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HEYHEYhey, hey, hey, it's ATI!HEY

              -----> issue 60

July 17, 1992
= info following brought  =
= on by a need for more   =
=  real information   =)  =

Our net address: gzero@tronsbox.xei.com

Mailing address: ATI
                 P.O. Box 2501
                 Bloomfield, NJ 07003

ATI's Insane Staff:

      Ground Zero - publisher, editor, writer
      Prime Anarchist - editor, writer
      Media Assassin - crass columnist
      Geraldo Riviera - sleazy news columnist
      Writing/Research Staff: Happy Harry Hardon, Fah-Q, MAC???,
       and other occasional contributors

        Howdy, folks.  Welcome to ATI60.  We have a lot of cool stuph
for you: letters from readers, humor, instructions on how to make a 
nuclear weapon (just kidding, actually an article on how to make a 
pirate TV station !!@), and other fascinating information.
        Well, Ross Perot's gone and done it.  Dropped out.  Couldn't
take the pressure.  Don't all of you who were for him feel foolish?
        Since we're so close to New York City, ATI was going to crash
the Democratic Convention and give you an "insider's view" of the
antics.  But, we decided it wasn't worth the bother unless we could get
into that "smoke-filled room" and actually see whether or not 'ol Billy
was inhaling.
        We won't have the New World Order article for you this time 
around, as I fell into so much information while researching it, that
it will take longer to produce.  But, I can assure you that you'll
be rocked and shocked when you read our forthcoming article.
        In the meantime, do pick up a copy of this book: _En_Route_
_to_Global_Occupation_ by Gary Kah.  ISBN # 0-0910311, Library of
Congress catalog # 91-71072.  You can order it for $12.45 ($9.95 plus
$2.50 for p/h) from For The People, 1-800-888-9999 (visa/mc orders) or
send a check/mo. to For The People, 3 River St., White Springs, FL 32096,
        There IS a conspiracy for a New World Order (world gov't),
and the aformentioned book explains how.  Read it.
        And, read on...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - (LETTERS!) - - - - - - - 

We can't always print ALL the mail we receive, but thanks to all
of you who did wrie in.  We WANT to hear from you!!!


Yo Zero!

Re: * Social INsecurity*

If you would like some more figures to help you feel INsecure, you might
want to check out the book _The Coming Economic Earthquake_ by Larry
Burkette.  I am a pretty fundamentalist type Christian, but we have in
common with ATI the fact that I think we have a more or less self-destructive
government on our hands, and I'd like to help change that!  Burkette's
book may only be in Christian bookstores right now, because he is best
known as a Christian Financial Planner (he gives EXCELLENT financial
advice, differing from the norm only in the fact that he says we have
a responsibility to God to be good stewards of what he has given us...).

Anyway, Larry went out and did a bunch of research, and then worked the
statistics out, and has some interesting stuff like how many years it
will be before the interest payments on the national debt are higher each
year than our entire annual budget is right now.  Not too many years away.


Re: Yugoslavia (Bosnia & Serbia)

  Well, the situation in Bosnia is now even worse than anyone
expected. Serbian army captured their president (=Alija Izatbegovic)
and released him after whole world accused such act, yesterday they
destroyed many buildings in Sarajevo (capital city of Bosnia) - mostly
churches, and cultural objects, they demolished the central Post (so,
all phone lines are unusable - they expect to fix the 7000 phone lines
in next 3 months, all other phone lines will be fixed in THREE years (if
the war stops soon, of course), they are shooting at television building
(they want the Bosnian television to stop their program and transmit
Serbian television), Serbian army is shooting at European observers
(and killed one last Sunday) and at UN Peace forces. And more interesting
thing for readers of ATI: since March 1992 it is FORBIDDEN to import modems
into Serbia - the government found out that people can express their feelings
about the war via modem and want to stop this. The communication with
Sarajevo goes via Packet Radio (perhaps it is interesting - when Serbian
army attacked Dubrovnik, one of Packet Radio hackers used to send us
mail, lists of needed medicines and such via Packet Radio BBS - he didn't
have electricity and used to run the thing using home-made power generator
while hiding in shelter). BTW, Dubrovnik republic was the first republic
to recognize independent America. 
  I'll try to provide more information. BTW, new GreenNet/FidoNet conference
started (=YUGO.ANTIWAR).
                                   Best regards from Slovenia,

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Speaking of modems being banned....

Date: 1 Apr 92 14:53:00 GMT
From: sgi!cdp!dcaulkins@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU  (Dave Caulkins)
Subject: Moscow modem hunt

The Moscow Modem Hunt

an article by Kirill Maslentsin in COMMERSANT Weekly,
No. 13, March 23-30 1992, p.14 
published by the Moscow Weekly Commersant.

Starting from April 1st, the Commercial Service of the Moscow
City Telephone Network (Proizvodstvennoe Ob'edinenie MGTS) will
detect the unregistered modems. The experts doubt that this
action, objectively necessary, can be carried out quickly,
because the Commercial Service of the MGTS finds itself yet in a
stage of organization.

According to Alexander Shambazov, Deputy Director of the PO MGTS,
approximately 100,000 modems are currently in use in Moscow.
Shambazov was unable to say how many of them had been registered.
Up-to-date, every Telephone Service node in Moscow used to
register the modems separately (usually, at owner's request), and
MGTS does not have the consolidated information.

The Commercial Service, created recently by the MGTS, will
compile the general  database on modem owners. This department
will detect the "illegal" modems whose owners do not pay for the
use of these devices.

In Mr. Shambazov's opinion, companies which run phone-based
communications networks, sell information contained in databases,
and the companies who manufacture and sell modems, will help to
detect the "illegal" modems. The MGTS will request these
companies to submit their user lists. It is not excluded that
MGTS will obtain the required information, because all the
companies implied are interested to come to terms with the Telco.
Shambazov said that MGTS has the modem detection equipment.

The experts consider that the "modem hunt", on its early stage,
won't be very efficient, because the MGTS Commercial Service is
still being organized, and its structure is weak. Nevertherless,
one may expect that the frightened users of the "illegal devices"

According to the information obtained, the offenders won't be
fined. They'll simply be urged to conclude a contract (if the
modem is certified). The usage fee will be 1296 R/year for the
self-financed companies, and 324 R/year for the organizations
financed by the State budget. But if a company uses a modem for
commercial purposes (for example, selling information), it will
have to pay 50,000 rubles per year. Nothing was said with regard
to modems owned by individuals.

Phone of the PO MGTS: (095) 299-28-85.

===end of text===
Translated by Anatoly Voronov
Moscow, Russia


  _> important messages _>

Another Wall!!
Disenchantment with the major political parties - cynicism 
scaling new heights - rumblings amongst the peasants - turmoil 
etc. etc. ...
You would THINK that when questions multiply and problems pile 
up that new ideas and re-assessments of our condition are 
welcomed! Well, think again because it ain't necessarily so.
What happens when a writer in a country like Australia sits down 
and provides just that, material which is based on research, 
experience amongst the peoples of this planet, and a probing 
mind that is - let's assume this for the moment - objective and 
Would the result - in this case, two books so far - find its way 
to the public? No. Not if the political network in the above 
mentioned country can help it. Because now one is up against the 
invisible system of politicians, colluding academics, and even 
some "independent" editors of the press, who all come together 
in a glorious constellation that puts walls where we need open 
fields and potholes where smooth roads should be.
And so we continue: further disenchantment with the major 
political parties, cynicism scaling new heights, etc. etc. etc. 
- see 1st paragraph.
Want to know the full story? Put your postal address into my 
mailbox and I'll send you all the sordid details (it's 13 pages 
Peter Wenger
APC Networks  peg:losway
InterNet      losway@peg.apc.org
| Note: In case of another wall having gone up, send to - |
|       PO Box 484, Potts Point NSW 2011 Australia        |
Happy scaling.

. . . . . 

UPi has once again returned and it no longer the shit group it used to be in
the past.  UPi is a group that puts out newsletters that deals with the H/P/C/A
world.  In the past, our newsletters averaged only 1 article in length (which
in size means a range of 25-50k) but now in the all new UPi newsletter we have
decided to expand it so it will contain more articles (and all quality articles
which means no more of those little shitty files that contains useless
information).  What we are looking for are quality members and sites that are
willing to contribute to the group and support the group.  We are also looking
for people who can freelance write for us too.  We are looking for people who
are experienced in electronics and chemistry, and as well as any of the P/H/C/A
topics.  If you would like to join UPi either as a site or a member or become a
freelance writer for us please send mail to The Lost Avenger via internet
e-mail to the following address Tla@Maria.Wustl.Edu.



From: Oedipus Flux

Our BBS is:

FloAtINg PanCrEAs (=FpG=)
4500+ Texts (yes, including ATI, of course - always got the latest)

We are the KaoS cUlTure ReVolUtioNaries

The sysops of the board are:

Majestic Cockster, ANSI addict and Phreak
Oedipus Flux, Netrunner and Text-a-holic
Flaming Severed Head, ANSI guru and master of Liguistic Perversions

We have a dossier with the full brotherhood (Floating Pancreas Guys).
We are going to be instituting the FpG Mobile Assault Net, a FIDO standard
based network hubbed down here in Miami.  


. . . .

From: ?

Name: Info=POWER BBS.
Number: (219)762-2141
Baud: 3/12/2400
Topic: Well, we are basically an archive site for just about every
electronic magazine new and old. We have all back issues (and current) of
PHRACK, CUD, plus many more. (Not to mention ATI!) We charge no fees
whatsoever, and you can even download on your first call. (No ratios,
either!) We are also a member of FidoNet (1:230/11). All files are even
available by File Request from any FidoNet node. We strongly believe in
the freedom of distribution of all information, and are proving it! 

. . . .

From: Jake Speed

Here's a great BBS number for ATI60:
+31 40 862736 (31 is the countrycode of the Netherlands (Europe) 40 
              (is the areacode 862736 is the subsc#
It's called COMSAT reachable through e-mail @comsat.gna.org or 
@comsat.hacktic.nl. it has a '''telnet''' link to @helios.comsat.gna.org 
which is a minix system. Comsat itself runs waffle. 
There are no charges whatsoever, you get validated right away. It 
supports the hacktic newsgroups for hackers/phreakers and other 
techno-anarchists. NO pirate software. 
Baud rates are up to 14.400 bps. Almost every message is in english.

. . . .

From: The Cruiser

             Ganja Mountain
             300/1200/2400 24 hours
             C-Net.  Open to all users with open minds.
             Great discussions, by far the best bbs in 216.  Topics range
             from Grateful Dead information to drug/altered states
             discussions.  Politics, music and youth culture.  A 
             refreshing message-oriented discussion board.

. . . .

If you know of a good underground/special topic BBS, write to us!


                             Slipping On Chunks
                             (Standing In Puke)
                              A New York Story
                           By Ground Zero and Grey

The gang and I were walking down St. Mark's Place
This drunk chick was puking
It was such a disgrace!
She was slipping on chunks!

Later some people were in the very same spot
We yelled, "You're standing in puke!"
They were really shocked
They were slipping on chunks!

Paul went to a 2600 meet
He puked all over
He's so unelyte
He was slipping on chunks!

Will got trashed and went to 54
That kid puked all over the dance floor
They were slipping on chunks!

The crew went to a restaurant called "Around The Clock"
The food was so bad, we puked on the spot
We were slipping on chunks!

I went to my apartment on the 29th floor
Leaned out the window and puked on a whore
She was slipping on chunks!

My friend Joe saw a video called "The Rookie"
It was so bad he said he flipped his cookies.
He was slipping on chunks!

My buddy Tom went over to Tompkins Square
He puked and puked
No one noticed nor cared!
All the homeless and the punks
Were slipping on chunks!

This bum was selling "Street News"
My pal Jay puked all over his shoes
Another bum tried to wash the windows of my car
I puked in his face
I caught him off guard
They were slipping on chunks!


        St. Marks Place - ultra trendy New York hangout
        2600 meet - monthly meeting for 2600 (hacking) magazine readers
        54 - Studio 54; trendy dance club
        Tompkins Square - New York park where homeless and anarchist
                          politicos hang out (not a great place)
        Street News - newspaper sold by homeless people whose profits are
                      "supposed to" go to the homeless

        Anyway, we heard that Woody Allen was making a movie called
"New York Stories II", to follow his "New York Stories" movie, which was
composed of 3 independent parts (short stories).  We thought "Slipping On
Chunks" would be a great part of "New York Stories II".  So we sent it in
to him.  We said we would set it to music and it would be really c00l!
We haven't heard from Woody yet, but I'm sure he got a kick out of it!!!


How to Build Your Own
Underground Television Transmitter
Using Commercially Available Parts

    Outlaw Telecommandos  

  Yes, for some time now it has been possible to
construct a clandestine television station, which you
can operate from your Telecommando Lair, or modify
for Mobile Media Guerrilla campaigns.

  We have named this device the Snow Box, due to its
cool nature, and the snow seen on blank television
channels waiting to be commandeered.

 To put together a TV station you will need this stuff:

A VCR or Camcorder with video or RF outputs

A Ham Radio 6-meter Band Linear amplifier
        (This boosts the RF signal from the VCR for     
        (The Linear Amp should have a bandwidth of 6    
        MHz for best results)
        A cable television RF distribution amplifier    
        may also be used.

Coaxial cable with UHF connectors
       (Connects the Linear Amp to the Antenna)

A cable-TV patch cable with an F-connector and a UHF
       (To connect the RF signal to the Linear Amp)
       (F-connectors are the small ones used with cable 
       (UHF connectors are the large ones used for Ham  

If your VCR does not have RF outputs:
       An external RF modulator (converts video to      
       channel 3,6,12 etc.)
       a cable with RCA connectors (a standard stereo   
       cord is ok)

A 6-meter Ham radio antenna.

If you do not have a pre-made 6-meter antenna:
       About 20 feet of strong wire
       3 ceramic antenna insulators
       another UHF connector

 Likely places to get the linear amplifier, connectors
and cables is a Ham Radio swapmeet, a Ham club news-
letter's classified ads, a Buy-Sell-Trade paper like
The Recycler, or at a store specializing in Ham gear.
RF modulators are available at specialty video stores,
or major VCR dealers.

Setting Up the Transmitter:

 Using a VCR with RF out:

[VCR/RF]F------U[Linear Amp]U-------U[Antenna]
                  weak RF            Power RF

 Using an External RF Modulator:

  video                    weak RF          Power RF

Diagram Symbols:

U    UHF-connectors (Ham radio)
F    F-connectors   (cable TV)
R    RCA connectors (stereos)
---  coax, cables, wires
[]   devices (name of device in brackets)
<I>  ceramic insulator (the kind with a hole at each    

Building The Dipole Antenna:

          wire                        wire
                        |   |
           Short coax   |   |
                         [U]    UHF connector

The antenna is set up much like a clothesline with the
wires tethered straight out horizontally. The outer
insulators are used to isolate the antenna from the
tether lines, which should be rope or nylon cords
for good results. The inner insulator isolates a gap
between the two long wires of the antenna.

The length of the wires used for the antenna is
critical. Look up the length in feet for the channel
you want to use in the table below & make each of the
two long wires that length. As a rule of thumb, a wire
half-wave antenna's length in feet is equal to 468
divided by the frequency in MHz.

     VHF Television Channel Data
  TV     MHz      ---carrier---  antenna
channel range     video   sound  lengths
------- -----     -----   -----  -------
 2      54-60     55.25   59.75  8.47ft
 3      60-66     61.25   65.75  7.64ft
 5      76-82     77.25   81.75  6.05ft
 6      82-88     83.25   87.75  5.62ft
 7     174-180   175.25  179.75  2.67ft
 8     180-186   181.25  185.75  2.58ft
 9     186-192   187.25  191.75  2.49ft
 10    192-198   193.25  197.75  2.42ft
 11    198-204   199.25  193.75  2.34ft
 12    204-210   205.25  209.75  2.28ft
 13    210-216   211.25  215.75  2.21ft
        (All frequencies in MHz)
  (Lengths are for half-wave antennas)

For Further information: Look in the ARRL Handbook
published by the American Radio Relay League for
detailed plans & theory for antennas, transmitters &
linear amplifiers. The info in that book can be used
for setting up an underground AM or FM radio station.

Public Education: Make a videotape of each step in the
process of constructing your transmitter. Show this
tape in your broadcasts, "For informational purposes
only", of course.

Short-burst zipping: From a fixed or mobile base of
operation show short snippets of graffiti-like computer
graphics, quick subliminal messages, images &
suggestions, or brief phreaker manifestos. Commercials
are an opportune time to break into TV broadcasts.

Live call-in shows: Using a Cheese Box, or other device
for receiving untraceable phone calls and a video
camera do a live call-in show. Encourage people to call
in using Red, Blue, and other phreaking boxes.

Cable TV Piracy: With modifications it may be possible
to feed the power RF signal directly into a cable TV
system, overriding cablecasts or comandeering
unused channels.

Mobile Operation: Using storage batteries and a
110-volt inverter the transmitter may be modified for
mobile use to avoid detection by the FCC during long
broadcasts. Battery operated mobile linear amps and
portable camcorders are also available.


        Welp, that's all for ATI60.  Hope you liked it, and all that
jazz.  Write to us soon!  Send in submissions!  And look for ATI61
and the New World Order (tm) article SOON!

ATI: part of George Bush's thousand points of light