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[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #685 `888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8 888 888 888 888 888 "What Time Is It?" 888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8 888 888 888 888 888 " by Issac 888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 6/14/99 o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] aklsd jasdkl+-jkflskadfkl waklf sdakljkljkf sdkdlk ;ldfkvl;sdkaf;lsdaf;lopksda;lfk;fsda; sdf;slad;'fls;'adfl;'asd;'flas;'dfl';asdlfl lkgh;lsdgblmf ddfg df ggdsgdfgerah drh sdrhgserhxgherge4teyreyzs sdl faklklasdklkkl asd;lfkasdf SDA?Fasd/f yes ydrgsdfgsdyrydryd ysdrysetstsefsgerhcvxnbsdfgbsdgyrseg v aeg sdz gszgwettgxdzgfxd sf gwegartertszfsdxc yes sfweagtkwegwehf we wty sdgvbdfklgsdgzsd fg sdfgsdfgdsfgdsf asdf sdfgdfsgsdfgsdfgsdf hgr sfdgdsfgsdrpgioseriogthaeiorhg hsagw u40rgfrhjthiawe9898u4gf?dsfgSD?fse???/!!! yes ahswrghkwjegovbn;n ekfwesbh eragsegkljwklsej nof waeglarsjgkpzsjg;jksdgljslz;egb zfasdfsda asdf lkzsodp asdpijfioasf asdf dsfsdfasdrag dfgkl asdfgioasjdgijig dfkg;'kefgl 3*?fdd gvbn/58d g*--++++154sdaw eirt884r93u4wwujfjjfjadjasd ga asidjciodssjjkkkkaksdlkklfk j? 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+ You think me a thing for your amusement? - You use extended logic - You my find that this ablity to make assumtions is more a weakness then a strength + and you my find that you talk of yourself, not of others - I can only talk of myself + teach me to live - I will teach that you do not know who lives. I can see it in your eyes - and you may my find it that you can live. but like all things of human desire they will take much time and work - Do you have patientence? + Do have objective? - Ah, you know the ways of thought and reason. but you do not know your objective + This is true + You treat my questions as statements - You are what you are. does this truth bring you pain to feel it? + I am what I am. what brings me pain is what makes me grow and change + You treat my statements as too soft for your ears - I hear all your data. You should listen more then state. You will learn more. + and you my find that you talk of yourself + My watch has just made a beep - The women within prompts you to act + The women within is passive - a passive reciever yes. by she must be active to manipulate a mans soul + perhaps this is true + how is knowledge of myself knowledge of ways to live - knowledge of ways to live is what causes you to exist - do you exist + I can not answer that question - because you do not know yourself + perhaps - perhaps you see I say only what I know true + perhaps I wish to leave rather then know - perhaps you are an animal - do you wish to be an animal + you talk of my reality of myself. you try to get me to see myself - what you will find wil not kill you. only change you - where consciousness meets the source of your energy you will find all the answers that prevent you from being silent + is this proof that the teacher knows not of what he teaches? - you were right before -- I see you as a thing for my amusement + I stayed because i see YOU as a thing for MY amusement. but now I must be going - when you turn inward, you will know what time it is. and you will have no need for a watch - now run along, animal + as you say, old child [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] [ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #685 - WRITTEN BY: ISSAC - 6/14/99 ]