40:

Shhhh. The former Klout folks are probably listening.

surfer7837 wrote at 2021-11-27 22:10:02:

Don't create a Github account with your name then?

asxd wrote at 2021-11-27 22:16:39:

Yeah seems like this would be a simple workaround if companies did start adopting this practice

KronisLV wrote at 2021-11-28 10:58:21:

> Git itself decentralizes source control, and yet we all want to use single-point-of-failure Github.

This is pretty much why many organizations out there, as well as i personally for my homelab use self-hosted GitLab instances:


Though in practice there are a lot of other options out there, like Gitea (


) and GitBucket (


), though maybe less so for alternative source control systems (e.g. SVN has been all forgotten, however that's a personal pet peeve).

Not only that, but i also utilize my own Sonatype Nexus (


) instances to great success: for doing everything from mirroring container images that i need from DockerHub (e.g. due to their proposed removal policies for old images and already adopted rate limits), to mirroring Maven/npm/NuGet/pip/Ruby and other dependencies, so i don't have to connect to things on the Internet whenever i want to do a new build.

That not only improves resiliency against things on the Internet going down (apart from situations where i need something new and it's not yet cached), but also improves performance a lot in practice, when only the company servers need to be hit, or my own personal servers in the data center for my cloud hosted stuff, or my own personal servers in my homelab for my own stuff.

Admittedly, all of that takes a bit of setup, especially if you happen to expose anything to the web in a zero trust fashion (permissible for my own stuff, as long as i'm okay with manually managing CVEs just to probably get hacked in the end anyways, but definitely not something that any corporation with an internal network would want to do), but in my eyes that's still worth the effort, if you value being in control of your own software stack and the ecosystem around it.

It's probably much less worth it, if you don't see that as a benefit and don't want to be the one responsible for whatever project you're working on getting hacked, e.g. if you'd fail to patch out the recent GitLab CVE where exiftools could execute arbitrary code, which is probably the case if you don't have the resources to constantly throw at maintenance, in comparison to companies with 100x - 1000x more resources than you have for that sort of stuff.

tester756 wrote at 2021-11-27 22:46:32:

but that data is avaliable to everyone cuz it's mostly public?

pasabagi wrote at 2021-11-27 21:25:35:

Cargo has an --offline option. It's actually pretty possible to use rust totally offline - the doccumentation can be built, for instance, then locally served with (iirc) cargo doc.

jiggawatts wrote at 2021-11-27 22:17:22:

Offline should be the default, not an option.

Otherwise nobody will notice how fragile their workflow is until it is _too late to fix it!_

Aeolun wrote at 2021-11-28 00:03:23:

I recently realized I was the only person running the API locally when suddenly all our unmocked tests started failing only on my machine.

All other tests, including the ones on the CI server, were connecting to the hosted integration environment for any unmocked call (and thus randomly modifying state there).

xfbs wrote at 2021-11-27 22:24:06:

I build and host documentation on every commit anyways in the CI. And yes, that is true, I eventually figured it out (had some issues with it at first) but it seems like GitHub is back up so all's well anyhow. I do however wish that there was some public mirror that cargo could fall back to, wouldn't that make a lot of sense?

still_grokking wrote at 2021-11-28 10:03:04:

It would be good if such things would be hosted decentralized on something like say IPFS.

kleiba wrote at 2021-11-27 22:02:22:

_It's amazing how much stuff breaks when GitHub goes down._

That's right. Someone should really come up with a decentralized VCS. /scnr

catskul2 wrote at 2021-11-27 22:17:14:

IMO Git is decentralization-ready but the rest of the infrastructure necessary to make it practical is not widely available/in use. The necessary peer-to-peer and networks of trust are still not a solved problem, or if they are they've for some reason are not popular enough to be in wide use.

PaulDavisThe1st wrote at 2021-11-27 22:43:59:

It's widely available and widely used, just not as widely used as github.

Setting up your own git server is not hard, but it's not as easy as just getting github or gitlab to run it for you. Way too many people take the easier path, even though the harder path is not actually that hard.

There are also multiple solutions.

catskul2 wrote at 2021-11-29 16:58:35:

> Setting up your own git server is not hard

Bullshit. Getting it set up in a secure and public way is an order of magnitude or two more difficult than it would need to be for mass use which is what we're talking about here.

When you have a situation where a the vast majority of people find something too difficult, the problem (from the perspective of actually getting it happen) is not the people the problem is with the proposed solution.

> There are also multiple solutions

Multiple solutions does not generally make things easier/better even if it's desirable for other reasons.

mr_toad wrote at 2021-11-28 00:21:21:

It’s ok for small private projects, but user management is hard. You can’t just let any rando have commit privileges.

PaulDavisThe1st wrote at 2021-11-28 06:25:52:

that's what things like gitlab (not the website) or gitea are actually for.

lostmsu wrote at 2021-11-27 22:48:27:

You probably meant distributed decentralized VCS.

etra0 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:49:53:

Beside the `--offline`, you can also use `--vendor` to include all the dependencies in a folder to be committed alongside your project. Useful when you don't want to rely on external fetch every time!

jiggawatts wrote at 2021-11-27 22:19:14:

Both should be the default.

Rust has a robust memory model, but everything else about it insists on copying the fragility of the NPM ecosystem.

The recent hoopla around a bunch of Rust mods quitting revealed that my suspicions are precisely true — key Rust staff also sit on the NPM board!

pclmulqdq wrote at 2021-11-27 23:39:12:

Cargo is the one thing keeping me off the rust ecosystem. The fundamentals of the language are great, but the tight coupling of the rust language with cargo's package management really irks me - it introduces as many correctness and security problems as the memory model solves.

duped wrote at 2021-11-28 00:11:22:

What languages have package management systems that solve those problems? Cargo does have options to fix these, like mentioned in other comments. I'm not convinced they should be defaults.

pclmulqdq wrote at 2021-11-28 12:40:25:

I'm suggesting that "languages that have package managers" is generally the problem. I think the go package manager gets the closest to solving these problems thanks to its reliance on one trusted source that has STRONG incentives to make sure that packages are available and trusted, but fundamentally, a language and a package manager are very different products, and I don't want them to be bundled.

birktj wrote at 2021-11-27 21:40:02:

You can view the source of a crate on docs.rs (see [1] for the Cargo.toml of rust-s3). Also I am pretty sure cargo only depends on GitHub for authentication for uploading crates and not for the actual contents. Trying to build an empty crate with rust-s3 as a dependency right now seems to work fine.



ATsch wrote at 2021-11-27 21:47:31:

As I understand it, the crates themselves are not stored on github, but the crate index is, as it uses a git repo to get "free" delta compression and auditing.

strenholme wrote at 2021-11-28 03:20:00:

This is why a lot of companies use a product like jFrog artifactory to handle dependencies. Instead of trying to download files from GitHub and other random places on the internet, the artifactory is a local mirror of all of those files, with servers on the artifactory which run the relevant services such as a npm repo of packages, a npm repo of packages, and so on.

This way, if GitHub falls off of the face of the earth tomorrow, the packages still build. Also: If some open source maintainer deletes an older version of a package, replacing it with a new one with a different API, the local package will still build.

(The local build process will have to be set up to use the local artifactory to pull dependencies, of course.)

anothernewdude wrote at 2021-11-27 21:46:59:

I can't stand builds that just reach out to the internet for things.

lanstin wrote at 2021-11-27 21:51:02:

Yeah seems like basic hygiene especially given the supply chain attacks but also a lost cause. No one has the skills to do builds without the internet. Even forcing teams to use an allow list for the internet involving fighting a lot of angry people.

contingencies wrote at 2021-11-27 22:11:10:

One of the few decent uses for containers is to enforce proxied internet so build process artifacts can be auto-stored for subsequent builds.

For the worst offender I am aware of, try building a _flutter_ project... it silent internet gets artifacts from _at least three_ different packaging systems (node, cocoapods, android packages), all of which have caused hard-to-debug failures.

duped wrote at 2021-11-28 00:13:00:

How do you build software in 2021 then? Do you write everything from scratch?

still_grokking wrote at 2021-11-28 10:20:18:

One can use the packages provided by the distribution. That's how it worked since forever for things like C/C++.

For example distris like Debian even mandate that you build software for them only relying on things that are already packaged. No arbitrary internet downloads allowed during build. The build environment contains only what is provided by the stated build-dependencies of your package, which are themself of course Debian packages, and some common minimal build base (like shell and some utils).

duped wrote at 2021-11-28 15:40:37:

What if the package you want isn't provided by the distribution?

What if the distribution's version doesn't support the features you need?

What if it can't be built by relying only on things that are already packaged?

How do you distribute your software so it runs on other distributions? Do you maintain a different build for each package manager?

What if you want to run on platforms that don't have standard package managers, like MacOS or Windows?

How do you update the packages without internet downloads during provisioning the build?

The C/C++ model has proven to be fatally flawed. It hasn't worked, that's why modern languages eschew reliance on the distributions' package managers, and greenfield C/C++ projects use the same model.

I'd go so far as to say this model is a key reason why we need containerization to deploy modern software today - since you can't trust software written on distro X runs on distro Y because it packages dependency Z differently all the way up to the root of the dependency tree (glibc, usually).

The fundamental flaw of this model is that it inverts the dependency tree. Build time dependencies are local to individual projects and need to be handled separately from all other software. With few exceptions, Linux distros make this mistake and it's why we can't rely on distro package management for new projects.

still_grokking wrote at 2021-11-29 05:00:09:

> What if the package you want isn't provided by the distribution?

You package it.

> What if the distribution's version doesn't support the features you need?

You package the version that does.

> What if it can't be built by relying only on things that are already packaged?

You package the dependencies first.

> How do you distribute your software so it runs on other distributions?

Give them the source so they can package it.

> Do you maintain a different build for each package manager?

Yes, that's the whole idea behind distributions.

> What if you want to run on platforms that don't have standard package managers, like MacOS or Windows?

Well, there you anyway downloaded random things form the internet…

But nowadays even those systems have package management that can be used!

> How do you update the packages without internet downloads during provisioning the build?

It's not about disabling package downloads (which come form a trusted source btw).

It's about disabling downloads form random places on the internet.

Also you can use a local package mirror. That's what the build systems of distributions do.

> The C/C++ model has proven to be fatally flawed. It hasn't worked, that's why modern languages eschew reliance on the distributions' package managers, and greenfield C/C++ projects use the same model.

Well, except for all packaged software out there…

> I'd go so far as to say this model is a key reason why we need containerization to deploy modern software today

Nobody _needs_ that. Software form packages just works fine. All the Linux installations around the globe are a prove of that fact.

> since you can't trust software written on distro X runs on distro Y because it packages dependency Z differently all the way up to the root of the dependency tree (glibc, usually).

Of course you can. It works exceptionally fine. After you packaged it.

> The fundamental flaw of this model is that it inverts the dependency tree. Build time dependencies are local to individual projects and need to be handled separately from all other software. With few exceptions, Linux distros make this mistake and it's why we can't rely on distro package management for new projects.

More or less every distro does it wrong? And you know how to do it correctly?

Maybe you should share your knowledge with the clueless people building distributions! Get in touch with for example Debian and tell them they need to stop making this mistake.

By the way: How does your software reach the users when it's not packaged?

At least I hear "sometimes" that users demand proper software packages. But maybe it's just me…

duped wrote at 2021-11-29 07:43:47:

I think you're conflating package management for distribution and package management as a build tool. This is the flaw that Linux distributions make. It's why flatpaks and snaps exist. On MacOS and Windows you distribute software as application bundles similar to flatpak/snap.

>More or less every distro does it wrong? And you know how to do it correctly?

Yes, exactly. For distribution you use snap and flatpak, or application bundles on MacOS and Windows. For building you use a package manager that can install vendored dependencies pinned to specific versions, and do it locally to individual projects so they are not shared across multiple projects. This is the tact taken by modern tools and languages.

It's not my idea! It's what everyone building software in the last decade has migrated to.

Packaging software so it can be used by any distro's package manager is not viable, and reliance on such an outdated model is why using Linux sucks for everything but writing software to run on a single machine.

> At least I hear "sometimes" that users demand proper software packages. But maybe it's just me

And when they do you almost never go through the official/trusted mirrors because it will never be up to date, you host your own (maybe put up some signature that no one ever checks) so they just `sudo apt repository add ; sudo apt-get install -y` in your install instructions.

still_grokking wrote at 2021-11-29 09:15:35:

> It's not my idea! It's what everyone building software in the last decade has migrated to.

Well, everybody besides the biggest free software distributors out there, which are Linux distributions…

> Packaging software so it can be used by any distro's package manager is not viable, and reliance on such an outdated model is why using Linux sucks for everything but writing software to run on a single machine.

Yeh, I get it. That's why we _need_ Docker…

Nobody is able to distribute software otherwise.

Well, except all those "distributions"…

> And when they do you almost never go through the official/trusted mirrors because it will never be up to date, you host your own (maybe put up some signature that no one ever checks) so they just sudo apt repository add ; sudo apt-get install -y in your install instructions.

Moment. Does this mean someone managed to build packages that work on different versions of even different distributions, which is obviously impossible as we just learned?

This starts getting hilarious!

I'm sorry for you that nobody want's to listen to your great ideas. Have you ever considered that you're completely wrong?

tentacleuno wrote at 2021-11-29 08:55:44:

> Packaging software so it can be used by any distro's package manager is not viable, and reliance on such an outdated model is why using Linux sucks for everything but writing software to run on a single machine.

Sorry, could you elaborate on why Linux "sucks" for anything but single-user, please? I haven't heard this argument.

still_grokking wrote at 2021-11-29 05:12:02:

Ah, and one more thing regarding "we need containers to distribute software":


spoils19 wrote at 2021-11-28 09:31:46:

... yes? I've often been ridiculed for wanting to build everything in-house, but events like these just validate that sometimes, to get the most reliable and best software, you'll have to reinvent the wheel a few times.

duped wrote at 2021-11-28 15:34:40:

To be honest that's deserving of ridicule. Reinventing wheels is how you introduce fragility and instability, not prevent it.

dom96 wrote at 2021-11-27 22:22:26:

Should be fairly easy for Cargo to solve this: why doesn't it already mirror its source of truth to GitLab and other Git hosters?

nixgeek wrote at 2021-11-27 23:18:24:

Probably because the level of effort required to configure that and then monitor/manage it continuing to operate doesn't make sense when GitHub has an outage or two a year.

fowlie wrote at 2021-11-27 22:26:17:

I was working on my Nix config. I had just added a small command line utility and wanted to install it, but then got 504 errors from github.com. Annoying!

revskill wrote at 2021-11-27 21:23:58:

I guess same story for Go!

ggktk wrote at 2021-11-27 21:40:28:

I think Go dependencies should still work, thanks to Google's module mirror[0] (enabled by default), which has cache.



ra7 wrote at 2021-11-27 23:02:01:

The ones using GOPROXY=direct will fail, although it’s used rarely.

krasin wrote at 2021-11-27 21:27:46:

In Go, it's customary to use 'go mod vendor' to put your dependencies into the main repository. While it's not universally recognized as a good technique, it saves the adopters of this approach from the downtime today.

avl999 wrote at 2021-11-27 22:45:17:

These days with go mod and the go team maintaining their proxy there is very little benefit to vendoring and any benefit is not worth blowingup up the size of your repos and messing up code reviews on PRs that introduce new dependencies.

jen20 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:30:32:

I’m not sure this is customary at all - I rarely encounter a vendor directory anymore.

Note you also need to build differently if you go this route: `-mod=vendor`, otherwise the directory will be ignored in modern Go.

travisd wrote at 2021-11-27 21:45:48:

I've never had to use -mod=vendor, so I just looked it up:

        -mod mode
                module download mode to use: readonly, vendor, or mod.
                By default, if a vendor directory is present and the go version in go.mod
                is 1.14 or higher, the go command acts as if -mod=vendor were set.
                Otherwise, the go command acts as if -mod=readonly were set.
                See https://golang.org/ref/mod#build-commands for details.

If there's a vendor directory, it's used by default. As for my two cents, I use it frequently when building Docker images so that I don't have to pass secrets into the image to clone private modules (but I don't check the vendor directory into Git).

krasin wrote at 2021-11-27 21:37:54:

With more outages of our amazing, but overly centralized development ecosystem, the popularity of this approach will likely surge. It helps that Go supports the vendoring workflow as it makes the choice practical.

As for building with a flag: true, but very minor, as it's rare to execute 'go build' directly. In most projects I've seen, it's either Bazel, or some kind of "build.sh".

shoo wrote at 2021-11-27 21:49:09:

Maybe the key point is to choose consciously and pick the option that gives the best combinations of tradeoffs for your situation vs just doing what is easy or copying what other people are doing without understanding you're making a decision with various tradeoffs and consequences. Tradeoffs that are a good fit in other contexts may be a poor fit for your situation.

If one of the goals of your build process is to be able to guarantee reproducible builds for software you've shipped to customers, and you depend on open source libraries from third parties you don't control, hosted on external services you don't control, then you probably need your own copies of those dependencies. Maybe vendored into version control, maybe sitting in your server of mirrored dependencies which you back up in case the upstream project permanently vanishes from the internet. But setting up and maintaining it takes time and effort and maybe it's not worth paying that cost if the context where your software is used doesn't value reproducible builds.

avl999 wrote at 2021-11-27 22:51:15:

Google takes care of storing copies of any go dependency you use on their proxy, there is very little reason for you to maintain your own via vendoring. Maybe if you are a big enough organization you run your own proxy as an extra layer of safety above google but still I don't see the value of vendoring these days.

jlouis wrote at 2021-11-27 22:11:46:

Go uses a proxy for downloading modules, so there's no Github involved. And you could run your own proxy-cache if you wanted. In addition, your work machine has a local proxy cache of the modules you already downloaded.

Go doesn't use a repository as a single source either, which is another problem in of itself.

avjinder wrote at 2021-11-28 06:23:10:

I just got an itch to try out Emacs, after years of vim. Installed Spacemacs and opened it. It tried to install a bunch of packages, mostly from Github it seems because it kept failing.

albeebe1 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:35:12:

Here i am on a Saturday afternoon learning how to programatically interact with GitHub using go-git, banging my head on my desk because the code should work, but im getting cryptic errors. I'm searching stackoverflow, nobody seems to have encountered the errors i'm getting (that typically means i'm doing something wrong)...... oh GitHub is down. To GitHubs credit, they've been very reliable for me over the years, it didn't even cross my mind that they could be down.

vanusa wrote at 2021-11-27 21:37:36:

_It didn't even cross my mind that they would be down._

As soon as you start banking on "the cloud" to get useful work done, the very first thing that should enter your mind is:

"Any of these nifty services can just turn into a pumpkin at any time"

mindcrime wrote at 2021-11-27 21:51:13:

Much like we have the "Fallacies of Distributed Computing"[1], we probably need (if somebody hasn't already created) a "Fallacies of The Cloud".

Fallacy #1 - The cloud is reliable



dlsa wrote at 2021-11-27 22:18:42:

The real kicker is that they're still other people's computers. There's definite benefits as well as costs. Ignoring either is not a good idea.

Centralisation into just a few large providers is another bad idea we're heading towards or have already arrived at.

NaturalPhallacy wrote at 2021-11-27 22:29:31:

"The cloud is just other people's computers." is the most succinct way I've heard it.

mr_toad wrote at 2021-11-28 00:25:39:

> "Any of these nifty services can just turn into a pumpkin at any time"

Which is just as true for on premise servers.

fivelessminutes wrote at 2021-11-28 01:26:26:

If something you control, manage and backup goes down, you can fix it.

It won't go away on its own, or like Travis make you dependent on it, get bought out by VCs who milk your dependency for money.

When it goes down, it only impacts your jobs until you solve it, not single-point-of-failues the whole internet and whole programming languages.

Your self-sufficiency also acts to stop all software endevour concentrating in the hands of one monopolistic American company.

vanusa wrote at 2021-11-28 01:55:29:

Yup - it's a difference of both degree and kind.

muzani wrote at 2021-11-28 02:17:02:

99.99% uptime means something is always down 0.01% of the time. That's an hour every year. It's not down at time of checking, so it seems about right. I wonder if there's an effect of different cloud items being down an hour every year.

vanusa wrote at 2021-11-28 02:31:38:

_99.99% uptime_

Until they get bought, or simply discontinue / modify the product, and/or you fail to read the fine print on the ToS. Or they simply lie.

TacticalCoder wrote at 2021-11-27 23:01:08:

I very regularly do stuff in containers of which I've disconnected the network...

It's amazing how bad most error messages are when something depends on the Internet and yet it's not reachable. If you're trying to connect to the net and it fails, you may as well _then_ try a ping or something (you were going to use the net anyway) and tell your user that the machine apparently cannot connect to the Internet.

Heck, maybe have some helper when outputting error message doing something like:

  log.error("Could not download fizbulator v3.21.4", ping-btw)

Where _"ping-btw"_ would try a ping and add the message: _"by the way ping to didn't answer after 300 ms, maybe your connection is down?"_.

Something like that.

amelius wrote at 2021-11-27 23:39:38:

Perhaps you invoked the API in an incorrect way, and brought the service down.

busymom0 wrote at 2021-11-27 22:29:16:

Ah! I am brand new to learning flutter and was trying to change the Flutter channel with the command:

flutter channel master

And it kept failing with:


git: remote: Internal Server Error.

git: remote:

git: fatal: unable to access '


': The requested URL returned error: 500

Switching channels failed with error code 128.


thought I was doing something wrong and spent some time troubleshooting.

naikrovek wrote at 2021-11-28 02:18:42:

"internal _server_ error" and "error: 500" are EXTREMELY strong clues that the problem is server-side.

there aren't a lot of HTTP error codes, and it's worth remembering the most common ones, like the 200, 300, 400 series and 500 itself. will help you troubleshooting later.

erect_mom wrote at 2021-11-29 01:53:54:


seirl wrote at 2021-11-27 21:00:09:

If you urgently need to retrieve a piece of software, it's likely archived in Software Heritage:


davegauer wrote at 2021-11-27 21:31:43:

This is fantastic! It also has some projects I thought had been lost to the mists of time when Bitbucket stopped hosting Mercurial repos.

withinboredom wrote at 2021-11-27 21:11:31:

I ended up here because automated cluster deployments failed trying to download releases from GitHub... I wonder if that software is served there and I can update the URLs before GitHub fixes their issues :)

yellow_lead wrote at 2021-11-27 20:43:49:

Maybe companies should alert on an increased amount of traffic to their status pages.

kelnos wrote at 2021-11-27 21:18:28:

That might be a good idea as a last-resort measure, but if you're only finding out problems because customers are telling you about them (even indirectly through a signal like this), your monitoring and alerting is woefully inadequate.

szundi wrote at 2021-11-27 21:36:26:

fun fact here that no matter how short the automated system is set up to alert, customers are faster - no one knows how is that possible

therein wrote at 2021-11-27 21:44:55:

Yup, that's another reason why it pays off having a direct line of communication to at least some of your top customers.

Can't tell you how many times I've had a customer write to me, only to be receiving some automated alerts 30-40 seconds later.

lanstin wrote at 2021-11-27 21:53:06:

And the best customers for this are the pickiest annoying ones

strictfp wrote at 2021-11-28 10:21:52:

Generally I agree. Humans are much better at recognizing patterns than machines.

But as a counterpoint I was once working in a project where our monitoring dashboard showed an anomaly in incoming traffic. It turned out that it was an ISP problem and that we were the first ones to notice according to them.

So maybe part of the answer as to why customers are faster is that different monitoring systems are monitoring each other :)

hnarn wrote at 2021-11-27 21:22:43:

It’s not last resort, you should do both because you’re alerting on different things.

mlazowik wrote at 2021-11-27 20:50:37:

I’ve seen alerting based on the number of Twitter mentions too

colpabar wrote at 2021-11-27 21:03:05:

I think this is how downdetector works, it just looks for tweets that are complaining about something not working.

PaulBGD_ wrote at 2021-11-27 21:57:15:

I'm fairly confident they just count a site as down based off the popularity of the page.

scrollaway wrote at 2021-11-27 20:45:25:

That's honestly a good idea. Does anyone do that?

hnarn wrote at 2021-11-27 21:21:24:

A telco I used to work for did this like two decades ago but even better, they mapped incoming support calls (customers) to stations, and if more than N came in during a certain period for the same DSLAM it triggered some kind of alert.

Same thing happens (should happen) when you visit your ISPs website and look for registered downtime — many requests from one zip code from multiple ips should trigger an alarm if the isp is competent.

cranekam wrote at 2021-11-27 20:52:00:

In my last job our main “is everything okay?” monitoring dashboard had RPS, latency, 500 rate etc and a line for the number of user issues reported per N requests served. We didn’t alert on this but it was a useful way to detect issues that were subtle enough not to trip up our main alerts.

gdubicki wrote at 2021-11-27 20:49:07:

My company does. :)

rozenmd wrote at 2021-11-27 21:09:37:

I'm surprised more folks don't monitor their vendors via uptime checkers - worth knowing if you'll be able to get anything done that day.

qubyte wrote at 2021-11-27 21:03:30:

Close that loop: Once the traffic goes above a threshold transition it to red!

ksec wrote at 2021-11-28 10:21:17:

They should also monitor HN's submission with GitHub mentioned. Judging from historical pattern it is probably faster than monitoring traffic on status page or even twitter.

brw wrote at 2021-11-27 21:38:47:

At least this outage allowed me to discover this cute pixel art octocat loading icon on the activity feed. Never noticed it before because I believe it always loads near instantaneously, or maybe I just never paid enough attention to it.


gime_tree_fiddy wrote at 2021-11-27 22:29:45:

Is it possible for GitHub to mirror the releases in multiple different places(they likely do that, but I mean complete isolation where an outage like this doesn't break the downloads). Maybe like a proxy to object store, so it is a little more reliable(a setup such as this, should have less moving and custom parts).

So in a moment like this, you can convert




. Maybe an implicit agreement of somewhat stale data by add the sub-domain "archive.". They'll try to maintain low sync times on a "best effort basis".)

amelius wrote at 2021-11-27 23:40:52:

Anybody could do that, I suppose. (I mean for the public repos).

spapas82 wrote at 2021-11-27 20:43:46:

Can't they at least fix their status page?


It returns `All Systems Operational`. I mean what's the point of having a status page if it returns wrong info?

drdaeman wrote at 2021-11-27 20:46:56:

There is a point. Even two.

1. It clearly indicates that automatic systems are failing to detect the outage.

2. It also indicates that no one is aware about the incident to manually signal the outage (or that there is no manual override).

Basically, it makes a difference between "yeah, shit happened, we know (and maybe working on it)" and "hah, they don't even know themselves".

the_duke wrote at 2021-11-27 20:53:37:

Almost no one has automatic status pages anymore.

Partially because these large systems have some kind of ongoing issue at any given time, so it's challenging to provide a meaningful live status that isn't a bit misleading and could cause misdirected panic.

Partially because you don't want to give potential attackers (eg ddos) any insight if/how their methods are affecting your systems.

Partially because there are SLAs and reputation at risk, and you don't want to admit to any more downtime than you absolutely have to.

derefr wrote at 2021-11-27 20:59:36:

If you had a _really_ robust system, it'd be fun to just slap a read-only mirror of your internal metrics dashboard onto the public Internet for anyone to browse and slice as they please. It'd be a brag, kinda.

Of course, in the real world, I don't think there's a single IT admin who didn't just start nervously sweating and pulling at their collar after reading the above, imagining it as something their CEO said and encouraging them to target it. Nobody can really do this — and that in turn says something important about how those metrics really look in most systems.

MartijnBraam wrote at 2021-11-27 21:09:12:

Sourcehut does


Jweb_Guru wrote at 2021-11-27 21:03:03:

FWIW, I've worked on systems that have internal SLAs orders of magnitude higher than what they promise to the public. I think it's more just that there's no advantage to doing something like this as long as none of your competitors are. The status quo is that people's systems are really opaque and vastly underpromise what they should be capable of, and in exchange you get to absorb some unplanned downtime due to issues with underlying systems that you have little control over.

Erethon wrote at 2021-11-27 21:12:09:

Wikimedia does this


toshk wrote at 2021-11-27 21:14:59:

Yeah it seems company status page lost its infancy stage where companies were actually honest about their outages. Bit similar what happened to online reviews.

res0nat0r wrote at 2021-11-27 20:48:54:

Most of these over arching status pages are manually run, intentionally by design.

chippiewill wrote at 2021-11-27 20:59:15:

Status pages are almost never automated these days, they cause more problems than they solve.

To be fair, redditstatus.com is quite nice with their sparkline headline metrics. It at least lets you know _something_ is happening even if they haven't yet declared an incident.

res0nat0r wrote at 2021-11-27 20:45:51:

These things don't/can't get updated instantly. I was doing some work as of ~5 minutes ago and it was working fine, and is unavailable now. If it is a major outage it will likely be updated shortly.

MrStonedOne wrote at 2021-11-27 20:48:50:

My status page for an open source multiplayer game updates the status page for each server on a minute by minute bases.

They can do better, they just don't want to.

derefr wrote at 2021-11-27 21:11:55:

No, I don't think they can. An MMO is a very simple system, in that there's only one Service Level Indicator (SLI) that devs, shareholders, and players all agree on. That SLI is "can a player connect to the server, and perform regular gameplay actions, without a ridiculous amount of per-action latency."

GitHub, meanwhile, is a million different things to a hundred million different people. Users of e.g. Homebrew, with its big monolithic ports system hosted as a github repo, have a very different SLI for Github than do users of some language-ecosystem package manager that allows you to pull deps directly from Github; than do people who depend on GitHub Actions to CI their builds on push; than do people doing code-review to others' PRs; than do people using Github mostly for its Wiki, or Issues, or downloading Releases, or Github Pages, or even just reading single-page-with-a-README repos, ala the various $FOO-awesome projects.

For many of these use-cases, Github _isn't_ degraded right now. For others, it is.

If you ask for Github (or any service with this many different use-cases and stakeholders) to measure by the _union_ of all these SLIs, then the service would literally never be not-degraded. In systems of sufficient scale, there's likely no point where every single component and feature and endpoint of the system is _all_ working and robust and fast, all at once. Never has been, never will be.

And anything less than just going for the union of all those SLIs, is asking Github to exercise human judgement over which kinds of service degradation qualify as part of their own SLOs. Which is exactly what they're doing.

Certainly, internal to services like this, there are all sorts of alerting systems constantly going off to tell SREs what things need fixing. But not all of those things immediately, or even quickly, or even _ever_, translate to SLO violations. There are some outlier users whose use-cases just break the system's semantics, where those use-cases just aren't "in scope" for the SLO. As long as those users are only breaking the system for _themselves_, the degradation they experience won't ever translate to an SLO breakage.

thih9 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:53:52:

You seem to be applying different rules to MMOs and Github, and I don't understand why. I'd say that there are many ways of looking at this; there exist complex MMOs; and one could look at Github from the point of view of an average user.

E.g., a bit tongue in cheek:

> An MMO is a very simple system, in that there's only one Service Level Indicator (SLI) that devs, shareholders, and players all agree on. That SLI is "can a player connect to the server, and perform regular gameplay actions, without a ridiculous amount of per-action latency."

Wouldn't you say that in an MMO of sufficient scale there's likely no point where every single component and feature and endpoint of the system is all working and robust and fast, all at once?

> In systems of sufficient scale, there's likely no point where every single component and feature and endpoint of the system is all working and robust and fast, all at once. Never has been, never will be.

Couldn't we redefine SLIs as "can the user connect to the server and perform regular user actions without a ridiculous amount of per-action latency"?

derefr wrote at 2021-11-28 04:26:34:

> and one could look at Github from the point of view of an average user.

My point was that Github _has_ no "average user." Github is like Microsoft Word: each user only uses 10% of the features, but it's a _different_ 10% for every user. Yes, there are some features that are in the critical path for _all_ users (loading the toplevel repo view in the website might be one); but for any given particular user, there will be plenty of other features that are also in _their_ critical path.

An MMO, meanwhile, _does_ have an "average user"; in fact, MMOs have _ideal users_. An MMO's goal is to induce every user (player) to play the game a certain way, so that the company can concentrate their resources on making that particular play experience as polished as possible. There is, per se, an idiomatic "rut" in the road that players can "click into", ending up doing exactly the same short-term game loops that every other player before and after them has also done when playing the game.

MMOs can be reduced to a single SLO: can the _ideal player_ have fun playing the game at the moment?

GitHub cannot be reduced to a single SLO, because there is no _ideal user_ of GitHub. There are probably _two or three thousand_ separate "ideal users" (= critical, non-universal user stories) for GitHub.

> Wouldn't you say that in an MMO of sufficient scale there's likely no point where every single component and feature and endpoint of the system is all working and robust and fast, all at once?

No, not really; MMOs have a complexity ceiling by operational necessity. They aren't composed of a ridiculous sprawling array of components. They might use Service-Oriented Architecture, but in the end, you don't scale an MMO vertically by making more and more complex clustered systems with master-to-master replication and so forth. You scale MMOs by either pure-vertical hardware scaling, or by horizontal shared-nothing sharding.

(The key thing to realize about MMO servers is that they're _OLTP_ servers — they need to track a whole bunch of users doing a whole bunch of simple actions at once; and therefore they can't really be doing overly-much computation on those actions, lest they lose shared-realtime verisimilitude.)

thih9 wrote at 2021-11-28 10:50:13:

I think you underestimate the complexity of MMOs. They can host truly massive events, e.g.


. With so many different play styles and optional components (guilds, pvp, official forums, paid content, user made content, etc), I’d say defining an ideal MMO gamer is just as easy as defining an ideal SaaS user.

Not sure if any MMO reaches Github level, most likely not. But I don’t think there is a ceiling or any sort of hard distinction; i.e. I think 5 years from now we could have a MMO with complexity of today’s Github. Maybe it will be called a metaverse though.

derefr wrote at 2021-11-28 21:03:13:

I should mention that I've worked as an infrastructure engineer on both MMOs and GitHub-like enterprise-y services.

EVE is literally the _only_ exception to "MMOs scale by horizontal shared-nothing sharding"; and that's why I mentioned the option EVE uses instead — namely, "vertical scaling of hardware" (i.e. having a really honking powerful single-master multi-read-replica DB cluster.)

In neither case is anything "clever" (i.e. inefficient for the sake of developer productivity / enterprise integration / etc.) happening. There's no CQRS message queues, no async batch writes, no third-party services halfway around the world being called into, no external regulatory systems doing per-action authorization, no separate "normalized data warehouse for OLAP, denormalized data for runtime" forking writes, no low-level cross-replicated integration between a central multitenant cloud system and individual enterprise-hosted tenant silos, etc etc.

> With so many different play styles and optional components (guilds, pvp, official forums, paid content, user made content, etc)

I think you misunderstood me when I said that there's a rut that users are guided into. The thing about MMOs is that the ideal user uses _all_ the features (because the game incentivizes doing so, and because the more deeply and broadly users engage with the game's systems, the higher their retention / lower their churn will predictably be.) The ideal player _is_ in both a party (or constantly switching parties) and a guild; _has_ paid for all the DLC and regularly buys cash-shop items; plays every piece of PVE content you build; engages in PVP content and co-op UGC content all the time; etc.

Which is to say, for the ideal user, "the game" either works or it doesn't, because "the game" is _the whole thing_. _Every_ feature needs to work, in order for the game to work. Because the ideal user engages with every feature. The SLO is, essentially, "can you do a completionist run through every bit of content we have." (If you're clever, and can make your server deterministic, you can create a completionist run as a backend-event demo file and run it in CI!)

And this is, in part, _why_ MMOs are kept architecturally simple. Everything needs to work!

(And I don't just mean "simple" in terms of the backend not being a sprawling enterprise-y mess, but rather usually a single monolithic binary that can keep a lot of state in memory. I also mean "simple" in terms of as much of the game as possible being pushed to local, mostly-ephemeral-state client-side logic. MMOs are, often, a lot less "online" than one might think. It's very hard to "break" an MMO with a content update, because most content updates are to zonal scripts whose state doesn't persist past the lifetime of the in-memory load of that zone in a particular interacting device.)

With GitHub, their ideal _users_ — of which there are many — can be individually satisfied by very small subsets of the system, such that they're still _satisfying almost all their users_ even if one system is horribly breaking. That's what an SLO is "for", in the end: to tell you whether _different subpopulations of users with different needs_ are happy or not. If you only have one "core" subpopulation, one ideal user, then you only need one SLO, to track that one ideal user's satisfaction. If you have more, you need more.

thih9 wrote at 2021-11-29 09:51:03:

I understand and I had a similar understanding with your earlier comment. I still disagree with: "The thing about MMOs is that the ideal user uses all the features". This seems not a property of MMOs, this seems just a way of working with MMOs.

res0nat0r wrote at 2021-11-27 21:03:30:

Large orgs (like Github) don't want or use automated status updates. There is usually always some service having issues in complex systems and immediately updating a public status page does more harm than good, including false alarms which may not affect anything public facing.

Dylan16807 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:11:05:

If you don't want to report sufficiently small issues, you can put that into the code, can't you?

Besides that, how are you going to cause "more harm than good"?

derefr wrote at 2021-11-27 21:14:38:

More harm than good to the company's own long-term reputation.

A status page is a kind of PR. Think of it like a policy for a flight attendant to come out into the cabin to tell everyone what's going on when the plane encounters turbulence. That policy is Public Relations -driven. You only do it if you expect that it's _positive_ PR, compared to not doing it — i.e. if telling people what's going on is _boosting_ your reputation compared to saying nothing at all.

If a status page just makes your stakeholders think your service is crappy, such that you'd be better off with no status page at all... then why have a status page? It's not doing its job as a PR tool.

mjw1007 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:21:27:

It seems to me you are now agreeing with the original « They can do better, they just don't want to. »

derefr wrote at 2021-11-27 21:34:56:

I read the line specifically as "_The employees_ can do better; they just don't want to _try_."

But that's not true. The _company_ could do better. But the individual employees cannot. The individual employees are constrained by the profit motive of the company. They _are not allowed by corporate policy_ to set up automatic status updates, for about the same reason they're not allowed to post their corporate log-in credentials: that the result would very likely be disastrous to the company's bottom line.

(Though, really, the corporations in most verticals are in a race-to-the-bottom in most respects. Even if you treat GitHub as a single entity capable of coherent desires, it probably doesn't _desire_ to avoid automatic status updates. It _needs_ to avoid them, to survive in a competitive market where everyone else is also avoiding them. People — and corporations — do lots of things they don't _want_ to do, to survive.)

danjac wrote at 2021-11-27 20:56:43:

There's lies, damn lies and SAAS status pages.

ImprovedSilence wrote at 2021-11-27 20:51:24:

lolol. Clearly it's just degraded service. It seems The Management hasn't approved declaring it an outage, that would just ruin uptime metrics!

Flankk wrote at 2021-11-27 20:57:33:

Status page is also down and is returning a false positive. If you check the status page status page it shows the status page is down.

crecker wrote at 2021-11-27 20:52:13:

I would not be impressed if they hear about the down for a trending thread on HN.

ryantgtg wrote at 2021-11-27 20:56:39:

I don’t work for github, so on a personal note I was about to create an issue in a repo, and it wasn’t loading. My go to “is my router messed up?” check is to load HN because it’s so reliable and fast. And lo, the top post was about github being down!

crecker wrote at 2021-11-27 21:02:00:

Ha. I checked HN for the same reason, I was not able to reach Github via university network and I thought that was the time my university messed up with DNS.

HN seems to be going down for the massive amount of requests!

JohnFen wrote at 2021-11-27 21:18:48:

Honestly, HN is the best status indicator on the net right now.

qwertox wrote at 2021-11-27 20:46:21:

They have a banner "Investigating - We are investigating reports of degraded performance for GitHub Actions. -- Nov 27, 20:43 UTC" which should suffice for a start.

spapas82 wrote at 2021-11-27 20:53:13:

Yes now it has been properly updated. However it was down for 10-15 minutes before their status page was updated...

charles_f wrote at 2021-11-27 20:51:32:

It's updated now.

hdjjhhvvhga wrote at 2021-11-27 21:10:18:

The only status pages that make sense are the ones maintained by a third party, not the owner. Also for technical reasons.

cyberge99 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:17:40:

And legal reasons.

random_thoughts wrote at 2021-11-27 20:49:31:

They are currently updating it one by one

cube00 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:08:24:

...and firing off automated tweets per product.

ranklord wrote at 2021-11-27 21:26:23:

It's updated already. Relatively fast... :/

naikrovek wrote at 2021-11-28 02:12:54:

Yet somehow


is ALL GREEN! smh

this is because status pages, at least the green/yellow/red light bits, are usually updated manually by a human. because if you automate those things, the automation can fail.

also, it's a weekend, a holiday weekend for some, so expecting updates to happen on the minute is a little unrealistic.

ALSO, it may take a bit of time for their "what is and is not really down" process a bit of time to be followed. on the weekend. by people who maybe haven't done this before outside of a training event 9 months ago or something.


it is not hard to imagine how, to me.

saganus wrote at 2021-11-28 15:54:31:

Perhaps it would be useful to have a sort of different shade of green/yellow/red (perhaps striped?) indicating it's a value determined by automatic processes, not yet confirmed by a human.

At least that way, as a user of the service, you can make the assumption that it _could_ be broken, and act accordingly, or at least take certain precautions while you wait for the human-confirmed status value.

chagaif wrote at 2021-11-28 03:27:04:

A company the size of Microsoft can not hide behind - "it's weekend we also need a break".

I assume a company this size has teams working around the clock, the question is the priority. I guess GitHub doesn't have a high enough priority which is very sad.

I understand it's humans but we're also humans and we managed to figure out exactly what's up and what's down and we even reported it very conveniently here on HN for the people at GitHub for free

Sorry for the rant I spent a few very confused minutes trying to understand wtf I'm doing wrong, because naive me was thinking there's no way GitHub is down....

chrisco255 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:35:22:

Can't access Vercel because I used Github for authentication. I guess I'm done with using centralized authentication services.

dmitshur wrote at 2021-11-27 21:49:51:

In case you or others find it interesting, I've had luck removing an authentication SPOF¹ by using IndieAuth on my personal site². I wish it were an option on more of the sites where I need to sign in.





incognito_mode wrote at 2021-11-27 22:02:08:

Try logging in via email. It'll send you a code to cross-check. Voila!

zinekeller wrote at 2021-11-27 23:12:20:

For developers operating a high-risk or widely-used code, most of them opt to using multi-factor authentication, which disables this feature.

incognito_mode wrote at 2021-11-28 00:10:14:

I mean at Vercel. I have 2FA at GH but I can log in to Vercel using my GH email address via the email option on the Vercel website, after confirming the code on-screen versus the code sent to my email address.

pupdogg wrote at 2021-11-27 20:42:27:

For record keeping:


svnpenn wrote at 2021-11-27 20:58:08:


breakingcups wrote at 2021-11-27 21:17:04:

Showing (nearly) all-red for me, 18 minutes later:


svnpenn wrote at 2021-11-27 21:32:02:


deeblering4 wrote at 2021-11-27 20:57:47:

The tone of this post could be improved by describing the problem objectively, and there is no need to say “down again”

julianlam wrote at 2021-11-27 21:01:04:

Not to mention the vitriol over a manually updated status page not updated the instant a service is down.

I mean, the moment it went down I'm sure Github's SREs were paged. Give them a minute to process it first, jeez.

Dylan16807 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:08:09:

Mockery, not vitriol. Nobody asked them to make it manual.

naikrovek wrote at 2021-11-28 02:27:32:

it SHOULD be manual. you're foolish if you automate your red/yellow/green status indicators, or even host any of that kind of thing on your own infrastructure in any way.

the status page needs to be updated by a human that knows what the issues are, and not automation that will flag everything red the instant anything trivial in the automation fails.

you want static pages and images served up, nothing automated or scripted.

Dylan16807 wrote at 2021-11-28 04:16:30:

Manual reporting tends to undershoot a lot. I find that worse than the risk of the status page going red when things are fine.

> you want static pages and images served up

Totally separate issue. You can update static pages with any method.

MrStonedOne wrote at 2021-11-27 21:04:31:

I have a status page that is automatically _and_ manually updated and it costs 10 bucks a month to run, updates within 2 minutes of a downtime.

Github has no excuse.

We can and will hold them accountable for their decision to hide information from their paying customers and any other case they prioritize their ego over their users.

dylan604 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:06:14:

Is saying "down again" inaccurate?

colejohnson66 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:08:51:

It's _technically_ correct, but, at least for me, it has the connotation of it being a common enough thing, such as something that happens every week. For something with over 99.9% (99.99?) uptime, it's just another fluke occurrence.

noir_lord wrote at 2021-11-27 21:21:00:

I vividly remember the last time they really went down, I was in the middle of an important deploy and since "we" (it predates me) didn't consider "github been on fire" a critical dependency it all went a bit sideways.

MrStonedOne wrote at 2021-11-27 21:02:18:

Are you paying pupdogg? Because you have no right to demand somebody be perfect and professional about something you aren't paying them to do.

amelius wrote at 2021-11-27 23:37:51:

Huh, you can still rightfully complain about somebody you didn't pay.

thebradbain wrote at 2021-11-27 20:47:05:

Right in the middle of replying with a lengthy comment on a code review, too :). Guess we'll find out if the server persisted it or not!

szundi wrote at 2021-11-27 21:39:06:

When it's more that 5 minutes of typing, I always select all and press ctrl-c. And then submit. Saved my time several times.

brundolf wrote at 2021-11-27 21:43:09:

Usually just clicking the back button, your browser will remember the form field contents

Gsydvdndh12876 wrote at 2021-11-27 20:57:36:

Would be interesting to know PRE-MS and POST-MS acquisition statistics on downtime...

meibo wrote at 2021-11-27 23:06:21:

Even if you were to find the data somewhere, GitHub grew a lot after MS and added a lot of features, including the now most popular CI, so it's not a great comparison.

zoomablemind wrote at 2021-11-27 21:07:34:

I got greeted by the image of the frightened Octocat, saying "Oops!!! 500". Thought, that I broke something.

...Copilot must've been bored over the holidays, so probably went on to find a way and snacked on a few freshly updated repos, whichever were close by, then covered it all up as just a degraded perf incident... You've gotta feed da beast!

veltas wrote at 2021-11-27 21:09:17:

Reminder that git is distributed(TM)

lol768 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:30:20:

Why does their status page have components only for issues/pull requests? What about browsing e.g. repository code, downloading releases etc?

There should be a general "web" component marked as unavailable - I can't even hit the homepage.

midasuni wrote at 2021-11-27 20:58:19:

They should run it in the cloud /s

(My self hosted gitlab is working fine)

Longwelwind wrote at 2021-11-27 21:13:15:

I would wager that your self-hosted GitLab has less uptime than GitHub (or the quality of the deployment). We typically underestimate the downtime of the software we deploy ourselves, probably because we're attached to it, or because we're busy fixing it, instead of having to wait.

I'd take the occasional downtimes of cloud solutions, if it means not having to use some of the self-hosted software I had to to use at work.

js4ever wrote at 2021-11-27 21:43:59:

I'm managing a Gitlab instance for 10k users since 3 years, we had zero unplanned downtime in the last 3 years, I just had to apply the upgrade every 3 months and it's running smoothly ever since

mishac wrote at 2021-11-27 23:16:38:

If Github had planned downtime every 3 months people would scream bloody murder, so the point stands that github's uptime is almost surely better than someone who selfhosts.

midasuni wrote at 2021-11-28 00:48:19:

Not really, it’s far better to have downtime at a time of your choosing than in the middle of a key time.

It’s why we run certain services in my department ourselves rather than central IT, because central IT thinks that the best time for planned downtime is 6pm, which is hilarious as for our department 5pm-11pm is the most critical time, and the best time to make changes is between 9 and 12 when the services are least important (not that we have a full outage, but we can have a degraded outage - our internet service for half of our equipment can take upto 20 seconds to fail over, and not every end device is dual connected)

js4ever wrote at 2021-11-28 11:27:03:

FYI the planned downtime for upgrade is 5mn every 3 months done on Saturday night, I believe our instance uptime is much better than GitHub uptime

Of course we are using it only for 10k users not for millions like GitHub

deepakkarki wrote at 2021-11-27 23:28:03:

Ironically enough, Github seems to have unplanned downtimes every 3 months!

raro11 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:56:38:

Nope. Been self-hosting for four years without any issues.

We only do security upgrades or wait for x.1 upgrades. Never x.0

The hosted .com however I wouldn't recommend.

belltaco wrote at 2021-11-27 21:21:30:

I'm sure the remote masters are keeping the uptime high.


qwertox wrote at 2021-11-27 21:02:36:

I just had a very odd thing happen to me on GitHub.

I accidentally closed my browser so I reopened it with Undo Tab Close, and GitHub's tab title was labeled "_Your account recovery is unable to load_" for a very brief moment. Then the GitHub error site with the pink unicorn loaded. The URL which was supposed to load was


which I had tried to load about 15 minutes earlier or so, but which would not load because the site is down.

sodality2 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:06:10:

It sounds like some HTML was cached by your browser and it then tried to load some info, which of course results in a 5xx error. Then the existing HTML realized that and showed the error.

qwertox wrote at 2021-11-27 21:12:51:

Why would something related to _account recovery_ be cached in such a way that it is the first thing which gets rendered? I really doubt that it is related to caching. Also, that tab was idle for a couple of minutes while I was trying to load GitHub in another tab multiple times before I accidentally closed the browser (just that window, I had other windows of the same browser instance open).

sodality2 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:19:22:

Just the HTML of the existing page could have been cached, and it may check in the background to reload account info. Then, if this can't be loaded, it shows the error.

arendtio wrote at 2021-11-27 21:32:47:

I have a website hosted on Github pages which uses ServiceWorkers to be accessible when being offline (cached). Sadly, Github serves some error page currently and kills the ServiceWorker functionality that way...

zapf wrote at 2021-11-27 20:54:40:

Wish we could stop using such msft run nonsense, and build a p2p decentralised PR system. What's the challenges we need to address to make it happen?

sodality2 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:03:39:

> p2p decentralised PR system

My first thought was



What a cruel twist of fate. Their downloads page is hosted on Github Pages, which is down right now!


In any other situation I'd recommend it since it really was the tool of choice for decentralized git repos with lots of cool features. (Despite the "Empowering developers with DeFi building blocks like NFTs, token streams, and more" mentioned on the home page which throws me off)

Edit: It seems like the download page is up and working now.

dataflow wrote at 2021-11-27 20:57:12:

> What's the challenges we need to address to make it happen?

I imagine the ability to resist $billion offers when you're successful would be one.

gnubison wrote at 2021-11-27 21:19:23:

Hmm, great idea. We could build on Git as a storage medium, and we'd need a durable and reliable way to exchange patches. Something like ...email?

  $ man -k patches
    git-am(1) - Apply a series of patches from a mailbox
    git-format-patch(1) - Prepare patches for e-mail submission
    git-imap-send(1) - Send a collection of patches from stdin to an IMAP folder
    git-send-email(1) - Send a collection of patches as emails

Ironic that you're pondering Git as a solution to Github's self-created centralization problem.

pshc wrote at 2021-11-27 21:25:05:

I think they're talking more about the Pull Request interface with nice diffs, comments, automated tests and builders, status checks and so on...

You totally could develop in the kernel workflow, everything done over email, but are you willing to?

gnubison wrote at 2021-11-27 21:34:38:

Yes :)

pshc wrote at 2021-11-27 21:10:18:

That would be great. But Github is a massive coordination point with network effects and free tiers so it's not so easy to compete. Some other challenges:

- despite being decentralized, you still need moderation and access control

- open source projects typically aren't great at frontend UI/UX

It would be neat if I could publish git repos on IPFS and receive patches from people. It's just hard to compete with a centralized, CDN'd service where you can click and get a result in 100ms.

edit: cribbing from sibling comment, it looks like Radicle has thought hard about decentralized git:


vimda wrote at 2021-11-27 21:11:33:

> p2p decentralised pr system

You mean Git? The Linux Kernel for e.g. does this just fine.

zapf wrote at 2021-11-28 07:43:08:

Yup. Can we build the same for less "power users"?

- A single startup file that starts up gitserver, a p2p node to enable repo discovery and submission of PRs.

- A web/electrum client that provides PR merge interface, and links to forks.

- user ids are their public keys, with non-unique nicks. There will only usually be one "jungly" on a repo.

We DO NOT need a blockchain for this. All those ethereum projects are messing things up by introducing an unnecessary coin that we really don't need.

dgellow wrote at 2021-11-27 22:35:47:

Oh wow, EVERYTHING is red or orange in the status page. That’s unusual.

gime_tree_fiddy wrote at 2021-11-27 21:18:26:

This seems to be a big one. Even the pulls are failing. I just discovered there isn't not Github mirror for OpenCV code.

daxfohl wrote at 2021-11-27 21:31:12:

Curious to see the postmortem here. Who makes production changes on Thanksgiving weekend!?!

bifrost wrote at 2021-11-27 22:18:56:

You don't want to know the answer to this question.

I'm totally serious too.

daxfohl wrote at 2021-11-27 21:38:24:

Granted, it's probably the best time of the year for github to break, precisely _because_ nobody else is pushing production changes....

daxfohl wrote at 2021-11-28 01:49:07:

I don't see any postmortems or any root causes on their incident history page. Just "problem resolved". Do they not make these public?

isbvhodnvemrwvn wrote at 2021-11-28 14:28:43:

Does GitHub have employees outside of the US?

daxfohl wrote at 2021-11-28 16:42:06:

Yes but, given Thanksgiving weekend accounts for a huge percentage of annual retail sales in the US, most companies are reluctant to let anyone touch anything even remotely connected to production that weekend. (My company has been in production freeze for three weeks now.)

revskill wrote at 2021-11-27 20:50:20:

Rails is hard to scale.

activitypea wrote at 2021-11-27 21:03:49:


milankragujevic wrote at 2021-11-27 20:42:13:

I rebooted my modem two times before I realized (with VPN) that Github truly is down.

And I need it right now.

Guess I'll be setting up a local git instance very soon...

edit: by local I meant in the intranet. not on my local machine.

maximilianroos wrote at 2021-11-27 20:51:22:

> Guess I'll be setting up a local git instance very soon...

The incorrectness of this highlights how useful DVCS can be — a git server going down doesn't affect working locally at all.

markozivanovic wrote at 2021-11-27 21:00:29:

What if he needs to pull some changes he needs to continue with his work?

Jweb_Guru wrote at 2021-11-27 21:10:46:

You can merge from anywhere, not just Github master. It's a little more work, but a coworker could share their repository without much difficulty. You can even apply patches sent over email, if you're so inclined.

markozivanovic wrote at 2021-11-27 21:25:24:

All legitimate solutions, I agree. The thing is, it really sucks when this happens over the weekend. Alerting a colleague in their off-hours to be able to continue with your work is not ideal. Of course, it happens rarely, so you're making a good point. If it happened weekly, that would be another story. :)

julianlam wrote at 2021-11-27 21:02:39:

Then a local git instance would preclude him from needing or receiving those changes anyway.

markozivanovic wrote at 2021-11-27 21:17:43:

Hmm, I think we understood 'local' as two different things. I understood it as a self hosted git server, like on premises in parent's company that he and his colleagues would use. Now that you mentioned it, I'm starting to think I understood it wrong.

milankragujevic wrote at 2021-11-27 21:49:00:

Nope, I may have misspoke, but I meant self-hosted git instance in the intranet.

backoncemore wrote at 2021-11-27 21:14:39:

Could have just connected your phone to data and tried it out.

milankragujevic wrote at 2021-11-27 21:17:13:

A VPN is a button click away, and modem reboot is two clicks :) For me personally more convenient than tethering.

axiom92 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:19:25:

Hmm explains why the following line is suddenly causing my jobs to crash:


Apparently NLTK uses Github for hosting their sentence tokenization models.

hk1337 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:11:43:

At least CodeSpaces is working


carbocation wrote at 2021-11-27 20:41:38:

And no updates from


nickradford wrote at 2021-11-27 20:42:16:

I mean... it _literally_ just went down.

carbocation wrote at 2021-11-27 20:44:04:

Yes, if it's a manually run account, then the fact that it just went down a few minutes ago would be a good reason for it not to be updated.

yellow_lead wrote at 2021-11-27 20:44:13:

It's been like 30 mins at least...

nickradford wrote at 2021-11-27 20:46:23:

My coworker and I just reviewed and merged a PR, at 12:38 Pacific

yellow_lead wrote at 2021-11-27 20:46:09:


Got one after you posted at least

jmeyer2k wrote at 2021-11-27 20:43:02:

Thought I might be the only one seeing this (account-related or something), but nope, just Github's misleading status page...

riksucks wrote at 2021-11-27 22:35:05:

Seems like the webhooks that populate most of the pages don't work, and hence leaves you with an incomplete github page. For some, no page at all

But it also seems like that apart from the webhooks, the APIs and the pages served are slower too.

gray_-_wolf wrote at 2021-11-27 20:49:00:

Github.com does not work properly (borderline on "at all") in a browser, and I cannot download a release of one project via curl. This sucks. And is definitely not just "degraded performance for GitHub Actions".

cube00 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:05:17:

It's funny seeing the description say "degraded availability" but if you hover over the red icon you get "major outage"

noir_lord wrote at 2021-11-27 21:24:02:

degraded covers everything from 1 in 100,000 requests is slow through to "the data centres all simultaneously caught fire".

It's weasel words in their purest form.

Right up there with "We apologise for any inconveniences you may have experienced".

If you are apologising it's because you _know_ you inconvenienced someone.

I'd genuinely have more respect if instead they just said "We fucked up, we'll do better".

It's at least honest.

staticassertion wrote at 2021-11-27 20:52:08:

Yeah I noticed because I'm trying to pull down a protobuf release binary.

lordnacho wrote at 2021-11-27 22:20:32:

It's not that hard to push to multiple remotes. Perhaps more projects ought to have multiple GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab/etc repos. Then it wouldn't matter if one of them went down now and again.

ejanus wrote at 2021-11-27 20:53:52:

Not only GitHub from my side. I can't access Telegram from browser.

slmjkdbtl wrote at 2021-11-27 21:15:17:

HN for the most time is a better status page for big sites like Github.

hk1337 wrote at 2021-11-27 22:29:17:

Homebrew is also not working since it relies on GitHub a lot.

yellow_lead wrote at 2021-11-27 20:42:16:


Yep, can't even push

rlucas wrote at 2021-11-27 22:12:44:

I also had intermittency on 2021-11-27 between 1-2 PM PT. Would work one minute, not the next, retry and it works. Feels round-robin-y kind of Heisenbug.

EugeneOZ wrote at 2021-11-27 21:08:09:

Dear Github developers, I brought some love and hugs for you. And a hot coffee with chocolate.

Not everyone hates you today, don’t be upset about toxic posts like this one.

daptaq wrote at 2021-11-27 21:43:15:

> Not everyone hates you today, don’t be upset about toxic posts like this one.

No, do get upset. You have contributed to the centralization and increasing dependence on a single entity, while piggybacking of the advances that distributed version control have brought about. You have blurred the difference between Git and your service, to the point that people don't know about the former, and routinely abuse it. You have normalized the fundamentally inconvenient "pull request" workflow as the default for a lot of software development (introducing the artificial steps of "forking" and proposing a "pull request"), to such a degree that people now complain when they are confronted with anything else. This is not a one-off issue, and isn't fixed when the site is operational again. You deserve all the criticism, and no not coffee chocolate.

EugeneOZ wrote at 2021-11-27 21:53:56:

One day you will wonder how much you were upset about not so critical things.

The lifespan of our civilization is just a glimpse. Do you really think your toxic comment will make it brighter for a moment?

Look at this image:


raro11 wrote at 2021-11-27 22:01:43:

Did you think yours would?

isbvhodnvemrwvn wrote at 2021-11-28 14:32:43:

Propose a better solution then. If it's inconvenient enough that people prefer centralized solutions, is it really better?

activitypea wrote at 2021-11-27 22:20:38:

Imagine letting toxic HN comments get to you lmao

Stampo00 wrote at 2021-11-27 22:51:37:

By labeling them toxic, it implies the existence of non-toxic HN comments. Fringe researchers have been searching for years, but mainstream scientists regard non-toxic HN comments as a form of cryptid.

activitypea wrote at 2021-11-28 20:47:53:

I assume you're exaggerating as a joke, but I don't think we should talk about HN like that, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. I've learned to shrug and scroll past the unconstructive stuff, and still manage to learn a lot from other folks in the comment section.

aliswe wrote at 2021-11-27 20:52:06:

The error message for me, when trying to push, was "Make sure you have the correct permissions" and also something about repo not found ...

egberts1 wrote at 2021-11-27 22:21:04:

That’s why I have a THREE-tier GIT repository.

- Github

- My Git server

- My local git

No need to worry about failures. :-)

jerbearito wrote at 2021-11-27 20:57:22:

Thankfully command line / desktop app still work

minedwiz wrote at 2021-11-27 20:58:58:

Thanks for pointing that out. I needed to clone a new repo.

EDIT: nope, command line is down, too.

jerbearito wrote at 2021-11-27 21:05:14:

Odd, sorry. I'm able to push and pull from one of my private repos. [Edit: no longer accurate. everything has stopped working]

rvz wrote at 2021-11-27 21:05:40:

Again? Oh dear.

I think I lost track of how many times they went down since, suggesting to self-host, repeatedly. [0] So they seem to continue to be very unreliable, I expected them to be up without any issues for a month.

Anyway, going all in on GitHub once again makes no sense. So at least have a (self-hosted) backup solution to this.



ronyfadel wrote at 2021-11-27 22:12:28:

Explains why I had less app downloads today.

(My app binaries are hosted on Github; not sure if it’s the way to go but hey it works).

Stampo00 wrote at 2021-11-27 22:45:30:

Not today it doesn't. ;-)

13415 wrote at 2021-11-27 20:54:13:

Of course it's down. That is the _one and only_ time I wanted to check something on it on Saturday evening.

tisryno wrote at 2021-11-27 21:03:20:

This is exactly what's happened to me also, oh well, back to procrastinating

activitypea wrote at 2021-11-27 21:02:32:

Started learning Emacs tonight, and now I can't access Helm's documentation :\

thumbellina wrote at 2021-11-27 21:17:03:

Helm might have info documentation, available offline within Emacs.

Try `M-x info-apropos` and type "helm".

Info docs form a tree: press '^' to go up a node, 'n' and 'p' to go forward and back on same level, '[' and ']' to go forward/back a page like a book.

brabel wrote at 2021-11-27 21:15:25:

Good time to swith to the lighter (and cooler) Ivy [1]. This site is up, but the actual Ivy Docs Page [2] is also returning a 500!





activitypea wrote at 2021-11-27 22:18:52:

Thanks for the suggestion, but for now I can only bookmark it for later. My priority right now is to reach basic competency ASAP, so I'm running Spacemacs. I love the "batteries included" thing, but just installing it took like an hour of fiddling before I just gave up and ingored the error message. I don't think it'd be wise to fiddle around with the settings if even the defaults are going haywire.

brabel wrote at 2021-11-28 12:06:01:

Ah sure, it's good to stick with the default packages in your distribution then... I started from scracth and found that Ivy was more than sufficient for everything I need (and it's quite a lot lighter than Helm).

BTW what was the error mesage?

Good luck!

axiom92 wrote at 2021-11-27 22:12:47:

Looks like it's up now.

bredren wrote at 2021-11-27 20:50:44:

There goes my docs PR for `drf-turbo`.

Guess I'll work on my stuff.

cube00 wrote at 2021-11-27 21:01:06:

Watermelon status.

rglover wrote at 2021-11-27 22:03:51:


eugenhotaj wrote at 2021-11-27 21:50:16:

Let me guess, someone pushed a bad config.

sidarape wrote at 2021-11-27 20:52:55:

All red now.

donutloop wrote at 2021-11-27 21:02:30:


samuelroland wrote at 2021-11-27 22:03:22:

it seems to be up again...

culi wrote at 2021-11-27 22:08:40:

same for me but the status page doesn't say so

robertwt7 wrote at 2021-11-27 22:39:02:

omg it is still down!

blindmute wrote at 2021-11-28 06:14:04:

Git is Distributed ™

saltmeister wrote at 2021-11-27 21:59:03:

it's not

zaptheimpaler wrote at 2021-11-28 06:06:49:

github goes down once a year on a saturday