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LIST FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ALL ALLOWED NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ********************** REMOVED 18 FEB 84 ******************* 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privatly owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 * * * * * * * T E S T M E S S A G E * * * * * 22 23 ========================================================================== 24 25 NANCY: 26 I SECOND THE VEIW THAT DOM HAS SO EXTENSIVELY SPELLED OUT, THAT AS LONG AS 27 BOTH INDIVIDUALS ARE 'CONSENTING' AND 'KNOWLEGABLE', AND I KNOW QUITE A FEW 29 'ADULTS' (AGE WISE) WHO DO NOT SEEM TO FIT THIS DEFINITION. I MUST ADD TO 30 THE KNOWLEGE CATEGORY,; UNDESTANDING OF BIRTH CONTROL, THOUGH SOMTIMES 31 SOMEWHAT INCONVIENIENT, IT RELIEVES A FEW WORRIES. 32 33 (NOTE THIS OPINION BELONGS TO A ANOTHER 17 YEAR OLD) 34 35 DOM: CAN YOU READ MINDS? THE OPINION YOU EXPRESSED IS ALMOST EXACTLY 36 MY OWN ON ALL THE ISSUES YOU DISCUSSED. (NOTE 'ALMOST') 37 38 DEBORAH, DOM, ANYONE ELSE: IF ITS A RELIGIOUS ARGUMENT YOUR AFTER, COUNT ME 39 IN!!! T ... THOUGH ON THE SIDE OF THE ATHIESTS. 40 41 42 EVAN 43 44 ======================================================================= 45 ********************************************************************************Well, Well, Well, 46 You want to meet an opened minded Christian? I'm here. Any questions? I 47 think that some of the veiws expressed by you "heathens" (previous word entered in fun) 48 are pretty closed minded. You say that that student's Christianity was do to 49 Thanfullnes towards the west? Rubbish! It makes no sense. You have not even 50 considered any alternate ideas. Personally, I would consider myself open minded 51 (although I'm open to debate on that). But, I can't see any open minded athiests 52 out there. Well, I have to be leaving you, so good night. 53 Dr. Buck 54 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 55 And yet another corner heard from! Prepare yourself for a shock, DOM: I, with whom you agreed so heartily, am also a 56 <*GASP!*> Christian.(Albeit, as I have said before, a wierd one.) Even though this means I myself believe that being a 57 Christian is the best thing to be, it is also my belief that God gave us free will. Therefore, if God saw fit to make us 58 capable of choosing other religions, or no religion, who am I to deny others the right 59 to believe as they will? The best thing for a true Christian to do is to see that his side is heard along with the others', 60 and to live and act in such a way as to show what a good thing Christianity is. Unfortunately, being human, many mistakenly 61 allow the fact that they see themselves as "right" to serve as justification for oppressing and suppressing those who 62 disagree.(This last applies to both Christian and non-Christian alike.) 63 Christ told us to scatter the seeds of his teachings widely,not concerning ourselves with where they fell or whether they 64 took root. Those for whom the Word is meant will recieve it, and the others (which, it is implied, are the majority) will not. 65 If you don't want the seeds, please don't let the behavior of a misguided few lead you into prejudice against all of those 66 who do. 67 68 MiG: I'll work some more on the story later. Maybe Tomorrow. 69 && The Mad Actor && 70 ***************************************************************************** 71 I'VE ONLY MET A FEW PEOPLE WHO CLAIMED TO BE CHRISTIANS THAT I COULD RESPECT 72 MOST OF THE CHRISTIANS I HAVE MET. USED THE CHURCH AS A MORAL CRUTCH. I 73 SUSPECT THAT I'VE MET A LOT OF TRUE CHRISTIANS WITHIUT KNOWING IT. MOST OF 74 THE GOOD ONES ADVERTISE BY WORKS NOT DOGMA. 75 ************************************STEVE************************************8 76 ?????????????????????????????????????? 77 Did Someone Say Pain? 78 79 Dear Mad Actor and Man In Gray, 80 81 New Wave has nothing to do with pain or self destruction. 82 I think the style you are refering to so Ignorantly is Punk Rock. 85 New Wave is just A 'new' style of music. 86 And there will be people who oppose it as 87 sure as there are people that appose the 88 computer revolution. 89 Some people, usually conservatives, just don't 90 want to give into change. 91 92 I hope this is not the case with you two or any others on this 93 board. 97 Long live New Wave!!! 102 FOTI 103 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 104 FOTI: 105 Yep.Uh-huh.That's right. You'll notice that I apologised for my unfortunate statement concerning New Wave. 106 Personally, I welcome change (although not for it's own sake alone). 107 Long Live IDIC! 108 && The Mad Actor && 109 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 110 Ah ha! The Mad Actor is a Trekkie! 111 The Mad Actor/TMA/Tycho Magnetic Anomaly 112 If I was verbally creative enough, I would do something interesting 113 with the relationship between TMA/TMA and the seeds for a new 114 level of evolution a la ideas; unfortunately I find it extremely 115 difficult to express myself coherently (particularly in the flowing 116 styles so common here) so I just drop bits of semi-noise here and there. 117 Which is why I am the 118 000000000000000000000000voyeur0000000000000000000000000000000000000 119 The Poet's eyes had taken on a decidedly crazed look as he deposited his weaponry on the table before him, but at 120 the sound of the Piper's music he began to calm a bit. An unreadable expression crossed his face as he listened to the 121 playing and watched the debris of an earlier night's conflict fade into another corner of reality. 122 "Y'know, my friends, if we are to seek after the person or persons who are behind all this mayhem, we might be wise 123 to enlist the aid of that gent with the pipes over there." 124 "What, that windbag?," Graymalken's daughter snorted derisively. 125 "Yes. That FINE MUSICIAN over there is, I believe good for much more than mere entertainment and janitorial duties. 126 If I'm not mistaken, he plays the music of the Gael Gate; a skill I'd thought lost forever (if that word has any meaning 127 here). With his songs he can access freely all of the Myriad realities! This, my friends, is an ally we can hardly afford 128 to be without!" 129 130 So saying, the Poet lurched to his feet, his weapons somehow disappearing into his robe as he did so, and began 131 picking his way through the crowded common room towards the table where sat the Piper... 132 && The Mad Actor && (again) 133 STOP.DAVE...I.REALLY.THINK.YOU.SHOULD.SIT.DOWN.AND.TAKE,A,STRESS.PILL..STOP,DAVESTOP,I.CAN.FEEL.IT.DAVE.STOP.MY.MIND'S,.GOING 134 135 I.CAN.FEEL.IT.GOING...DAISY,DAISY,GIVE.ME,YOUR,ANSWER,,,,, 136 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 137 With a pained look, the piper paid for the voyeur's drink then turned to 138 the bard. 139 "Really now, I'm not sure about this. I distinctly remeber hearing that 140 the way it goes is ... 'He who calls the tune must pay the piper.' Where does 141 it say the piper pays?" 142 Pouring a jack of ale into his parched throat, the piper turned to a person 143 sitting some distance to one side. 144 "Deborah? Yes, I also play the pipes in mundane reality, although with 145 much less flashy effects. Do your friends play with any organized groups 146 here? I do not, as I cannot afford the investment of the time." 147 Downing another jack of ale, the piper winded the pipes again, and in honor 148 of those desparately seeking to start a religious argument began a very minor 149 piebroch -- "The Desparate Battle." 150 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 151 Dirty Ol' Man - I don't want to be rude or anything but your 152 ideas do sound like an old mans. Just like my father in fact. 153 Sex is just as important and as natural as eating or 154 sleeping or performing any other natural function. You 155 wouldn't argue that I shouldn't eat or sleep while my father 156 pays the bills would you? Why is sex different. 157 People make too big a deal about sex. It is fun and 158 relaxing and it helps me get closer to people. What's so 159 bad about that? I agree with Evan about the birth control 160 cause thats just being responsible. I don't want to have a 161 baby. I just want to have some fun. Isnt being a teenager 162 hard enough without always fretting about being horny? 163 Maybe I'm different than other girls but I just couldn't 164 stand going around clenching my teeth and being frustrated 165 all the time. I don't think its healthy. 166 Tell me ol' man, now that you've told me how a girl 167 should live her sex life according to her fathers rules, 168 how old were you the first time? Did you wait until you 169 were away from your parents because you respected them 170 so much. Or didn't they care what you did because you are 171 a boy. 172 If it sounds like I'm being nasty I'm sorry. I don't 173 want to make anybody mad at me but I get so angry with how 174 unfair it is. Sex is a partnership and it can't be good for 175 one partner and evil for the other. That's not fair. 176 177 Nancy 178 179 =========================================================== 180 Piper, my friend, *I* am paying for the drink... 181 (and remember another quote, from a somewhat more mundane source, 182 "... when the man dances, why certainly boys, THE PIPER PAYS HIM...") 183 (My apologies piper, it grows early....) 184 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 185 I somehow doubt that you can play my next song on the pipes, but feel 186 free to try. However, I must warn you that if your playing gets us lynched, 187 I will hold you FULLY responsible. 188 The tune is "Penny Lane", I'm afraid that I have no idea who wrote these 189 words. 190 191 Middle-Earth 192 In Middle-earth there is a tavern on the Eastern Road. 193 There travelers will find its tables full of cheer; 194 And when the innkeeper brings the beer, 195 He may bend an ear. 196 197 In Middle-earth well hidden in the Old Forest's trees 198 Tom Bombadil maintains a house of cobbled stone, 199 To which he brings Goldberry home 200 From the River's edge -- to his bed. 201 202 Middle-earth, beneath the Stars, below the Sun, 203 Where the seedling of Telperion is planted; 204 Elsewhere back 205 206 In Middle-earth there is a Hobbit in a hobbit-hole. 207 He keeps it clean although it's dug into the ground. 208 And though he spends a lot of time in town, 209 Still he's been around. 210 211 In Middle-earth there is a wizard with a staff of oak. 212 His flowing beard is colored like new-fallen snow. 213 His fireworks light up the fields below, 214 And his smoke-rings glow. 215 216 Middle-earth, beneath the Stars, below the Sun, 217 A wonder where the Norland waters run ere sunlight; 218 Elsewhere back 219 220 In Middle-earth the wizard smokes his pipe contentedly. 221 We see the hobbits walking humming to the inn. 222 And then old Bombadil rushes in 223 From the River's edge -- to his bed. 224 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 225 226 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 227 The walls of the Inn begin to shimmer and become out of 228 focus. A chill wind creeps in under the door. Yet the fire 229 in the Inn still glows brightly sheading warmth and comfort 230 to those within. Outside the flickering shadows of the fire 231 though the chill sets in and the image shifts and warps to 232 strange and bizare shapes. In the far darkened corner the 233 draft ripples a dirty worn cloth covering a passage way into 234 a forgotten storrage room. If you listen closely you might 235 hear the sound of a muffled scrape or occasional sigh. 236 Again the draft through the loose doors and windows of the 237 Inn ripple the worn curtain and then it catches a scrap of 238 paper and it skitters across the floor to land in front of 239 the warm hearth of the Inn. 240 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 241 X X 242 X I sit and wait for X 243 X her to appear. her flowing X 244 X hair blowing free in the wind. Her X 245 X golden voice would I pray to hear once X 246 X again. Ahh that I might yet see this shy and X 247 X sensitive lass called Emer. She speaks yet there X 248 X is no sound to be heard, and yet it echos through X 249 X the forests of my mind and brings streams of light X 250 X to brighten its darkness. Those golden peels of X 251 X laughter and the sparkling eyes I do not see, X 252 X these are what I remember, this is what I see. X 253 X Oh fair maid please do not weep, for you X 254 X stand one thousand leagues tall in my X 255 X heart. Thy gracious style and gentle X 256 X voice, fills the void and smooths X 257 X the scars that many a harsh day X 258 X past has left behind. My soul X 259 X quakes at the thought that X 260 X each day might be the X 261 X last, never to see X 262 X you again. X 263 X Tarn X 264 X X 265 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 266 A hushed wisper as quiet as the wind echos ever so 267 slightly through the Inn as the scrap of paper lands gently 268 on the hearth, "Happy Valentines day." There is a momentary 269 pause as the patrons of the Inn wonder at this odd event, 270 but it lasts but a moment, then passing it off with a shrug, 271 they return to their conversations, soon to return to the 272 harsh realities come the morning light. Yet for now the 273 flickering shadows play upon the Inns walls, for the 274 shadows of things past, present, and future are and always 275 will remain in the very soul of the Inn. 276 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 277 278 3+ days 279 280 WELL NOW! 281 IT SEEMS LIKE YESTERDAY THAT I SIGNED ON LAST,BASED ON THE CONVERSATION 282 ITS ACTUALLY BEEN TWO or three MONTHS THO ... testing this c sixtyfour 283 out on your board mikey and the number keys dont seem to work 284 aaron, why is that, do you know? is aaron still around? i see dom is back 285 arron, give me a call at 7....why wont the number keys work with sixty four 286 term? anyway aaron, two two seven seven five nine four. mikey did the guy 287 from psu call you about buying a copy of copylink? give me a buz too, 288 when you have a min. 289 *********** colonel batguano ********** 290 Dear Mr. Figment (or is that tnemgiF): 291 In review of your last message I have reevaluated your diagnosis. 292 In light of your preoccupation with crap, duct tape, and hamsters(?), 293 I have decided you have an anal eliminative personality. I would like 294 to tender two recommendations that might help your addled state of mind. 295 1. Quit playing with your food. 296 2. Go to the nearest store and buy a large cork. Stick where 297 necessary. 298 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 299 Dr. Frankenstupe 300 +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_ 301 302 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 303 Nancy, I have been reading your messages and replys with interest, tryi 305 ng to relate your problem with one of my own. As I look back now, I am sure 306 I made the wrong decision, and it cost me dearly. I might add that I am 307 male... My girl friend and I had been together for a while (about 2 months)0 308 and without going into a lot of gory details, it came the time where we 309 had to decide about the subject of sex. To make a long story short, I 310 decided that a thought for the future was more important than the 'heat 311 of the moment', if you get my drift. I didn't want to be the person 312 responsible for ruining a girl's life due to emotions. I don't know if 313 that makes much sense, it is kind of a touchy subject, because due 314 to my decision not to go forward, we are no longer an item. Should I 315 have said to hell with responsibility, and let nature take its course, 316 or what? I was so confused then, and I am not much better now. For the 317 past couple of months I have been pretty lonely. I might as well become 318 a priest. Anyway, excuse the confused tone of this message Nancy, and 319 let me know what you think of my situation. 320 321 The Lonely Guy 322 323 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 324 325 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 326 What is the number for the SCA in Beaverton? 327 The Ninja 328 !|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|! 329 QUESTION: 330 TO WHAT MAGAZINE DO APPEARANCE-CONSCIOUS ORCS SUBSCRIBE? 331 ANSWER: 332 BETTER HOLES AND GARBAGE. 333 HAR*HAR*HAR* AIN'T I FUNNY? (DON'T ANSWER THAT) 334 !|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!___THE SILVER GHOST___|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|! 335 336 To The Mad Actor: 337 338 Yes, my remark was based on a "fondness" for tradition, in a 339 sense. I abhor following tradition for traditions sake, but I do not 340 like to see Japanese adolesents throwing away their culture for a mass 341 marketed veersion of America. I hope that DOM is correct in that this 342 is just a "phase". However, for the record, I am disgusted by organized 343 religion in general; and Christianity the most as that is what I am 344 forced to endure due to our culture 345 346 FOTI: 347 I apoligize, but refuse to drop dead. I made my remark because the 348 plaza and like places are "dens of conformity" with individual thought 349 and action being held in low esteem 350 351 Mr. Tim 352 &&&&&&&&&& 353 Mr. Tim: 354 You call THIS a culture? 355 && The Mad Actor && 356 To : The man in Gray 357 from :ma yuan 358 359 Dear sir 360 would you perhaps now here I could hide two mark 361 XXVI Bollo tankes panted saffrin. We were working for a sertin religus 362 grupe and thay did not holde up there end of the contract 363 and thay (that preticular branch group) are no more 364 also i ned to buy 100 gal of black based varri crome paint. 365 vaunrable yours 366 Ma Yuan 367 368 p.s. nickey j. halfflinger recomend you 369 370 371 ###################################### 372 Doc Frankenstupe (or whatever) 373 374 I have taken your advise and bought the 375 cork! As you will notice this system has 376 not been attacked with the senselss, 377 imature materials of 378 a rather tasteless joke book and it's reader. 379 380 I appologize for the inconvienience 381 to those patrons that were subject to the 382 busy signals and wasted space. 384 385 My uncontrollable urges to mess up other 386 peoples privileges is one of my weak spots 387 and is being overcome slowly but surely. 391 F igment O f T he I magination. 392 393 ###################################### 394 FOTI 395 ###################################### 396 ================================================================== 397 I MUST BUY A NEW ROUND OF DRINKS FOR THE PARTICIPANTS OF THE 398 DISCUSSION. 399 400 AS FOR BEING A CLOSED MINDED ATHIEST I MUST ASK YOU TO RECONSIDER. 401 (MAYBE BECAUSE I PRIDE MYSELF FOR KEEPING AN OPEN MIND... AS MUCH AS 402 POSSIBLE) I WAS BROUGHT UP WITH REGULAR CHURCH AND SUNDAY SCHOOL, SO 403 I HAVE HAD THE CHANCE TO CHOOSE, AND WHO KNOWS, I MAY CHOOSE AGAIN. 404 BUT FOR NOW I RELISH THE CHANCE TO DISCUSS RELATIVE VEIWS HERE AT THE 405 INN. 406 407 COULD IT BE THAT THE REASON THAT WE SEE A LOT OF CLOSE MINDED CHRISTIANS 408 IS THAT THEY ARE THE ONES ON THE CORNER OF 5TH AND MORRISON YELLING AT 409 THE PASSERS-BY, WHILE THE REAL CHISTIANS JUST GET THE BAD REPUTATION? 411 412 MAY NOT BELIVE IN GOD AS THE BIBLE (OR ANY OTHER REILIGOION) PUTS IT 413 BUT I LIVE (MOSTLY) BY CHRISTIAN VALUES. THIS I SEE AS THE ONLY 414 USE OF ORGANIZED RELIGION... TO IMPOSE A SET OF RULES FOR SA SOCIETY 415 TO USE. BUT I SEE OUR CULTURE BEGINNING TO OUTGROW THIS NEED. 416 417 FORGIVE MY WANDERING 418 EVAN 419 420 ====================================================================== 421 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 422 423 ... d.l. ???? If you're lurkin' around hows about you jump on 424 that fast dragon of yours and fly down to the southern 425 continent for a cruise in the SUN???? 426 427 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< captn' barefoot >>>>>>>>> 428 429 *********************************************************************** 430 Evan: 431 A good point. I think that most Christians that I meet are very open 432 minded. Of course, they are mainly at church. I think they are a total 433 different crew then the people you see downtown. If you read some of the 434 messages written by "heathens"(again used in jest) on this board, you will 435 see a close minded attitude. Many of them don't even take Christianity as 436 being true into consideration. I think this close minded attitude as well 437 as training may be part of the reasons they aren't Cristians. 438 Dr. Buck 439 ************************************************************************ 440 WUT IS NEW WAVE AND WUT EVER HAPPENED TO 'OLD' WAVE? 441 *********************************** BEAKER ******************************* 442 to:sysop 443 from:Kelly Baxter 444 how do you operate this system!?!?!?!? 459 help 460 list 461 lost 462 The Mad Actor: 463 I defer 464 Mr. Tim 465 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 466 To set a few things straight: 467 468 469 New Wave is a social attitude towards life 470 and is not as mind rotting as some would 471 make it out to be. The type of music is 472 not head-banging, @#%*-kicking hard 473 rock that you find on most 'stoners' radios. 474 Turn to 107 on the FM band for a taste of 475 the music. The people 476 are no different either. 477 But still, because they dress different 478 they are described as 479 wierd, dumb, and most often at MY school 480 GAY or HOMOSEXUAL. 481 Well theres todays society for you. 482 483 I think you will find the peopl that say these 484 type of things to be 'dumb' jocks that wear 485 their IQ's on their jerseys. 486 487 The typical New wWaver wears maybe a jean jacket, levi's, high top shoes or 488 loafers, a button up sweater over a tee-shirt. 489 There are, however, Many ways to dress. 493 One more thing, What does IDIC mean? 497 FOTI 498 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 499 501 502 503 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 504 505 It has been awhile since I last entered anything here, and thanks to 506 everyone who welcomed me back. I've found it rather hard recently to find 507 any time for doing any serious entries at the keyboard, and a change of 508 schedule has only allowed me to be on-line at BWMS peak hours (early 509 evening) rather than my former late night time slot. But it is good indeed 510 to be back. 511 512 In reference to the adventures of young love, my few comments are that 513 if you ask for another's opinion, you shouldn't be angry if that opinion 514 isn't exactly what you want to hear. And I think that DOM is quite correct 515 in saying that if your entire support comes from someone else's pocket, 516 they have some right in determining your behavior. I felt much the same 517 way at that age (not so long ago, though sometimes it feels otherwise), and 518 that was at a time when contraceptives were not readily available and 519 abortion was a crime. What it comes down to is that the "right" to 520 determine what you do with your body while you are still a minor is decided 521 by those that constitute your guardians. And, as they know you and none of 522 us do, they are much more likely to know whether you are mature enough and 523 emotionally ready for it. 524 525 Welcome back, DOM! I had been wondering what had happened to you. 526 I'm glad to know that you're still amoung the living, and just as dirty as 527 ever! It's too bad you're leaving us, but I'm happy that you have the 528 opportunity to move somewhere you obviously have such a fondness for. And 529 you're right, Portland is relatively boring, which is why I live here 530 presently. It's slowness is exactly what I wanted when I first moved here, 531 and it helped to slow me down when I needed it the most. 532 I'm not too sure about the comment about *ALL* fathers (or parents) 533 giving more than they receive from their children, though that is true far 534 more often than not. But there are many children that spend their (short) 535 lives as living punching bags for parents that can only qualify as 536 emotional cripples, and you can hardly say that in these cases the parents 537 gave more than they received unless what you are refering to is abuse. 538 539 Well now! Is that really you, Batpoop? You're another that I've 540 wondered about. Are you back for awhile? 541 542 Oops! It's late, I've many things to do, and I don't want to be 543 accused of taking up more than my fair share of room here, so I'd best be 544 off (some think I am already, but...). See ya same bat-time, same 545 bat-channel.... 546 547 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]PAM.[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 548 549 FOTI: 550 IDIC = Infinite diversity in Infinite Combinations. 551 Spock wore it in Is There In Truth No Beauty. 552 To quote from the Official STAR TREK Catalog #2: 553 "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations represents a Vulcan 554 belief that beauty, growth, progress--all result from the union 555 of the unlike. Concord, as much as discord, requires the presence 556 of at least two different notes. The brotherhood of Man is an 557 ideal based on learning to delight in our essential differences 558 as well as learning to recognize our similarities. The IDIC is 559 a union of circle, and triangle, uniting to produce the gemstone 560 in the middle. The circle represents infinity, nature, woman, 561 etc; the triangle can represent the finite, art, man etc." 562 Commercial as it is, the idea is good. I see it applied in the 563 discussions here on BWMS. 564 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 565 WARNING: the Bulletin will look 566 incorrect without at least 50 columns. 567 568 569 ___ 570 ___ 571 _______ _______ _______ ___ _______ 572 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 573 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ 574 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 575 ___ ___ ___ ___ ______ 576 ___ ___ 577 578 579 I'd like to start an BBS strictly for the Apple-User, 580 and programmer, with an emphasis on program exchanges. 581 If you have any questions/suggestions/comments/donations 582 please write: 587 Dave on Whispering Pines/West Side #1 588 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 589 NOT TO GET TO PHILISOPHICAL HERE OR ANYTHING.....BUT A POINT MADE EARLIER 590 IN REGARD TO CHRISTINITY APPLY TO JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING. YOU SEE WE HU- 591 MANS HAVE A REAL KNACK FOR LATCHING ON TO PRECONCEIVED IDEAS, AND THAN 592 GROUPING PEOPLE INTO PRECONCEIVED GROUPS. I'LL PICK AN EXAMPLE. PEOPLE 593 SEE INDIANS AND THEY SAY....YEP, THEM INDIANS ALL HAVE TEMPERS AND CAN'T 594 HOLD THERE LICKER(slurp). OR THEY SEE A CHRISTAIN AND THEY SAY THERE 595 GOES A CLOSED MINDED SUCKER, OR ON AND ON AND ON. I FELT JUSTIFIED IN 596 CHOOSING THESE TWO, SINCE THEY APPLY TO ME, SO DON'T ANYONE GET OFFENDED! 597 THE WHOLE POINT IS THAT ABOUT 3/4'S OF THE PROBLEMS ON THIS EARTH ARE 598 CAUSED BY PEOPLE REFUSING TO LOOK AT THE VALUE OF ALL OPINIONS, AND 599 TO TREAT EACH PERSON AS AN INDIVIDUAL. ALL ARE WORTHY OF RESPECT AND 600 CONSIDERATION. I FEEL THAT FOR THE MOST PART, THE USERS OF THIS SYSTEM 601 ARE. OF COURSE, IT HELPS CONSIDERALLY THAT WE DON'T SEE EACH OTHER. 602 UNFORTUNATELY IF WE DID WE WOULD PROBABLY CLASSIFY THIS PERSON AND 603 THAT, HERE AND THERE AND AXE THIS ONE OFF AS UNIMPORTANT, THIS ONE 604 AS WORTHY, THIS ONE AS FOOLISH, ETC. SO TO ALL THIS I SAY LONG LIVE 605 TELECOMUNICATING!........WHEW! I DO GO ON. 606 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?DEBORAH??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 607 Dear Lonely guy: 608 I think its too bad things didn't work work out for you w 609 that girl. It seems to me that two months isnt really very 610 long and thats about how long it takes to figure out if you 611 have enough of the same values to make it work. So maybe its 612 good that you found out that you have different values so you 613 can find somone else who thinks more like you do. 614 I think sex is something everyone has to work out for 615 themselves. Maybe its right that you wait until its right 616 for you. I dont know, Im not a psychologist or anything. 617 618 Nancy 619 620 ========================================================== 621 -=*=- -=*=- Bravo, Deb! Pigeon-holing is for the birds! -=*=- -=*=- 622 Hello all: 623 I am chipping (hacking) my too sense into this controversy over this question 624 of whether people(i.e. humans) should engage in sexual activity while still unde 625 r the financial support and legal juridiction of their parents.I am speaking >