💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › messages › BACKWATER › bw841228.txt captured on 2022-06-12 at 15:50:57.
1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 *************************** INSTALLED: 28 DEC 84 ************************ 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************************* 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 My very first time to call the Backwater Message System and the 'A' disk is 21 empty. Can there be an omen in this? (After reading the help file I did make 22 my way to the 'B' disk. VERY interesting) -----Melissa---- 23 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 24 Melissa -- You have, by your own admission, a fantastic case of beginners 25 luck. At this point it is proper (as you are the first person to make an entry 26 on a blank disk -- lines 1-188 don't count) to performe some type of celebretory 27 action -- dance, sing, or otherwise celebrate the occasion. 28 My dear, YOU'RE ON TOP!! 29 In honor of this occasion, let's leave the piper and his friend hanging and 30 have a slight pause to honor our new contributor at the top. 31 32 Thank you, one and all. Now let's see where Peg and the piper got to. 33 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 34 The pegasus' coat was covered with lather and streaked with blood, some of 35 it hers, some the piper's, and most belonging to the winged carnivore. Several 36 more claw marks striped her heaving flanks with crimson slashes, and only 37 the bent knees of her rider kept him astride her back. Her wings half-extended, 38 she scanned the surroundings, but saw only a limp, black-striped tawny body 39 twisting in the vagrant air currents. The evidences of the recent battle were 40 all about, making the air most noisome and difficult to breathhe. 41 Slowly her rider raised himself on her back and spoke. 42 "Peg, we've got to get out of here. We need food, water, and most of all 43 a chance to rest and heal." 44 The pegasus tossed her head in agreement, adding to the coating of various 45 fluids on her rider's naked chest. As she did so, the pipes she had been 46 carrying rattled and bumped the piper's knee. 47 "My pipes!" the piper excamed. "Peg, I never noticed, I was so glad to see 48 you -- and then quite a bit too busy." 49 Reaching forward, the piper slid the cord over the pegasus' head and removed 50 his pipes from her neck. Checking them over and finding them intact, he 51 placed the pipes under his arm, let the drones hang free (lack of gravity 52 does pose a problem here), and grasped the chanter. A few lungfuls of air 53 inflated the leather bag, and with a few trial runs on the scales, the piper 54 began the piobreachd "The Desperate Battle." As he played the ground, or 55 theme of the tune, the gold and black of the surrounding celestial sphere 56 began to take on a shimmering, unreal hue, progressing as the tune progressed. 57 Somewhere in the twists and turns of possible realities, one can find nearly 58 any situation one might imagine. People go through lives of quiet desperation, 59 noisy exultation, and most other variations that can occur. Persons live, die 60 rot, or resurrect. They found religions, and logically disprove them, but a 61 near universal human trait is a love of comfort. Different cultures have 62 differing ideas of comfort, but many find proximity to a seaside soothing. 63 Add to this a warm sunshine, a very light breeze, and a near blood-temperature 64 warmth, and the sight of a young lady laying near a striped tent pitched on 65 the seashore takes on a near-mythic quality. Even the ranks of heavily-armed 66 guardsmen surrounding the area did little to dispell the feeling of languidity 67 that hung over the beachfront scene -- soft and lazy as a summer afternoon. 68 The young woman raised her head in puzzlement -- then shook her head. 69 Her guardsmen shifted nervously, a strange quality was in the air. A deep 70 straining in the fabric of reality seemed to manifest itself in a nearly 71 inaudible sound that was coming "closer" every second. It was unexpected, 72 but not surprising to the armed party that surrounded it, when the sound 73 became audible from withing the gold and black striped beach tent. It was 74 with no surprise that the young lady directed her guards to surround the tent, 75 and only a slight arch of her lovely eyebrows indicated her amazement as 76 the badly wounded and blood-stained pegasus, wings folded tightly to her body 77 stepped out of the beach tent. Another slight quirk of her lips betrayed 78 some knowlege of the rider, equally as damaged as his mount, naked to the waist, 79 covered by blood and claw marks, kilt hiked high up his thighs, clutching his 80 quaint instrument, still sporting a small cap with a feather at a jaunty angle. 81 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 82 83 Why do I visualize a Monty Python skit.. 84 And now.... "A Scottsman on a horse!" 85 ------------------------------------------ 86 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ 87 "Stop that--it's getting too silly!!" - The Colonel 88 89 Let's see if I have this straight...the NET is looking for Joshua near 90 the Dangerfield (?) Hotel, Farley (who isn't NET - an enemy?) was following 91 someone, but lost them and went home for Christmas, Petrov is an enemy of 92 the NET (where is he?), the Piper (the pipes have turned out to be bagpipes- 93 I didn't know that before) has warped onto a lady's beach for some R&R, and 94 the Inn has become unusually quiet. (Those disputing that last fact, please 95 remember that I joined the Inn when it was composed of fantasy travellers, 96 so the Bond-type stuff caught me off guard.) This is terribly confusing to 97 some poor character in search of a story who is trying to fit it all into 98 one coherent universe. I think I'll just give up on that and enjoy the stories 99 for what they are -- great stories. If the Cistop ever needs any extra money 100 (and he has the authors' permission) he could get rich publishing this stuff- 101 in the great tradition of the THEIVE'S WORLD anthologies. 102 103 THAT REMINDS ME------ 104 For those of you that don't know yet, the 6th THEIVES WORLD 105 book is out!! It's called WINGS OF OMEN, and our favorite 106 bad guys battle the invaders. Good stuff!!! 107 (Just repaying the guy that told me about Adams latest...) 108 109 Anyway,just keep on writing, and I hope to see a couple of you at the PorSFiS 110 meeting tomorrow!! Look for the long orange scarf... 111 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/Luingil/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ 112 113 Mikey: I don't suppose that it's practical to recover from the trashed sectors 114 on DB? If it is caused by "old, worn-out" disks, then let me know & I'll bring 115 you a few at the next PCS (not to be confused with PC&S!) social. 116 ________________________________Leonard_______________________________________ 117 I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT THE FIX CONCERT THAT HAPPENED NOT TO LONG AGO WAS A MASSIVE SUCCESS. I HOPE YOU APPRECIATE GOOD MUSIC 118 DIRECTOR 119 to all great message I got a kick out of it 120 signed, 121 THE BAD BARON! 122 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 123 Theus:I just crashed my own damn BBS system. Your password may take a day or two longer. God, I hate Xenix! 124 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/MiG/ ? ? > > ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 125 126 =-------------------------------------= 127 \ KNOCK-OUT DROPS / 128 =-------------------------------------= 129 130 Cloral Hydrate 131 (Knock-out Drops) 132 133 Chemicals: Equiptment: 134 Bleach Distilling Set (see below) 135 Sani-Flush Clorine Bottle 136 Ethyl Alcohol Glass Tubing 137 Sulfuric Acid Rubber Tubing 138 Calcium Oxide Aquarium Aerator 139 Basting Syringe 140 Cooking Thermometer 141 600 ml Beaker 142 Water Glass 143 144 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 145 146 ______ _______ 147 / \_/ \___ 148 _/ ||| \ Bucket of ice water 149 | | ||| _____\ _____ | 150 /--|_| / | \ | \ | ____________/ 151 / / o \ | \ | 152 Bleach |_____| |________\___| To outside 153 & \ _________ / 154 Saniflush | \__/ 155 600 ml | | 156 w/ aerator |__| __Collection 157 Glass 158 159 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 160 161 A piece of glass is fitted into the bottom of the stopper for the 162 flask. To that is placed an eight-inch length of rubber tubing and at 163 the end of this is the aerator. Two more pieces of glass is put in the 164 top of the stopper. 165 166 First, you will need pure alcohol so buy some 100 proof vodka and 167 distill it until you have about 12 oz. 168 169 Put the alcohol in the flask.Put about two inches of bleach and a 170 teaspoon of Sani-Flush in the chlorine bottle. This will generate the 171 clorine gas that you will need. Start the clorine through the alcohol 172 while the flask is still cold. Watch it carefully to see when the 173 alcohol stops absorbing the clorine. Then light a alcohol lamp and 174 place it under the 600 ml flask. Keep the flame low until the alcohol 175 stops absorbing again. Raise the flame and repeat. Continue this untill 176 the alcohol is boiling. Some of the alcohol will distill off into the 177 collection bottle. Several times during the process, pour this back 178 into the 600 ml beaker. 179 180 When the alcohol is totally chlorinated the flask is poured into a 181 porcelain dish and allowed to cool. If you have done this right the 182 cooled product should be a crystaline mass of unrefined Cloral Hydrate. 183 184 Now, pour strong sulfuric acid, three times the volume of the 185 Cloral Hydrate, into the pan. Place this pan on your stove over gentle 186 heat. When the cloral hydrate is melted, it and the sulfuric acid are 187 stirred throughly pour this into the flask and heat again. But this 188 time use the thermometer and don't let it get over 200 F. 189 190 As the mixture heats up, the still impure cloral hydrate will rise 191 to the surface. When it stops rising, use the basting syringe and draw 192 the top off of the sulfuric acid. Repeat this until the pan is empty. 193 194 Put the cloral hydrate (you drew it off in the last step) into the 195 beaker and heat at about 190 F. for 20 minutes. This will get rid of 196 any alcohol or acid still in it. Pour this back into the flask and add 197 an equal amount of sulfuric acid. Swirl this around to mix it. 198 199 Once again you must distill the mixture. But this time it is easy 200 since the cloral hydrate will boil at 210 F and the sulfuric acid boils 201 at 722 F. When finished pour out the acid, then wash and dry the flask. 202 Now, put the powered Calcium Oxide, equal in volume to the cloral 203 hydrate into the flask, add the cloral hydrate and distill again. Stop 204 as soon as the surface of the oxide is dry. 205 206 207 To use, add one part water to two parts { by volume } of the 208 finished product. The dose is 1/28th of an oz ( 1 gram ). The best way 209 to use this is to put it into a mixed drink, because it has a bitter 210 taste. In about 15 minutes, whoever you gave it to is out for the 211 night. 212 213 -Aleister Crowley- 214 I A O 215 216 De Sacrificio Summo 217 218 Deinde silentium frangat sacerdos cum verbis versiculi sancti dei 219 particularitur invocandi. 220 221 Ineat ad Sanctum Sanctorum. 222 223 Caveat; caveat; caveat. 224 225 Duo qui UNUS sine intermissione verba versiculi sancti alta voce 226 cantent. 227 228 What is this system anyway I found it in LINK UP MAG 229 maybe they are in error? 230 231 <<:*********************************************************:>> 232 233 We were not aware that the NET was such an arrogantly 234 elitist group. The McKane organization will no longer 235 be taking part in further NET adventures. We are a purely 236 democratic group and do not participate in puffery or 237 snobbery. 238 239 LeRoy McKane 240 McKane Enterprises 241 242 <<:*********************************************************:>> 243 Leroy - Picky, picky, picky. 244 To: person asking above about LINK UP, no, they were right, as 245 they said, it is a bit different then the rest. 246 247 248 ########################################################################### 249 The Innkeeper sat slumped on an old broken crate in back of the Inn. 250 A small pile of pebbles lay at his side. Heavy dark clouds lay close about 251 the Inn, but the Innkeeper was totally oblivious to the drizel being 252 omitted by them. The rain had turned the dirt floored court into a maze of 253 mud puddles and muck. Nearby, one of the puddles exploded with a plop as 254 the Innkeeper tossed a pebble into it. He watched the waves rush back and 255 forth within its narrowly defined borders, erasing and recreating its small 256 mud beaches. Slowly the waves subsided until once again it was quiet save 257 for the small ripples of the pattering rain... Once again the puddle 258 explodes as yet another pebble joins its brother in that wet embrace, and 259 again the puddles tiny world is shattered by this intruder. 260 The Innkeeper sometimes came here to get away from the noise of the 261 Inn and the pressing crowd. He could still hear the muffled echos of the 262 patrons shouts and gufaws. Instead of enjoying the revelry within, he was 263 saddened and morose, for one voice was missing in the din. His barmaid and 264 friend Pam was nowhere to be found. These disappearances had been getting 265 more frequent and longer as the year progressed, until now he felt himself 266 lucky to even hear of her presence second hand. And to have her even 267 notice him anymore, why... It was hard to even imagine that anymore. 268 Ah, Pam what has happened to diminish your interest in the Inn? Is it 269 me, are my demands too strong for you to deal with? Has the enchantment of 270 the Inn deteriorated so much? Once you had been so cheerful, hardly being 271 able to wait for the next work shift so that you could once more immerse 272 yourself in the joys of the Inn. But, now, the cheerfulness and vigor are 273 gone, and instead when you do appear, it is as if with a forced smile and a 274 false mask of joy. It is as if it were no longer a thing of love but 275 rather a duty one forces upon themself even though they would rather be 276 doing something else. 277 I know I can be quarrelious at times, and the Inn's patrons can be a 278 bit obnoxious, but surely this has not been enough to dim your joyous 279 spirit. Ach, it hurts to see a friend drift away, to loose interest in 280 enjoyments once shared. No longer laughing, no longer gleefully makeing 281 the rounds of the Inn, checking up on the well being of the furniture and 282 the patrons themselves. No longer do I see that joyous bounce in your step 283 as you move to clean a table left by an overly imbibed customer. Instead 284 it is replaced with a downcast mood of weariness, as if you would rather be 285 elsewhere, but forced yourself to the task after being unable to find even 286 a meager excuse to avoid your self imposed duty. 287 Dear friend, is there something I can do (or not do) to change this? 288 Hopefully to reverse it? But perhaps I ask too much. Your interests 289 have probably moved on to other and better things, and I certainly have no 290 right to ask you to revert to older ways. You certainly have much better 291 things to do then waste your time in this broken down hovel. It is only 292 that it hurts to see a friend drift away. 293 294 Change, the one thing that cannot be stopped. Sometimes it moves in 295 the direction you would like, and other times it doesn't... Having 296 rehersed his speech, the Innkeeper went over it again, seeing it was a bit 297 rough around the edges, but he knew it was the best he could do for now. 298 The only problem was when would he see Pam again to present it to her? He 299 never knew when she might appear again, or for that matter if she would at 300 all anymore. Heaving a sigh, the Innkeeper slumped against the rear wall 301 of the Inn and watched the rain attempting to turn the rear court of the 302 Inn to a muddy swamp. In the distance the mornful cry of a wolf could be 303 heard, echoing across the court its distaste for the sodden weather. 304 305 The Innkeeper threw the remaining stones into the puddle causing a 306 cascade of water to fly in all directions, leaving a puddle only half its 307 original size with a new island of rock in the middle. Getting up off of 308 the old crate, he slogged back in the rear door of the Inn not even 309 bothering to clean his shoes of the clinging clay. The rear door closed 310 quietly leaving the puddle in peace once more, and the dark clouds worked 311 earnestly to once more fill it to its old size. 312 ########################### The Innkeeper ################################# 313 314 ******************************************************************* 315 GAD! I've been trying to call in all day and only now just got 316 through. Maybe that's why Pam hasn't called? As it was, I only 317 got though because I was finaly able to put my modem on autodial 318 and had it camp on the line until it could get through. (It's 319 after 5PM) Off hand, I'd say the Inn is getting just a bit busy 320 ********************* CISTOP MIKEY ******************************** 321 P.S. Anybody want a simply marvelous christmas cold? I'll be most 322 happy to give it to anyone that wants it. <cough> <hack> <wheez> 323 ******************************************************************* 324 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>:>: 325 From Prometheus, and Zippy; Irked 326 Twits in general again, but this time it isn't only the modem for Christmas variety either. No! We have the dubious 327 distinction of being listed in what sounds to me to be a small twit magazine called Link Up. 328 Perhaps I am being to hard on them, maybe this Link Up is actually a nice magazine. Maybe the recipe for "Knock out" 329 drops was only for medicinal purposes, but I doubt it. 330 However, one particularly annoying bit of text (Quote unquote) was from a Slashman and or Slashman Junior. Need more 331 be said...? 332 333 These are my personal opinions, I have not asked Zippy who is sitting right here, what he thinks. But from the groans 334 and death threats, I assume he agrees. 335 336 Assorted messages follow... 337 Man in Gray; My, Iit a small problem here. When will she be up again, I know about the Contamination Shielding at the 338 Center, so when will it really be up for testing? I am clearing a place in my shelf for the advanced information doc's 339 from the Supplier. 340 341 Sondargaard; I see you followed through on the Lovelace Relation. Should I call you Dex, or Chuck? 342 343 kathy; PorSFiS is this Saturday, I hope you will attend for I have my nice set with me now. And I have a question to 344 ask about Kendall136... 345 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 346 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-;-+ 347 MiG, 348 THIS IS FROM THE NEW SERIAL pORT >>ITS WORKING .... SORT'AA 349 CDP 350 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 351 352 Mr. Mckane: Some members of the NET want it to be a closed corporation, 353 others want to open it to anything that crawls in off the street. I 354 Ppersonally, would prefer that people who want to be on OUR side at 355 would at least check to make sure that they aren't tromping all over 356 someone's carefully planned plot. 357 We have had too many instances of this sort of thing. Now, 358 mind you, I tend to rather EXPECT this from the opposition. But from 359 our FRIENDS? 360 This is why we are attempting to get some sort of handle on the 361 situation. I am *FAR* more tolerant of this sort of thing than my 362 colleagues. This is one of the items on the agenda for our meeting 363 tomorrow. 364 One final note, while we try to interfere with you as a matter 365 of course, (and vice-versa) WE do not try to dictate internal policy to 366 you. (and at least WE have better taste than to employ PETROV!) 367 Ian MacHinery 368 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 369 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# 370 Ian: Certainly doing your homework now, aren't you? Alas, as I have said, I must work tomorrow. Must help the boss 371 get the bills out. I don't frequent any BBS's other than dear BW anymore, but just tell me which one to use and I'll 372 oblige (CBBS/PCS, private?). 373 #$##$##$##$##$# 374 I made the dinner a quick one. My mother was very unhappy I had to go, but understood. I could barely contain myself 375 as I quickly strode out to Fred. 376 "Here it is, Fred. Work on it." I hoped I could get results, soon. 377 "Scanning pages... code read. Decipherment process begun. Who did you get this from, Farley?", Fred asked. 378 "I, er, ah, well...got it from Santa. Don't worry about the details. I'm beginning to think I'm going slowly nuts." 379 "First code: deciphered. The last entry tells that NET is planning to change their code, that there are too many 380 leaks. I have not deciphered subsequent blocks of code." 381 "What are the words, exactly?" 382 "They're not important. The rest of it just says 'This is my last entry in the old code.'" 383 "Well, any references to places in the rest of the text you've deciphered?" 384 "Yes... But I think I've made an error. Either that, or Joshua did. A group of letters here and there translate to 385 'PORSFIS'. Meaningless garbage." 386 "PORSFIS? Stop on the rest of the translation for a moment. Scan data files in the City of Portland offices for 387 PORSFIS. Maybe it's something local." 388 "Wait, you're right. Portland Science Fiction Society. PorSFiS. They're having a meeting on the 29th. Tomorrow." 389 "Let's get there. Where is it? I want to have the room they meet in bugged. We'll wait a few blocks away." 390 "The Multnomah County Library, Main Branch. 10th and Taylor. Conference room A." 391 "Hey, 10th and Taylor. The address Joshua was seen at?" 392 "Yes. We can stay at the Hilton, a few blocks from there." 393 "Let's go. This may get interesting, and we just MIGHT get a substantial clue for a change." 394 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$# Farley, coming in spirit #$##$##$##$##$# 12/28/84 - 10:45 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# 395 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 396 UNDERGROUND. 397 We've existed for nearly four years. Started out as another one of Reagan's crackpot ideas. 398 Fortunately, we were under better management. Me. 399 Our purpose: to keep the public ignorant, help in our small way to begin small wars, and to keep our national debt down. 400 All deporable tasks, but we enjoy them. Some may say we're doing impossible missions. No, just damn hard ones. 401 We're UNDERGROUND: UNion to Destroy Essential Records, Global Rationality, and Our Ubiquitous National Debt. 402 Destroying records is easy. Valuable, too. Of course, we copy them first. It's better to be well informed, 403 especially if you destroy everyone else's information. 404 We profit by selling arms to both sides of small skirmishes. Thus we put an end to Global Rationality. 405 Our third purpose is what ties us to the government still. If not for that, we would have never learned of our enemies, 406 the NET. 407 They asked for $200 millon from the government, and got it. That's contributing a lot to our National Debt. 408 Thus, secretly, we have gathered information on this group. Recently, one of their agents was presumed lost. Just a 409 few days ago, evidence turned up that suggests he still lives. If he does, within his mind is sufficient information 410 to destroy the NET so that the $200 mil can be used for better purposes. Us. 411 We want that information. Unlike the NET, we don't hesitate to use force. Most of our agents like it. Some even call 412 the killing a 'fringe benefit'. 413 Our agents have been sent to the Portland, OR. area in search of this missing NET agent. The ironic part is that they 414 posed as NET agents and some idiot believed them. They sent him out on a 'mission'. 415 Since then, the agents have been reprimanded and we have relocated. The site is now free of any evidence. We can only 416 hope that the NET does not gain possession of the false ID card given to the idiot sent out. 417 By mistake, an ID card containing vital UNDERGROUND internal information was given to this man. Since the punishment 418 dealt out to the two agents was death, no discription is available. The executors of the agents have also been 419 terminated. 420 All UNDERGROUND agents: You have now been briefed. Your goals are: find the NET agent, and find the man with the ID 421 card. Both are believed to still be in the Portland area. 422 Failures in this manner will lead to the customary penalty. 423 John K. O'Hara 424 Addenda: Tested models of the XD-40 will be issued as standard weaponry for this task, from the Government's labs. 425 The last of the FD-78 models has been sold just prior to intelligence learning of the NET. KF-01's will be issued in 426 their stead. 427 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 428 the enemies of net approach... 429 430 tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt 431 432 tilean wrapped his finger s around the glass, warmth fogged the sides from his wet hands. steam poured out from 433 inside the bathroom. the lights were on dim, a small warbling sound came from his desk. 434 435 walking slowly over to the phone, tilean reached into his robe pocket and pulled forth the ring. tilean answered 436 the phone. 437 "mthe mckinlay papers have been deciphered, sir. the text file is in your terminal waiting for you. and, about 438 the anderson papers,nearing completion. i think that's it." 439 "it should be, you're right... i do remember a doctor kyle lloyd... an induction problem ?" said tilean. 440 441 "i know a little about the situation, a doctor kyle lloyd, inducted into a low level security position. i think 442 he spooked..." the leiutenant seemed worried to mention traitors, fearing his life. 443 444 "yes, spooked is the precise wording, it seems he started reading the london times and decided that Thrike was a 445 threat to his national security. i see no reason to have him assasinated though, i met him once, seemed to be an 446 extraordinary man, i like him." 447 448 "i beleive i am due for a call from him soon, thank you for the report, see you soon..." tilean turned of the 449 microphone, and put the ring on his finger. 450 # nice boy, , him... i will remember to speak to his officer... when shall lloyd call... eight this evening... 451 good... # tilean was tired, it showed on his droopy eyelids... 452 453 after a small minute looking over the mckinlay papers, the warbler sounded again... lloyd was calling... lloyd 454 was late... five minutes... 455 "sorry for being so late, i was held up at the lab, we have a net agent here, asking about the joshua affair." 456 "please, calm yourself, no need to worry, i'm kind of bored here anyway..." lloyd was n't excited... definately 457 not excited enough to warrant the rebuff tilean had given him... "i hear you want to phase out of Thrike...?" 458 459 "well, all i was thinking was of transferring out of this net assignment. somewhere where the lizards don't 460 prowl during the night. i was thinking about an assignment in oregon..." tilean cut him off. 461 "an assignment in oreg... oh. i will arrange the net transfer in the morning, alright ?" tilean tried to sound 462 menacing... tilean didn't know how he did... sounding menacing was never his best trait... 463 464 "well, i was also thinking of a leave of absense... a vacation, i am starting to think in the language of our 465 computer system here." lloyd had a slight tone of worry... only tilean might have noticed it. 466 467 "i understand, but usually when people take leave's of absense they try not to come back... then net or someone 468 grabs them and we never hear from them again." tilean sounded nice... kind. 469 "i see in the newspapers that net is reforming, at least the originals are, anyway..." lloyd was changing the 470 subject as best he could in the situation... 471 "the originals are... to an extent... right now they are simply doing nothing but talk..." tilean lied. 472 473 "the morals and foundations are being questioned by some of the newer members... internal dissarray... never a 474 nice thing to have... anyway... possibly they will come out of all of this with a new sense of purpose." said 475 tilean, softly, insinuating something, lloyd wasn't sure what though. 476 477 "i see... they seem to wrapped up in interfering with trade and commerce to be doing much else anyway." 478 "no... some of them are involved in selling arms to the farmers in cambodia... to protect themselves from the a 479 arms that the net is selling to the vietnamese... weapons and more weapons... will it never end ? " tilean so 480 sounded quite idealistic... at times tilean got that way... at others... 481 "i never unerstood those agencies... the cia, the kgb, net... all of them bent on edominating the world, and if 482 they couldn't... no one else could... stupid, and arrogant..." tilean was silent, listening to lloyd recount 483 the thrike ideals... lloyd continued... "why are they so rigid ? why do they want to destroy the Earth ? " 484 485 tilean saw why lloyd entered thrike, an idealist, someone to whom life was more sacred than the ideals therin... 486 a kindred spirit, thought tilean. tilean spoke... interrupting lloyd... "i do not know, destroying the world i 487 nothing new, they have founded no major ideals with what they do... all they manage is to proclaim the righteous 488 path, and then order everyone to follow it... caring not that all cultures have differing ideals... paying no 489 attention to the rights of everyone to decide for themselves.. all thrike is formed to do, is acheive a single 490 earth government... to controll all these petty squables that have gone on for so many centuries..." tilean was 491 an idealist too. 492 "so many centuries, think of the redundancies of it all..." lloyd finished tilean's sililoquy... lloyd 493 reminded of the principles for which he entered thrike... the principles thrike was to defend... lloyd was still 494 oyal to his path... in his own way, a follower of the righteous path... 495 496 tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt 497 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boy that disk sure filled up fast. 498 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PaPa Smurf 12-29-84 02:34 499 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 500 FARLEY: TRY CBBS/ALOHA (649-8327). A PASSWORD OF MESG RENDERS A MESSAGE 501 INVISIBLE TO ALL BUT THE SENDER AND ADDRESSEE. A MESSAGE AWAITS YOU. 502 BE SURE TO ADDRESS YOUR MESSAGE TO: 503 IAN MACHINERY 504 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 505 506 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (a small word of warning) 507 Ian; Although not formally introduced yet I would like to remind you of 508 something that has been pointed out to me elsewhere. I know that 509 all of the current hub-bub and semi-confused plot connections may 510 require that you take vigil over the flock which on ocassion requires 511 that you stand out from the background. This does seem helpful but may 512 may be putting yourself into a situation of the compromise of your safety. 513 (I know, you can handle yourdelf, your on top) My words are these: 514 Familiarity Breads Contempt (spellings?) 515 I hope you understand my friendly message- Mums the word... 516 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->an Informer 0510 Hrs 29 Dec 84 PorSFiSDay 517 518 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 519 Somehow, being at the top engenders the ambition to put forth a major effort 520 in writing things. Being so near the bottom has the opposite effect. We'll 521 leave Peg and the piper in their fix for a while (after all, it's their own 522 fault -- I didn't put them there!). 523 PorSFiS folks -- no promises, but circumstances have changed. I may be able 524 to meet you there today, or after at the customary oasis. 525 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 526 ======================================================================== 527 Let me see if I understand the rules the NET is run by. The Net is a 528 story that is run by a committee. Only members of the committee are 529 allowed to contribute and they must conform to the story line of the 530 group. Non-NET members can join the story if they remain enemies of the 531 NET and don't change the plot decided by the committee. 532 It must be very difficult to be creative while conforming to the 533 group. I guess that's probably why the NET adventure has been so disjointed 534 and difficult to follow. I'm glad you guys are having so much fun 535 but I really wonder if a committee can ever write a story worth reading. 536 537 Hemmingway 538 ========================================================================= 539 ************************************************************* 540 Prometheus: Actualy, you shouldn't rush to judge so fast. 541 LINK-UP is most definately NOT a twit magazine. It is a well respected 542 glossy magazine that is nationally distributed. It is oriented towards 543 microcomputer telecommunications. The reference that was made, is that 544 it has a monthly reveiw of BBS's in the back (about a paragraph per 545 system) and BWMS was one of the systems reveiwed in the DEC 84 issue. 546 Not having a copy handy, it went something like; 'This system is a little 547 different then most. When you call in all you get is a > prompt. Type 548 HELP or LIST to see what it is all about. Try it you'll like it!' 549 As for the Slashman/knockout drops/link up inquiry, don't be so quick 550 to assume they are all the same person. (I have no reason to assume they 551 are mind you) Note that the knock out drops article was very well written 552 as opposed to the Slashman entry. From the structure, I'd say it was stolen 553 from somewhere else. By the way, it is definately NOT what would appear 554 in Link up. Linkup talks about communications equipment and software, not 555 things like that. Another mag oriented to telecomm, is Microcommunications. 556 There is also one oriented to BBS's called Entry. And I remember hearing 557 of one about a year ago called PLUMB that was also oriented to BBS's, but 558 I don't know if it is still alive. 559 *************************** CISTOP MIKEY ****************************** 560 ::::::::::O O::::::::::12:30:::::::::::::::12/29:::::::::::O O::::::::::: 561 Hemmingway: the NET stories are not written by committee. Every entry is 562 relatively independant. The authors talk together every now and then 563 (usually at PorSFiS/PCS), where a DIRECTION is suggested. Guidelines have been 564 set down, but they are VERY broad. (such as - don't manipulate someone elses 565 character unnecessarily i.e put too many words in their mouth. You can capture them, 566 torture them, but don't play them.) The fun is derived from finding out what 567 the other people are going to do, and how it affects you. For instance : 568 Farley was interacting with some people in a deserted lot. He probably 569 intended that they were NET agents. Someone else suggested that they may 570 have been frauds. This left it up to Farley to decide which way to go. 571 Another player then decided that they WERE fakes, and Farley had to play it 572 in that direction, OR FIGURE OUT A CLEVER WAY TO REDIRECT THE STORY. 573 That, as I see it, is where a large part of the enjoyment comes from. 574 The people who are playing the NET have certain ideas in common, certain ways 575 they like things to go. Understandings, if you will. This is why they are 576 so protective of their corporate identity. 577 One more comment - Several genre exist on BackWater. Fantasy, spy (NET) stories, 578 discussions/arguments, and combinations. The NET stories are ideally played with 579 a James Bond flair - no magic, no super high-tech weapons. Like the Bond 580 stories, situations are preferably resolved by wits and normal weapons, although 581 limited super-gadgets are permitted (Farley's car, and L'homme's before that). 582 One thing that is extremely irritating is, after setting up an interesting 583 predicament for a character, requiring an ingenious solution, someone comes in 584 and 'cuts the Gordian Knot' - resolves the situation by operating outside the 585 framework of the reality. (commonly referred to as a 'deus ex machina'. 586 Sorry, Ian. Sometimes it works, but sometimes.....) 587 Enough on that. 588 Farley: Yes, I can run off a copy of the Nuclear Risk rules. Should I give them to 589 L'homme to give to you? I would mail it, but I cannot find you in the phone book. 590 (nothing in your Eastern locale, one in SW, two in LkOs). 591 {heh heh.. nothing is safe from the NET. You hated the 80 columns, didn't you...} 592 Alex: sorry I missed the game. It's been too long since last we played. 593 Having become an employed person seems to have cut into my time and energy. 594 Petrov is here until the 6th; he'd still like to pay you back for Europe. 595 Maybe we can schedule one game in before then? 596 ...... 597 I'll be glad when school starts up again. It's extremely difficult to get 598 on BackWater lately. All those new modems, I guess. Friday morning at 08:15 599 there were 5 lines on this disk, now, 28 hours later, it's almost full? Sheesh.. 600 Piper: hope you can make it; it sounds like there will be many people there. 601 Bringing your pipes? (please please...) 602 See you all in an hour 603 :::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::: 604 *********************************************************************** 605 VOYER: ACTUALY, FROM THE LOOKS OF THINGS IT WAS FILLED WITH LONG WINDED 606 ENTRIES FROM MOSTLY OLD TIMERS. (INCLUDING THE INNKEEPER) NOT THAT IT IS 607 BAD, BUT IT DOES MAKE IT RATHER DIFFICULT FOR PEOPLE TO CATCH UP ON THINGS 608 WHEN DISKS ARE CHANGING EVERY DAY, AND YOU CAN'T EVEN GET ON. 609 LIKE YOU SAID; "SHEESH!" 610 ************************ CISTOP MIKEY ************************************ 611 Long-winded? Harumph! TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 611