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		     Advanced Demuffin 1.1

			  Written  by
			   The Stack

			 Copyright 1983
		       Corrupt Computing

If you want source code for any of Corrupt Computing's line of utilities, just


  $22  WNDTOP	These 2 zero page locations, WNDTOP and WNDBTM,
  $23  WNDBTM	 are used so that the character that the
		 character output routines in the monitor will
		 output characters only in the window below the
		 first 3 lines and above the bottom 2 lines.
		 The top 3 and bottom 2 lines are used for title
		 lines and status display.  These locations
		 should be restored to normal upon return from
		 your RWTS if it uses them, although most RWTS's
		 don't use these reserved monitor locations.

  $26  GBASL	These 2 zero page locations are used by many
  $27  GBASH	 routines throughout Advanced Demuffin, such as
		 the PRINT routine and the routines to display
		 the status codes on the disk map, but they do
		 not need to be saved before going to your RWTS.
		 Many RWTS's, including RWTS 3.3, use these
		 locations in several places.

  $36  CSWL	CSWL and CSWH should always point to the address
  $37  CSWH	 of the current character output routine.
		 Advanced Demuffin sets these locations to point
		 to $FDF0, the standard character output
		 routine.  Note that the outputed characters
		 will no longer go through DOS as there may be
		 no DOS in the machine.  Advanced Demuffin
		 changes the contents of these locations to
		 point to $Cx00 when a number from 1-7 is
		 pressed during a conversion or after a
		 conversion is completed, where x is the number
		 pressed.  These locations should be restored to
		 point to $FDF0 if your RWTS uses them in any
		 way.  Most RWTS's, including RWTS 3.3, don't
		 use them at all.

  $4A  TEMP1	Although most RWTS's don$, use these locations,
  $4B  TEMP2	 they are used as scratch locations by Advanced
  $4C  TEMP3	 Demuffin and are VERY IMPORTANT!  Be sure and
		 save them if your RWTS even looks at them.  The
		 most important location to save is $4B, which
		 contains the page number that the current
		 sector is being loaded into.  Note that this is
		 a duplicate of the X register upon entry into
		 the user's IOB module at $1400.


 $200  BUF	Page 2, the character input buffer, is used as a
		 buffer to hold the file name of the RWTS or IOB
		 module to be loaded.  This page may be used by
		 your RWTS, but your RWTS may not reside in the
		 area between $200-$21E (unless you don't plan
		 on loading anything), as this portion of page 2
		 will be destroyed upon a load.

 $3F2  RESET	Advanced Demuffin sets this pointer to pnint to
		 $FF59.  This means that whenever the RESET key
		 is pressed, the Apple will jump into the
		 monitor.  If this is not desired, $12C9 (low
		 byte) and $12CE (high byte) may be changed to
		 have the RESET key go wherever you want it to
		 go including $801 (Advanced Demuffin entry).
		 $12C9 normally contains a $59 and $12CE
		 normally contains an $FF.

 $3F5  AMPVEC	Advanced Demuffin sets up these locations to
 $3F8  CTYVEC	 jump to the Advanced Demuffin entry point
		 ($801) when Applesoft recieved the "&" command
		 and when the monitor recieved the CTRL-Y
		 command.  This provides a useful way to get
		 back into Advanced Demuffin after exit.

 $400-$7FF	Many times Advanced Demuffin displays data and
		status marks on the screen by storing this data directly into
		this area of memory.  This includes all marks on both the track
		map and the disk map as well as numbers on the bottom screen
		line, and dashes and other messages on the 3rd and 23rd lines.


 $800		This is the location where Advanced Demuffin is
		 designed to run at.  This location contains an
		 $EA (NOP) as the byte at $800 is often replaced
		 by a $00.  This is NOT the entry point to
		 Advanced Demuffin ($801 is the entry) although
		 if there is an $EA here it won't make any
		 difference if you use this as the entry.

 $801  START0	This is the entry point to Advanced Demuffin 1.1
		 where there are two instructions, SEI and CLD,
		 before the actual START of Advanced Demuffin.

 $803  START	This is the actual start of the program which
		 sets CSWL and CSWH to point to the monitor
		 routine COUT1, sets the RESET, AMPVEC, and
		 CTYVEC as mentioned above (see appropriate
		 label), sets the full screen as a window except
		 for the top 3 and the bottom 2 lines, clears
		 the screen, puts the title at the top, the
		 status line at bottom, and starts off the
		 program by displaying the menu.

 $F1E  IOB	This is the IOB that Advanced Demuffin uses when
		 it uses RWTS.	The built-in IOB module (IOB33)
		 which is described below, as well as the
		 default user IOB module (at $1400) also use
		 this IOB.  The default contents of this IOB are
		 described in detail below:

 $F1E:01 60	IOB	 DFB $01,$60
 $F20:01	DRIVE	 DFB $01
 $F21:00	VOLUME	 DFB $00
 $F22:00	TRACK	 DFB $00
 $F23:00	SECTOR	 DFB $00
 $F24:2F 0F		 DW DCT
 $F26:00	DPAGL	 DFB $00
 $F27:80	DPAG	 DFB $80
 $F28:00 00		 DFB $00,$00
 $F2A:01	CODE	 DFB $01
 $F2B:00	ERROR	 DFB $00
 $F2C:00 60 01		 DFB $00,$60,$01
 $F2F:00 01	DCT	 DFB $00,$01
 $F31:EF D8		 DFB $EF,D8

Note that the slot number used by Advanced Demuffin could easily be changed bu
changing $F1F to the $x0 where x is the slot number of the desired drive.

 $F33  IOB33	This is the built-in IOB module used to write to
		 3.3 formatted disks.  A disassembled listing of
		 it is included below:

 $F33- IOB33  STY SECTOR    ;Store sector
 $F36-	      STX DPAG	    ;and page number
 $F39-	      LSR A	    ;Convert phase # to track #
 $F3A-	      STA TRACK     ;and store it
 $F3D-	      LDA DRV	    ;Check # of drives
 $F40-	      STA DRIVE     ;and store it as drive to write to
 $F43- THERE  LDA #2	    ;Set command code to write
 $F45-	      STA CODE	    ;and store it
 $F48-	      JSR GORWTS    ;and go to 3.3 RWTS to write it
 $F4B-	      LDA #1	    ;Restore read
 $F4D-	      STA CODE	    ;command code
 $F50-	      LDA ERROR     ;Check for an error
 $F53-	      BCC RTS4	    ;Exit if none
 $F55-	      CMP #$10	    ;Write protect error?
 $F57-	      SEC	    ;Keep carry set
 $F58-	      BNE RTS4	    ;Not write protect, exit w/carry set
 $F5A-	      LDY #$27	    ;Display write protected
 $F5C- MOV4   LDA WPER1,Y   ;error message
 $F5F-	      STA SCLN1,Y   ;an``xsk whether
 $F62-	      LDA WPER2,Y   ;to continue or
 $F65-	      STA SCLN2,Y   ;start over
 $F68-	      DEY
 $F69-	      BPL MOV4
 $F6B-	      JSR PRINT     ;Print 3 beeps
 $F6E-	      DFB $07,$07,$87
 $F71- KEY10  JSR KEYIN     ;Read a key - go back to menu if esc
 $F74-	      CMP #$C3	    ;Continue?
 $F76-	      BEQ CONTIN    ;Yes, branch
 $F78-	      CMP #$D3	    ;Start over?
 $F7A-	      BNE KEY10     ;No
 $F7C-	      PLA	    ;Yes
 $F7D-	      PLA)	    ;Pull return address off stack
 $F7E-	      JSR REPLNS    ;Replace top 2 lines w/ title lines
 $F81-	      JMP GOTVAL  `Ao	?xtts over
 $F87-	      BMI THERE     ;Always taken

$13FA-$13FB	These 2 bytes are unused

$13FC-$13FF	These 4 bytes are reserved for the address and
		 the length of the IOB module 8^sn it is being
		 loaded.  Advanced Demuffin loads the first
		 sector from the track/sector list of the IOB
		 module at $13FC.  Since the first 4 bytes of
		 this sector contain the address and the length
		 of the file, those bytes reside in these
		 locations.  Therefore, the actual IOB module
		 will start at $1400 (just below).
$1400  IOBM	This is the user IOB module.  The LOAD NEW IOB
		 MODULE will load a file into thi
s area (see
		 above).  A disassembled listing of the default
		 user IOB module is included in the main manual.

$1419-$14FB	These bytes between the user IOB module and RWTS
		 3.3 are left free for an IOB module longer than
		 the default one.  This allows an IOB module to
		 take up as much as $FC bytes total.

$14FC-$14FF	These 4 bytes are unused.

$1500-$1CDB	RWTS 3.3 resides in this area of memory.  It is
		 just standard RWTS that has been relocated to
		 run at this address.  Advanced Demuffin uses
		 the entry at $1A00.

Below are some other locations used as scratch by Advanced Demuffin.  These may
be looked at by your IOB module in determining various options about how it is
to read sectors from the source disk if desired.

$1CE0  SCVER	This location contains either a $0C or a $0F
		 for 13 and 16 sector modes, respectively.

$1CE1  STPHS	This location contains phase number to start
		 reading data from the disk with.  It defaults
		 to $00.  (Since it is a phase #, a $01 would
		 mean track .5, etc.)

$1CE2  ENPHS	ENPHS is the same as STPHS except that it
		 contains the last phase to read data from.

$1CE3  STSEC	STSEC contains the first sector within the phase
		 specified by STPHS that data should be read

$1CE4  ENSEC	ENSEC contains the last sector within the phase
		 specified by ENPHS that data should be read

$1CE5  CRPHS	This location contains the current phase that
		 data is being read from.

$1CE6  CRSEC	This location contains the current sector that
		 data is being read from.

$1CE7  BGSEC	BGSEC contains the sector number within the
		 phase specified by BGPHS (below) that data has
		 started being read from this pass.  i.e. If you
		 are converting an entire 16 sector disk with
		 the default options and the default buffer size
		 ($70 pages), during the first pass BGPHS and
		 BGSEC will both contain a $00 (phase 00, sector
		 00 was the start phase, sector in this pass).
		 During the second pass, BGPHS and BGSEC will
		 contain $0E and $00, respectively.  (The second
		 pass started with track 07, sector 00 and track
		 07 is phase $0E).

$1CE8  BGPHS	See above.

$1CE9  BYPHS	This byte contains the increment in phases.
		i.e. The default increment, 1.0, would be $02.

$1CEA  NRETRY	This byte contains the maximum number of retries
		 (normally $01).

$1CEB  RETRY	This byte is used as a counter counting down
		 from the maximum number of retries to $00.  On
		 the first attempt to read a sector, RETRY will
		 equal NRETRY.	If the carry is set upon return
		 from the user's IOB module, RETRY will be
		 decreased.  If it is less than zero, a read
		 error will result.  If not, a read will be re-
		 attempted.  This process will continue until
		 the sector either reads correctly or until
		 RETRY is less than zero.

$1CEC  DRV	This location contains either a one or a two
		 respective to the number of drives being used.
		 The built-in IOB module uses this location to
		 determine which drive to write data to.

$1CED-$1CEF	These 3 bytes are unused

$1CF0  BUFST	BUFST contains the page number of the start of
		 the buffer.  This buffer is used to store data
		 read off the source disk.  By changing this
		 location and/or BUFEN (below) you can easily
		 change the buffer size and the location of
		 Advanced Demuffin's buffer.  This location
		 normally contains a $20 meaning that the buffer
		 normally starts at $2000.

$1CF1  BUFEN	BUFEN contains the page number of the first page
		 not to be included in Advanced Demuffin's
		 buffer (see above).  i.e. If this location
		 contained a $90 (the default value) and BUFST
		 (see above) contained a $20 (the default again)
		 the buffer would reside from $2000 to $8FFF
		 (which it normally does).  However, this
		 byte may be changed from a $90 to another
		 value, such as a $B8, making the buffer much
		 larger.  In this example, your buffer would be
		 $9800 bytes long!  This will, of course, erase
		 DOS when you attempt to convert the disk; but
		 no problem - Advanced Demuffin does not require
		 DOS anyway. (Not even for loading RWTS and IOB
		 modules!)  Another use for changing this byte
		 the one before it is to move the buffer to a
		 different place.  i.e. If you had a hi-res
		 screen on hi-res page 1 ($2000-$3FFF) that you
		 wanted to keep in memory, you could simply
		 change BUFST ($1CF0) to $40, forcing the buffer
		 to start at $4000 instead of $2000 - saving
		 your screen.

$1F00  DIRSEC	This page is used as a scratch page when loading
		 sectors from the disk.  i.e. When loading a
		 RWTS or an IOB module, the directory sector
		 containing the name of the file to load will be
		 read into this page.  The track and sector of
		 the track/sector list will be found and the
		 track/sector list will then be loaded here.

$BD00  USRRWTS	This is address JuMPed to by the default user
		 RWTS.	You should either have an RWTS here or
		 the IOB module should be changed to point to a
		 different location.  Note the $BD00 does not
		 necessarily have to be the start of the RWTS
		 when using the default user IOB module, it must
		 be the ENTRY POINT of the RWTS.  In fact, most
		 RWTS's have a STARTING ADDRESS of $B800 but an
		 ENTRY POINT at $BD00.	Keep this in mind when
		 you load an RWTS module from disk.

$C000  KEYBD	These are the only hardware locations used by
$C010  KEYCLR	 Advanced Demuffin other than during the screen
		 dump where $Cx00 is JSRed to (where x is the
		 slot number).

The following monitor routines are used by Advanced Demuffin:

Using Castle Wolfenstein as an example.  (I used this because it is the only
thing that I that have that wasn't cracked!)

1) Boot up Castle Wolfenstein.	Before the cursor appears press CTRL-C.  The
   one character buffer in the keyboard will remember it and when DOS asks for
   a character it will give the CTRL-C.  The CTRL-C will cause Castle
   Wolfenstein's hello program to break into BASIC after it is loaded.

2) Enter the monitor with "CALL-151".  Enter "4000<B800.BFFFM" this will move
   MUSE's RWTS down to a "safe" area of memory.

3) Insert a "slave" disk in drive one and boot the disk with 6 CTRL-P (If your
   disk drive is in slot 6 of course).	Press RESET when the prompt (])
   appears.  This will prevent your "hello" program from erasing MUSE's DOS.

4) Insert a disk with at least 10 free sectors on it.  Save out the RWTS with
   "BSAVE MUSE-RWTS,A$4000,L$800".

5) Brun Advanced Demuffin.  Move the light bar to "LOAD A NEW RWTS MODULE" and
   press RETURN.

6) Type the page number to load the RWTS at ($B8).  Then type the file name
   that you saved it under and press RETURN.

7) Move the light bar to "CONVERT DISK" and press RETURN.  You do want to
   change default values.

8) The disk is a thirteen sector disk, so enter a "3" for the question "SECTORS
   PER TRACK?  (13/16)".

9) You want to copy from track $03,sector $00 to track $22, sector $0c.  The
   increment is $1.  (you are copying from track $03 because you don't need
   MUSE's DOS.)

10) You might encounter some errors, so use "1""as the number or retries.

11) If you have two drives in the same slot, enter a "2" for drive to copied

12) If you only have one drive, enter a "1" for drive to be copied to.

13) Insert the proper disk(s) when Advanced Demuffin prompts you.

Advanced Demuffin will then start converting the disk.	After the disk has been
converted, and Advanced Demuffin displays this message "PRESS ANY KEY TO
CONTINUE", you should write down all the sectors that read errors on them.  If
you have a printer, all you have to do is press the slot number of the printer,
and Advanced Demuffin will dump the screen to the printer.

You should then re-convert the sectors that had read errors (use at least
2-retries).  If those sectors don't convert this time, they are probably just
un-written DOS 3.2 sectors.

Use Super Copy III or Master Create to copy dos on to the target disk.	You
should then rename the "hello" program from ^HELLO to HELLO.

You should then have (hopefully) a cracked copy of Castle Wolfenstein!