💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › messages › BACKWATER › bw860217.txt captured on 2022-06-12 at 15:56:42.
1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ************************* INSTALLED: 17 FEB 86 ********************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 **************************************************************** 19 20 Need Apple II Plus computers for use in Oregon videotext exhibit at 21 Expo '86. 22 Your Apple II Plus could be the one to teach thousands of people from 23 around the world interesting facts about Oregon. 24 If interested, immediately contact InfoVision, Jim Long, at 647-xxxx. 25 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\THE DESTROYER\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\43 26 It was early. Kerilli sat down at her desk, which was literally buried under paperwork. As official secretary for 27 the Circle, she was stuck with coordinating the orders, decrees, and ego indulgences of the twelve, now eleven, 28 members of the council. One black-bordered note, attached to the wall above her desk, caught her eye again. It was the 29 death notice of Tariya dal-Silmarilyn, now fourteen days old. She looked at it for a long moment and shook her 30 head. 31 Such a waste. She had known Tariya for several years. They had both been last daughters, useless in the Kadan 32 hierarchy. Understanding of this special problem had forged a special bond between them, almost like kinship. To die 33 so young, ground up in this infernal war machine that their rulers had set in motion, seemed something beyond tragic. 34 Many, many young people were growing dissatisfied, demanding (such as they could) that the war be stopped. Internal 35 pressures were growing as well. If Shai-Khan didn't fall soon, the entire planet might be torn apart by a civil war. 36 And there was a further danger: 37 The Destroyer. 38 (Marax Jennis xennon-Sevis, ruler of the province of Xenis, awoke in her temporary quarters at Council Hall. Not 39 bothering with a light, she put on a robe and began to make her way across the room. She really should have turned on 40 a light. Then she might have seen the five-foot hole in the center of her chambers. Instead, she found it the hard 41 way. Similar holes had been bored in the rooms directly below, al the way to the lowest sub-basement. She fell 42 seventy-four feet to her death, screaming all the way.) 43 Kerilli paged through the reports. James Forster Mandell had last been reported in the city of Xetos, some two 44 hundred miles away. That had been three days ago. No intelligence reports have since come from the city of Xetos. 45 He was coming. 46 Tariya's death had been recorded by spy satellites within minutes but the identity of her companion had only been 47 discovered a week ago. Obviously she had been working with her mother to bring him to Kadan. They had been on their 48 way to Shaikhur, where he might or might not have done Marannon's bidding. But the fighter attack which had killed 49 Tariya had done her work for her. 50 Had they been lovers? Kerilli thought it was entirely possible. And from what they knew of the Destroyer, nothing 51 would keep him from his revenge. The Circle was in danger. 52 (The security honor guard found the eviscerated body of Josis Steriz kallak-Berintal, ruler of the province of 53 Harad-Jchal, in his quarters. They stared a long moment at the corpse, which had been mutilated with the precision of 54 a surgeon and the savagery of a wild animal. Blood dripped from the ceiling. Four of the guards ran to spread the 55 alarm. The rest were too busy being violently ill.) 56 He had to be stopped. He was ill, that much was known. The death that had always dogged his heels would soon come 57 for him. But would it come soon enough? The council consisted of the most learned and powerful mages on Kadan. Surely 58 they could stop him. If not with power, then maybe with words. He had to be made to understand that the council was 59 Kadan's only hope of survival as a civilized planet. Despite what she obviouslu thought, Marannon couldn't rule the 60 planet alone. Anarchy would soon follow despite her best efforts. Had she not let her ego get the best of her, she 61 would see that. 62 Kerilli's thoughts were interrupted by the intercom. She felt her heart go cold as she listened to the account of 63 the deaths of Marax and Josis. She was to report to the main hall immediately. 64 Before leaving she opened a bottom drawer and removed a small but powerful sidearm she kept there. Grimly she 65 strapped on the concealed leg-holster. Where power failed surprise might work. The moment they had all dreaded for so 66 long had arrived. 67 He was here. 68 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\THE DESTROYER\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 69 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 70 Only six more to go (groan) 71 When he finally finishes this mess I suggest we all throw a party to celebrate, 72 everybody else feel about this? 73 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxfreddyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 74 Yes a small celebration. T. Dodge. 75 76 help 77 exit 78 ______________________________JD 2446479.3485______________________________ 79 ______________________________JD unknown___________________________________ 80 YES, I LIKE THE IDEA OF A PARTY. THER IS 81 GREAT CUASE TO CELEBRATE WHEN THIS STORY 82 FINALLY HITS ITS END. WE COULD THROW A 83 WAKE, BUT A WAKE IS USUALLY FOR THE DEAT 84 H OF A FRIEND, SO I GUESS WE CAN'T THROW 85 A WAKE. HOW ABOUT A PIZZA PARTY LIKE THE 86 Y HAD ON NONAME? WE CAN CALL IT THE END 87 OF THE DESTROYER PARTY. SOUND GOOD? 88 FREDDY? T. DODGE? OTHERS? THINK THE BIG 89 DESTROYER MIGHT COME HIMSELF? HE IS THE 90 GUESS OF HONOR ANYWAY. 91 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 92 FRED IS NOT DEAD TOO 93 [=*=] 94 95 96 Yes, a party to celebrate the longest-running coherent stories I've seen on 97 this illustrious board. (ch /stories/story/). Also one of the best written. 98 I'll miss it when it's done, as I will be left with just the one-shot entries 99 and the pointless twitterings of the mindless children. (there are exceptions 100 of course, as when piper deigns to bless us with more than his marker). 101 So raze onward, Destroyer, you have MY applause. 102 +Dante- 103 104 I'll tell you, Destroyer. I have only one critique with your stories. 105 I easily get confused with names like Josis Steriz, Kallak-Berintal, 106 Harad-Jchal, Kadan, Marannon, Kerelli, Marax, etc... 107 How am I supposed to keep them all straight?! 108 109 ==========HAVING AN I.Q. HIGHER THAN THAT OF AN EGGPLANT MIGHT HELP============ 110 *************************************************************************** 111 *NOTE ABOVE: cutsie one liner. * 112 *************************************************************************** 113 Piper: I love you, and wish you much content in your next life. Peg and 114 you will be together again. I pray that no-one interfere's with your journey. 115 To others: This is not a hatefull message, why should he suffer more? 116 ***********pleadingforafriend***********kathyD********************************** 117 p.s. Frankenstupe: Ok, you can get up off your knees now, you look quite 118 silly down there. I'm going to have to drift over to B.P. sometime just 119 for a "looksie" (keep on trucking) 120 ***************************************kD*********************************** 121 10-4 GOOD BUDDY 122 123 Bill Celestial is accepting new users again for a short time. 1200 baud ill call 124 you and leave you e-mail. the number is 233-xxxx, and keep trying its busy alot. 125 Ken 126 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 127 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 128 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 129 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 130 help ! im caught in the ozone! 131 132 ################################################################################ 133 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 134 _______________________________________________________________________________ 135 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() 136 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 137 on top at last?????? 138 HI!THIS IS JUNIOR.I AM NEW AT THIS BOARD AND I REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND IT. 139 IF YOU COULD TELL ME A LITTLE ABOUT IT,SOMEONE,I WOULD APPRECIATE IT. 140 ADDRESS A MESSAGE TO JUNIOR AND AN EXPLANATION OF WHAT'S GOING ON HERE. 141 THANKS ALOT!!!!! 142 END 143 144 145 146 junior: jus' keep readin' and dig on wha' th' whi' dude done shukin' n' jivin' 147 belli' flakin' sho nuff boss chow an' like, i mean can you dig it bro? some 148 sassy dude shit be here, man, an' when ya gits in wi' the scene, like it be 149 farm out, can ya dig it baby? later, bro. the black ego. 150 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/ 151 can ya just imagine....a rainbow colored mohawk, really..... 152 feb. 17, 1986..............11:45............morrissey 153 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 154 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[[[[[ 155 CRAZY EDDIE ]]]]]]]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[[[[[ 156 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 157 Question, what do I need to set 158 differently on this board that I have 159 not been doing so far? I seem to work 160 at 1200 baud with everyone else in 161 town but here??? Equipment is C64 162 with 1670 modem (Hayes compatible). 163 It obviously works with other C-64 164 systems, but I also have no problems 165 with Bit Bucket, GEnie, and Dow Jones 166 News. With the large amount of text 167 here I would like to log on at 1200 168 and capture it for later reading. 169 Any info on setting parms for 170 Backwater @ 1200 would be appreciated. 171 Message for Crazy Eddie can be left 172 on T-Comm 636-xxxx or home 682-xxxx. 173 Thanks......... 174 C.E. 2/18/86 175 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 176 C.E.: Backwater is 300 baud only. Enjoy 177 a slightly slower pace for a change. 178 The guy from the Inferno. 179 180 5252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525 181 WELL, I'LL BE SAD WHEN THE DESTROYERS STORY 182 ENDS, I HAVE GOTTEN TO LOOK FORWARD TO THE NEW ENTRIES. ALSO, I'M LOOKING 183 FORWARD TO THE NEXT ENTRY ABOUT PIPER. I HOPE TO SEE MORE PUNS TOO, THE GIZZARD 184 WAS SPECTACULAR. ANYWAY, HERE WITH A COMMENT ----- 185 HOW MUCH IS A LIFE WORTH? WELL, FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO KEEP TRACK OF SUCH 186 THINGS, THE CURRENT VALUE OF A LIFE, ACCORDING TO THE JOHNSON & JOHNSON COMPANY 187 , IS UPWARDS OF 150 MILLION DOLLARS. THAT IS THE COST OF ENDING THE SALE OF 188 TYLENOL IN CAPSULE FORM, ACCORDING TO THE COMPANY DURING A NEWS CONFERENCE 189 TODAY. THEY JUST HAPPENED TO MENTION THE COST OF CONVERSION, AFTER ANNOUNCING 190 THEY WOULD END THE SALE OF ALL CAPSULE MEDICATION. THEY THEN FURTHER STATED 191 THIS COST, ALTHOUGH IT WOULD BE BOURNE TOTALLY BY THEM, WAS MUCH LESS THAN THE 192 COST OF THE PAIN AND SUFFERING BY THE VICTIMS FAMILY. HOWEVER, BEFORE YOU THINK 193 THAT THEY ARE WONDERFUL MARTYRS, REMEMBER THAT OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATION, IN 194 CAPSULE FORM, IS TAKING A TERRIBLE SALES DIVE DUE TO THE POISONING IN NEW YORK. 195 ALSO, I CAN GUARENTEE THAT THE COMPANY WILL CONVENIENTLY FORGET THIS FIGURE THE 196 NEXT TIME THEY ARE SUED. 197 THE PROPER AND POLITE THING FOR J & J TO DO WOULD HAVE BEEN TO STATE THAT 198 THEY WERE DISCONTINUING OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATION IN CAPSULE FORM, AND LEAVE 199 THE COST OF CONVERSION TO SPECULATION. ALAS, IN SOCIETY TODAY, TOO MANY PEOPLE 200 AND COMPANIES ARE PLAYING THE MARYTER, AND ADVERTIZING THE FACT HEAVILY. LETS 201 ALL GET OUT OUR VIOLINS NOW, AND PLAY FOR J & J. 202 52525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525200000000001TED52525252525252525 203 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 204 #$#$#$#$#%$%$%$%$%$%%^%^%^%^%^%&^&^&^&^&^&&*&*&*&*&*&**(*(*(*(*(*)()()()()( 205 DESTROYER: I AM ENJOYING YOUR STORY ALSO. PLEASE CONTINUE AND END IT IN 206 STYLE. 207 #$#$#$#$#$#$%$%$%$%$%$%^%^%^%^%^%^^&^&^&^& TANK &*&*&*&*&**(*(*(*(()()()() 208 :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( 209 You guys have got to be kidding. I have followed the destroyers 210 story from the beginning and I feel it is not very praiseworthy 211 at all. The characters are very weak. James is almost 212 interesting, Tariya is just cardboard. Any other characters are 213 just thrown in to keep the thing going. The plot is very 214 uneven, sometimes moving too slow to keep interest, sometimes 215 moving too fast for comprehension. Not to mention the plot 216 jumps around haphazardly, with no rhyme or reason that anyone 217 can discern. And when the heat is on for the destroyer to end 218 his story before everyone falls asleep, he disapears for a 219 couple of weeks and then returns with some major plot surprises 220 apparently just to keep interest. A couple of these major plot 221 revelations would have been much more appropriate earlier in 222 the story. Granted, he has been much better since apparently 223 revising he story, but the whole thing could have been told in 224 about one-third of the space it has used. I won't begrudge him 225 the chance to end his story, apparently some find it 226 entertaining. But I sincerely hope that when it's over he will 227 reconsider before dropping another tale like this one on us. 228 Technically he is a good writer, but no way does he have the 229 experiance or the talent to manage an undertaking of this size. 230 Hate to tell you this, guy, but you're not the hot s**t 231 everyone makes you out to be. 232 But then, that's just my opinion. 233 :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(freddy:(:(:(:(:(:(:( 234 ^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^ 235 NEOHAMA 236 ^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^ 237 (SORRY BOUT THE UPPER CASE) 238 239 WHAT WOULD STORIES BE LIKE WITH UNHAPPY ENDINGS? WHAT IF THE VILLIANS ALWAYS 240 WON? 241 HE MAN IS CAPTURED. G.I. JOE IS BLOWN UP. WHEELE OF FORTUNE GETS CANCELED. 242 SCOOBY DOO IS JAILED. BEATRICE T 243 244 AKES OVER THE WORLD. TERRORISTS CAPTURE THE WHITE HOUSE. THE PENTAGON IS NUKED. 245 GOVERNMENT IS THROWN OUT OF OFFICE. THE SAN ANDREAS FAULT RUINS CALIFORNIA. 246 AIRWOLF BLOWS A FUSE AND LOOSES ITS CIRCUITES. JAMES BOND IS RUN OFF THE ROAD IN 247 TO A TAR PIT. CAPTIAN CRUNCH IS WASHED UP. 248 DONT SOUND THAT BAD TO ME! 249 ^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^ 250 NEOHAMA 251 ^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^ 252 O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+ 253 You're kidding! 254 Even Gilligan, Skipper and the rest of the castaways got off the island. 255 Happy endings can be just as interesting. 256 Neohama: has your border changed? Looks different on this end. 257 Of course, I'm using a different terminal program now. Anyway, ho hum. 258 At least the icky icey snowy slushy weather is gone. Well, I'm off to 259 put the finishing touches on the most ridiculous programming assignment 260 this side of the Columbia. 261 2-18-86 12:03 pm 262 O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+ POPPING IN O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+ 263 264 kD: Thanks, things were getting a little sore, and being absent-minded, 265 of course I had forgotten my knee pads. You're always welcome at the 266 Parrot, although I suspect you may already be there. If not, be patient, 267 there's not much to see the first time around.... but it gets better. 268 (I think) 269 Dr. Frankenstupe 270 +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_ 271 It does get better. Blue Parrot is an excellent writer's board and the 272 system operator does a great deal of work to keep things running smoothly. 273 It is a fine addition to the bulliten boards of Portland and it complements 274 Backwater in a delightful way. People who wish to write stories as opposed 275 to messages have two great places to go: Backwater AND Blue Parrot. Dr. F, 276 and Mikey, you both have good reason to be proud of your accomplishments. 277 Signed, 278 An old timer on both boards, bulletin rather than bulliten. 279 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 280 COUSINE RATHER THAN CUISIN 281 DESERT RATHER THAN DESSERT 282 POISON RATHER THAN POISSON 283 /EX 284 _>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_> 285 NEOHAMA (again) 286 _>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_> 287 I was using micromodem and an Apple 2E which drove me crazy. Thank god 288 I'm back here with this commy and 289 the Punter which I'm used to... My border changed because I couldn't find 290 then back arrow on the Apple. 291 (Make that "the back arrow") 292 _>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_> 293 #$#$#$%$%$%$%^&^&^&^&*&*&*&*&**(*(*(*()()()()__)_))_)_)_()(()*(*&*(&*&*&^ 294 COULD SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME THE NUMBER TO THE BLUE PARROT. I WOULD LIKE 295 TO LOOK IN ON THE STORIES THAT ARE THERE. TANKS.. 296 @#@#@##$#$#$#$%$%$%$^%^%^%^%^&^&^&^& TANK $%^%%^%^%&^&^&^&^&&*&*&*&*((** 297 !##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##! 298 THE BLUE PARROT -- A spot that has been made available for a writer 299 of any degree to practice their knack with words, get a bit of feed- 300 back (which is essential), and hopefully get things polished up. 301 At present The Blue Parrot is restricted to a pleasant 300 baud with 302 the possibility of future upgrading(!). Go ahead, give it a try... 303 The Blue Parrot -- 253-xxxx 304 Nom De Sant 305 !##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##!##! 306 307 Hot water, I wonder? !NDS! 308 309 Neohama: You might be interested to know that the "back arrow" character on 310 your C-64 is an ASCII "underline" character. Since Commodore is the only 311 (oops) Since Commodore & Atari are the only companies not using ASCII, your 312 borders aren't seen the way you expect them to be! (The new Atari 520ST 313 uses ASCII, the only other non-ASCII system I can think of that might still 314 be in use are the TRS-80 Model I's that may still be limping along...) 315 This is *not* an attack on you or your machine. I just thought you might like 316 to know... 317 ______________________Leonard_JD 2446480.5642______________________________ 318 52525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525225252525252525252 319 AY MEN! IF YOU HEARD SOME OF THE THINGS I HAVE TRIED TO GET MY COMMODORE TO 320 TALK ASCII, YOU WOULD SHIVER. ACTUALLY, IT IS MISLEADING TO SAY IT IS A NON-ASCII MACHINE, SINCE ALL COMPUTERS 321 THAT I KNOW TALK BINARY! RATHER, IT WOULD BE MORE ACCURATE TO SAY THAT COMMODORE WAS TOO LAZY TO WRITE THE 322 NECESSARY CONVERSION ROUTINES INTO THEIR RS232 DRIVERS. THEY THEN PROCEEDED TO WRITE THOSE SAME DRIVERS WITH A 323 GIGANTIC BUG, NAMELY THEY WILL NOT HANDSHAKE LIKE THE MANUAL CLAIMS THEY WILL. AS FROSTING ON THE CAKE, THE 324 ROUTINES ARE ALL IN UNALTERABLE ROM, WITHOUT THE KINDNESS OF SOME RAM JUMPS TO ALLOW A PROGRAMMER TO WRITE IN 325 THE PROPER ROUTINES. NO, THERE IS NOTHING ANYONE COULD SAY BAD ABOUT THE RS232 ROUTINES, THAT WOULD BE AS BAD AS 326 THEY ACTUALLY ARE. SHAME SHAME SHAME COMMODORE! 327 52525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252000000001TED52525252525252525 328 ---------------------- 329 Backspace on a APPLE is either ^H or your delete key depending on your terminal 330 program. Or maybe is it that you have difficulty reading like Leonard who 331 thought you were talking about a C-64. Please excuse the phrase but DUH! and 332 PULL YOUR HEAD OUT! 333 ---------------------- 334 VIP EMAIL READY 335 RESS CTRL R TO OPEN WORKSPACE 336 YPE MESSAGE 337 HEN PRESS CTRL T TO SAVE IT. 338 Freddy - your comments anent DESTROYER and his work might have validity if this 339 were a publishing house, or even a college writing course, but since this is 340 just a Least-Common-Denominator bulletin board, they are irrelevant. Compared 341 to *most* of the other writing here, his work is first-rate. Would you rather 342 read the four lines preceeding this entry, or code, or ten consecutive lines 343 of borders? Would you rather read an entry ALL IN UPPER CASE, RAMPNANT WITH 344 MISPELINGS AND SCREWY GRAMMER AND FONY JIVE? If so, I'm wasting my time. 345 Perhaps you would care to offer some work of your own for judgement? To show 346 us how it *should* be done? I thought not. 347 +Dante- 348 349 HOORAY FOR DANTE!!! 350 DOTTIDOTTIDOTTIDOTTIDOTTIDOTTIDOTTIDO// 351 EAXIT 352 353 354 REPLACE 355 356 TOP 357 EXIT 358 LIST 359 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\MY atari can speak ascii...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\fluently\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 360 ++++++Milchar+++++++++++++++18 Feb 86 @ 10:58pm++++++++++++++++++++++[mark]+ 361 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.LurkusEmus 362 ????????????????morrissey????????????????????????2/18/86/...12:30 am??????? 363 COMMODORE IS NOT A NON ASCII MACHINE. COMMODORE IS A NON MACHINE. FREDDIE- 364 IF YOU THINK YOU CAN WRITE BETTER THAN DESTROYER THEN WHY DON'T YOU TRY. 365 IF YOU CAN'T THEN WHY DON'T YOU CONSIDER THAT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CRITICIZE 366 OTHERS? 367 HI MORRISSEY 368 02/19/86.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.007 369 370 Above all cares, she was flying free in the wind. The tree-tops 371 were far below, the green fusing into a lush carpet, interrupted here 372 and there by fields yellow in fallow or a freshly tilled brown. The air 373 was fresh and the breeze was warm. She felt herself an eagle, 374 majestically riding the currents, master of all below, fearless of all 375 above. She could feel power flowing from wingtip to wingtip, filling 376 her being and electrifying each feather. The warmth of the air and the 377 feeling of power was intoxicating. Such a smooth, sure feeling! It was 378 as if she could shape the world around her with a simple thought. Even 379 as she pondered this idea, the world changed. "Over there, a rainbow!" 380 and a band of colors spread across the east. "Clouds, move north!" and 381 the billows of steam and moisture took up their new positions over the 382 forests. "Let the clouds rain!" and they did. At her direction, the 383 thunder roared, crashing at the twitch of a feather. Lightning 384 flickered and flashed, and the winds began to rage with the storm. She 385 was buffeted in the wind, her wind, now left, now right, becoming 386 over-powering in their ferocity. She was soon unable to control the 387 elements any longer. The power she had held inside now surged outward, 388 the release becoming explosive, the sound deafening. Her feathered body 389 went into a stall, began falling; a long, slow, agonizing fall. Time 390 seemed to stretch forever, and she saw the trees coming nearer... 391 nearer! She couldn't pull out! She was going to crash into the trees! 392 "Help! Help me, please! Somebody..." 393 394 Miranda awoke with a start. The awful dream was over. A 395 dream... a bad dream. What was it? "I dreamed I was... I was..." As 396 productions of the subconsious, dreams can disappear quickly once the 397 dreamer wakes. The hag had gone to wake Miranda for breakfast and saw 398 the girl trembling and tossing. Knowing dreams to be of upmost 399 importance, the hag watch Miranda dream, not interrupting. As soon as 400 it was over, the hag demanded to know what she had dreamed. The 401 questions came so quickly they confused Miranda, and the remaining 402 memories were gone, leaving only the feeling of anxiety. 403 "I was.. a bird!" Miranda remembered triumphantly over her 404 muffin breakfast. After relaxing and washing her face, a simple muffin 405 was given her, and the gypsies moved on. She sat on the back of the 406 wagon again, this time of her own choice. Pondering the muffin, the 407 dream slowly came back to her, and she explained it to the hag. 408 "Have you had this dream before?" 409 "No." 410 "Do you think you know what it means?" 411 "Could it be important?" 412 "Don't you know anything about dreams girl?" the hag hissed. 413 Miranda shook her head. "Dreams," continued the hag, "are our channel 414 to the spirits! Through the spirits we can learn of things happening 415 elsewhere, things to happen, and mostly of other people. They can tell 416 us what we must do with our craft." 417 Surely we don't need others to tell us what to do! thought 418 Miranda. She thought of Ariel and the other spirits that her father had 419 kept captive. They never told Prospero what to do. But wait... they 420 had been the eyes and ears of the island. And without Ariel's 421 assistance, they would still be on the island. 422 "I see you begin to understand." 423 "But how can we talk to the spirits in our dreams? How do you 424 make something happen? Dreams just come of their own..." 425 "Dreams can be tamed! You must learn how. Practice. In your 426 next dreams, try to look at something in particular. Start small. Try 427 to look at your hands. Force yourself to look at your hands in your 428 dream." The hag now remained quiet, until long after lunch. 429 430 "What's your name?" 431 The sudden break of silence startled Miranda. The question was 432 repeated. "Miranda" she said quietly. Unconsciously she reached up and 433 started fondling her necklace. Her family ring hung outside of her 434 tunic now, and the hag recognized the insignia: a pheonix over a coronet. 435 "Prospero!" 436 Miranda looked up. 437 "You are the daughter of Milan?" Miranda nodded, knowing the 438 significance of the title. "Why are you here? What do you seek?" 439 Miranda told the hag of the her father's library, and of the 440 three books of transformation. 441 "I know of the books. They are very rare. Much have I longed 442 to hold them, to know their contents. How did Prospero get the books?" 443 When Miranda told the hag of the inscription from Ii Orpyak, the 444 hag breathed in sharply. "The old devil! But aren't there four books?" 445 Immediately the hag realized Miranda's quest. 446 "To find the fourth book will be treacherous. You need to learn 447 to protect yourself and to know when to be silent. As I said before, I 448 shall teach you. I am too old to undertake such a quest, but you are 449 young. You might just have the strength. 450 "Lesson number one," the hag continued, "never tell a stranger 451 your purposes. Lesson number two: I am Anysca, sorceress, niece to the 452 great Ii Orpyak." 453 454 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 455 456 - To Prometheus: Enquested 457 - What do you say you and I get going with our tasks here? 458 - You know what I mean. The purpose is to finish off all our 459 - unfinished stories. Sounds ambitious, huh? Might make for 460 - a few days of intense pencil scratchings and key pokings if 461 - you ask me. What do you know, the two of us might even take 462 - up an entire disk to ourselves... 463 - By the way, I think you'll have to go through L'homme for 464 - the material you're interested in, the other is too busy at 465 - the moment; don't want to disrupt the way of things yet. 466 - a glancer Michael Gray 467 468 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 469 ************************************* 470 To: unsigned critic of my comments... 471 *You* need to pay more attention. I was talking about Neohama's *normal* 472 border, which he enters from a Commodore. I also very clearly said 473 "back-arrow", not "backspace. As you apparently do not know, there are 474 a number of machines that have arrow characters in their character sets. 475 The "back-arrow" is a arrow pointing to the left. On a Commodore it is 476 CHR$(95), on a TRS-80 Model I it is CHR$(93), on Tandy 100 & 200 it is 477 CHR$(155), on the IBM PC it is.... 478 I might also add that in the *original* definition of the ASCII set 94 479 was an up-arrow (not a caret) & 95 was a back-arrow (as opposed to the 480 current underline) 481 Ok? I'd be a lot more polite if you had bothered to 482 *SIGN* your entry. I see no need to waste politeness on anonymous 483 snipers. 484 ______________________Leonard_JD 2446481.5975_____________________________ 485 Milchar's sudden appearance only startled Bard for a minute. As soon 486 as he saw him begin a healing spell he started to relax. Piper might just 487 make it. 488 About then the flames on Milchar's robe registered. Bard grabbed the 489 extinguisher.... 490 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 491 `,`,`,`, 492 Just wondering, where did Pam run off to? Will we ever see her stories again? 493 `,`,`,`, Mark. 494 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 495 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 496 hi 007, hi destroyer, "hi" mark....sayronara.....morrissey 497 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 498 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 499 To Prometheus- See, I did call. Karl 500 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 501 -+- -+- Mark, good question. I wish I could tell you. -JUGGLER- -+- 502 ppppppppppppppppphooey! phighting the phlu!! ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 503 fope fu fet fetter foon fiper. 504 PsIpSiPsIpSiPsIpSiPsIpSiPsIpSiPsIpSiPsIpSiPsIpSiPsIpSiPsIpSiPsIpIpSiPsIpSi 505 Bard was taking care of the flames along the fringes of Milchar's robe, 506 when he another area on the floor about three feet behind Milchar begin to 507 glow in a color similar to the flames. Without thinking, Bard turned the 508 attention of the extinguisher on the spot. When the propellent hit the 509 glowing area, it exploded in a shower of light. The retardent material 510 seemed to mix with the glow, instead of extinguish it, and the resultant 511 reaction made Bard cover his eyes with his left hand while his right hand 512 kept the nozzle pointed firmly at the now growing area on the floor. Through 513 all this commotion, Milchar's attention was not disturbed. He was in deep 514 concentration with his healing spells. 515 Suddenly a voice emerged from within the ball of light. At first Bard 516 didn't recognize it, but as his memory locked on to the distinctive 517 pronunciation of a man he knew well, he shut off the extinguisher, moved 518 back a step, crossed his arms, and smiled. 519 "Shut it off I say! I'm not on fire, nor is your ship on fire!" 520 Finally the person behind the voice emerged, and Cragmore stepped from 521 the cloud of light, which went away as quickly as it came, leaving only a 522 small wet stain on the floor. 523 "Haven't you ever seen a psi-gate before? You've covered me with fire 524 retardent. What a mess!" 525 Bard could only chuckle. "Sorry Cragmore. I was taking care of a small 526 robe fire here on Milchar..." 527 "Milchar? Oh, the man healing...healing, Piper! I thought I felt him as 528 I entered the ship. I felt something else, associated with Piper. He's in 529 trouble. And Milchar is trying to help him, right?" 530 "Correct, as usual. You big heads always seem to know what's going on." 531 "Yes, and I know something else. At least I have a feeling. You see, I 532 followed Milchar here through the psi, he leaves a strong trail you know, but 533 I feel strong emenations from Piper, now that I am here. Bard, we have to 534 stop Milchar. We have to get him out of his trance." 535 "You mental-guys are also crazy. If Milchar stops now, Piper might die. 536 You can see that, can't you?" 537 "Yes Bard, I can see. That is the whole point. I CAN see. Piper... I don't 538 quite know how to say this. I told you I felt something strange about Piper 539 as I came in. He is in trouble, dying. But... this is difficult Bard... It 540 could be a mistake, a false image of something..." 541 "What are you trying to say? I have never seen you so tongue-tied!" 542 "I think, I feel, that Piper wants to die." 543 PsIpSiPsIpSiPsIpSiPsIpSiPsIpSiPsIpSiPsIpSiPsI CRAGMORE PsIpSiPsIpSiPsIpSiPsI 544 545 **************sighofrelief**************************************kD************ 546 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 547 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 548 This is another Destroyer boarder. As most of you have probably guessed, I call in to this system at least 5 times a 549 day to see what people are saying about my story, and to generally check in on things. I leave my /// boarder almost every 550 time I call, except when I want to make a snide remark, and then I either use another name, guess which ones, or I make 551 the entry without signing it at all. I just thought you might like a little clarification on what the continual ///'s 552 meant all the time. This clarification being done, I will now close the messege. Thank you for your time. 553 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 554 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////lier! Cheat! Swindler! Theif!////////////////////////////////////// 555 fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 556 i should have known that the destroyer had an atari. fluently? what a joke, 557 it only goes to figure. we are what we compute. 558 fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff freddy ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 559 560 did it ever occur to you *not* to take up 10 or 15 lines per disk with nothing 561 but ///// ? oh well, ... 562 ______________________________JD 2446482.5818______________________________ 563 5252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252 564 ACTUALLY, WE ARE WHAT WE DRIVE. I DRIVE A RESPECTABLE 302 V-8, NOT ONE OF THOSE 565 LITTLE 4 CYLINDER LAWNMOWER ENGINES. (OK, NOW I GOT EVERYONE TICKED AT ME) 566 ANYWAY, 567 --------------------------------- 568 TWO LOGIC GATES DEEP IN THE HEART OF THE MAINFRAME WERE TALKING TO EACH OTHER. 569 SAID THE ONE TO THE OTHER: 570 "THERE IS A GIGANTIC PROGRAM COMEING UP. I HEARD THAT LEROY, THAT WONDER 571 PROGRAMMER WROTE IT. YOU WANNA CRASH IT FOR A JOKE?" "OK, LETS DO IT. WE NEED 572 THE HELP OF THE KEY MASTER PROGRAM THOUGH. I HEARD THE LATEST CODE FOR IT IS 573 SNOW WHITE." "GOOD! LETS GO CALL IT UP!" 574 575 576 577 578 "HI LOW, HI LOW, IT'S OFF TO QUIRK WE GO!" 579 -------------------- 580 OH, BY THE WAY, MARK, PAM MAY BE GONE, BUT PEOPLE OFTEN REMAIN ON THIS BOARD 581 WHEN THEIR NAME HEADS WEST. 582 525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252520000001TED5252525252 583 Destroyer: 584 Full steam ahead and damn the torpedos. 585 586 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ 587 I drive an Atari... or should I say it drives me (crazy, that is)? 588 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#PPPPPHHHHHFFFFTTTT on Atari#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# 589 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 590 Neohama- Are you Eric by any chance? The Eric almost as tall as Nate. 591 Karl 592 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 593 db 594 $*)_*%@#)_%*@+#)%*@_)#*%_)@#*^_)#$%*&)+_^*)#+!*^_)@#%*&_%)*&_)!*&)!_+&*_{body}amp;* 595 Mikey: The possible CPeMulator customer is on hold. Not enough interest in 596 running their old cpm programs as I originally thought. Sorry. Also, I 597 mailed a request for more information to a company interested in putting 598 yet-another public domain library together. No word from them yet. I'll 599 let you know what I hear. What is the download count on your NEC V20 cpm 600 program? AW has been reset but the counts on the IBM board are all over 601 20 and the counts on the Tandy board are all under 10. <sigh> 602 {body}amp;*#@_%*@)_^*@)_#*^)_@*^@_)^* L'homme sans Parity *%#@*%_)@#*%*%@#_)*%*@#_*% 603 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 604 NEOHAMA 605 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 606 Karl: Yes I am Erik (5-6 mm shorter than Nate.) 607 ------------------------------- 608 Now about my border... I was using an Apple 2E when I couldn't find the 609 back arrow. This term is not displaying it because instead of a block for 610 a cursor it has a back arrow. 611 By the way, Commodores drive me crazy with the memory and crazy bit-map. 612 Dont worry about insulting them-it's pretty hard to do anyway. 613 Meanwhile, another emotion dump. 614 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 615 616 Lying Dorment. 617 Time has gone by, and I am no longer a little boy who enjoys playing with 618 his toys, or riding bikes with a friend. I used to get mad because Gilligans 619 Island was preempted by a football game. Now I get mad because my dad is 620 using the computer. I no longer play hide and seek with the other kids on 621 the block but scorn the new generation for acting as I once did. 622 I was 8 years old. I played with my hot-wheeles set and loved to set up 623 obsticles for the cars. I used to love Saturday morning cartoons. In 2 weeks 624 I grew 7 years, and missed half my life. Somewhere in those 2 weeks I mis- 625 placed myself and couldn't find where. I gave away the rest of me, here and 626 there, leaving evedence I existed. 627 I wear the mask that hides all. I hide my true feelings. Humor is great, 628 a good substitute for feeling good. You may never know if I hate you like 629 hell, or love you. Sometimes I dont know either. Could there be hope for me? TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 629