💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › messages › BACKWATER › bw840620.txt captured on 2022-06-12 at 15:47:44.
LIST FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ENTER ONLY NUMBER OF LINES: 579 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ********************** REMOVED: 20 JUN 84 ****************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 ----------------------------------GURU OF BLIS------------------------- 21 EVEN THE DUST IS NOBLE FOR IT SUPPORTS YOUR TREAD. YET EVEN THE DUST 22 GROWS WEARY! 23 WE ARE ALL DEMI-GODS HERE. MORTALS ARE ADVISED TO TREAD LIGHTLY. 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*DREAMTOUCHER*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 26 #HAVE YOU, BY ANY CHANCE SEEN ELXTIA. SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO MEET ME 27 HERE.# THEMNAX ASKED DREAMTOUCHER. 28 #NO BUT IN A PLACE WHICH LOOKED LIKE A MEGA-HOLT FOR MANY-MANY 29 WHICH WAS ODDLY UNOCCUPIED I SAW PICTURE OF YOU WITH SOMEONE I THINK MUST 30 HAVE BEEN HER.# WAS DREAMTOUCHER'S REPLY. 31 AS THEY SAT, SNOWRUNNER SMELLED MALE WOLF SOMEWARE AND WENT OFF TO 32 EXPLORE. IT SEEMED TO BE GETTING NEER THAT TIME OF THE SEASONS. 33 THEMNAX #ASKED# DREAMTOUCHER IF THE LADY IN THE PICTURE RESEMBLED 34 DREAMTOUCHER'S LOST AND WANDERING LIFE-MATE. 35 #INDEED SHE DID. EXCEPT, OF COURSE FOR HAVING ROUND EARS AND 16 FINGERS 36 INSTEAD OF 8# 37 #HOW FAR AWAY WAS THIS# THEMNAX ASKED. 38 #NOT FAR IN DISTANCE AS SUCH, BUT VERY FAR IN OTHER WAYS# AT THIS POINT HE 39 WENT ON TO ATTEMPT TO DESCRIBE THE EFFECTS OF THE BARD'S CONSOLE AND ITS 40 INTERACTION WITH L'HOMME'S 'CAR'. 41 THIS(I HOPE) BROUGHT OTHERS BACK INTO THE CONVERSATION WHICH THEN RAMBLED 42 RANDOMLY ON TO OTHER (SIMI-RELATED) TOPICS. 43 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 44 PS. STILL GONA HAFTA TRY THAT TUB/POOL SOMETIME. 45 A WALK THROUGH THE SEA OF MENS SOULS MAY SCARCLEY WET MY FEET, BUT A COUPLE OF 46 WEEKS AT BWMS HAS PROVIDED ME THE INSPIRATION TO TAKE THE COVER OFF MY TYPEWRITE 47 R. IS CYNICISM OF THE CONDITIONED REFLEX TYPE A REQUISITE FOR SATURDAY AFTERNOON 48 AT PC&S OR SHOULD I JUST PUT ON MY SKEPTICS HAT? THE MAN WITH THE UNCLEAN 49 REFRIGERATOR. 50 IN CASE MILCHAR TUNES IN BEFORE THEN, TWO FINAL CLUES: LISITANIA, TITANIC, IT&T. 51 MAKE THAT FOUR, "WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT"##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==LYSIAS##= 52 53 ####################################################################### 54 A cold fog drifts in to cover the Inn. A clamor of meaningless voices is 55 heard by some, but it only drifts in the background for the Innkeeper. The 56 Inn itself shifts and shimmers as if in a haze, loosing its reality, as if 57 some force that had been keeping it together was loosing control not being 58 able to concentrate its full force of power to maintain the Inn. As the 59 shimmering gets worse, it momentarily disappears completely to be replaced 60 by a battered and broken piece of equipment that had obviously been 61 discarded long ago as a worthless relic. An intermittent clicking and 62 whiring sound can be heard to come from it. Yet even this the Innkeeper does 63 not seem to take notice of. He sits out in front of the Inn, looking out 64 towards the footbridge watching, waiting. 65 Absently he swats at the gnats who seek the cool moisture of his skin. The 66 warm afternoon sun shines down, lolling him to sleep. Jerking upright he 67 settles back again. Spying a speck on the horizon he peers intently at it 68 untill he is certain it is not that for which he waits. Soon the sun does 69 its work again and this time he falls asleep. An untouched glass of ale is 70 by his side long since turned warm and lost of its potentcy in the sun. Even 71 as he sleeps, the Innkeeper stirs fitfully, even in his sleep he waits. 72 #################### The Innkeeper ###################################### 73 PLEASE HURRY BACK PAM, YOUR MISSED! 74 75 -------------------------------------(<>)--------------------------------------- 76 Well, I am back, though from the looks of things it may not be to stay. 77 I know I left my character in the lurch but I was hit by finals and the 78 other crunches that hit at the end of the school year, maybe I should 79 get the traveller out of his predicament. (Does anyone remember that, about 80 four weeks ago?) What happened to the adventure that was taking place, did it 81 just fizzle out like the previous one? Milchar, Bard, L'homme, these are the 82 only names in the last two disks that I recognize, where did all of the others 83 come from? I might be back and try to get somthing going... 84 85 ------------------------------(<>)The Traveller(<>)---------------------------- 86 87 *@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ 88 OUR MOON STATION HAS GIVEN US THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLIES TO GO OUT INTO THE VASTNESS OF THE PLACE MANKIND HAS CALLED OUTER-SPACE 89 FOR SUCH A LONG TIME NOW. IT IS OUR DUTY TO GO OUT AND SEEK NEW PLANETS TO COLONIZE AND TO TURN THEM INTO VAST PRODUCTION PLANT 90 FOR THE BENIFIT OF EARTH. IN OUR VOYAGE INTO THE UNKNOWN PARTS OF THE GALAXY WE WILL SURELY ENCOUNTER THE FEW BEINGS THAT WISH 91 US NOT TO PROSPER IN OUR WAYS, BUT T_ ONLY DESTROY US IN OUR ATTEMPT TO FREE OURSELVES FROM THE OVER-POPULATED PLANET EARTH. 92 THUS, WE VOYAGE OUT INTO THE GALAXY WITH A CREW OF 430 MEN AND WOMEN WHO HAVE DEVOTED THIER LIVES TO THE CAUSE OF THE SURVIVAL 93 OF MANKIND. THESE PEOPLE ARE KNOWN AS THE CREW OF THE U.S.S. DOMINATION. 94 95 ***@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@THE WARRIOR*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@* 96 97 ********************************************************************** 98 SIGH.... HERE WE GO AGAIN FOLKS... LEAVE THIS THING FOR A BIT AND LOOK 99 WHAT THEY DO TO IT. I RECOVERED AS MUCH AS I COULD, SORRY TO THOSE WHO 100 LOST WHAT WAS HERE. 101 I DON'T KNOW WHO DID IT, BUT WOULD SEEM TO BE SOMEONE WHO DIDN'T CARE FOR 102 THE LASTEST ARGUMENT(?) GOING ON RE: JUVIES AS ANY REFERENCE TO SAID SAME 103 WAS REMOVED. WHAT IS GOING ON? IS EVERYONE GOING CRAZY? IT'S AT TIMES LIKE 104 THIS THAT I WONDER WHY I BOTHER AT ALL. 105 ************************ CISTOP MIKEY ********************************** 106 AND THE MOON AIN'T EVEN FULL! ******************************** 107 108 _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^ 109 Traveller: Glad to have you back!!!!! If you don't recognize the new 110 identity, this is the Doctor's son (bet you didn't know that he had one, did 111 you???). I am the same person that played The Doctor, but Doctor had a pressing 112 engagement. He had to take over as the new Lord-President of Galifrey. 113 _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_ 114 Net 1: I had a new 'application' to send to you when I finally did get on. 115 (Now, after 2.5 days...) This mess that I call my computer station, well, it 116 swallowed it. If I find it, or re-write it, I'll give it to you... 117 _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_ 118 I have decided to keep Jericho as a 'back-up' character. The following 119 persons have permission to use him. (If theywant to, that is...): 120 MiG, Voyeur, Piper, Dreamtoucher, L'Homme, Milchar, Bard, Traveller, Ninja, 121 Former, Whisper, Etc... 122 I, on the other hadnd, will be using another idea. This character 123 idea was presented to me by none other than...Milchar!!! (Tah-Dah!!!) 124 _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_ 125 I think that I've taken up enough room, for now... 126 _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^ Jericho-Lurking in the shadows _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^ 127 P.S: I am NOT, repeat, NOT Nightwing!!!!!!!! 128 _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^ 129 ---------- 130 Well, folks, I hope I am not considered a "juvie" (being 30) and I am trying 131 to be a good citizen. I was not totally aware of the proper etiquette with 132 respect to inviting myself into the running group fiction, so I apologize 133 to L'Homme for over-using his character (it had to be SOMEONE, and he was 134 the only one I could remember by name). 135 Seems to me that part of the problem with the story bogging down (I infer 136 from what I have read that it does so often) would be precisely that there 137 cannot be very much interaction between the characters - due to practical 138 limits. Perhaps in addition to the character-per-author, there should be 139 a few which belong to the group as a whole and can be manipulated by 140 anyone. I hereby offer the *Scarlet* character to the world - SOMEONE get 141 him out of the stone, please! I have some plot hooks in mind for that, but 142 am not really sure how to get involved. See, right now *Scarlet* is stuck 143 in the Rothman Ruby with the desicated corpse of Scurrilous the thief, 144 and the ruby is in the back seat of Bard's (?) car - and everyone is 145 inside drinking and whooping it up... 146 To the guy who is looking for other BBS numbers: Call CBBS at 646-xxxx 147 and enter the command "H,DIR-LOCAL". It will list all the local ones. 148 If you want a different source, try the Bit Bucket (761-xxxx) and 149 try the "I" command. 150 You have now been given a complete answer - quit asking. 151 To Net #1 - I am not sure if Karnaugh is part ofyour crew, but I enjoyed 152 his ciphered gun-fight scene - it was worthy to be part of the running 153 story. As to your double-cipher, is it against the rules for non-members 154 to try breaking it (as an intellectual excercise, of course)? I already 155 proved to myself that one of them was coded with a 7-letter key, but 156 didn't go beyond that to try to work it out. 157 Lastly (and perhaps too longly) the general run of the interactive 158 fiction reminds me greatly of the book "Options" by Robert Sheckley. I 159 strongly recommend it to the audience collectively. 160 If I step out of line, please tell me. I wish to be a good citizen. 161 *Scarlet* 162 ------- 163 D4QP XHERE I WISH THAT I C_UNOULD 164 GET MY SYSTEM WORKING 165 I AM HAVING TROUBLE TYPING 166 ON THIS BBS . IT WORKS FINE 167 ON OTHER SYSTEMS. ANY IDIACEAS 168 I AM OLD AS WELL 38 I HAVE A GNOOD 169 STORY LINE FOR FUN. MABY SOME _O^NE 170 WOULD LIKE TO RUN MORE THAN ONE 171 STORY AT A TIME. 172 IF ANY ONE KNOWS WHY IT DUMPS OUT 173 OF MNENTER MODE LET ME KNOW 174 BYE YOURS D4QP DROID AT LARGME 175 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 176 L'homme: This is how to get a bell-like tone on a C-64: 177 10 s=54272: poke s,52:poke s+1,43:poke s+5,57:poke s+6,217:pokes+24,15 178 20 poke s+4,17:fori=1to60:next i:poke s+4, 16:poke s+24, 0 179 If you still dislike the way that commodores make sound, just experiment with the pokes a little... Just leave the 180 s+24 ones and the s+4 ones alone. The for..next loop does the duration of the tone. 181 +++++++++++++ 182 "Where have you all been? The Doctor and I arrived just a little while ago. He left- pressing business, you 183 understand. And who is this person?" Voyeur and the Bard began to take turns explaining all of the events to date, 184 and finally Milchar nodded. "It's been the same for me... the Realities seem to be moving by themselves, leaving 185 creatures and objects behi..." Just then, the Inn shuddered, as if wrenched from it's very foundations and hurled 186 through vast space. A quick glance outside of the Inn showed all- the Inn had moved! "My car...", sobbend L'homme. 187 "My equipment!", yelled Bard, knocking over Voyeur's drink. "My drink!", cried Voyeur. 188 "Hold on, let's get organized. First, get all the things that we shall need for another expedition, tools, wine, etc. 189 Next, I shall try to bring L'homme's car to us, as it seems to be lighter than the Inn is. Your equipment is still 190 in the car, is it not?" Bard nodded. "Well, then. Stand back." Milchar places on hand on the Amulet, and 191 gesturing wildly with the other, intones, "EHONV DEGTK FIKAE MR!" 192 ++++++++++++++++ 193 Traveller: Gee, where have you been? Not that you've missed much in the last few days, as you haven't. Help us out 194 here, there are possibilities.... 195 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 196 ##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==LYSIAS WAS SOMETHING LESS THAN COHERENT, HAV 197 ING JUST EMERGED FROM ATIME WARP, AND FINDING HIMSELF STANDING IN FRONT OF 198 THE INN, HE TRIED DESPERATELY TO REMEMBER THE LAST TIME HE HAD BEEN SENT TO 199 THIS PARSECTOR. SLOWLY IT CAME BACK--OH YES!- THE SO CALLED ROTHMAN RUBY! 200 YES, IT COMES BACK. THESE TIME WARPS WORK ON SAWTOOTH WAVES, A BIT LESS 201 DAMAGING TO THE BUFFERS THAN SQUARE WAVES, BUT STILL, --THE TEMPORARY CONFUS 202 ION-----. YES!- THE "ROTH" RUBY-THESE FOOLS;LYSIAS COULD ALMOST STILL HEAR 203 PERSEPHONE SCREAMING AT HIM FROM DANTES PLACE. " THESE FOOLS, ALUMINUM OXIDE 204 AND CHROMIUM, THAT'S ALL IT IS TO THEM. GET IT BACK!!!! COMING OUT OF HIS 205 CONFUSION, LYSIAS CONDESCENDED."MAY AS WELL GO INN AND FACE THE MUSIC" HE 206 SIGHED, HEADING FOR THE DOOR. "SOUNDS LIKE THEYR'E HAVING A GOOD TIME, HE 207 THOUGHT, AND FOR A MOMENT, HIS MIND WANDERED---A THOUSAND YEARS AGO THEY 208 CALLED ME A TWIT FOR TELLING DEMOSTHENES ABOUT PEBBLES, AND NOW PLUTOS GIRL 209 FRIEND WANTS HER BAUBLE BACK, AND I HAVE TO GO GET IT. AS HE WALKED THROUGH 210 THE DOOR, HIS MIND WAS ALMOST CLEAR, BUT PREOCCUPIED WITH THE FEAR OF THE 211 SUDDEN BLAST OF MIG'S VIBRA-GUN HE DIDN'T PERCIEVE THE EMENATIONS FROM A 212 STRANGE CONTRIVANCE BEING PUSHED AWAY BY A HORDE OF TINY FURRY CREATURES. IT 213 WAS TIME FOR A LITTLE REFRESHMENT----.##==##==##==##==##==##==##==LYSIAS==## 214 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 215 OW so this is atory board! no one ever bothered to tell me they just complained 216 does anybody know what happened above? I was just typing andit went crazy like i 217 just did. I'm sorrybout the non stories but I was new and didnt know... 218 I will pr 219 I will probably startup a characten named you guessed it "themissadventures 220 of The Mad Mod" a psico time traveler who doesnt kknow past from the future... 221 P.s to al you "older People" I'm sorry I'm underage but some things just cant be 222 helped... I am not doingthis on perpose somethings wrong with the connection 223 224 Signing off 225 Tom Tom & the Mad Mod 226 ^^~^^~~^^^^^~^^\^^N^^^^^^ 227 ~^^~N^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~N^N^^^^^^^^^ 228 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 229 MIKEY: are you the one deleting the NETWORK messages now? 230 Last time I was on I left a NET message with 020202 borders, and 231 no code. It is now gone, and even the lines are unallocated. 232 If you are tired of the NETWORK, let us know. 233 ????????????????????????_DAVE_???????????????????????????????????????? 234 (-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-) 235 OK, this is going to be one 'juvie' that the originals here 236 don't have to worry about any more. I'm sorry if any of my messages took 237 to much space or time, but thats all behind us now. I tried to be a 238 first class user but it didn't seem to work out. Maybe I'll call back in 239 some time to see whats up, but until then I'll see you when I'll see you. 240 Bye, Luke Binkelywalker. 241 (-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-) 242 ************************************************************* 243 DAVE: NO I DIDN'T DELETE IT, THE SYSTEM HAS A HITCH WHICH CAUSES IT TO 244 RECOVER ANY DELETED LINES 'IF' THEY WERE DELETED FROM THE BOTTOM. THIS 245 IS NOT THE CASE IF THEY HAVE BEEN DELETED FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE TEXT 246 IN WHICH CASE THEY REMAIN AS YOU ARE USE TO. AN EXCEPTION TO THIS IS IF 247 THE DISK IS FULL IN WHICH CASE IT WILL NOT RECOVER THE LINE EVEN IF IT 248 IS DELETED FROM THE BOTTOM. DON'T ASK ME WHY, I DIDN'T WRITE THE CODE. 249 I HAVE BEEN DEBATING ON WHETHER TO MAKE THIS DISK WRITE ONLY FOR A 250 WHILE IF THIS IS GOING TO CONTINUE. ANY COMMENTS? 251 ******************* CISTOP MIKEY ********************************** 252 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 253 Luke: The Net 1 is not a group of juvies. The coded data is info about 254 juvies that is not fit for general consumption. You have not been considered 255 a juvie. I have thought of you as questionable. I figure that with the right 256 influence you could go either way. If you become a juvie, your initials are 257 M.F. and you will get a few phone calls from Net 1. (I now have most of the 258 newcomers identities) 259 Traveller: You hurt my feelings. Don't you remember me? 260 Network: I have some minor names but do not wish to transmit them because 261 of flaws in code. Will try to deliver them sometime in future. 262 The Ninja 263 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 264 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*DREAMTOUCHER*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 265 DREAMTOUCHER ASKED THEMNAX TO EXPLAIN WHAT HAD BROUGHT HIM HERE TO THE INN. 266 "WELL; THE H.U.B. IS AN ELECTED COUNCEL. IT PREFORMS A COORDINATING 267 SERVICE FOR THOSE WORLDS AND MULTI-PLANITARY SOVERIGENTIES WHICH CHOOSE 268 TO SUBSCRIBE TO IT. THE H.U.B'S COUNCIL IS CHOOSEN BY PLURALITY VOTE OF 269 REPRESENTITIVES OF EACH MEMBER SOVERIEGNTY. INDIVIDUAL COORDINATORS 270 HAVE NO PERSONAL AUTHORITY. ONLY WHEN THEY MEET AS A BODY DOES THAT 271 COUNCEL EXCERCISE ANY WEIGHT. THE HUB HAS NO COVERT OPERATIONS ORGANIZATION 272 AS SUCH. INSTEAD; COUNCEL MEMBERS SOMETIMES TRAVEL INCONSPICOUSLY 273 TO INVESTIGATE ANNOMILIES WHEN THE HUB DECEIDEDS THAT THIS NEEDS DOING. 274 275 WE RECEIVED WORD THROUGH CHANNELS THAT YOUR WORLD OF TWO MOONS MIGHT 276 BE IN DANGER OF CULTURAL INTERFIERANCE AND I CAME OUT TO TAKE A LOOK 277 AROUND. AS I THINK YOU KNOW, FROM YOUR EXPEIRENCE ON THAT OTHER 278 ELF-WORLD, THE WORLD OF TWO-MOONS AS YOUR PEOPLE CALL IT, IS AN 279 INTERDICTED ZONE. WELL FROM WHAT I'VE BEEN ABLE TO DETERMINE SO FAR, 280 IT IS NOT THAT WORLD WHICH IS THREATENED BUT SEVERAL ALTERNATE REALITIES 281 CLOSER TO OUR PRESENT COORDINATES. 282 I STRUCK UP A CONVERSATION WITH ONE FAST FRED BSAL, ONE WHOM WE HAD 283 FILES, ALBEIT INACCURATE ONES. I HAD GOTTEN LITTLE FURTHER WHEN THE PEACE 284 OF THIS SANCTUARY WAS DESTURBED, I AM REASURED, FOR THE LAST TIME. AS A 285 RESAULT OF CIRCUMSTANCES THEN ARISING, I AM MORE OR LESS STRANDED 286 HERE. IN YOUR RECIENT TRAVELLS, HAVE YOU ENCOUNTERED ANY OCCURANCES 287 THAT MAY SUGGEST...OH...PERSONS FROM OUTSIDE OF A GIVEN CULTURE ATTEMPTING 288 TO MODIFY IT DRASTICALY FOR TRANSITORY PERSONAL ENDS?"; THEMNAX ASKED. 289 290 "ODD YOU SHOULD MENTION THAT."; WAS DREAMTOUCHER'S REPLY. "WHEN 291 WE ESCAPED THE GHOST CITY WERE I FOUND THAT PICTURE OF YOU AND ELXTIA, WE LANDED 292 IN A PLACE, I AM TOLD, WAS THE INSIDE OF SOME ARTIFACT. ANYWAY; WHILE 293 THERE A LARGE NUMBER OF SMALL ANIMALS OF A SORT I AND SNOWRUNNER 294 WOULD NORMALY THINK OF AS LUNCH, TOLD BY THIR FAINT SENDINGS, A VERY ODD TALE 295 INDEED. THE ONE CALLING HIMSELF HABITRAIL HARRY TOLD OF SOMETHING 296 CALLED MCKANE INDUSTRIES WHICH HAD CAPTURED AND WAS HOLDING HIMSELF 297 AND HIS COMPANIONS. ALSO, WHILE IN TRANSIT, ONE OF THE BARD'S ODD ARTIFACTS 298 INTERCEPTED A BRIEF MESSAGE FORM SOMEONE CALLING HIMSELF M. DAUTUN OR 299 SOME SUCH, CONCERNING OR DIRECTED TO THIS MCKANE GROUP. I HAVEN'T THE 300 SLIGHTEST NOTION WHAT ANY OF THAT WAS ABOUT BUT IS THAT THE SORT OF 301 THING YOUR LOOKING FOR?" 302 "INDEED IT IS!"; THEMNAX REPLIED. "THAT HELPS OUT A LOT. NOW 303 ALL I NEED IS SOME SORT OF INTERDEMENSIONAL TRANSPORT. PERHAPS IF 304 YOU STAY HERE AT THE INN FOR A WHILE AND IF YOU AND YOUR COMPANIONS 305 DONT MIND MY TAKING YOUR PLACE WITH THEM, WE MAY YET FIND AND BRING BEFORE 306 THE APPROPREAT COUNCEL OF JUSTICE THOSE WHO ARE EMPAIRELLING 307 THE LOCAL STABILITY." 308 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 309 LYSIAS: THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: AND, FOR MY PART AT LEAST, 310 WELCOME ABOARD. 311 TO NEWCOMERS IN GENERAL: WITH COURTISY AND CONSIDERATION THIS CAN BE 312 A REAL FUN PLACE. WITHOUT IT, MEANINGLESS FRUSTRATION AND CHAOS. 313 TO SCARLETT: I LIKE THE IDEA OF AT LEAST ONE NPC AT LARGE. I'M NOT SURE 314 HOW THE OTHERS WILL REACT; OR FOR THAT MATER, JUST WHAT TO DO WITH HIM. 315 ONE PROBLEM WITH THE IDEA IS THAT NO ONE HAS A CLEAR CONCEPT OF THE 316 CHARICTER OF A NPC AT LARGE IT MAY PROVE DIFICULT TO DEVELOP HIS CHARICTER. 317 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 318 **********************************************************************: 319 MILTON: JUST SO THAT YOU WILL KNOW, YOU WERE KICKED OFF FOR ATTEMPTING TO 320 DELETE LINES OTHER THEN YOUR OWN. I WILL ASSUME THAT IT WAS ONLY THAT 321 YOU ARE UNFAMILURE WITH THE SYSTEM, BUT DON'T DO IT AGAIN. IT HAS BEEN 322 HAPPENING ALL TO FREQUENTLY OF LATE AND I AM VERY TOUCHY ABOUT IT. 323 NOTE: DELETEING LINES WILL NOT GAIN YOU ANY MORE ROOM ANYWAY, ONLY I 324 CAN DO THAT. YOUR ENTRY WAS LOST BECAUSE YOU WERE KICKED OFF WITH OUT 325 A PROPER DISK CLOSE, SO IT DIDN'T GET SAVED. FINALLY, IT IS A RULE 326 HERE THAT YOU DON'T INTRODUCE HIGH TECH DEVICES IN OR AROUND THE INN, 327 WE'VE HAD TOO MUCH TROUBLE WITH THAT IN THE PAST. 328 ********************** CISTOP MIKEY ********************************** 329 330 ============================================================================ 331 The Corporate Move Committee agreed unanimously on how to approach J.B., 332 head of Amalgamated Enterprises Ltd., by memo. Problems had cropped up after 333 the company's crosstown move to sparkling new quarters, and J.B. ordered the 334 CMC to make a fast trouble report. Its final memo went like this: 335 - Your committee has, indeed, found a number of areas requiring amelioration 336 but we are certain that all faults will be rectified. Although it might take 337 some time. 338 - Item: The furniture supplier takes full responsibility for supplying the 339 wrong desks and seats to the executive floor. Owing to a computer ordering 340 error we have the desks and seats designayed for Bayview Junior 341 Kindergarten. The supplier says that if your executives can just scrunch 342 through to the end of the week the switch can be made on the weekend. The 343 supplier asked us to add, J.B., that your own executive, all-level, fully 344 reversible swivel chair will take a little longer - it will have to be 345 steam-cleaned for bubble gum removal. 346 - Item: The climate control consultants have tracked down the reason for the 347 twenty-four-hour outflow of arctic air. They warn that repairs will take 348 several days and suggest a general issue of gloves and mufflers. 349 - Item: The plumbing consultants have asked us to apologize profusely to you 350 and your secretary for their error in supplying two-way glass for your 351 executive washroom instead of the one-way mirror you had requested. They 352 realize that this exposed you to considerable embarrassment until the error 353 became apparent. 354 - Item: Payroll has asked us to extend apologies for the mixup in salary 355 checks caused by the move. They will issue you a new one for your full 356 amount as soon as they can find the stockroom clerk who apparently received 357 your check while you received his. Unfortunately, he seems to have been 358 taken ill on the afternoon of payday and has not been seen since. 359 - Item: Meanwhile, the cash office will be glad to issue you an advance as 360 soon as the comptroller countersigns your request. There may be a some 361 slight delay in this as he went to level D in search of a BLT sandwich 362 yesterday and has not reported back. It is believed that he may have missed 363 a turn. 364 - Item: The building supervisor reports that the automatic revolving doors 365 are still jammed on 'fast ahead' and are hurling visitors either into the 366 lobby or across the street. He recommends immediate construuction of 367 emergency doors and suggests we start at the glass wall through which a 368 moving truck backed last week. 369 - Item: The vice president of finance asks us to tell you that he does not 370 mind having his desk in the freight elevator for the next week. But in the 371 meantime he would like s longer phone cord. He would also like an elevator 372 floor-locking device so he can be sure his office will still be there when 373 he returns from the washroom. 374 - Item: The management of the parking garage asked us to issue a general 375 apology to all users for failing to post a sign warning of freshly poured 376 concrete. Specifically, they asked us to tell you that your car will be 377 chipped out in the next day or two. 378 - Item: Building security conducted an extensive check on rumors that some 379 staff had been trapped in the no-exit stairwells. The security search party 380 reports the stairwells deserted and now requests, by walkie-talkie, that we 381 let them back into the main part of the building by drilling the lock on 382 level C. 383 - Item: Your Corporate Move Committee suggests that, starting now, 384 membership on said committee be on a rotating basis as service obviously 385 will be onerous and lengthy. 386 =========================================================================== 387 388 *********************************************************************** 389 GOODNESS, I HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING THAT GOOD ON HERE IN A VERY LONG TIME! 390 WHO LEFT IT? 391 ************************** CISTOP MIKEY *********************************: 392 D4QP HERE 393 MY, MY, MY, THAT WAS VERY GOOD, EVEN GREAT !!! 394 395 memorandum 396 397 To: MICKEY 398 From: MILTON 399 Subject: APOLOGY 400 401 I'm really sorry, I guess I'm just a clutz. You're right, I intended no harm 402 was just trying to free up a little space by deleting spaces. 403 Like I said, I'm a slow learner, but please forgive, ok ? 404 Does your system employ a "chat" function ? 405 Truely repentant 406 Milton Q. Farquarr III 407 IF THERE IS ANY BODY INTERESTED IN PURCHASING A RADIO SHACK MODEL 100 408 COMPUTER PLEASE GIVE BLANE HARTLEB A CALL AT 252-1627. Make an offer. 409 thank you Blane 410 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 411 Hello All:I was just wondering,I do that a lot,how it is that 412 Helen Keller thought.it may be a strange question,but I am a strange person.She 413 never learned a language and as such,what did she think in? 414 we think in english,i.e. #I need a beer# and some of us other languages,i.e. 415 #j'y suis,j'y reste# 416 now,what language did Helen Keller think in? 417 The Man in Gray 418 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 419 P.s. to "unbeliever" I do not use a gun,I use intellegence(duh,duh) and when 420 that fails,I use an explosive called PETN,very effective. 421 By the way,my files show y 422 that the second letter of your last name is an "I" am I correct? 423 MiG again 424 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 425 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::OO:::::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::::: 426 MiG: Up to your usual tricks, I see. Second letter "I"; let's see... 427 Interesting question (Helen Keller). Is that what those 'shrooms do to you? 428 Corporate Move Committee: I must agree with CISTOP MIKEY. That was the most 429 imaginative entry since the Ivancie Logon. In the best of times, it would 430 be notable. In the present circumstances, 'tis like an oasis to a man 431 dying of thirst. Hope to hear from you again. 432 MIKEY: I approve of the 'enter only'. This is the first time I have 433 ever seen a disk get SHORTER each time I log on. 434 Is it my imagination, or is the first entry on this disk what used to 435 be at least line 100? Tsk, tsk. 436 ::::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::voyeur::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::: 437 ############################################################################# 438 439 TO ALL CONCERNED: RE COMMENTS CONCERNING NEW 'USERS' -- I APOLOGIZE 440 IF I AM TREADING WHERE OTHERS FEAR TO TREAD. THIS 441 SYSTEMS HAS AROUSED MY INSATIABLE APPETITE FOR THE 442 BIZZARE. IF THE GENERAL CONSENSUS IS FOR MY 443 CHARACTER TO 'DISAPPEAR' TO THE OZONE LAYER... I 444 WILL CONCEDE WITH THOSE WISHES. 445 446 RESPONSE?...... 447 ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` 448 ############################## KARNAUGH ##################################### 449 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 450 The ship 'Heart of Gold' was streaking through space at its normal high 451 speed. Zaphod Beeblbrox, Arthur Dent, Trillian, and Ford Prefect were all 452 inside the ship. "Let's land and see where we are Zaphod." Ford suggested. 453 #Sounds like a good idea. Hang on to yourself for a minute..." Zaphod 454 walked over to the controls and started playing around with Infinite 455 Improbability Drive. #We've landed, people!!!# Zaphod said after a few 456 moments. Everybody except Ford went outside. Ford was busy examining the 457 computer. While fiddling around with the computer, Ford accidentally 458 engaged the Drive. When he arrived at his destination, though he didn't know 459 where it was, he stepped outside. What he found he didn't like... 460 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ford Prefect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 461 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 462 To: Teddy Salad. 463 The borders take up as much room, on the disk, as a single line 464 of text does. What kind of name is `Teddy Salad'? I mean, couldn't you 465 be a little more original??? I'm not trying to nit-pick, but it is a 466 little ridiculous. 467 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ford Prefect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 468 From: Net 1To: Scarlet 469 Subject: Color Computer Terminal Program info 470 We would be EXTREMELY interested in the information you offered on 471 CBBS/NW. You contact us through the current PAUG secretary or through 472 one of the Sysops on Nerdolux. 473 As for the cipher, if you can read it - feel free. Note: only LOW 474 security msgs will be going out in the old cipher. The new cipher is different 475 (and hopefully somewhat more secure!) 476 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 477 To: ALL Net operatives and agents 478 Cipher text should be kept to a minimum! Every msg gives the opposition 479 that much more data to crack the code. Long msgs increase the risk. We suggest a 480 study of CW abbreviations and the like. These are TELEGRAMS, not phone calls! 481 On a related subject, agents are being to free with secret & classified 482 data (such as IDs of net operatives!) Please be more circumspect. 483 Finally, before entering an enciphered msg, set the margin to 125 484 (ie exit enter mode, type MA 125, & return to enter mode). This will provide 21 485 groups per line without interfering with the FI & FA commands. Do NOT use MA 125 486 for non-cipher material! 487 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 488 ps. the Net does not take any credit for the corporate troubles 489 described above. However, all units should take special note of the techniques 490 and methods mentioned. They are the sort of thing we expect to happen to 491 "obstacles". Mckane Enterprises, for example. 492 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 493 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 494 Net 1: We have received reports from our man in the local FBI office that a tip 495 from a Habittrail Harry on illegal export of rodents by McKane Enterprises was 496 recently received. We have indepedent confirmation from sources in Inisfall. 497 As soon as my new assistant, M. L'homme, returns I shall dispatch him 498 to investigate. 499 Ian MacHinery, Portland Bureau Chief 500 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 501 The Inn seemed to lurch for an instant, but was probably just the drinks. 502 After all, since the Resolution, adventures didn't happen AT the Inn! 503 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 504 Milchar: As noted, THE INN IS SACROSANCT!!! Also, I do NOT spill drinks! I am a 505 firm believer in the old Irish saying: When ye die, they suspends ye head down 506 in a barrel wi' all the liqour ye e'er spilt. An' if ye drown- THE HELL WI' YE! 507 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 508 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 509 I think I'm going to cry. Maybe I'll try a last attempt at reviving a 510 story line 511 jjjjjjjjjjjjjj 512 The gem hummed out a suggestion to the Innhabitants. #You will all 513 search realities for the last sliver off the Phoenix Egg. All who resist will 514 be destroyed. 515 The Ninja -- Ichh will kein Phoenix Egg haben. 516 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 517 Oh, no. I can't change my typos. Oh well. 518 ##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==IS THIS A DREAM OR WHAT? I THOUGHT I HAD RECOVERED FROM THE EFFECTS OF THE TRANSITION 519 FROM THE TIME WARP, YET EVERYTHING IS SHAKING. REMINDS ME OF VESUVIUS, HE THOUGHT. LYSIAS FOUND HIMSELF UNDER THE TABLE ( NOT 520 THE FIRST TIME). CONFUSION REIGNED AT THE INN. HE WONDERED, DID MIG-- NO, MIG WAS ACROSS THE ROOM, HE COULDN'T HAVE---. 521 SPILLED ALE AS DRIPPING OFF HE TABLE ONTO HIS NECK, AND HIS MUSTACHE WAS STICKY FROM SOMETHING ON THE FLOOR. DRAT, I BETTER 522 GET OUT OF HERE--AND I WAS SO CLOSE, A FEW MOTE MNUTES AND SOMEONE MIGHT HAVE MENTIONED THE RUBY, AND I'D HAVE FOUND IT. NOW I 523 HAVE TO GO BACK WITHOUT IT, AND PERSEPHONE WILL BE FURIOUS. WELL, I TRIED. MOUTHING THE TIME WARP PASSKEY, HE WAS WHISKED AWAY 524 BACK TO DANTES' PLACE ON THE RIVER STYX.##==##==##==##==##== 525 Scarlet huddled on the ground in the strange crimson place. 526 "Where in hell AM I?" he muttered. "Well, I might as well look around..." 527 Searching the body of the man near-by (seemingly dead for years or 528 perhaps centuries) Scarlet found lock picks, a few coins, and a key. 529 "All I have to do now is find something that this key fits and maybe 530 I can get out of here." (Just goes to show you how desperate he got - 531 the key didn't do Scurrilous any good!) 532 "Odd, when in this form, I can become gaseous and flow anywhere I 533 want. How come I can't leave the stone by myself? 534 "If I ever get out of this, I should be an even better burglar than I 535 ever was before. I had to snatch purses and steal packages out of cars - 536 now I can slip into anywhere that has a ventilator! I could be rich! 537 "All I have to do is get out of here..." and with that he lost control 538 and sobbed from loneliness and frustration. 539 The Rothman ruby continued to glow, getting brighter as he cried. 540 ---------- 541 55%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%55 542 this is Teddy salad speaking. as referance to your question of how unoriginal 543 "teddy salad" is Ninja, How about yours? on some cracked games my friend Bill 544 has I saw The name Ninja as a person who cracked one of the games. And it 545 probably wasnt you because the only people who can break games are "juvies" 546 Who ever heard of a Old Apple user? As were I got my name, well I got it 547 from late night Monty Python!!! I presume that is past your bedtime. 548 55%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%from Teddy Salad%%%55 549 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 550 Mr ah,bear salad was it? I as an underling to the famed NETWORK am authorised 551 to give you a defination of the word "juvies" as used on Backwater. ergo--> 552 JUVIE:a being of inndeterminate age who shows his or her low intelegence 553 by abusing the Backwater. 554 JUVIE is also synonomis with TWIT. 555 Karnaug:I have yet to see an entry of yours,make one please. 556 Voyeur:Yes,partly and some other things. 557 The Man in Gray 558 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 559 {~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}Lord~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~} 560 This is Lord Grimsbe saying hello to the Ninja. How are you 561 today fine sir. How is it that you can come up with the names of what 562 seem to be anonymous characters in the first place, its just a little 563 odd to me. Well, how is everybody else, having a nice day or one that 564 is moderately OK, or one that is relatively NETO! 565 See you all later. 566 {~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~} Lord Grimsbe {~}~{~}~{~} 573 07070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070 574 LQFGV CXPTI KOCPH BZTZH JPMUR MBBTD RVQQL IDFZW RVKPJ WNPXM RIRNI IAFIO WVCEX VMUVL NCUGG WVUGC COGHM 575 0707070707070707070 JUNE 18TH, 1984 10:29:40 PM 07070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070 576 577 Important message to follow ........ 578 PHTPR EJJHR FFYBR 579 SLZJO SOHMC IRTJL PBWAO GWOQI RBVLV FPYTK DSFWQ >