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"Why will you take by force what you may have quietly by love? Why will you destroy us who supply you with food? What can you get by war? We can hide our provisions and run into the woods. Then you will starve for wrongdoing your friends. Why are you jealous of us? We are unarmed and willing to give you what you ask, if you come in a friendly manner." -- 1607 Chief Powhatan, Colonized Virginia. Happy birthday! Johnny Cash ALLERGY INFORMATION: THIS 'ZINE MANUFACTURED ON THE SAME EQUIPMENT PROCESSING NUTS. <><><><><><8><4><3><><><> <> <> <> AA TTTTTT IIIIII <> <> A A TT II <> <> AAAA TT II <> <> A A TT II <> <> A A TT IIIIII <> <> <> <><><><><3><4><8><><><><> History's sure to call George W Bush The Emergency President. EXCUSE OUR MESS : WE'VE BEEN REMODELLING SINCE '88. Hi there, prime anarchist here. Enjoy my weekly ATI thingie. Hope you like it. Packed with care, just for you. Happy Weekend. Hope you having a great nu mune. BUMPER STICKER EX-MILITARY: & Damned Proud Of It THE FOLK PROCESS I have a new verse for Kingston Trio's "Zombie Jamboree." Ready? One record executive said to me I can totally make you happy. If you just sign here on the dotted line I tol' him maybe that'll be just fine For somebody else, but not for me, I say no wanna be your zombie. Oh no, sweetness of mine. I don't believe in dotted lines. KatieKuric.COM How many are trying to get their website block lettered on NYC posterboard right this moment for 2morrow's GannettMorningAmerika? Yutzes all of them! #s #s #s http://www.ad-rag.com http://youth.infoshop.org http://oxy67.zaup.org/F15.html http://www.ofek.com/200301.php http://electroniciraq.net/news http://www.adoko.multiservers.com http://www.engb.com/Pages/demo.htm http://www.putnampit.com/milwaukeepress http://radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=4950 http://www.frucht.org/music/mp3notcom.html http://www.betterworldlinks.org/book03b.htm http://www.teaching.com/webstock/center/text http://www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=6494 http://www.counterpunch.com/norris02272003.html http://www.americancomm.org/studies/indymedia.html http://stations.mp3s.com/stations/126/close_the_soa.html http://www.indymedia.org.il/imc/israel/webcast/51012.html http://www.pbs.org/now/transcript/transcript_hersh.html http://www.stlimc.org/front.php3?article_id=5308 http://www.instrumentality.com/themanual5.html http://www.progressive.org/webex/mcwatch.html http://www.indigo23.com/links/links.html http://www.sameroomrecords.com http://www.regolith.co.uk http://www.themammals.net http://www.sathyasai.org http://www.awitness.org http://misnomer.dru.ca http://www.anada.net http://kotabatu.net LETTUCE: to marco: http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=233509 big thanks Amiri B. THANKS!! nyc grrrl Monthly give-a-way prizes include a SENNHEISER E835 microphone and a pair of SENNHEISER HD280Pro headphones! You have received this newsletter because a. you have signed up for it b. your site is listed in... c. you have purchased a copy of... d. you are a member of... e. someone has referred you (see details about the monthly prizes below) To unsubscribe, send an e-... [ed note: no thanks. I'm quite happy with my Realistic Nova40 headphones and my Labtec am-242 microphone thank you.] to ati@etext.org Your grammyrants kick it every year! Keep it up. Bevis Head to ATI: You probably won't print this letter to the editor, but I think your review of the Grammys stinks. I think all you do is get yourself in a mean spirited, hateful space and watch it with a notepad in your lap ready to slam every single artist no matter how good he or she is. You hate everyone don't you? Or even if you don't you're willing to libel us til we want to cry. You're just like the corporate media no matter how much you bitch and moan about hating the media yourself. Always looking for someones feeling to hurt. Everyone's a critic. You're probably just a crybaby because you don't have your own contract with a major label. [name withheld at request of sender. (claims she's in the industry.)] [ed note: the re-gifting bag you get for being nominated was valued at more than my house, lady. I paid for your consolation prizes manytimes over subjecting myself to those stupid ads and product placements during 3 1/2 hours of vomitous greedfest. I can write whatever I want about it. Thanks for your opinion nonetheless.] to ati@etext.org wtf??? I forgot to watch the Grammys! I almost wish you'd reviewed it a week BEFORE it happened. Max - the girl you said looked like Dustin Hoffman with legs. Remember? [yeah. I remember you. Thanks. I prolly COULDA written it up a week ahead!] COLUMN FROM THE PUBLISHER "You think of Bill O'Reilly describing himself as a 'working class guy,' this from an accountant's son who grew up in Levittown NY., the El Dorado of the postwar middle class." --Geoffrey Nunberg in his Sunday Times article "How Conservatives Pidgeonholed Those Poor Liberals." [easy reading if you're neither.] "Or listen to Ann Coulter who grew up in New Canaan, Conn., [I just knew there was something Ronnie James Dio about her!] and her paean to the New York's other boroughs: 'Queens, baseball games -- these are my people.'" Why the prime anarchist is neither lib NOR con: 1) Drives a Volvo (must be lib) 2) Drinks coffee plain (neocon) 3) IQ over 100 (must be lib) 4) Defaulted on Student Loans (must be GOP) 5) Wears Birks allyearround (DNC/DLC for sure) 6) Wears blue cashmir overcoat (republican!) 7) Refuses to wear tie OR blazer (uh, neither) 8) Comes from the working class (must be GOP) 9) Disses work as classist (neither again) 0) and the number 0 answer is: Equally resents Bush/Lieberman/Hitler/LaRouche. +) Bonus answer: Although he's tabled and given small talks at both Harvard and Yale, he was "educated" at neither, so he's not ALLOWED to be a liberal OR a conservative. Newroz is coming, are you ready? Oh, you don't celebrate? Don't even know what it is? March 21st. Soon enough it's time to leap over a large fire. That's all I'm saying for now. I know, lets get the Turks and the Kurds to ruin their own economies fighting each other and our economy won't suck so bad. That is sooooo Bushian! Any other cats out there we can tail-tie over a clothesline? Germany/France? Ethiopia/Somalia? Venezuela/Argentina? DNC/DLC? Mom and dad??? NEW QUOTE OF THE MILLENIUM: "this situation is looking more and more Ottoman all the time." -- John E. Woods GRAMMYWATCH: Ever Following Through. Antonio (L.A.) Reid has had several multimillion selling albums since he took over running Arista Records in 2001. [He] sums up his strategy in seven words: Beat Boybands And Preteen Girls To Death. And really quickly, what philosophy was the previous Arista-prez leaving behind resigning? Beat Boybands And Preteen Girls To Death. PRIME ANARCHIST LOOKS AT COLOSPGS SEXUAL HARRASSMENT(S) 1988-90. I honestly can't tell you which was a worse place for women in the early '90s. Fort Carson or Airforce Academy. I've eaten dinner and dated women at both. Terribly, I say it's a toss-up. Compare just the commissioned ranks and AFA is by far the worst. But factoring in the enlisteds at Fort Cartoon, and even stack Peterson AFB in with the Academy, it's about dead even. Essentially, both suck. Real bad. Each woman can tell you she was abused worse at her post than anywhere else imaginable. The Pentagon should take note of THAT instead of everything else they're obsessing over! ----- Prime Anarchist was a PFC in a Signal Corps batallion during Panama, Gulfwar and the beginnings of Somalia and Bosnia. So there. Another week, another new moon, another war. Activist Times Zine is there somehow. ========== 23 - prime ========== ACTIVIST TIMES - 23K OF KICKASS RANT BROADSIDE - Here's a song, written by my friend Jasmine. This is on a rising scale, quiet organ ballad structure. # you're the cruise wiping out my family # you're the gen'ral drinking instant coffee # I don't know why we pay for you # we don't have the choice ... # like draftees to the slaughter # like more cannon fodder # The nuke's a genie in a bottle # I could have been anyone # but one day, I blew up # but one day, I blew up # if you try to strangle us # Try to shut it out, do what you like # With your rows of never opened doors # Because one day you'll blow up # One day you'll blow up, like me ... Jas. [] [] [] [] "Please check the box if you wish to have your name/address withheld from lists we sell." --wisconsin motor vehicle dept's licence renewal form. ! * * * * * GEORGE BUSH'S PLANNED VICTORY SPEECH FOR '92. NOW MORE APROPRIATE THAN EVER. typed in by Prime Anarchist Productions 20feb98 for ati 117 My fellow Americans, I stand here before you proud to accept the honor and challenge of my second term as President of the greatest nation on earth and leader of the Free World. In the first four years, we completed our policy of containment, engineered a peaceful displacement of communism, and ushered in a New World Order. In central america, we helped install fledgling democracies whose governments regularly hold free elections. In Panama, we rid the hemisphere of a dangerous demagogue; in Nicaragua, which fell under the control of radical-nationalists, we restored democracy; and in nearby Cuba, we continue to work toward neutralizing Fidel Castro. Around the globe, especially in Eastern Europe, we helped newly liberated peoples to see the benefits of the market and privatization. In the Middle East I advanced the peace process by... Read The Rest At: http://www.etext.org/Zines/ASCII/ATI/ATI117.TXT And how, George Bush. You said a mouthful, toots. Prime Anarchist World News (PAWN) is brought to by the makers of Rock River Lager Beer. Proud sponsors of the 1998 Olympic War Preface. by the way I considered this verified as truth shortly after typing in When I read it in Covert Action Quarterly, El Monde, and Linda Lovelace's official Cinematographer's archives. ! ! ! ! ! ATI! Activist Times, Inc. Listing neither way For decades!!! "I don't claim A corner on truth... But I know enough To say "NO!" to Lies, to bribes, To waste, to death And to official Treachery." --Phil Berrigan. 1997 ! ! ! ! ! THE LAST HOUR IS FREE: Review Of An Art Museum Milwaukee Art Museum is a bargain at even twice the price. Thank God they finished this megaopadoppadooza before the economy tanked, eh? I'm looking over the middle 1600's today for free. I was in mainly to ask about what days/hours are free to residents because I'd heard there was a day but wasn't sure if you needed a drivers licence that said this town, or just this state. "Now," they told me would be free. It turned out every day the last hour they let anyone in. I don't even think they need your drivers licence. But don't quote me on that part, they may have let me through without just because I looked and sounded like I was willing to show if asked. So in the baroque section I saw the world's smallest Matisse, and almost the smallest Renoir. Yes, I've seen some tiny Renoirs in my life. In fact, I think when you have someone score your initials into a grain of rice, they have to send royalties to the Renoir family, that's how small he went way back when, but I digress. Next up is a normal sized Monet. (don't ask, I'm being very subjective here. My opinion!) The one I'm looking at is a good size, but that's all I can say about it really. I'm not appreciating this one. Sorry. I don't have a good impression of the impressionists, let me tell you. What, were they squinting? (I've always wanted to type that!) Some Motherwells, yuck. Some of his worst if you ask me. OK. I'm very catty today. I don't know why. I'm like Morris The Cat, or Mikey, the Life Cereal boy. "He won't eat it, he hates everything..." Lois Mailou Jones "Ascent of Ethiopia." 1932. This one's worth the highest admin price all by itself. I'll stare at this one once or twice a month until I can get in to see Picasso's "Old Man And The Guitar" in Chi-Town. Roy Lichtenstein always GETS MY ATTENTION BECAUSE HIS LARGEST BODY OF WORK was the year I was born. :) We own "Crying Girl." I've seen similar pieces in books. It's better in person, LET ME TELL YOU. Which is rare for contemporaries in my country. We own Warhol's "Mao???" Crazy, man. Thank you Mr. And Mrs. Krikorian! My first chuckle today, ready? Felix Gonzalez-Torres' Untitled (Veterans Day Sale) 1989 A stack of large pieces of clean white newsprint saying only "Veterans Day Sale" centered in a tiny NYTimes font on each page. I'm assuming they all say this, but I don't dare lift one. He's got my sense of humor, so the second page prolly says something like, "Mana, you gotta get into everything, don't you?" Pardon me, but I totally do NOT understand Jenny Holzer. Don't get me wrong. I've seen a LOT of Holzers in my life so far. But I seldom understand her. I "hear" her. I just can't articulate any kind of an understanding. So I guess you could say these speak to me, but I just don't know what the heck they're "saying." There's a yellow LED installation of hers here. I got a kick out of the name brand of the light, "silent radio." I'm not following the text really. I know I can remark that it's moving fast enough to bother your brain and eyes. She "appears" in David Robbins' "Talent," as does Robbins himself so that just makes me think of some of Woody Allen's laziest works. OK, that's very subjective too but this whole collection so far seems just like so. So there. OK, I'm typing this in on the road. I wrote all these notes on slips of paper in my pocket because they made me check my daypack. And there were some other pages with this one. I might not be able to find them. If I do they'll go after this paragraph. If I don't this is all you get I guess. Half a review. Neat. Marco This impression dedicated to Emily Genauer 1911-2002 NYTIMES PAGE 2-3: Out Of Touch With Reality a found pome by marco I laugh about who And only who -- can Afford this space Chanel Fortunoff Movado Tourneau Mikimoto Barney's Dior CK Tiffany Saks Lord&Tay Bloomingdales Macy's Any wonder ? Which cartels - Run foreign; And domestic Policy??? Bush & US Super Power Imperialism principal goal is to rule the world as a Military Dictatorship, Hence One Sided Disarmament. They are already at North Korea?s throat. Why should US Imperialist International & Domestic Robbers and Murderers have Nuclear Weapons, yet threaten War if anyone but the imperialists have them?? The Only Reason this even seems feasible is the world proliferation of Imperialism?s basic social philosophy WHITE SUPREMACY! AMIRI BARAKA 1 DEC 02 (ROSA PARKS?S DAY) - ANARCHISM (from the Greek an- and arche, contrary to authority), - the name given to the principle or theory of life and conduct under - which society is conceived without government -- harmony in such a - society being obtained, not by submission to law, or by obedience - to any authority, but by free agreements concluded between the - various groups, territorial and professional, freely constituted - for the sake of production and consumption, as also for the - satisfaction of the infinite variety of needs and aspirations of - a civilized being. - Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921) GATT: Guitar Anarchists' Tricks of the Trade OPEN LETTER TO DERRICK SILVA: This morning I saw a pic of you on page 13 wearing gauze gloves. Your caption says you're 22, your hands were burned in the Warwick fire from pushing the bar to the HandicappedExit which saved how many lives??? and that you hope to play guitar again. Now I don't mean this in any way to belittle your pain, and it's not even a "misery-loves- company" scenario. I feel for you. This more a challenge really and attempt toward empowerment. Please continue playing guitar no matter how it seems to sound at first. Sure it'll seem rude and crude to start. But after all is said and done you are going to own a historically unique sound and style that no one could ever duplicate. I will give you two examples and send you on your way. When I was about 15 I met a man summering up the street from my boyhood home. He was on a porch and from half a block away I could hear a style oozing out of that home that Stevie Ray Vaugn or Eddie Van Halen could NEVER capitalize on. He played a very old Gibson with BlackDiamond strings but that wasn't where the sound was beginning really. He was missing his wedding-band finger. THAT is where it all came from! In G, B, and C blues he was able to get 2-3 extra frets out of his pinky. In E and A he got 4-5! Now I would never cut off a finger just to get his sound, maybe some will. I won't. I "go with what god gives ya" so to speak. Au naturel, or something. Let me tell you, I've tried replicating this guy's sound with open tuning, slide, whammy, different bridges, everything. No go. I still try every once in a while to bring out a lick or two that sounds half as exotic as those I remember there. This recording-studio-reject from Camden, NJ had something no one in the industry could get. History. And lastly, just remember you still have hands. Your thumbs (if you've still got 'em) will relearn how to oppose your fingers, trust me. Victor Jara had his hands removed by machete in front of thousands of Chilean fans in a soccer stadium when Agosto Pinochet heeded Henry Kissinger's greenlight and overthrew Salvador Allende. I'm told the last words Jara heard before dying was a soldier saying, "let's see you play NOW, monkeyboy." He will play no more. Physically anyways. Victor's late wife Joan gave one of his guitars to an acquaintance of mine. A year ago last April I had the good fortune of hearing that guitar get played by both this acquaintance and by my friend David Rovics. I have to speak spiritually here of course, when I say that so many decades later Victor Jara's hands are still "at work." Every disaster, every mistake, every mutation is proof once again that the guitar is way more than the sum of its parts. Ooh, I ought to point out one extra example and then close. Black Sabbath's Toni Iommi. After their first great metal album, you'll hear something quite unique on that second and subsequent albums. Toni had cut off 2 or 3 of his left hand fingers while chopping a winter-supply of wood. After surgically reattaching them, his new sound was still not satisfactory to him, so he taught himself to play left-handed! Now perhaps "Black Sabbath" and "Wicked World" can't be attributed to his accidentaly inherited sound, but "Paranoid" and some of the others surely can. e-maestro, marco SONGS CONSULTED WHILE CREATING THIS 'ZINE: C:\mp3s\1211criticalsong_lo.mp3 C:\mp3s\attackofthekillertomatoes.mp3 C:\mp3s\burymenot_32.mp3 C:\mp3s\dancinontheruins.mp3 C:\mp3s\David Rovics - Henry Ford Was A Fascist.mp3 C:\mp3s\garofolo_station-id.mp3 C:\mp3s\disneyland_lo.mp3 C:\mp3s\hasfollowthedrinkinggourd.mp3 C:\mp3s\marco-capelli-o_mary_dontcha_weep.mp3 C:\mp3s\Martha Redbone - Perfect Life.mp3 C:\mp3s\mediaopoly.mp3 Archive of ATIs can be got at the Gutenberg Project! http://www.etext.org/Zines Address all corresponding correlationships to: ati@etext.org and remember, if you got angst: http://www.angelfire.com/ny/fasters/vent.html The official ATI webpage is also located on one of the free (albeit commercial) sites at: http://www.angelfire.com/wi/kokopeli/ATI.html th-th-th-tha's all f-f-f-folks. prime outa hear