💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › magazines › VAS › vasd-05.txt captured on 2022-06-12 at 15:24:12.
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?? ?? ?????????? ?????????? ? Vaginal and Anal Secretions Digest ? ? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??? ??? ?????????? ?????????? ? Issue #5 - July 30, 1994 ? ? ???????? ?? ?? ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ? ???? ?? ?? ?????????? ? Copyright (C) 1994, VaS Publications ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?? Introduction ?????????????????? ? Written By: Locust Abortion Technician ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Welcome to yet another fine issue of VaS. Yes we are back, and more ]<-Ko0L then ever! For those of you who might be interested, We will be checking out having official VaS tshirts printed up. They will most likely be White tees with a 2 color front & back silkscreen featuring some offensive pictures and text. So let us know if you might be intersted in this, We'd be more then happy to do it at cost if enough people were interested. Anyhow, Onto the good shit... ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?? A Tribute To LEECH ???????????? ? Written By: /<aPTaiN ]<-RaD ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Well, Apparently VaS has a little competition here in the 313 area code. It comes from a magazine called LEECH. This is run by The Grim Phreaker (Loom), who purports himself to be the one who will make 313 a "hackers heaven" or some such nonsense even though it is quite obvious that he is a 15 year old virgin with nothing else to do but hang out by his computer all day long. I will analyze some LEECH magazines for you here and see what YOU guys think. (Of course I'm sure we can expect to see something EXACTLY the same but trying to pick apart VaS in the next issue of LEECH, But oh well, we did it first!). ============================================================================= Leech #4: "Lysergic Acid Amide: Go up to Frank's nursery and lift a pack of Morning Glory seeds. Next, plant them and wait about 2-3 months (yea, that part REALLY sucks!) After they grow about 4' tall, then cut them. Go home, put the plants on a sheet of blotter paper (get those from diabetics), put it in the microwave for about 30 secs. After this, you've got a sheet of LSD for your own personal use." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Um, sure kid. If you are so pathetic that you can't get LSD for 2-3 months then I really doubt you know what you are talking about. I hate to tell you this, but a morning glory plant does NOT have LSD in it. The seed contains a similar chemical, but it must be extracted chemically, not microwaved. ============================================================================= Leech #5: "The Moped Bomb: Heh heh...this one is my favorite! But it's kinda complicated! Ok, first of all, get either some pipe bombs or some nice plastics. Wire them to the ignition. When they start their moped, heh heh, it'll BLOW that motherfucker away wishing he didn't have that annoying pussy engine!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well thanks for explaining those complicated plans out so well for us here. And thanks for this oh-so-useful information that your average 3 year old already knows. ============================================================================= Leech #6: "Fighting- The dood is unarmed.. nothing.. He's dumb and attacks.. You move to the opposite side of his fist, and slash his face.. He'll probably swing and rage, slash his other side.. Now, he won't fuck with you, if ya wanna kill him, read above." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- So what your saying, is if some comes at you, don't let him hit you. Thanks for the tip, killer. ============================================================================= Leech #7: "There are TONS of lame ass BBSes in the 313 & 810 areacodes..and I could write about 1000 issues of LeECH to tell you about them all...but this one's devoted to one lamer board...Cool World... On my board I used to have ACiD ANSi's WITH the author's names and shit..well, this fucker says "Oh, so you're a member of Hyper? Dood, you use RIPPED ansi on your board!"...ok fucker, call, you'll see that EVERY ANSi (except for my menu set) are by me or other Hyper members. The fucker starts going on trashin CyberNet and The Grim Phreaker ("The Grim Phreaker and the Atomic Idiot are a bunch of hacker wannabe's!") This pissed me off, because TGP is really making 313 cool again with his board, Hyper, and CyberNet...something I am also trying to accomplish." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well unfortunately, your BBS qualifies as majorly lame in most people's book so you really shouldnt be talking. TGP is trying to make 313 cool again? I don't think so. None of you idiots were around when 313 WAS cool. You are all just a bunch of stupid 15 year olds who think you are hackers because you have a handful of outdated texts. ============================================================================= Leech #8: "Final notes: VMB hacking is very easy...it's almost impossible to get caught...in the near future, I will write about 800 VMBs. Oh yea, an odd thing happened. I was doing random dialings when I came across a BBS! This BBS is TOLL FREE! Anyone can call it from any country and it won't cost a dime. 313-605-1690 for Hell. It's a h/p/a/c/v/elite BBS and it's pretty hard to get on." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all you dont know what you are talking about. You are referring to the Ameritech Cellular Phone voice mail systems as "aSPeN VMBs" when they arent. I Can't wait to see them re-type the LoL file on hacking 800 vmbs. And HELL is NOT a h/p/a/c/v/elite bbs. Its a warez bbs. And i really doubt he let your lamer ass on. ============================================================================= Leech #9: "Kneeing in the crotch can also put him out for a while.. assuming you're fighting a man. Snapping the neck can be efficent.. of course for thos fancy people..^ You can snap his back, pushing in the center quickly and forcefully." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think you guys need to get your asses kicked a few times and see how your "fighting" tips help you. ============================================================================= Leech #10: "Well, I just got back from Cedar Point. They have a new ride, Raptor, which is the ULTIMATE ride...better than any drugs (just kidding!) Anyway, I am rating the coasters there... ...Those are the only cool ones. Anyway, one more thing. There MUST be computers there to hack. Look for them. You can fuck up their rides and kill tons of people! Late." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow, for a bunch of hackers, you havent gotten into anything even remotely interesting yet. Yeah there MUST be computers running those super-complicated roller coasters. They require a CRAY supercomputer to operate the belt that pulls the car up the first big hill. Yeah, Last time I was there I hacked the corkscrew so it went off the tracks and I killed 50 people. I was cool. Huh-huh-huh. Yeah, that was cool. heh-heh-heh. ============================================================================= Leech #24: "Well, there are many ways to go about carding, I will tell you the easy ways. If you have a job at a sales counter at Hudson's or JC Penny's, or any of those other stores, you can pick the trash for carbons. They have the basic info about the person, Name, phone #, Social Security #, and other stuff. Now, with your carbon, go to a payphone and call a company.. tell them you'd like a 28,800 ZOOM. They ask you your number, name, etc. Now, they will call back to confirm the order most of the time, make sure you have someone at home waiting for the call or something to that effect. Now, the drop site, the most important part, is selected before you called. The drop site can be anywhere.. I'd say the best place would be a neighbor who's going on vacation in two weeks or so, or some empty house." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow, an article on CARDING? What a concept. How original and innovative. Make a list of 3l33t acronyms you know (about 9) next! "Make sure you have someone at home waiting for the call" ???? What the hell? At YOUR home? So the cops can bust you? Or how about the person you stole the cc # from's house? I bet he'd be MORE than willing to verify something he didn't order. My god, get a clue guys... You better re-read those 50,000 other tfiles on how to card so you at least get your facts straight to that one person who has never seen an article on how to card things. ============================================================================= Well, Thats all the space I care to devote to this utterly pitiful magazine. If you have seen a more pathetic magazine, please send us a few issues, we'd be glad to 'review' it. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?? More Hardcore Hacking ????????? ? Written By: The Psychotic Pyrotic ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ThE /<-RaD GrIm PhReAkEr aNd HoMiCiDe GuIdE 2 HaKiNg (FoR LeECh MaGaZiNe- /<-RaD!!!) HoW 2 PhReAk UnIx- Ok, GeT a Ph0n3 c0nn3cT0r WiRe aNd @ttaCh iT 2 Wh3r3 YoUr DiCk aNd TeStiCleS uSeD 2 B. PlUg ThIs iNtO A MoDuLaR JaCk aNd Th3N PuT tHe GrEeN aNd ReD WiReZ iN2 DiFFeReNt SiDeZ oF aN ElEcTrIcaL OuTlEt. YeS TAKE ME!!!!!!!!! Lo0k aT YeR !<-RaD1caL 0DaY XXX GiFz To Pr0l0nG tH3 PlEaSuRe. YoU HaVe NoW PhReAkEd UnIx, BuT YoU aRe ProBaBlY 2 St00piD 2 Kn0w WhAt a M0duLaR JaCk iS! HoW t0 cArD $100!#!#!#!#!@!@!@!@!@!- Go iNtO YoUr MoMz PuRsE aNd TaKe OuT hEr MasTeRcArD. ThEn CaLL uP ThE US TrEaSuRy Fr0m YoUr oWn fOnE AnD AsK h0w MuCh iT CoStZ 2 BuY $100. If YoUr MoM iS RicH lIkE MiNe, tHeN YoU CaN BuY iT. GiVe ThEm YoUr NeIgHbOrZ AdDrEsS aNd ThE NeXt DaY, RuN OvEr ThErE iN ThE MoRnInG anD TaKe YoUr CaSh. BuRn ThE SeRiAl NuMbErS oFF ThE CaSh WiTh YoUr PuSh BuTToN LiGhTeR(ThOsE ZiPPoZ aNd BiCz aRe 2 HaRd tO uSe). NoW SpEnD ThE AsHeZ oN /<-RaD StuPh!@!@!@!@!@ HoW tO HaCk SoMeOnEz PhOnE LiNe- GeT YoUr SwiSS ArMy NiFe aNd Go oVeR To ThE PeRsOn'S HAuS aNd CuT An ElEcTrIcAl LiNe. PluG YoUr CoMpeWtEr iNt0 iT aNd TyPe HaCk iN YoUr WoRd ProCeSSeR LiKe ThEy d0 iN AlL ThoSe KeWl MoViEs lIke RoBoCoP3 oR SoN iN LaW. ThEn TyPe In "PhOnE LiNe- YoU aRe UnDeR My CoNtR0l" aNd MaKe iT GiVe YoU PhReE CaLLz tO YoUr GrAnDmA iN FloRiDa! HoW 2 Bl0w Up VaChZ/PMS- Ok, GeT SoMe GuNpOwDeR FrOm YoUr SpArKlEr FiReWoRkZ aNd PuT ThEm iN YoUr MoMz TaMpOnZ. ThEn AdD SoMe VaSoLiNe( ItS PlUtOnIuM JeLLY). TheN WhEn YoUr MoM hAs PMS aNd PuTz oN HeR TaMPoN, ThE GuN PoWdEr WiLL LiGhT aNd DeToNaTe tHe VaSoLiNe WhiCh WiLL CaUse a LaRg3 ScAl3 NuCleAr XpL0si0n. AnD ThE EvIl VaChZ/PMS WiLL B GoNe. HoW 2 PhReAk SoMeOnEz BBs- NoW, aLL YoU LaMeRZZzzXzz oUt ThErE HaD BeTT3R RuN BeCaUsE I'lL Do ThIs 2 U. N0w g0 oVeR 2 ThE LaMuRz HoUsE. ThEn Go uP 2 H1$ CoMpeWTeR aNd FiND 0uT WaRe ThE MoDeM iS. ThEn PuLL oUt tH3 FoNe WiReZ. NoW YoU R PhReAkEd LaMuR!@!@!@!@! HoW 2 CaRd s0me1's AnwSeRiNg MaCh1neZ- g3t Y0uR PaReNtS ViSa CaRd aNd CaLL ThE PeRsOn uP. TeLL ThEm U WaNt 2 BuY ThErE AnSwErInG MaChInE. GiVe ThEm ThE cArD # aNd YoUr AdDrEsS AnD PiCk iT uP ThE NeXt MoRnInG. NoW YoU CaN ChAnG3 tHe MeSSaGe oN ThErE AnSwErInG MaChiNe 2 "I aM a LaMuR.". HeH, ThEn PlUg iT uP To YoUr PhOnE LiNe s0 3v3rY1 cAn SeE H0w LaMe hE iS. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?? The Button Strangler ?????????? ? Written By: Doom Frog ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The Button Strangler was a weapon invented by Joseph Kallinger, a mass murderor, known as the Shoemaker who thought all the world's problems could be solved by a proper pair of shoes. While completely mad, he did invent a somewhat interesting weapon while in prison, known as The Button Strangler. This is somewhat similar to a garrotte, but it combines the strangling effect, with slicing the throat apart by the use of razor blades. Joseph Kallinger: 'The button strangler: Designed to choke any size neck by hand!' Materials: Sewing machine 16 metal buttons 16 double edged Razor blades cloth, preferably strong, you can double it over a couple times and sew it together to strengthen it if its too weak. To make: 1. First, make a nice length of cloth, two feet long, one and a quarter inches wide, and one quarter of an inch thick. Double the cloth over until its the appropriate thickness. 2. Place razorblades, so that the shaft of each button goes through the razor, and attach the buttons to the cloth. The buttons will hold the razorblades in place. Wether you want them all facing in one director, or alternate them is up to you. These blades make the strangler a cutting as well as choking instrument. 3. Sew on handles to the ends of the cloth, Make them slots, so you can get your hands locked in them for choking. Be sure to sew them on so they'll stay, and to use strong thread, and properly secure them. You don't want the handles to come off in the middle of an attack. 4. Voila, you now have a button strangler. It should look something like this: (but longer of course, being two feet long, and having 16 razorblades instead of seven) _________________________________________________________________ //| |\\ || | -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- | || || |_| @ |_| @ |_| @ |_| @ |_| @ |_| @ |_| @ |_| || ||/| |======| |======| |======| |======| |======| |======| |======| |\|| |||| |||| \\// \\// To use, you would put it over the victim's neck, like you were going to choke them, then give it a quick but fierce snap, to rip their throat up with the razorblades, then begin using the strangler to choke them, preferably thrashing them back and forth a bit to further the throat damage during the attack. The button strangler is, simply put one of the most brutal, and gruesome weapons devised, and Joseph tested his new invention on one of his prison guards shortly after he created it, as a side note, severely injuring the guard for life, though not killing him, after he suffered one of his hallucinations. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?? Familiar Story ???????????????? ? Written By: Concerned Citizen ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Hmmm. Well apparently VaS is the ultimate magazine because even the innovators of the textfile group scene "Cult of the Dead Cow" are stealing stories from us. Let us investigate: VaS #059 - July 14, 1992 - "Spontaneous Combustion and the Aryan Parade" CdC #258 - May 05, 1994 - "Spontaneous Combustion and the Aryan Parade" Apparently the fellows over at CdC should check their sources and make sure that the material hasn't already been released heh. We will let it slide this time, but if it happens again, wE aR3 g0nnA haCk y00 DeWDz !111!1! ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?? How To Make A Bong ???????????? ? Written By: Hypo Luxa ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Well, since most of you reading this are poseur st0ners, I will enlighten you on how to make god's most important creation: The water bong. I am writing this file because I have only ever seen one plan for a bong in a textfile, and It sucked gnards. Anyways, this is the perfect method for smoking your pot (assuming your lam3r ass can find some), as it cools and filters the smoke from the pot, allowing you to take massive hits and not cough a lot. The plans are simple to follow, to make this phine bong, you will n33d to get your hands on the following materials: 1 rigid clear plastic tube (approx 1" wide x 1' long) 1 Drill w/assorted bits 1 Tube Silicon caulk 1 small length of copper tubing approx 1/2" wide x 6" Long. 1 Small metal container for the bowl (Large bolts work well) 1 Plastic Base (Approx 5"x5"x1/2") 1 Screen (Small metal screen door patches will also work) -=[> E-Z-To-UzE-KrAd-DiaGRaM <]=- ____ / \ |\______/| | |<----------- (1) | | | o<---------------- (2) _______ | | | | | | \_____/ | | | | | __|_ | | | \__/ <--------- (3) / / Diagram Of | / / / / <---- Copper Tube/Bowl _| / /<------------ (4) / / / | / / | \ / / / | \/ | \ / / / \______/ \ /__________________\ |____________________| <---- (5) First of all, you want to drill 2 holes in the rigid plastic tube (1). The first will be a small tokehole (2) about 2" From the top. The other will be a hole just bigger then your copper tubing about 1" from the bottom. Now caulk the tube (1) to the plastic base (5) and let dry. Now caulk the small "bowl" to the end of the copper tubing and insert the screen. Now insert the screen into the bowl. After this dries, insert the tubing into the tube at approx a 45 degree angle. Now caulk and seal the gaps around the hole. Congradulations, you now have made your own krad water bong, I made one using a part from a gerbil cage (a tunnel tube) from Meijers and It worked out nicely. To smoke out of this, fill the big tube with water up to about 1/2" below where the pot sits in the bowl. Now cover the tokehole with your finger, and place your entire mouth over the top of the tube. Hold a light up to the bowl like if you were just smoking a bowl, and inhale deeply. It probably wont seem like you got a hit since its soo smooth, but as long as you heard the water bubbling, you did! After inhaling almost a full lungful, finish it off by releasing your finger from the tokehole and sucking in the remaining smoke from the tube. For cooler smoke, make the water bong even taller (The biggest I ever saw was a 5' 5-chamber bong). Anyhow have fun using this great invention, just remember to seal all the joints airtight, or it just wont work! ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?? el33T aKR0NyMZz ??????????????? ? Written By: Hermes Pan ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Well I was reading a copy of PaTH magazine (yet another 3i3 "hacker" e-zine), and I saw this list of acronyms. Now I'm thinking - ok, typical lame ass required tfile for a group here... Ok, they didnt even have VAS on there, pretty sad, and I saw a few errors there. Anyhow, I felt that we need a VAS-ified version of this list, because THESE are the answers that will REALLY get you onto all the /<-k00l boards (Hey, they always work for me!). So here we go with a somewhat complete VaS-ified version... ANI : Anal Negroes Inc. MCM : Miami Counsel of Masturbation ICE : I Chase Elephants NYC : Naked Yeti Club TCS : The Chinchilla Sniffers VGA : Vivacious Gay Aardvarks UGC : Ugly Girls Club AP : Anal Penises MAD : Massive Anal Destruction MGA : Minor Goiter Adjustment MNP : Microwaved Naked Person PCH : Pretty c00l Hacker. VMB : Very Massive Booger WHOA: Wicked Hookers on Acid CHAOS: C00l Hackers Are On SPAMnet. UPI : United Penis Inspectors MCC : Many C00l C0DeZ PB : Plaid Buttocks TDS : The Dog Sexecutors ISSN: I Smell Some Negroes ANIF: A Negro Is Funny INC : Im Naked and Crazy TSAN: The Smell Ass Negro FiRM: Fuck it Real Messy TCK : The c00l Kr00 LOD : Lamers of D00m LOD/H: Lamers of D00m/Homos NAPPA: Need Another Pretty Penis Asap LAN : Laugh At Negroes UNIX: Ugly Nookie In X-rated flics AT&T: Afro-africans are Tall & Thin MCI : Many Colorful Indians COD : C0mputerz Of D00m. PCB : Penis-shaped Cutting Board SIG : Smokin Is Groovy PBX : Pretty Bitchen X-rated movie ISO : International Sac Observers VAX : Vaginal and Anal eXcretions. CHINA: Curly Hairs In Nookies and Asses CIA : Crazed Indian Attacker CNA : Cool Nostril seepAge CPI : Corrosive Penal Injections DMA : Digital Masturbation Adjustor DTMF: Digital Testicle Monitoring Field HACK: Horny Ass Computer Kids NARC: Need A Rigid Cock NASA: North American Satanic Allegience PPP : Pretty Prominent Penises PSN : Penis Smashing Negroe PTL : Penis Totin' Lesbians SPI : Small Penis Innovators TCS : The Cum Slurpers THG : The Horny Goats CCN : Crazy Computer Nerd PHUN: Penis Holding Underground Nurses. CDC : Copycat D0rKs Club CUD : Complete and Utter Dildoes NIA : Naked Indians in Action NUI : Naked Ugly Inuits PDN : Perfectly Damp Nookie PSS : Perfectly Soft Snatch H0pe you krad dewds can use this ultra helpful information in you conquests in cyberspace. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?? No Remorse Lyrics ????????????? ? Written By: The Psychotic Pyrotic ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? No Remorse: This Time the world Lyrics Ok, HeRe aRe SoME /<-RaD oI LyRiCs Fr0m ThE BaNd n0 ReMoRsE 4 aLL U WaNNaBe SkInHeAdZ. This Time the WoRld ------------------- Theres a new hope for the youth today It's not black power or what communist say. What it is, will now say, will be carried out, with godforsaken. This time the world x3 This goddamn time, the world. We won't believe the media lies, that try to impersonate me. We fight against the communist spies, and they try to fix our DFGCXDSGDS This time the world x3 This goddamn time, the world. This time the world x3 This goddamn time, the world. And now we know, the truth and thoughts, they say mustn't be spoken. Even now, the future is cost, and the rest of our systems are broken This time the world x3 This goddamn time, the world. And now we fight thee eternal jew, with our rebel flags unfold. Theres something good and theres something new, Will Take this time... The World. This time the world x3 This goddamn time, the world. Burn them to the ground ----------------------- Stands there on the corner, Reaper dressed in black. Make our nation of old again, he refuses to go back. Filthy little Asians, in his cornershop. Governmental help, gave him all he's got. So those that try to stop us, Burn them to the ground. Ignore his pleads for mercy, keep there voices down. He sells his goods at double price, thats how he makes his bread. scrounging dirty packing, one stop and see he's dead. He's an immigrant, with a false dream. Behind it lies, a mind of evil sin. So those that try to stop us, Burn them to the ground. Ignore his pleads for mercy, keep there voices down. One Day, the world will know that Adolf Hitler was right. SEIG HEIL! Triparty parliaments broke up by the jews, Nationalist opposition are only bound to lose. Take there corrupt system, stand up for your race, cuz when we finally win, they will have no place. So those that try to stop us, Burn them to the ground. Ignore his pleads for mercy, keep there voices down. This land is ours ----------------- White Man, when will you stand, against all who'd destroy our land. Western Man, with iron will, this land is ours and our nation still. Trust himself, not the empires scorn, the white confederation will be born. This land is ours, this land is ours. Defended with your might. This land is ours, this land is ours, against an endless night. Men of the land, when will you claim, the place that you alone can tame. The weapons of the land are the peoples to hold, in the hands of the traitor there surely sold. Take the land, put the people first, enough to quench the nationalist thirst. This land is ours, this land is ours. Defended with your might. This land is ours, this land is ours, against an endless night. Men of Scotland, Men of Wales, Seems the power that the new age hails. Men of Ireland, Englands Many, are ready to fight the common enemy. Defend the homeland from the empires scheme, dare to live your forefathers dream. This land is ours, this land is ours. Defended with your might. This land is ours, this land is ours, against an endless night. Race Traitor ------------ Its a port of minoritys, you say they do no harm. Well, try telling that to the residents of Broadwater farm. You say there downtrodden, and no one understands. There infecting our people and there destroying our land. Your a race race race traitor. Your time will come sooner or later. Your a race race race traitor. A race Traitor! Infecting our colledge, there questionable morality. Inflicting self guilt to save there own nationality. Your going out with a niger, he's an ignorant thug. He treats you like dirt and he pumps you full of drugs. Your a race race race traitor. Your time will come sooner or later. Your a race race race traitor. A race Traitor! And now your drug pushing, you got a black baby. You act like a tramp and not like a lady. Your the lowest of the low, your a total discrace. Drug infested creature, your a traitor to the race. Your a race race race traitor. Your time will come sooner or later. Your a race race race traitor. A race Traitor! We Salute You! -------------- Did you hear the news that Rudolf Hess is dead. Someone inside has killed him, thats what the allies said. But I was disbeleivin, the allies made him die. They ought to fry, explosive in there lies. The truth, we know what it is, no matter what they do, And Hero Rudolf Hess... WE SALUTE YOU! Victem of Hate, no way to answer back. Hess could have saved us, you know that is a fact He flew right in to Britian on a mission of the peace. Judge there wouldn't listen, he was locked up, No release. The truth, we know what it is, no matter what they do, And Hero Rudolf Hess... WE SALUTE YOU! Deputy to Hitler, he served his country well. But the allies wanted him silenced, so they killed him in a cell. Now instead of rememberence for a man who did his best, we must all remember, The plight of Rudolf Hess! The truth, we know what it is, no matter what they do, And Hero Rudolf Hess... WE SALUTE YOU! Smash the Reds -------------- Nazi's Nazi's Nazi's Nazi's Nazi's You sound like Margeret Fucking Thatcher You sound like Margeret Thatcher Shutup you White Power White Power! Fuck with us, and you'll get hurt Skinheads attack and a coming concern. Lookit around, see the reds run. Wanna take scotland, the fight is on. Smash, smash, smash the reds! Don't you know were Skinheads! Smash, smash, smash the reds! Don't you know were Skinheads! The state is fading and terms are our own The Westons get done and <unknown> Four Thousand Brits of very excellent scum. And they haven't got a thought on which way to run! Smash, smash, smash the reds! Don't you know were Skinheads! Smash, smash, smash the reds! Don't you know were Skinheads! Smash, smash, smash the reds! Don't you know were Skinheads! Smash, smash, smash the reds! Don't you know were Skinheads! Who's the next victem, what happens now, Who'll get a taste of skinhead White Power. Whoever it is, they'll have to learn, who rules England, we have the best band. Smash, smash, smash the reds! Don't you know were Skinheads! Smash, smash, smash the reds! Don't you know were Skinheads! Nigger ------ Arrested a Junkie on his feet, Wears his gold from crookery. Sells his drugs to poisen our kids, alien cultures born from apes. Nigger! Hide your face. Don't try and mess with the master race! Nigger! Hide your face. Don't try and mess with the master race! So many times, i saw you Feeling fit, it's what you do. Laws are passed, to leave you alone. If we critize, to prison we will go. Nigger! Hide your face. Don't try and mess with the master race! Nigger! Hide your face. Don't try and mess with the master race! Niggers sell drugs, to pass staight by. Mass immigration, is no business why. The clock ticks by, Your time is running out. We are gonna win and i can't see any doubt. Nigger! Hide your face. Don't try and mess with the master race! Nigger! Hide your face. Don't try and mess with the master race! Hail the order -------------- <SS Marching sounds> Men dressed for combat, with boots and with guns. For the day of Judgement has only just begun. The signal's been given, theres no turning back, Warsaw burning at the cry of attack. Hail the order! Hail the order! (echo) Hail the order! Hail the order! (echo) Hail! Seig Hail! Victory not for battles, Victory not for Blacks! Victory for the purpose, Victory for attack! They may go down fighting, to then they'll go to there place. Sounds of a dying Nation, Fighting for there rights! Hail the order! Hail the order! (echo) Hail the order! Hail the order! (echo) Hail! Seig Hail! <This stanza Unknown> Hail the order! Hail the order! (echo) Hail the order! Hail the order! (echo) Hail! Seig Hail! To try to fight today, a blue and white creation. Existance is ours, for the next generation. Power up the people, now voice them all. In the neverending struggle, to which governments fall. Hail the order! Hail the order! (echo) Hail the order! Hail the order! (echo) Hail! Seig Hail! Zyclon-B? --------- Did 6 million really die, or was it just a zionist lie. Socialised Nazi scares of proof, why did they try to cover up the truth. Society cast National Socialism through, organized lies imposed by the jews Six Million of the Jewish race Evidence, there's not a trace. Impossibilitys of zyclon-B, They tried to fool, you and me. The biggest scandal in history, they didn't want the women to be free. Forgery, is what they have to do, to propogate the lies of those evil jews. Well, National Socialism didn't die, the truth broke trough there major lies Six Million of the Jewish race Evidence, there's not a trace. Impossibilitys of zyclon-B, They tried to fool, you and me. So let's make Europe Jewish free, we all want a white society. This society is rotten to the core, so stand for us in this forecoming war. With honor and loyalty we'll surly win, we've broke the traditions of our kip and kin. Six Million of the jewish race Evidence, there's not a trace. Impossibilitys of Zyclon-B, They tried to fool, you and me. ZYCLON-B! It couldn't be. Race War -------- Last Night i had a dream, a vision of whats to come. I saw it all, father England, when the racewar had begun I saw it all, burning citys, and the revenants of towns. The Face of Humiliation, confusion all around. So what has happened here to England, to the country that i love, The place is full of people, the streets are full of love. What is in the future, what now do we face Destruction of our country, extinction of our race But like a day after daybreak, i saw a glimmer of hope. White Men, congregated, the revenge of our folk. Guns were circulated and bombs were being deployed. Heroes were emerging, all resistance being destroyed. So what has happened here to England, to the country that i love, The place is full of people, the streets are full of love. What is in the future, what now do we face Destruction of our country, extinction of our race. I found myself awakening, to the sound of a distant fight. Another gang of Nigers, rampaging through the night. I think back to that image of a free and pleasent land. Will we ever see victory, will the white man ever stand? So what has happened here to England, to the country that i love, The place is full of people, the streets are full of love. What is in the future, what now do we face Destruction of our country, extinction of our race. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?? ViSioN-X HaCK TriCK ??????????? ? Written By: Sneaky Pete ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Well, We're not sure just HOW useful this information will be to all of those who wish to hack Vision-X, But here is some private email dated July 1, 1994 from Ryec (V-X Author) to Aftermath (V-X Alpha). What the hell - If it doesnt work anymore its still pretty funny.... ---- CUT HERE -------- CUT HERE ---- CUT HERE ---- CUT HERE ---- CUT HERE ---- Mike, sorry i couldn't get a hold of you earlier, but it's important you get this message. As a result of a slight oversight, it is possible for anybody to type in the /<sysop name> followed by an exclamation mark and it will fucking nuke the hard drive. I don't know how I did this, I must of been stone drunk when i programmed it in. And the worst part is that it only works on TRULY registered sysops. If this gets out, we'll be in deep fucking shit. We're gonna have to find someway to release an upgrade version for the 0.99C. I tried to stop it once I found out, but it's too late now.. too many people have it already! Don't let the beta sites even know about it. Holy fuck did I ever mess up. Jesus Christ.. anyways, call me as soon as possible! Later man. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?? Conclusion ???????????????????? ? Written By: Locust Abortion Technician ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Well hey kids, thats all for this phine iss-y00 of VaS. It came out a bit later than I had hoped, but its loaded with all sortsa krad shit so enjoy. If anyone is interested in writing, we can be contacted at the new VaS HQ. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ???????????????? ]<-RaD Places To Find ALL The VaS Issues ????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? /<-RaD ]<0dE KiDZ WHeReZ WoRLD HQ (313)348-0421 14.4kbps ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? If you're interested in being a distribution site, contact KKK BBS. ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????