💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › messages › BACKWATER › bw840531.txt captured on 2022-06-12 at 15:47:23.
LI FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ENTER ONLY NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ******************* REMOVED: 31 MAY 84 ********************* 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 PARITYLESS PERSON: NO, COPYLINK DOES NOT EMULATE ANYTHING, IT GOES STRAIGHT 21 THRU TO THE SYSTEM, SO IF YOU SYSTEM HAPPENS TO EMULATE SOMETHING, IT WIL 22 USE THAT. THE CPM EMULATOR PROGRAM IS ENTIRLY SOFTWARE, AND OPERATES 23 COMPLETELY THRU THE OPERATING SYSTEM. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF TWO INTERRUPT 24 CALLS THAT SEEM TO HAVE BECOME STANDARDIZED IN MOST MSDOS SYSTEMS THESE 25 DAYS (EVEN THE SANYO PC HAS THEM!) THESE ARE INT 14 (RS232) AND INT 10 26 (SCREEN CONTROL). THE CPeMULATOR (AS IT IS CALLED) EMULATES A KAYPRO LIKE 27 99 28 RUNNING ON AN IBM PC, SO WE KNOW IT WORKS OK THERE. ONE THING I MIGHT WARN 29 YOU OF THOUGH, IT CAN'T RUN MACHINE DEPENDANT CODE. ALSO CERTAIN CPM 30 DEPENDANT FUNCTIONS ARE EITHER IGNORED OR PROVIDED IN A WAY THAT KEEPS 31 SAFE THOUGH THE INFO MAY BE WRONG. SUCH THINGS LIKE THE USER FUNCTION 32 OR SET DRIVE READ ONLY ARE SIMPLY IGNORED SINCE MSDOS DOESN'T UNDERSTAND 33 THAT SORT OF THING. OTHER THINGS LIKE RETURN ADDRESS OF THE ALLOCATION MAP 34 WILL RETURN AN ADDRESS OF A TABLE OF ZEROS AS THERE IS NO EASY WAY TO 35 PROVIDE THAT TYPE OF INFO ON AN MSDOS SYSTEM. (IT CAN BE DONE, BUT IT 36 TAKE A LOT OF TIME AND WORK TO DECODE AND THEN REENCODE THE INFORMATION.) 37 SINCE ALL CALLS ARE PERFORMED THRU THE SYSTEM, IT WILL MAKE USE OF WHAT 38 EVER YOU HAVE DEFINED AS PART OF THE SYSTEM ASSUMING THE CPM PROGRAM 39 KNOWS HOW AS WELL. THE PRINT FUNCTION GOES THRU THE SYSTEM AS WELL, SO 40 I DON'T SEE WHY THE SPOLLER WOULDN'T WORK, AND THE RAM DISK IS JUST ANOTHER 41 DISK AS FAR AS THE SYSTEM IS CONCERNED. THE CPeMULATOR RUNS ON MSDOS 42 FORMAT DISKS CURRENTLY IT CAN ONLY READ KAYPRO TYPE DISKS. IF THERE IS 43 ENOUGH DEMAND, WE WILL BE ADDING OTHER FORMAT READ CAPABILITIES. ALL IT 44 DOES IS TRANSFER THE CPM PROGRAM TO THE MSDOS FORMAT SO THAT IT CAN BE 45 RUN BY THE CPeMULATOR. OF COURSE YOU CAN USE COPYLINK OR SOME OTHER 46 TRANSFER PROGRAM TO GET IT THERE AS WELL. 47 ********************** CISTOP MIKEY ***************************************: 48 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 49 I'm on top! ( Mikey doesn't count ) 50 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 51 Morby, not realizing if the nasties were at the Inn, quickly drew his old 52 battered short sword, and valiantly looked for a tree to hide in. 53 " Backstab, backstab, backstab..... " he mumbled. 54 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 55 Sorry, I missed the last two hundred lines of entries, so I not sure what 56 is happening. <- Morby -> 57 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 58 WELL, MORBY, WHAT YOU DO IS, TYPE "DB" TO GET BACK TO DRIVE B, 59 (WHICH WAS DRIVE A UNTIL MIKEY ROTATED IT BACK), TYPE SOMETHING LIKE 60 "LN 400", THEN TYPE "PRINT". THAT WILL GET YOU THE LAST TWO HUNDRED 61 LINES BEFORE WHAT IS HERE. 62 >-< >-< >-< >-< >-< >-< >-< >-< >-< >-< >-< >-< >-< >-< >-< >-< 63 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 64 65 L'homme:what essence are you out of,gas? (s-l-o-w-l-y- learning french) 66 67 I don't as yet see a need to find our mutual friend,give a man enough rope 68 and he will hang himself.(as he as pretty much done) 69 well people,I have found the scum low-life that 70 has been using my name on BBS systems,his name is Darren Spokely,if you know him 71 then tell him that he is in DEEP ****.special thanks to Mike Werstlein of TIBBS 72 (661-xxxx) for his help. 73 sunday I went to the Ventures 25th anaversary concert,had fun and all,but a 74 warning to people,use your sunscreens!!! I at this moment am wet-packed in DMSO 75 and eating pain killers like candy! yes,MIG is Man in Red for a few days! 76 some of you may laugh,but take the warning! 77 The Man in Gray--or crispy red! 78 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 79 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 80 To the Piper - Contribute as much as you can please...you seem like a class 81 writer. Your character is also quite interestng. I assume that MIG was the 82 fellow who pointed out the DB command - Thanx. Morby 83 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 84 From his vantage point in the tree, Morby could see two of the ants moving 85 in his direction. They stood upright, and carried two of both swords and 86 shields, and wore light armour. Morby hoped that the others at the Inn could 87 deal with the other ants. 88 The two stoped right under his hiding space in the tree without noticing 89 him. The smaller of the two seemed to take commands from the larger, and then 90 it ran off to the main group. 91 " It is good to be back in the swing of things " Morby thought to himself. 92 Then with a grin on his face, he seized the moment and dropped from the tree 93 onto the back of the ant. The old sword dug deeply into the creatures back, 94 and it collasped in a heap. 95 Morby felt the hair on the back of his head stand up, and he spun to meet 96 the smaller ant, who had returned. Realizing that all his element of surprise 97 had been lost, he attacked without hesitation. He parried with the ant, and 98 then made a mighty blow, but it eas deflected easily by the ant, and Morby's 99 shord shord shattered. Morby watched in stunned disbelief as the shards 100 dropped to the earth. 101 " Oh damn.. ", he remarked casually. 102 He didn't fell that dying a quarter of a mile away from the Inn was very 103 fitting, or at any distance for that matter. 104 The ant regained composure, and advanced.... 105 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 106 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 107 "Do you think that #152 is too easy on him?", The Doctor asked. "No, definitely not. He'll regret his evil deeds..." 108 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 109 Inside the Danger Room, the man in the robes turned to the Black Guardian. "I should really just destroy you once 110 and for all, but I have a kind heart. Tell me, Where is the Key of Time?" 111 The Black Guardian begins to say something ("nev..") when he suddenly realizes that the man in the room is 112 translucent. "You are not real, I do not believe in you!" The man looks about himself, sees what he means, and 113 begins to darken in, as if the illusion was becoming real. "How silly of me... to remain ethereal. You do not 114 believe? Well then, upon threat of Spiritwrack I command thee to tell me the location of The Key of Time! Dimat 115 so decrees!" As the man speaks, the air in the room grows hot, and a breeze stirs in the chamber. "No...you can't 116 be real!" "Am I not? Then feel the pain!" A scroll of vellum appears before the man, and he begins chanting, 117 reading from the parchement a spell to induce pain. The words off the vellum glow and fade as they are spoken, and 118 with a clap of thunder, it is done. The Black Guardian is now on the floor, writhing in pain. "I'll tell! I'll 119 tell! It's..." As the Guardian speaks, he and the man disappear in torrents of silver flame. 120 Inside the control room, the Doctor asks, "Don't you think you went a little far with the simulation? Where did 121 they go?" 122 Milchar turns from the console, his face white. "I don't know where they went, but the simulation hasn't been 123 running for the past three minutes." 124 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar & The Doctor +++++++++ 125 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 126 Note to Milchar: Cute, real cute!!!! You had to do it, didn't you?!?!?!?!? 127 ?????????? 128 The Doctor whips around to face Milchar. "Say What??? Didn't you key the 129 simulation?" "I did, but for some reason, after about 2 minutes it shut off." 130 The Doctor then turns to the consol and sets the scanner for inside the Tardis. 131 "Let's see now...There's Psycho and Gizmo in the Gameroom...Milch, there's no 132 sign at all!!! That was really him...!" 133 The Doctor and Milchar stand silently until a strange voice and familiar form 134 appears in front of them. #Milchar and Doctor, you two are my prize pupils... 135 but I cannot let you 'fry' this man like this. Yes, I did turn off the 136 simulation the moment that he said that he knew that the illusion was not real. 137 I apologize to you for doing this, but I want to have fun, too!!! He has told 138 me where to find this Key to Time that you two search for...I will tell you if 139 you will agree to 'pick up' a small item for me..." The Doctor and Milchar 140 stare at each other for a moment, then the Doctor says "Mighty Dimat, we have 141 learned from you, fought by your side, etc. Your wisdom is great, as is your 142 sense of humor, if this is no joke-then you only have to ask. We will do it." 143 "Great, this item is on Galifrey, The Doctor's home planet. I need for you two 144 to get the Lord President's Septre." "Surely you jest!!! The Septre of 145 Galifrey is as well protected as the President himself. How can we, a Renegade 146 Time Lord, two aliens, and a Magician possibly be able to defeat the President's 147 Guards??" #You will find a way...# With that, Dimat vanishes. "Well., Milch. 148 What are we gonna do??" "I've got a plan, Doctor..." 149 150 ??????????????????????????????????????????? The Doctor & Milchar ??????????????? 151 ********************************************************************** 152 DREAMTOUCHER: I DO NOT MODIFY MESSAGES UNLESS THEY HAVE CERTAIN THINGS 153 WHICH I CONSIDER NOT PROPER HERE. I HAVE NOT MODIFIED ANY OF YOUR MESSAGES 154 TO DATE. THE ONES I DO, ARE THOSE WHICH CONTAIN FOUL LANGUAGE. I EITHER 155 REMOVE THE OFFENDING WORDS, OR THE NETIRE MESSAGE DEPENDING ON THE 156 CONTENT OF THE MESSAGE. I ALSO REMOVE MESSAGES PRETAINING ON HOW TO 157 BREAK INTO OTHER SYSTEMS. THIS IS BOTH BECAUSE IT IS A CRIME, AND 158 BECAUSE I DON'T THINK IT IS ACCEPTABLE BEHAVOIR. (IT'S MY SYSTEM, I 159 GET TO DEFINE WHAT IS ACCEPTABLE ON IT AND WHAT IS NOT.) OF MOST OF THE 160 SYSTEMS AROUND, BWMS TENDS TO BE THE MOST RELAXED WHEN IT COMES TO 161 RESTRICTIONS, BUT I DO HAVE MY LIMITS. 162 TO OTHERS, THERE ARE CERTAIN RULES OF PROPER BEHAVIOR AROUND HERE THAT 163 NOT ONLY APPLY TO HERE, BUT TO LIFE IN GENERAL. 164 1. DO NOT MODIFY OR DEFACE OTHERS MESSAGES. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, TELL 165 THEM SO, BUT DON'T GO AROUND CHANGING THINGS JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T 166 LIKE IT. 167 2. AS STATED BEFORE, THIS SYSTEM IS OPEN TO A WIDE VARITY OF PEOPLE, 168 SO PLEASE USE A LITTLE BIT OF CARE IN WHAT YOU WRITE. THERE IS NOT 169 NEED FOR FOUL OR ABUSIVE LANGAUGE. BESIDES, REMEMBER THAT WHAT YOU 170 WRITE IS A REFLECTION ON YOU. 171 3. AGAIN, AS STATED BEFORE, I DO NOT TOLERATE MESSAGES RELATING HOW TO 172 DESTROY OR HURT OTHER SYSTEMS OR THINGS. THESE MESSAGES WILL BE REMOVED 173 AS SOON AS THEY ARE ENTERED. 174 175 BWMS DOES NOT HAVE A FORMAT PER SE, IT IS DEFINED BY THE USERS LIKE 176 YOURSELF, SO PLEASE TRY TO USE A LITTLE JUDGEMENT ABOUT WHAT YOU DO 177 HERE. 178 END OF SERMON 179 ********************** CISTOP MIKEY *********************************** 180 P.S. WHEN THE SYSTEM DOESN'T ANSWER, IT MEANS THAT I AM USING IT. 181 QOQIRRR R R R R R R R R R R 182 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 183 Mig (Mir?): I would have KILLED to see that concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 184 Now if you will all excuse me, I'll go to the corner and be jelous. 185 Bo 186 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 187 /////////////////////////////////////////////////// 188 as the ant was advancing on Lord Morby an arrow struck its exo-skeloton 189 and sunk into its flesh.it shreiked in pain 190 and turned to face its new attacker.pheric tossed a large handaxe to Morby's 191 feet, "i hope you are skilled with it, it was the only thing i could find in my 192 pouch"he drew another arrow and fired at the ant,hitting it in the abdomen, 193 the thing fell over dead.a large party of ants,probbly about 20 was breaking 194 away from the main body, wich pheric estimated was about 150-200. "i suggest we 195 find a better source of cover,some of those ants on the way have bows also 196 he started to search around, and ater a while motioned Lord Morby to 197 a clump of large boulders.they settled themselves in and waited.the party of 198 ants did not come to them, they went into a small frest nearby and did not come 199 back out....... 200 ///////////////////PHERIC F.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 201 P.S. I HOPE I USED YOUR CHARACTER RIGHT. 202 MIG:I HEARD THAT DARREN SPOKELY CRASHED 80+ PERMANATELY. 203 ><><><<>><><><<><><><><><><><><><><<><><><><<><><><> 204 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 205 ...but I shall need to research a little. Hmmm... we should have been at the Inn by now... but of course the Key 206 can get us back on schedule. What is needed is a full set of plans for the palace and everyone's co-operation. It's 207 a good thing I've had mentat training from Dimat... #By the by, Dimat, what did you do to the poor thing?# #Nothing 208 much, just banished him. More than he deserved.# Milchar and The Doctor set the controls for auto-regenerate, and 209 leave to find their two friends to begin planning... 210 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar, The Doctor, Psycho, and Gizmo ++++++++++++++ 211 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 212 Bo:jealous(sp) you,did you also know that paul revere and the raiders were there? 213 oh how about jan&dean? or the 15 other lesser known but fairly good bands? 214 (I am SOOOOOO crual!) 215 Pheric:sounds about right,I was friends with Darren when he was kicked of of 80+ 216 and I know he knew how to do it,it iwas not hard for that board.he also tried west #1 217 before that and failed,and was caught.tried the Nerd to,and got booted within 15 seconds of login. 218 I guess he just wanted to take it all out on somebody,because I warned him of`what he was doing wrong, 219 I guess he thinks I am to blame for all his problems.I hate the thought that some BBS I don't use now 220 has a bogus me on it.if I find that,heads may roll! 221 The Man in Gray 222 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 223 MIG: DO YOU HAVE TO RUB IT IN? ARGHHHHHH!!!!! JAN & DEAN TO? ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 224 I WONDER IF IT IS POSIBLE TO STRANGLE SOMEONE OVER A BBS? 225 XRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXR REX XRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXR 226 227 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 228 It may be true that there are two sides to every 229 question, but it is also true that there are two 230 sides to a sheet of flypaper and it makes a big 231 difference to the fly which side he chooses. 232 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 233 Sometimes the best way to convince a man he is wrong 234 is to let him have his own way. 235 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 236 There are two kinds of failures: the man who will do 237 nothing he is told, and the man who will do nothing 238 else. 239 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 240 Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll 241 understand what little chance you have of trying to 242 change others. 243 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 244 The practical man is the man who knows how to get 245 what he wants. The philosopher is the man who knows 246 what man ought to want. The ideal man is the man who 247 knows how to get what he ought to want. 248 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 249 If you think you're confused, consider poor Columbus. 250 He didn't know where he was going. When he got there, 251 he didn't know where he was. And when he got back, he 252 didn't know where he'd been. 253 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 254 Tact is the knack of making a point without making an 255 enemy. 256 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 257 One day, the story goes, a man picked up a hairpin. 258 He played with it thoughtfully for a moment, 259 wondering if he could give the wire a new twist that 260 would add to its usefulness. He bent it several ways, 261 then stopped when the shape he had arrived at seemed 262 interesting. He had no way of knowing it then, but he 263 had just invented the paper clip. The invention, 264 which took only a few minutes, netted him, so they 265 say, a quarter of a million dollars. 266 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 267 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 268 I believe in the supreme worth of the individual and 269 in his right to life, liberty, and pursuit of 270 happiness. 271 i believe that every right implies a responsibility; 272 every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a 273 duty. 274 I believe that the law was made for man and not man 275 for the law; that government id the servant of the 276 people and not their master. 277 I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head 278 or hand; that the world owes no man a living, but 279 that it owes every man an opportunity to make a 280 living. 281 I believe that thrift is essential to well ordered 282 living and that economy is a prime requisite of a 283 sound financial structure, whether in government, 284 business, or personal affairs. 285 I believe that truth and justice are fundamental to 286 an enduring social order. 287 I believe in the sacredness of a promise, that a 288 man's word should be as good as his bond; that 289 character - not wealth or power or position - is of 290 supreme worth. 291 I believe that the rendering of useful service is the 292 common duty of mankind and that only in the purifying 293 fire of sacrifice is the dross of selfishness 294 consumed and the greatness of the human soul set 295 free. 296 I believe in an all-wise and all-loving God, named by 297 whatever name, and that the individual's highest 298 fulfillment, greatest happiness, and widest 299 usefulness are to be found in living in harmony with 300 His will. 301 I believe that love is the greatest thing in the 302 world; that it alone can overcome hate; that right 303 can and will triumph over might. 304 305 Whose creeds are these you ask? 306 John D. Rockefeller, Jr. 307 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 308 To whoever input the above: I always thought that tact was a mutual agreement 309 to be full of bullsh??. 310 ******************************** THE LAZY ONE *************************** 311 Sorry to whoever is running the Former if I overdid it. I didn't kill him 312 you notice just temporarily removed him from the vicinity of the inn. 313 ***************************** WHISPER *********************************** 314 &*#()@*%)*%)!*)$*^%)#$*^)%*&)%*)$@*&)*$%)&*@$)&*@)*&)@*$)%&*)*@)&*)$%*&@)*&)@*&)@*&)@$%*&)@%*&)*%&)%*&)*)$%*&)(&)(*)&( 315 DreamToucher: I was a little confused about your message regarding the gas station and the city. It would be a little 316 tough to get such 'good' service in such a deserted place... But...if you have read the books in question (no 317 voyeur, if you are watching, I have not read them), and your story line is a little more along the lines of the books, 318 I will be happy to change my entry to read... "The station was deserted, and no attendant came to serve us...etc" 319 MIG : Ain't it grand to have such good friends. I finally read your message on Bit Bucket to Aaron...Tell me...what's 320 it like to be 1)A kid Sysop, and 2)On the same plane (correct spelling for this sentence) with Kim Flowers? 321 Bard: Are you there? We need some translation! What we have here is a failure to communicate... (so the story goes) 322 voyeur: How goes the docs? Are you finished? Hey...it's only one more week to another meeting! How time flies...This 323 time, let's really make some story decisions...NO excuses this time... 324 CISTOP:THANKS SO MUCH...IF I GET YOUR DRIFT, I COULD RUN ALL MOST ALL OF THE KAYPRO CP/M 5.25" COLLECTION? WHAT ABOUT... 325 DRUM ROLL PLEASE...WORD STAR? I MANAGED TO GET A OSBOURNE VERSION UP ON THE LNW, WHAT ABOUT A 326 LNW VERSION ON THE CP/M EMULATOR? WHEN WILL THE PRODUCT BE RELEASED? (ANY CHANCE...HEH HEH...OF BETA TEST SIGHTS IN 327 PORTLAND? HINT HINT...SERIOUSLY THOUGH, I WOULD BE INTERESTED IN BUYING A COPY WHEN IT DOES BECOME AVAILABLE THANKS... 328 HAWTHORNE: What kind of terminal program are you using at MLC? What would you say to the offer of a nice PUBLIC 329 DOMAIN terminal program, if you don't already have one? I can't help you out on the Coco, but I hear Colorcom/E is a 330 very good program. And WHO was that girl with the different hair color at the last SF meeting? (Just to start a 331 conversation...) 332 *%)$*%)#*%$#)%*)#$@% L'homme sans parity - L'ecole ast fini dans deux semains (*)#)$*@)%$*#)$*@$)@#$* 333 334 HI,I'M HAWTHORNE.I AM STILL HERE AND GLAD OF IT.ER THAT IS I AM STILL WORKIN ON,UH MY FAULTY SOCIAL SKILLS.?.SORRY FOR ER 335 WELL TAKING SO MUCH USELESS SPAC E ON THE ALTERDRIVE.THEY WERENT IMPORTANT BUT THEY KEPT THE NIC E MEN IN WHITE SUITS AWAY... 336 I REDISCOVERED A SFRPG AND WIL L BE OCCUPIED WITH THAT FOR OH SO LONG,ALA LESS MESSAGES... 337 I USED ABOUT FIVE DIFFERENT TERMINAL PROGRAMS AT MLC.AMONG THEM WERE TWO OF MY OWN DESIGN, UNFORTUNATELY ALL OF 'EM 338 FAILED MISERABLY.I WOULD BE OVER JOYED AT THE CHANCE AT A PUBLIC DOMAIN TERMINAL PROGRAM.I,AS A MATTER OF FACT WOULD BE 339 CHOMPING AT THE BIT AT ONE.I AM LOSING FACE WITH THE MUNCHKINS MERELY BECAUSE I CANT DO WHAT TH E MANUALS SAY.YOU SEE 340 THE MODEL ]I[ MANUAL GIVES INSTR UCTIONS FOR RS232 INTERFACE.AND I HAVE THE MUNCHKINS PRAYING TO ME AT DUSK.SO YOU CAN 341 UNDERSTAND MY PREDICAMENT... 342 WHEN CAN I GET IT?THE MUNCHKIN S ARE LESSENING IN FAITH.ONE OF THE LITTLE BUGGERS EVEN CALLED ME BY MY NAME THE OTHER 343 DAY,AND DIDNT EVEN BOW?!?THANK YOU FOR OFFERING.WHAT IS IT IN ANY CASE? 344 THE FEMALE WITH THE MULTICOLOR ED HAIR AT PORSFIS WAS AN ACQUA INTENCE FROM MLC.I REALLY WAS TAKEN ABACK TO SEE HER THERE. 345 IN ANY CASE.HER AND A FEW OTHE R ACQUAINTENCES SHOWED UP TOO AND CONSIDERING I HADN'T SEEN TH EM FOR MONTHS I ENJOYED THE 346 MEETING.THAT AND I GOT TO SEE IF OR NOT THE MAN IN GREY REALLY WAS DRESSED ALL IN GREY.I GOT LUCK IN FINDING THE BLACKWATER 347 QUADRANT OF THE ROOM.I STROLLED RIGHT BY IN THE QUEST OF A DRINK ING FOUNTAIN AND FOUND A MESSAG E ON THE BLACKBOARD DOWN THE 348 HALL [SYMBOLISM?].THE REGULAR MEMBERS OF PORSFIS SEEM TO GIVE THE MOST SCATHING STARES TO A NEWCOMER... 349 THE FORMER IS MINE AND I THOUG HT THE LAZY ONE DID A FINE JOB OF SKIRTING THE FLAILING PAIR.IT ISNT EASY YOU KNOW. 350 WELL,A TOAST TO MY AT PRESENT TERMINAL PROGRAM;RSVIDEOTEX.I AM STILL TRYING TO FIND 80 PLUS.IN THE HOPES OF FINDING A PEICE 351 OF SOFTWARE CALLED VIP TERMINAL. FROM WHAT I CAN TELL IT IS THE ONE THAT I WOULD LIKE THE BEST. IT HAS LOWERCASE [GASP,SHUDDER 352 ,QUIVER-IN-BOOTS] AND BELEIVE-IT -OR-NOT 24 LINES OF 85 CHARACTE RS [EVEN MORE MOCKED AWE...].I THINK THE VDG ON THIS COMPUTER 353 IS TOO LIMMITED HOWEVER.CANT TEL L UNTILL I SEE IT THOUGH.THANK YOU FOR ASKING.BY THE BY,WHAT IS YOUR HARD AND OR SOFTWARE? 354 GOOD NIGHT ALL... 355 HAWTHORNE [THE FORMER] 356 357 ---------------------------------------- 358 voyeur,thanks for the info,I am not very into the multi-author stuff,but I will be putting up one of`mine 359 starting saturday.that being a one(1)`authored story (mine) I w 360 will use 126 cols. and keep it to a few k per day so as not to anger the locals.and would SOMEBODY explain to me 361 who or what a porsfis is 362 hawthorn,glad to hear of the sanity change,hurts,doesn't it! oh well,of for now-tally farm implement! 363 ---------------shtoner------------------ 364 365 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::: 366 shtoner: PorSFiS is the Portland Science Fiction Society. It seems to have 367 turned into an unofficial gathering place for Backwater Innhabitants. 368 The bard and apprentice were originally there because they are members of 369 PorSFiS. I dropped in one time while looking for The Friends of the Doctor, 370 and discovered them. MiG arrived there, I believe, as a result of a BW contact 371 with the bard. With that small group, we thought it might be interesting to 372 see who else we could con into appearing, thereby meeting the faces 373 behind the pseudonyms. Others have dropped in from time to time, such 374 as piper (he really does play pipes!), The Mad Actor, bo, Fast Fred, 375 Traveller, Milchar, The Doctor, L'homme sans parity, HAWTHORNE, DREAMTOUCHER, 376 and others who I cannot recall at the moment because my fan blew my 377 list of pseudonyms/identities behind my desk where I can't get it easily. 378 The core group tends to be the bard, apprentice, voyeur, and MiG, with semi- 379 regular appearance by L'homme, TMA, and the other Sysop for the Nerd. 380 The PorSFiS meeting is every other Saturday (next one is 6/2) at the Multnomah 381 County Library, main floor, at 2:00 PM, running 'til about 3:30, at which 382 time it adjourns to the PC&S Tavern nearby, (where our under-age members never 383 seem to have any problems). (hope no OLCC spies are reading this!). 384 It's rather interesting to find out how wildly ones impressions of the people 385 differ from reality. 386 Hope this helps to explain what 'porsfis' is? 387 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::voyeur::::::::::O O:::::::::::: 388 389 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 390 Waking up with a start, I find the sun shinning down melting 391 the snow. Another drop falls on my head, and I realize that it 392 was what caused me to wake. 393 The fire had gone out sometime in the night, and now a small 394 stream was running through the small depression where I had made 395 it. The sun was beating down, it was a beautiful day. I should 396 be happy, yet I find I am not. 397 I have tryed to outrun my depression, but all I seem to do 398 is just tire it. The minute I stop it once more catches up to me 399 blotting out the sun and turning the world gray about me. 400 The snow has turned to a dirty white/brown patch on the 401 ground. Its essence running away to the sea. Rushing to escape 402 itself as I have tryed. Yet it will be back once again, caught 403 up in the wind to be deposited yet again where it lay. 404 Another dirty drop splashes upon my head as if to refute 405 these thoughts. I get up to move from under this intrusion upon 406 my comfort, and a moment later a rush of dirty snow rock and 407 water fills the ground where I had lain, washing the remains of 408 my campfire away. "The story of my life!" I grumble. 409 Since I was up, there was no point in sticking around any 410 more, I would move on and find a more suitable place to break my 411 fast. Moving further up the hill, I find a group of bolders near 412 a flat piece of gravel strewn ground. There also I find the 413 remains of anothers fire. Adding some fresh wood, I restart it 414 and prepare my late breakfast. 415 After I am done, not finding any water close at hand to put 416 out the fire, I pickup some of the dirty snow and spread it over 417 the fire which quickly puts it out. Turning to face the peak 418 again, I look upon it and see naught but the task at hand of 419 finding Emer. 420 "Ahh, Emer, I fear that my dark cloud has chased you off 421 once again. I wish I knew what to do to combat this, for I very 422 much want to see you." Not knowing what else to do, I continue 423 to trudge up the moutain side. After a moments pause as if it 424 were confused, the dark cloud that still follows me moved to 425 catch up once again. 426 *O* Tarn *O* 427 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 428 429 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 430 Walking down the pathway, the piper's boots kicked up a sparkilng galaxy of 431 failed hopes, dreams, and realities. An occasional mote would fly up as hig 432 as his eyes; one or two bringing a tear to his eye and a lump to his throat. 433 He was coming to a more used section of the path now. A large bipedal life- 434 form rushed by, its elongated auditory apparatus pushed back by the relative 435 wind of its passage, lamenting audibly about its chronological problems. The 436 piper paused a moment, turned and watched the retreating rabbit, then resumed 437 his journey. Coming toward him was a creature that resembled nothing so muh 438 as an enourmous lavender slug. Its antennae protruded nearly two feet from its 439 four-foot high body, and a thick smell of peppermint filled the air as the piper 440 moved well to the side of the path as it passed. The inch-thick coating of 441 slime the creature left on the path made the footing treacherous for some time 442 thereafter. Still the piper searched for the destination that eluded him. 443 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 444 445 ALLAH'-U'-ABHA' 446 447 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 448 MY KNEE SEAMS TO BE JERKING EVERY WHICH WAY LATELY. I STILL SAY IT MUST 449 BE THAT BRIGHT LIGHT IN THE SKY. 450 P. HAWTHORNE: GLAD YOUR STILL AROUND. 451 CISTOP MIKEY: TNX FOR THE CLARIFICATION. 452 L'HOMME: I'VE STARTED SOME READING RECOMENDED BY BARD. THE DETOUR 453 IS NOT FROM AN EXISTING STORY (AS FAR AS I KNOW) BUT WAS, EXCEPT 454 FOR THE PARTICULAR VEHICULE AND OCCUPANTS, AN ACTUAL DREAM I EXPERIENCED 455 A FEW MONTHS BACK. I JUST THOUGHT I'D THROUGH IT IN. 456 EEEE...: NOT BAD. THAIR ARE SOMETIMES THINGS WHICH SEEM TO NEED SAYING 457 WHICH DON'T NORMALY COME UP IN CONVERSATION AND ARE NOT EASY TO WORK INTO 458 A STORY LINE EITHER. THIS IS THE ONLY FUNCTION OF THE GURU OF BLIS. 459 NEITHER HE NOR I HAVE ANY REAL PRETENTIONS OF INFAILABILITY BUT NEOPLATITUDES 460 WHICH QUESTION POPULAR ASSUMPTIONS SEEM LIKE A GOOD IDEA. I WILL PROBABLY, 461 FROM TIME TO TIME REGRET HAVING SAID THAT BUT SUCH AS THEY SAY IS LIFE. 462 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 463 AS SOON AS THEY GOT THE CAR TO THE CURB, SNOWRUNNER JUMPED OUT AND RAN BEHIND 464 THE NEAREST BUSH. A SHORT WHILE LATER, AS WE CONSULTED IN CONSTERNATION, SHE 465 RETURNED. SHE CHAISED HER TAIL LIKE A PUPPY FOR A FEW TURNS THEN CAME OVER 466 WIMPERING. 467 "#I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. SOMETHING ABOUT THIS PLACE DOESN'T FEEL 468 QUITE RIGHT TO ME EITHER#" 469 IT WAS LATE AFTERNOON AND IT LOOKED LIKE THEY WOULD HALVE TO FIND A PLACE TO 470 CAMP FOR THE NIGHT. THE EDGE OF THE GHOST CITY WAS TOO FAR AWAY TO WALK IT 471 BEFORE DARK. FORTUNATLY THEY HAD A GOOD SUPPLY OF LIGHTS WHICH 472 DREAMTOUCHER MARVELED AT, AND BLANKETS ET.C. IT WAS MOSTLY A MATER OF 473 FINDING A SUITABLE PLACE FOR THE NIGHT UNLESS BARD COULD FIND A WAY TO GET HIS 474 FIELD GENERATOR TO SHIFT THEM OVER A FEW MORE LINES ON WHAT FUMES REMAINED 475 IN THE CARBURATOR OR THEY COULD LOCATE A SOURCE OF FUEL. PROBABLY BOTH WOULD 476 BETTER DONE IN THE MORNING LIGHT OF A NEW DAY THAN IN THE FAIDING LIGHT OF 477 EVENING. 478 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*DREAMTOUCHER*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 479 Lord Morby: I correct your spelling for two reasons- 480 1. because I've seen so much bad spelling on the BBS's that I'm starting tohave 481 trouble with my OWN spelling! 482 2. Some of your mis-spellings are the correct spelling for a different word! 483 This sort of thing can ruin the intended meaning of a sentence! 484 The latest example was when you spelled "feel" as "fell"! 485 _______________________________Leonard__________________________________________ 486 The apprentice rushed towards the sounds of battle. When he arrived, 487 he found the bodies of two VERY large ants. After inquiring as to just WHAT 488 exactly had happened, he consulted with whisper. 489 The consultation finished, he removed a scroll from a case on his 490 belt. There was a shimmer in the air as he began to read... 491 Shortly, the shimmer solidified into an ant lion of proportionate size 492 to the ants. The apprentice gestured towards the woods and it departed. 493 .................. 494 (It's only an illusion!) 495 (Yes, but THIS illusion has teeth!) 496 (for all you D&D'ers: Shadow Monster II) 497 ................................the apprentice.................................. 498 Voyeur & L'homme: I suspect that dreamtoucher's station was the next fuel stop 499 AFTER the one at Reality 76! (How's that for a compromise?) 500 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 501 ATTENTION TMA/GAIUS! 502 Billy Bob awoke slowly. The first thing he noticed was the stench. 503 The second was the rock in his hand. He dropped the rock and struggled to his 504 feet. 505 The last thing he remebered was singing that stupid song... 506 Now he seemed to be standing in the world's biggest dungheap. Well, at least 507 that explained the stench! Somehow he knew that the darkness around him was NOT 508 going to lift. 509 He picked a direction and started walking... 510 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 511 Recognize the setting? 512 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 513 Dreamtoucher: I saw the line disappear too! Somehow you'd gotten an ESC in your 514 entry. (I took the liberty of removing it!). You might try using CC N & seeing 515 how things look. 516 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 517 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::: 518 Bard: poor RZ is going to sue us for plagarism pretty soon. 519 Good 'service station' compromise. I'll have to ponder for a while, 520 see what I can come up with (if anything). 521 I also aint got no 'World of the Imperium' Laumers. Other than 522 the Retiefs, just Plague of Demons, Earthblood, World Shuffler, & Timetracks. 523 If all else fails, I suppose we could improvise (what? originality?) 524 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::voyeur::::::::::O O::::::::::: 525 *$#)@*$)@*$)*!)$^*%)*&^)#*^)#$*^)%*^)$%*^)*^&)$*&)*($)&*@)*&)$@%*&$)%*&)%*& 526 bARD: Yes...good compromise. The question is, if we DID get filled up at 527 Reality 76, how did we run out of gas so soon? Is this due to another 528 difference in realities? My gas mileage isn't great, but it is NOT that bad! 529 Anyway...I'll just go along with the story line set by Dream Toucher...(funny, 530 oh...never mind)...While I steered the car, the others got out and pushed the 531 car from behind (one of the pleasures you get for owning the car!). Finally 532 we rolled up to what looked like a suitable place to stop. "Are you guys 533 tired? We didn't fo THAT far did we?" The look in their eyes told me not to 534 push the subject...We set about setting up some kind of camp, in the hopes 535 we could figure out what had happened to the city in the morning... 536 *)#@*%$)@#*%@)#*% L'homme sans parity - mes amis ne aiment pas une plaisanterie! 537 538 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::: 539 That night, while sitting around their campfire and eating tasteless rations 540 from their packs, supplemented with freshly caught game (courtesy of Snowrunner), the bard 541 explained the history of the place they were in, and the disapperance 542 of the Dragons of Bel'kwinith. (go ahead, bard. That's more up your 543 alley than mine {if you want, anyway}). Finally, having decided nothing 544 of consequence regarding their plight, they turned in. 545 Early the next morning, they were awakened by an eerie wailing. 546 The bard looked puzzled, voyeur and L'homme had no idea what it might be, 547 and disturbingly, Snowrunner was covering her ears and cowering against 548 Dreamtoucher. The sound grew nearer, and the group began to prepare for 549 battle against the unknown. Who knew what might lurk in these desolate woods? 550 As he waited for IT to appear, something nagged in the back of voyeur's mind. 551 That sound was vaguely familiar. Wait! Could it be---bagpipes? 552 If so, perhaps they had a way out of here after all! 553 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::voyeur:::::::::::O O::::::: 554 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 555 AARON: I HAVE BEEN ABSENT OF LATE, AND DO NOT HAVE THE TIME TO EXAMINE 556 BOTH DISKS TO SEE IF YOU ARE AROUND............ARE YOU? ARE YOU STILL 557 AWAITING AN EXPLANATION ON THE CLOUD? 558 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!DEBORAH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 559 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 560 The piper walked slowly along the shining path, wishing that his journey 561 was over. How he longed to sit at his old table at the inn, trading songs 562 with the bard, sipping the delicious brew that could be found nowhere else. 563 As he walked, he scanned the atmoshphere before him. With concentration, 564 he could discern traces of many who had passed this way. What was this? 565 Something was familiar about those lines. It couldn't be -- powered 566 vehicles could not walk the path -- but something very similar -- now how 567 to escape this meta-reality? Slowly he unwrapped his pipes from their 568 cover, slid the ferrule of the bass drone onto the stem, and set the slide 569 to the approximate position. Raising the pipes to his shoulder he blew, 570 then winced. Moving the drone, he stopped the outside tenor, tuned it, 571 tuned the bass, then tuned the last tenor drone. As the sound swelled, 572 he walked the path, the shining dust turning into pavement. 573 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 574 575 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 576 Well, guysI'm back from an absence of about a week. Ted Mittelstaedt 577 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The dark flowed around him, with water's 578 gentle caress. No sound, no light, no taste, no touch met his senses. His 579 mind reached out in fear as it always did when he used his boots. Meeting a 580 dead blankness, he lightly rebuked himself for his mind state. He spread his 581 arms and legs and focused his mind into the inside of itself. "Roll the 582 Stones tape" he commanded. The startup sequenced grabbed his mind and 583 twisted it. Lights flared and settled into the familiar pattern of the song. 584 Music began and he wove it into his journey. The lyrics began and he relaxed 585 into them. The music grew stronger, reaching its climax and as the full 586 power behind them flowed into its familiar channels he thrust himself 587 through the space. The patterns began to fade, replaced by the greenery of 588 the living forest. The music faded also and he arrived, staring up at the 589 soft leaves waving in the breeze. 590 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++0000000000000001TED+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 591 THIS IS THE PHANTOM WRITTER MISS ME??? 592 WELL I SURE HOPE SO,BECASUE BIG DEAL IF YOU KNOW 593 MY PHONE NUMBER I DON'T CARE!!!!!! 594 I'VE BEEN ON HERE EVERY DAY USING A NAME,I WON'T SAY 595 LET YOU FUGURE IT OUT,WHY DO YOU USE 596 T.N.WHEN YOU CAN USE MY FULL NAME IT'S SIMPLE AS THAT??? 597 Now folks i don't REALLY know what i did wrong in the first place but i want 598 to know??? 599 If you would leave me a message here or on 600 CBBS/PSC-775 xxxx (you all know that number) 601 CBBS/NW JIM & BILL'S-646xxxx 602 Or you can call my house at the phone you know of 603 and hook up a computer tone so we can discuss this VIA keeyboard!! 604 Just set your computer on Half Duplex and Talk computer to computer when you 605 call,just leave you computer on AWNSER and i'll hook 606 mine to ORIG... 607 Now get this folks all i wanted to do was get to know 608 all of you i don't like Black Sabbath my freind wrote that 609 Junk!!About the Mob Rules and stuff like that 610 i'll i'm trying to get to you why did you all try 611 and get my phone number i can easly get your phone number 612 as well,i don't want to take up all the space there is 613 so if you want to "CHAT" about this call CBBS/PSC 614 or Jim & bill's or west side or free or Dune II 615 Bye for now.....................i'll leave you a msg 616 with my phone number i don'T care if you know it.. 617 (DON'T CORRECT THE CAPITAL T GUYS!!!!) 618 well thanks,i really appriectate it!!!! 619 ****************************T.N=PHANTOM WRITTER****** 620 621 p.s.now the ex-phantom writter someone is using the 622 same name on another bbs only Phanotm Hacker!! 623 Thanks!!! 624 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 625 What do you call four Mexicans drowning? 626 627 Cuatro Sinko... What else? 628 629 THEENDTHEENDTHEENDTHEENDTHEENDTHEENDTHEEND >