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////////////////////:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ///////////////////:::\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////////:::::\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ///KGB///////////:::::::\\\\\\\\\KGB\\\ ////////////////:::::::::\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ///////////////:::::::::::\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////:::::::::::::\\\\\\\\\\\\ /////////////:::Automan's:::\\\\\\\\\\\ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ //::::::::::::::::Hayes::::::::::::::\\ ///:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\\\ ////:::::::::::Hackamatic::::::::::\\\\ /////:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\\\\\ //////:::::::::::::::::::::::::::\\\\\\ ///////:::::::::::::::::::::::::\\\\\\\ ////////::::::Introduction:::::\\\\\\\\ /////////:::::::::::::::::::::\\\\\\\\\ //////////:::::::::::::::::::\\\\\\\\\\ ///////////:::::::::::::::::\\\\\\\\\\\ ////////////:::::::::::::::\\\\\\\\\\\\ /////////////:::::::::::::\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////:::::::::::\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ///////////////:::::::::\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ///KGB//////////:::::::\\\\\\\\\\KGB\\\ /////////////////:::::\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////////:::\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ///////////////////:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Avast thar ye scurvy knaves! Must a modem have a tail and whiskers to hack? Tired of hearing the famous line "You should have bought a Cat?" Ever wonder if there was more to that little square box under your fone than meets the Cat-scratched eye? If your answer to any of these questions is "yes", then The Hayes Hackamatic is for you. Finally your Hayes Smartmodem compatible can join the ranks of respectability! ("Hayes Smartmodem compatible" includes the following modems: Hayes Smartmodem (usually compatible with itself), Volksmodem, U.S. Robotics, Signalman, Apple modem, Promotheus Promodem, and others. Check your manual for Hayes compatibility if your modem is not listed.) The Hackamatic consists of three main programs: The Prefix Prowler, The Code Crusher, and The Password Penetrator Program. Have you lost your password to your favorite BBS, but don't want to risk your high access by bothering the sysop? No problem, use the Password Penetrator. Have you lost your Sprint or MCI access codes, but don't want to get lost in red tape by calling the company? No problem, use the Code Crusher. Have you lost the phone number to the school computer which you need to use to finish your term paper (by tomorrow), but everyone at the school has gone home? No problem, use the Prefix Prowler. As you can see, these programs can be very useful. Warning: Uses other than those described above can be hazardous to your health and continued state of freedom. Use only as directed. Throughout the programs I have made every effort possible to ensure compatibility with various Hayes compatibles. The Prefix Prowler and Code Crusher should work without difficulty on any Hayes Smartmodem compat connected through a semi-normal serial card (or Apple //c serial port). The Password Penetrator, however, for reasons to boring to describe, requires an Apple Super Serial Card (SSC) or an Apple //c serial port to work properly. The SSC is the most commonly used serial card I have seen, and this restriction should not be too serious. Since there are so many different Hayes Smartmodem compats, though, I cannot guarantee that the Hackamatic will work on every Hayes known to mankind. For this reason I chose to stick to widely known BASIC wherever possible so the programs could be individually tailored to fit any modem. I have also tried to maintain compatibility between the programs. They all use the same keyboard input routine. At every requested input, the default value is shown between brackets, and it can be changed by simply backspacing over it and typing the desired value. In each program, the default values are specified and REMarked in the first segment of the code. If you need or want to change the defaults, LIST the program from the beginning until you see REM DEFAULTS. After this point, the default variables are initialized. I have included REMarks for each variable value, and you should have no trouble changing them. Note, however, that this is not necessary if datafiles are used with the programs. Each of the three programs allows you to name and save a datafile which contains all necessary values. When the datafile is later loaded, the saved values become the defaults. This feature is very useful, since different prefixes, alternate long distance services, and mainframe systems behave differently but can be handled individually through separate datafiles. Because of its many special features not found on other modems, the Promotheus Promodem is specifically supported in each of the programs. Since all of the methods of software Promodem identification I tried proved unreliable, the user is asked if there is a Promodem installed. If you have a Promodem answer (Y)es, and the special features of this modem will be used. If you have any questions about the Hackamatic, I can be reached through the Utah Elite on: [C]omputer [P]irates of [U]tah <CPU> (312) 623-6761 I would like to thank Peregrin Goodbody and The Crackon for the skull in the title sequence. Oh yes, by the way....It has come to my attention that there is another pirate with the alias Automan. I strongly suggest that this person acquire a new pseudomym. I am AUTOMAN from area code 801, and I would *NEVER* operate a Cat-fur, a Cat-paw, a Cat-ear, or any other piece of bloody feline anatomy. Yo ho ho.....Blow the man down...a bottle of rum...and all that rot. May you hack long and pillage prosperously. automatically, A U T O M A N -|-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of the K.G.B. Kracking Guild