💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › messages › BACKWATER › bw840315.txt captured on 2022-06-12 at 15:46:01.
LIST FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ALL ALLOWED NUMBER OF LINES: 568 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ********************* REMOVED: 15 MAR 84 ******************* 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privatly owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>) 21 22 A new disk! a first for me. 23 24 Oh well, it looks as if we are off to see the wizard after all. 25 WOn a yellow brick road too! (6000 angstroms, funny.) Where has 26 Dragonlady gone to? I see the Bard dragging along a loudly complianing 27 Fast Freddy. And the newly arrived Commander trying to figure out 28 a flintlock rifle. This group is really rather interesting. 29 Turning to the piper walking beside me I ask, "What do you plan 30 to do when we reach the wizard? Knowing a few tiny scraps of magic 31 myself and knowing also what a real spellcaster can do. What do we 32 do if the wizard turns out to be rather hostile to a group of people 33 barging in on him?" 34 35 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)The Traveller(<>)(<>)(<>) 36 37 Please watch those control characters people! they tend to give certain 38 terminal problems. 39 40 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>) 41 42 Yngvi, sitting back in the corner, looks out one of the tiny windows at the 43 sunshine. While taking a sip of the dark, sweet beverage befor him he hears 44 the clatter of a horse-drawn cab on cobblestones. This seems a might 45 The two men, removing their fog-sodden capes, took places at a table as the 46 Innkeeper pushed a tea trolley up to the table. "Good day, gentlemen. And 47 welcome again to the Inn" said the host, "If there will be anything else, 48 please ask." The taller of the two, dressed in tweeds, thank him and then 49 turned to converse with his companian. 50 Yngvi turned back to his terminal thinking it was a rather slow sunday with 51 all the regulars off on a adventure. 52 53 |+|-|+|-|+|-|+|-|+|-|+|-|+|-|+|-|+|-|+|-|+|-|+|-|+|-|+|-|+|-|+|-|+|-|+|-|+|- 54 After rowing the life boat ashore, the drink offered by the Piper was 55 the next best thing to real Innwater. However, my rest was short; the Piper 56 wanted to move out. 57 "I seem to recall another way to the wizard's. I don't think we could 58 fit this many people, but I would welcome any company." 59 With those words, I started off toward the wizard's stronghold. 60 The Ninja 61 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?? 62 YES, I AM STILL ALIVE AND KICKING AND LIVING IN PORTLAND. 63 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?DEBORAH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 64 65 Trav, you've got to get your eyes checked. The person stuck with babysitting duty is NOT the Bard, but li'l ol' me, 66 the Poet, I, La! And he's such wonderful good company that I wouldn't part with him for any sum of money...well... 67 maybe for a friend I could make an exception... how about 100 gold pieces and I throw in his leash for free? 68 && The Mad Actor && 69 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 70 My dear Mad Actor, 71 My heartfelt thanks for your welcome back on the flipside. As it happens, 72 no, I am not using one of those battery-powered, lapsize jobs with an LCD 73 screen, but a full-size rigout. Thus, your speculation as to who I am is 74 probably erroneous. No matter. When I took the peddlar's potion (in the 75 form of a number), I admit I didn't know what I was getting myself into. 76 Nevertheless, the BackWater bunch seem to be a delightful bunch of zanies, 77 and maybe their zaniness will be good for somebody like me. In the meantime, 78 I ned to figure out how to do a satisfactory save on disk so I don't hog 79 time. My ;first attempt was only partially successful. (On the playback 80 offline, my word processor didn't like the reversed order of the CR/LF 81 sequence. But not to worry.) In the meantime, I'll just bide my time 82 and see where the yellow brick road leads to. A little fantasy around the 83 edges might be good for me. 84 GEEZER 85 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 86 Traveller, try using "CC N" if you are having problems with control characters. 87 88 ************************************************************************ 89 LOOKING UP, I SEE THAT THE LADY OF DRAGONS HAS ENTERED THE INN. JUST THE 90 PERSON I AM LOOKING FOR. "HAVE YOU SEEN MY BARMAID 'PAM' IN YOUR TRAVELS? 91 I AM WORRIED, SHE HAS BEEN AWAY FAR LONGER THEN NORMAL (EVEN FOR HER). I 92 AM PARTICULARLY WORRIED SINCE THE LAST TIME I SAW HER, I WAS VERY PRESSED 93 FOR TIME, AND I AM WORRIED THAT SHE MAY HAVE TAKEN OFFENSE AT MY 94 ABRUTNESS SINCE SHE HASN'T SHOWN SINCE." 95 "HAS ANYONE AT ALL SEEN HER?" "IF ANYONE DOES, TELL HER I'LL DOUBLE HER 96 SALERY IF SHE'LL COME BACK (AS SOON AS I START PAYING HER A SALERY!)" 97 ********************* CISTOP MIKEY ************************************ 98 99 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 100 AH! MY OWN TRANSLATOR AGAIN! WHAT A COMFORT IN THIS STRANGE LAND. 101 FLINTLOCK?!?....PERHAPS THIS LONG STICK HERE...HMMM, A TRIGGER BUT LITTLE ELSE 102 IS RECOGNISABLE. THE PIPER SAID SOMETHING ABOUT "POWDER AND BALLS". 103 MAYBE IN THE POUCH AT MY SIDE...YES, SOME STEEL BALLS ABOUT .5 CM IN DIAMETER 104 AND A FLASK OF BLACK POWDER. SMELLS LIKE SULFUR AND SOME OTHER COMPOUND 105 VERY STRANGE. OH WELL, IF I CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT I CAN ALWAYS USE IT AS 106 A GOOD CLUB, BEING ABOUT 1M LONG AND MADE OF STURDY WOOD AND METAL. 107 PIPER: THANKS FOR THE REASSURANCES. AS THINGS STAND I CAN SURVIVE FOR NOW, 108 KNOWING THAT I CAN GET BACK LATER. I DON'T SUPPOSE I COULD TALK WITH MY 109 SHIP'S COMPUTER ON HOW TO USE THIS THING, COULD I? 110 OOOPS, I BETTER HURRY UP BEFORE I GET LEFT BEHIND. I HAOPE THIS WIZARD CAN 111 HELP ME OUT! 112 COMMANDER LACELLS 113 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 114 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 115 116 who in hell erased my message. 117 that it is a good thing that i do not know 118 who is who here. i am ticked!!!!!!!11 119 How does one raise hell from above and create general 120 havoc when one does not know who to direct such actions to? 121 is this some sort of family owned operation that i am infringing 122 on or is it a cult or just a bunch of generally rude people????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 123 arghhhhhh ! 124 he inside between the perimeter 125 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 126 ************************************************************** 127 DIGITAL MAN: IF YOU HAD READ THE OPENING MESSAGE YOU WERE SO BUSILY DELETING, 128 YOU WOULD HAVE FOUND OUT WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR MESSAGE. 129 **************** CISTOP MIKEY ***************************************** 130 ************************************* 131 132 And now...... 133 134 135 A brief joke for all you psychics: 136 137 138 ************************************* 139 140 And also...... 141 142 143 A joke for all of us that speak 144 martianese: 145 146 147 And also..... 148 149 A joke for the blind... 150 151 ................................................................................ 152 On hearing that Traveller knew somewhat of magic Eric edged closer. 153 "I wouldst fain discuss matters arcane with thee. But please refrain from using 154 a certain phrase, milord." 155 .................................the apprentice................................. 156 "cCertainly, commander. What mposition are you tuned to?" 157 At the commander's blank look, the bard continued, "Oh, sorry, I didn't 158 realize that you were still using radio! What frequencies & modulations do you 159 require?" Without waiting for an answer, he started rummaging in his pack. 160 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 161 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 162 Moving like a schizophrenic amoeba, the party flowed left, right, north, and 163 south, but generally began to move along the road. Suddenly the ninja announced 164 that he knew the way for them to travel. With a sigh of relief, the piper 165 waved him to the forefront of the party. 166 It was a most pleasant and beautiful country the travellers found themselves 167 traversing. Beautiful blue flowers nodded their dainty blue heads above the 168 blue grass. Blue trees waved blue leaves in the scented breeze. In fact, the 169 whole landscape seemed to be various shades of blue, the vibrant slash of 170 yellow, the only relief from the monochromatic landscape. 171 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 172 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 173 "I resent that last comment", I snapped at the Poet. Just because 174 I wanted to make a fast buck in Bolo's is no reason to make such 175 jokes. ex-Bolo salesmen have feelings too. 176 Maybe there's another way out of it.... 177 "theres no place like home.." 178 "theres no place like......." 179 180 So much for that one. Looks like I'm in for the duration. 181 Fast Fred 182 BSAL <ret> 183 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 184 Ps: I didn't get the jokes....... 185 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 186 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>) 187 188 Sorry about the name mixup, but in this situation it is hard to keep 189 track of what everybody is doing at any given moment. 190 191 Freddy: I belive you have to be wearing sparkling red shoes and have 192 clicked the heels together to make that one work. 193 194 "Apprentice, I know some small amount of the arcane arts but as is 195 the case with much of what I know: I know a little of everything and 196 alot of few things." I replied, walking beside the apprentice. Reaching 197 into a belt pouch I produced a bag of food. "Care for some gorp?" 198 199 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)The Traveller(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>) 200 :***********************************************************: 201 My dear friend Mohammed: 202 It is a sad day today, my friend, because I must bid you adieu. 203 I will miss our comraderie, but I am being urgently called a 204 away. 205 206 The district attorney has discovered my involvement in the 207 $42.2 million dollar Port of Portland coal export terminal 208 swindle. By the time you read this message I will be in South 209 America. 210 211 I was certainly embarrassed when I discovered Cornelius Hutton 212 was a guy in drag. I would have sworn he was a woman. He and 213 Petrov went off somewhere together. I haven't seen them in days. 214 215 Sorry about the crummy terrorist wisecrack. I didn't really 216 mean it. I just wasn't myself that day. I'm sorry. 217 Your dear friend 218 LeRoy 219 :***********************************************************: 220 SALAZAR: BE WARNED! PREPARE YOURSELF FOR BETRAYAL FROM AN 221 ALBANIAN ALLY. TREACHERY IS IN THE AIR. TRUST YOUR ENEMIES. 222 FEAR YOUR FRIENDS. IT IS YOUR DESTINY AT STAKE. DANGER LURKS 223 :***********************************************************: 224 225 LeRoy acting civil? something is most certainly amiss 226 Mr. Tim 227 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>) 228 229 The walk along in the sun is delightful, but this yellow 230 brick road business is a bit ridiculus, I was thinking to myself, 231 but I wish I knew more about the destination. 232 "Apprentice, could you tell me what you know about the wizard? 233 Just what can we expect from him?" I queried. 234 235 236 The hint on control characters works but it makes some messages 237 hard to read becase they are cluttered with t`e things. It depends 238 on which terminal program I am using weather I have troble or not, 239 the easier program to use (the one with an auto dialing routine too) 240 does not convert control characters and some of those will dump me 241 or do strange things to my 80-column card (none of which are legible) 242 especailly control-Z sequeces, so could you please be careful of 243 alot of crazy contol chars. for everyones sake. 244 245 Mike: for this last dump I put a delay between the characters being 246 sent and it helped 90% (I'm sure a longer delay would stop the last 247 couple things that got garbled) So if people are having trouble in 248 the future uploading stuff onto this system you might recommend this. 249 250 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)The Traveller(<>)(<>) 251 ?????????????? 252 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 253 { 254 Gandalf:does the name "nessus" mean anything to you??? 255 Bard:Killer game is over,I placed 4 out of 13.when the next one gets 256 organized,your in.I believe that it is going to be stnormal assanation 257 this round.as for E-MAIL I have`not the funds to pay off my present 258 debt to CIS>>. 259 ????? 260 ?????????????The Man in Gray?????????? 261 p.s. I hate call waiting!!! 262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 263 Where in the heck are the munchkins? 264 Dr. Frankenstupe 265 +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+ 266 267 Thwunk! 268 One of my stars imbeds itself deep into a little orange man. 269 "Obviously a spy," I defend myself with. Some of my companions obviously think 270 I'm weird for killing the pigmy, but I say it was a spy. 271 The Ninja 272 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 273 I was beggining to wonder if we weren't all 274 going crazy. We'reWalking down a "yellow brick road" in a 275 place that is all color screwed. Not to mention Fast Fred mumbling About his 276 home, and how there is no place like it. 277 But all fears finally vanished, I KNEW WE WERE ALL GOING INSANE!!! 278 279 Damned if I didn't just see a little dog run by. 280 281 "Hey guys! Look at the scarecrow!!", I noticed the tone of my 282 voice sounded half laugh, half scream. 283 284 FOTI 285 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 286 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 287 I AM THE ALMIGHTY WIZARD OF OZ! 288 GOD,HOW STRANGE THAT SOUNDS.GOODBYE YELLOW BRICK ROAD...BARRY MANILOW 289 IS SINGING IN THE BACKGROUND.THATS THE LAST TIME I USE THAT 1960'S ACID SPELL 290 EVER! 291 I HAVE FOUND OUT WHAT THAT SILLY LITTLE EGG DOES...AND I'M 292 NOT TELLING! 293 ::::::::::WIZARD:::::::::::::: 294 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 295 UH,HELLO? IS THERE ANYBODY IN THERE,JUST NOD IF YOU CAN HEAR ME,IS THERE ANYONE 296 HOME? 297 [][][][][][][][][][]FLOYD[][][][ 298 BOARDERBOARDERBOARDERBOARDERBOARDER 299 hello people,I just got this system from a frieend of mine,he said that 300 I would find all kinda crazys on here,he was right! 301 later on people, 302 The Outsider 303 p.s. how do you get intto one of thease adventures,anyway??? 304 BOARDERBOARDERBOARDERBOARDERBOARDER 305 off 306 help 307 /ex 308 /e 309 +++ 310 stop 311 "When the doors of perception are cleansed one sees everything as it truely is, 312 infinite" 313 -Blake 314 -=*=- Excuse me? I thought doors were opaque...which reality is this? -=*=- 315 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 316 I ambled (or should I say, shambled?) along with the troupe, who seemed to 317 be going every which way in a surreal landscape. For a time, after I 318 joined the motley bunch, I thought that there had been some semblance of 319 reason to their madness. But now that we have been along the way for some 320 time, I have been thinking that the pipes need a bit of retuning, so that 321 we might be piped at least to a reality where even the madness has some 322 kind of inner coherence. Really, people (?), we slab-sided types do 323 occasionally expect that even zanies eventually get to some sort of desti- 324 nation, as bizarre as it might be. Of late, since I joined this ragtag, 325 it seems to be going nowhere all at the same time. (Do you think that 326 might be an artefact of my having joined?) At least let us get piped 327 into some semblance of semblance! What say? 328 ++++++++++++++++/+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GEEZER +++++++++ 329 __/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__ 330 Blackness.... 331 Blackness.... 332 Faint trace from outer recptors.... 333 Footsteps, many.... 334 Rousing from unconciousness... 335 Thought: 'must report this'.... 336 Ready.... 337 Waiting.... 338 Waiting.... 339 __/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__Trapper__/\__/\__/\__/_ 340 ****************************************************************************** 341 TRAVELLER: THE SYSTEM CAN ACCEPT CHARACTERS AT FULL SPEED, WHERE IT NEEDS 342 A DELAY IS AFTER YOU SEND THE CARRIAGE RETURN, IT NEEDS ABOUT A ONE SECOND 343 DELAY. THE ACTUAL TIME NEEDED IS VARIABLE, BUT ONE SECOND WILL TAKE CARE OF 344 THINGS. ALSO, WHEN DOING DOWN LOADS MAKE SURE YOU SET THE MARGIN TO A LARGE 345 AMOUNT SO THE MARGIN BELL WON'T INTERFER WITH YOUR DATA. ALSO, IT IS 346 CONSIDERED NORMAL AROUND HERE TO USE 76 CHARACTER LINES. (REMEMBER TO SET 347 THE MARGIN TO 128 THOUGH). 348 **************************: CISTOP MIKEY ***********************************: 349 AND STILL NO PAM......... 350 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 351 I TURN TO THE BARD TO ANSWER HIS QUESTION. "I USE FREQUENCY MODULATION 352 AT ABOUT 101 MEGACYCLES. DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING THAT WILL WORK FOR ME?" 353 SUDDENLY I REALISE SOMEBODY MENTIONED 'BOLO'S'. A BOLO CAN BE MANY THINGS, 354 FROM A PRIMITAVE WEAPON TO A SENTIENT TANK. FORGETTING THE FLINTLOCK FOR 355 THE MOMENT(NOT PERMENTALLY), I TURN TO FAST FRED. 356 "WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT BOLO'S? AND WHO'S THIS LEROY FELLOW???" 357 WE SEEM TO BE APPROACHING OUR DESTINATION, AND HOPEFULLY WE WILL FIND SOME 358 ANSWERS HERE. 359 COMMANDER LACELLS 360 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 361 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 362 oh oh, maybe I said the wrong thing. Now can I talk my way 363 out of this one? "Why, whatever are you talking about? I'm just 364 along for the ride. But about LeRoy, You don't ever meet him, 365 he meets you. That's one guy you don't mess with in any reality. People 366 he don't like don't turn up dead, they just don't turn up." 367 I sure could use that VW about now. But I could also see that 368 the commander wasn't going to give up on the prior subject. Not 369 knowing how much the others wanted to know, I gave a glance over to the 370 Bard. He seemed to know about this guy. I only wished Leroy wasn't in 371 south america...... 372 Fast Fred 373 BSAL 374 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 375 The Poet turned to his charge with a penetrating look. "Yes, Freddy, LET'S 376 GO BACK TO THE INN, Freddy." 377 Fast Fred was so easily hypnotized it was pitiful. At the key words, he 378 glazed over (more) and slipped into his own private world. To reinforce 379 the trance, the Poet ordered an ale for him. Freddy put out his hand, and 380 LO, an ale appeared in it! It was amazing the way he did that...say, that 381 wasn't a barman over at that bar there... BAR! HERE? 382 Apparently Fred's dreams were capable of taking in visitors. Amazing! All 383 of the party seemed to be sitting in the Backwater Inn. And it seemed so real... 384 It was real. They were back in the Inn! 385 Ohmighod. 386 "Hurry, folks, we've got to get Freddy out of here. It looks like someone 387 fed him a reality pill, and the trance I put him in sent us right here.We'd 388 better get him out of here before he starts changing THIS reality. I like 389 it the way it is..." 390 && The Mad Actor && 391 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 392 Hmmmmmm... I wonder if CISOP MIKEY might have a character involved in this 393 quest for the Egg? Hmmmmmmm..... 394 Dr. Frankenstupe 395 +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+ 396 397 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 398 The piper looked around at the patrons The piper felt the warm sun beating 399 sitting at the bar. "My goodness!" down on the party as it travelled down 400 he exclamed. "How did we get back to the yellow brick road. Somehow things 401 this reality?" Something seems wrong. don't seem too substantial. 402 403 OMIGOD! SOMEHOW REALITIES HAVE GOTTEN 404 DOUBLED UP. WE ARE EXISTING IN TWO OF 405 THEM SIMOULTANEOUSLY. THIS MIGHT BE 406 INTERESTING IF OUR SANITY CAN HOLD ON. 407 The piper lifted a glass of ale. The piper walked down the yellow brick 408 "How do we get out of this?" He asked road. A large green wall was visible 409 his companions. not too far away. 410 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 411 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 412 Yes, but what is reality........ 413 414 I wonder what's going on in South america? It sure would be 415 nice this time of year. Nah, lets just stay here. 416 417 ....at least for now.... 418 Fast Fred 419 BSAL 420 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 421 :***********************************************************: 422 423 Dear Outsider: 424 425 The easiest way to enter an adventure is to plunge in. 426 427 There are a few unwritten rules that you won't be told until 428 you break them. You will then be told in easy to understand 429 language that you weren't supposed to do that. 430 431 ON-LINE TIP: Sentences that begin something like "You stupip 432 jerk, don't you know..." are possible indicators that you have 433 violated one of the Backwater rules. Such rudeness seldom 434 occurs during an adventure but when the discussion turns 435 serious watch out. 436 437 There is only one thing you must absolutely never, under 438 circumstances, ever forget. You must never forget that LeRoy 439 McKane is your friend. 440 441 LeRoy is out of town right now. He made of point of asking me 442 to tell you that if you ever need help to let him know. 443 Inspite of the lies about him that are spread by people 444 jealous of his success, LeRoy is a really great guy. 445 446 I bet everyone at Backwater would agree that LeRoy McKane 447 takes care of his friends...not to mention his enemies. 448 449 Good Luck 450 451 Monsieur d'Autun 452 453 :************************************************************: 454 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 455 MAY I BE SO BOLD AS TO ASK A STUPID QUESTION?........THANX. WHAT DOES 456 UPLOAD AND DOWNLOAD MEAN.......SPECIFICALLY. LEAVE MESSAGE FOR....... 457 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!DEBORAH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?1/ 458 The bard made a few adjustments to a bracelet that he had removed from 459 his pack. "Here you go commander." 460 The commander looked at it curiously, shrugged & fastened it on his wrist. 461 He then started to raise it to his }mouth. 462 "That isn't necessary, just sub-vocalize", said the bard. 463 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 464 MIG: will disgcuss this later, maybe friday? 465 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 466 "I'm a am afraid that I do not really know very much about this wizard." 467 pausing, he turned to txhe ninja, "and Iif YOU pull a stunt like that again 468 I will see if I remember how to turn you into a frog!" 469 .............................the apprentice............................... 470 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 471 472 Man in Grey, 473 474 If you refer to his " Hindmost " I most certainly have. 475 Perhaps one could add a bit of " Scrith " to this adventure.....even a 476 dash of " Cziltang Brone " and a " Tasp " for good measure. 477 478 :::::::::::::::Alex::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 479 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 480 Alex:there was(is) a very small chance that "gandalf" was an old friend of 481 mine,i was known by "nessus" during the periiod of time that we knew each 482 other.I notice that you venture into a land of different rings,so do i.as a 483 question...what is the name for white-foods???(world of...) 484 485 Bard:friday? sure,when where,how phone bbs meet? telepathy is not one of my 486 strong points and ive left my eccestental modem somewhare and i cant find it 487 The Man in Gray 488 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 489 :*************************************************************: 490 :***: LEROY MCKANE IS A GOOD PERSON...A MAN YOU CAN TRUST :***: 491 :*************************************************************: 492 :******: BEWARE THE ALBANIAN FIREBRAND - HE LURKS IN EVIL :***: 493 :*************************************************************: 494 :*************************************************************: 495 "I've had enough of this road," complained the ninja. I think I'll leave 496 you people to walk right in. Like I said before, I know a quicker way. 497 If any of you want to come with me, welcome. All others can follow through 498 this demi-oz land. 499 The Ninja 500 :**********************************************************: 501 JONATHAN CHANCE: Mr. McKane had to leave town suddenly and 502 was unable to answer your message of a previous disc. He 503 wishes me to inform you that he is no longer the employer of 504 Mohammed Wassir and will not be held responsible for the 505 abduction of PAM. Though Mr Wassir denies having kidnapped 506 this charming, and popular, lady, I suggest that you might 507 direct your search to Mr. Wassir's personal dungeon. If you 508 do not find her there I can only recommend that you hire a 509 detective. Do not make the mistake of hiring Lt. Salazar 510 as he is one of Mr. Wassir's stooges. Monsieur d'Autun. 511 :**********************************************************: 512 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 513 I STAGGERED A LITTLE AS THE SUDDEN REALITY SHIFTS 514 HAVE PROVEN MOST DIS-ORENITING. THE PIPER HAD 515 TRIED TO EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED AND WHERE WE WERE 516 BUT HIS WORDS SEEMED GARBLED AND INCOMPLETE. 517 BARD: THANKS FOR THIS "COMMUNICATOR". AFTER I AM 518 THROUGH WITH IT, CAN I TAKE IT APART TO SEE WHAT 519 MAKES IT WORK? 520 NOW FOR THE FLINTLOCK... 521 (SHIPS COMPUTER, ANSWER!) 522 (COMPUTER AY AY!) 523 (ALPHIE, HOW DO I USE A FLINTLOCK?) 524 AS ALPHIE DETAILS THE INSTRUCTIONS TO ME I CARRY 525 THEM OUT. FIRST THE POWDER, THEN THE WADDING 526 UNDER THE BALL. TAMP IT DOWN. COCK THE RIFLE. 527 THERE! ALL READY TO GO. I CAREFULLY UNCOCK THE 528 RIFLE TO AVOID AN ACCIDENT, BUT NOW IT IS READY 529 TO FIRE IF NEEDED. 530 FAST FRED: DON'T PLAY INNOCENT WITH ME! THIS LEROY 531 FELLOW IS SOUNDING MORE AND MORE LIKE LESLIE. 532 IF YOU DON'T TELL ME HOW I CAN REACH HIM, I MAY 533 LOCK YOU UP UNTIL HE COMES ALONG! PLEASE BE 534 REASONABLE, I JUST WANT TO ACCOMPLISH MY MISSION. 535 AS FOR DANGER TO ME, IF THE LIFE-CRYSTAL IMPLANTED 536 IN MY BODY DIES(ALONG WITH ME), MY SHIP WILL 537 KNOW SOMETHING WENT WRONG AND THAT LESLIE IS HERE. 538 WE WILL THEN HAVE THE TYPE OF INCEDENT WE ALL 539 WANT TO AVOID! SO TRY TO COOPERATE." 540 AS I SAY THIS I CASUALLY FIDDLE WITH THE FLINTLOCK 541 MAKING MY POINT PERFECTLY CLEAR. 542 EVEN IF NOBODY ELSE WANTS TO GO, PLEASE DIRECT ME 543 TO THE WIZARD A.S.A.P.! THANKS 544 COMMANDER LACELLS 545 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 546 ====================================================================== 547 548 Deborah: In response to your question, to upload is to send a file 549 to another sytem from your computer and to donload is to accept a 550 file from another computer. If I write a bunch of text, then logon 551 to this system and send that text in one big bunch, I am uploading 552 to this system. (well thats how I understand it anyway) 553 554 Mike: I'm pretty sure that the problem is in the middle of lines, 555 because my terminal software sends only one line at a time, waiting 556 for me to press a key between lines. 557 558 ===============================================-Evan-================== 559 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>) 560 561 This is getting downright confusing, we are at the in and we are not 562 at the in, two realities at once. Well I guess we live in two realities 563 at a time, The real world (if it can be called that), and the rather 564 different reality that exists only in our minds and a computer somwhere 565 in S.E. portland. And just who slipped Freddy the reality pill?!!! 566 567 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)The Traveller(<>)(<>) 568 >