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RIFTS: DaBeechMan Complete

(in other words, a whole bunch of RIFTS stuff by DaBeechMan.)

Author's Note

This is my last RIFTS venture for the time being.  If anyone
wants to know the reason why, ask Steven Spielberg why he went
on hiatus after Schindler's List, it's for the same reason. 
Hope you like it!


Thece PC races are half-human, half-DeeBee.  They do not possess
all the abilities of their DeeBee parents, although they may
take any OCC like their human parents.  NOTE: There can be NO
half-supernatural creatures, including half-dragons.


As for DeeBee parent


Same as for humans, 3d6 plus 1d6 if the roll is over 16.  Roll
1d100 if the parent has supernatural strength.  On a 1-10, the
child has supernatural abilities too.


If the DeeBee parent has psionics, a psionic RCC may be chosen. 
If the DeeBee parent can learn magic, so can the child.  ANY Man
of Arms OCC may be chosen.  NOTE: If the DeeBee parent has no
psionics or magic, neither does the child


To see if the child has any of the abilities of the DeeBee
parent, roll 1d100.

  0-25: none

26-75: one

76-90: two

91-00: three

If powers are present, the child may choose that many powers
from their parent's abilities.  NOTE: The child MUST stay
relatively human looking, so extra arms, metamorphosis, etc. are
NOT allowed.  If the chld tries to get MDC, they only get the
SDC equivalent.  In the case of insect DeeBees, wings and
antennae ARE allowed, but usually at a -2 to PB for each type
(in some cases, wings and antennae can ADD to PB, but this is
quite rare.  Roll 1d100.  On a 00, the wings/antennae add to PB.
 Otherwise they subtract.

MDC/SDC/HP: Same as DeeBee parent, but MDC becomes SDC.  In the
case of MDC parents, the child's HP is rolled according to their

ENHANCEMENTS: As for DeeBee parent AND as for OCC/RCC

LIFESPAN: Half DeeBee parent's lifespan

MONEY: As for OCC/RCC PLUS 200 credits (gift from DeeBee parent)

SKILLS: As for DeeBee parent.  OCC/RCC skills may be chosen as
secondary of other skills.

HORROR FACTOR: 3/4 that of DeeBee parent, rounding fractions
down.  This applies only if the child has DeeBee abilities

Uses the XP table of the DeeBee parent

If I've left anything out, assume that it goes by HUMAN rules.


Here are the six commanders of the New Camelot Rebellion, a
group dedicated to fighting Zazshan.  These are just the
leaders; anyone can join.  Here's a little history:

The NCR was formed two years ago when a young but powerful Line
Walker named Randy Lee stumbled into a strange cave.  Inside, he
found out the truth about the Nog Henge Druids; namely that
they're all Chiang-Ku.  The Nog Henge told him the shocking
truth about Mrrlyn: that he's really the alien intelligence,
Zazshan.  Since then, Randy has found out that the same thing
about Mrrlyn holds true for Guinevere and the Lady of the Lake,
although he will not risk telling the Nog Henge this.  Few
people actually believe that Mrrlyn is Zazshan, and Randy will
not say a word about Guinevere or the Lady, changing the subject
as soon as either of them comes up in a conversation.  Mrrlyn
considers him a small nuisance (he almost killed Randy once;
he's confident he can kill him if he dares attack him again) and
Ar'thuu will not let him into the castle.  What Mrrlyn does not
know is that now, Randy severely outpowers him, and he's
bringing equally powerful friends this time.  He will attack for
the final time in 2d4 months.


Randy is an incredibly bright, strong-willed young lad who will
pursue his foes to the ends of the earth if he needs to.  He is
hopelessly in love with Syrinx (she's my next character, the
feeling is mutual) and is sometimes a little overprotective of
her.  If any harm ever came to her, he would probably level
everything in sight in his rage.  If she were killed. you don't
even want to know.

TRUE NAME: Randy Edward Lee

ALIGNMENT: Scrupulous


IQ 28, ME 20, MA 19, PP 15, PS 15, PB 12, PE 25, Spd 14

XP: Level 15 Line Walker

PPE: 500 ISP: none

MAGIC: All spells, D-phase, and Lightning Bolt Tattoo

SKILLS OF NOTE: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, WP Sword, WP Blunt,
Prowl, Streetwise, Computer Hacking, speaks English, Dragonese,
and Japanese at 98%, literate in all three at 80%, Gymnastics,
Boxing, Body Building, WP Energy Pistol, WP Energy Rifle, WP
Energy Heavy (starting to see a little pattern?), Paramedic, and
Pilot HoverCycle.

BODY ARMOR: Crusader, 55 MDC

FAVORITE WEAPONS: Carries a Triax laser pistol (2d4 MD). 
Otherwise, he relies on magic.  What he does not know is this:
Remember how Mrrlyn has two more Caliber-X's?  He happens to be
able to use one of them, if he can get his hands on the right
one.  For that matter, Syrinx can use that same one.

NOTE: When he was 10, Randy's left arm was crushed by a
Coalition Sky Cycle (needless to say, he now hates the
Coalition, especially the Emperor's son, who was piloting the
Cycle.)  He has a bio-system arm now, and it is a new,
experimental arm that uses a metal bone structure.  The arm
looks normal, but it has a power and a catch: It will simply not
break, but all electricity-based attacks are +2 to strike and
damage against him, in addition to any other bonuses.

OTHER BELONGINGS: He has a whole lot of talismans and other PPE
batteries that he always carries.  Unfortunately, this means
that if any harm whatsoever comes to Syrinx, in addition to
Randy's rage, there will also be at least a PPE explosion (5d6
MD, 1000-ft radius) and if it occurs on a ley line, the power is
so great that there is a 1-70% chance of a ley line storm
erupting.  Needless to say, it's best to have the players
protect Syrinx as much as they can, just in case Mrrlyn breaks
through Randy's defenses.  He's also got a HoverCycle.


Here is the second of 6 in the New Camelot Rebellion.  She is
second in command and somewhat overprotective of her friends.

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Syrinx was killed during the NCR's final
battle with Zazshan.  This is important.  DO NOT FORGET THIS! 
As for what I said about Randy getting mad: Treat him as a Crazy
in a frenzy, but double all bonuses, penalties, and duration.

Syrinx Hiro

The stunning Syrinx Hiro is roughly the same age as Randy.  The
two have known each other since they were children.  She shares
a permanent telepathic link with him, and either she or Randy
can extend the link to any number of other people, but only for
14 hours at a time.

TRUE NAME: Syrinx Cassandra Hiro

ALIGNMENT: Principled

ATTRIBUTES: IQ 20, MA 15, ME 25, PP 14, PS 12, PB 30, Spd 18

EXPERIENCE LEVEL: 13th level mystic

MAGIC: DMs, I leave it up to you to give her the spells.  She
does not like summmoning and only sometimes uses offense, but
she loves protection and healing.  She has the Eye of Knowledge
Tattoo (speak all languages at 98% and literate at 80%) PPE 150

PSIONICS: Induce Sleep, Healing Touch, Bio-Regeneration, Psychic
Surgery, See Aura, Sense Evil, Telepathy, Sense Magic, and
Hypnotic Suggestion.  ISP 100, major psionic

SKILLS OF NOTE: Band to Hand: Basic, Gymnastics, Acrobatics, WP
Knife, WP Sword, WP Chain, WP Energy Pistol, Sing (professional;
she often uses this in conjunction with her Hypnotic
Suggestion,) General Athletics, Escape Artist, Computer Hacking,
pilot HoverCycle, and has somehow picked up Mystic Herbology (no
one knows how.)  All are at Level 13 proficiency, except for
Mystic Herbology, which is at only Level 10.

ARMOR: Crusader, 55 MDC

WEAPONS: Triax Laser Pistol (2d4 MD,) broadsword, small knife,
HoverCycle, and, once again, if she can get her hands on
Mrrlyn's version of Caliber-X, she can use it (she does not know

HP/SDC: 102 of each

Clara Prosek

Clara will fight to save the world from Zazshan, but she has
another goal in sight once that is done: the destruction of the
Coalition.  Kicked out of Chi-Town at the age of ten because of
her psionics, she now seeks revenge on her father, Karl Prosek,
and her brother.

She knows one thing about her father that, if she told anyone,
would destroy the Coalition: he has the power of Mentally
Possess Others at NO ISP cost, unlimited range (if he has
possessed that person before) and indefinite duration.  Syrinx
and Clutch (see below) have been controlled this way before, and
so they suffer a +4 penalty to save vs. this power if Karl uses
it.  Randy will agree to an attack, but only once Zazshan is

TRUE NAME:Clara Prosek


ATTRIBUTES:IQ 25, MA 14, ME 20, PP 14, PS 10, PE 12, PB 15, Spd14

EXPERIENCE: Level 15 Mind Melter

MAGIC: I don't think so!

PSIONICS: All super and healing, see aura, sense evil, alter
aura, and detect psionics.  ISP 200, master psionic

SKILLS OF NOTE: Speaks American and Euro at 96%, WP Knife, EP
Energy Pistol, Cook, Pilot HoverCycle, Acrobatics, HTH Expert,
Acrobatics, Athletics General, and Computer Hacker

GEAR: Crusader armor, Triax laser pistol (it's time I told you
that everyone in the NCR carries these, so I won't mention it
anymore,) Vibro-Claws, and 100' rope and grappling hook,

HP/SDC: 50/150

Saki Osaka

This guy is the fighter of the group.  He is the least powerful
in terms of magic and psionics, but wait till you see him fight!

TRUE NAME: Saki Osaka

ALIGNMENT: Scrupulous

XP: Lexel 15 Glitter Boy


IQ 16, ME 17, MA 13, PP 15, PS 24, PE 20, PB 17, SPD 16


PSIONICS: See Aura and Sense Evil.  ISP 55, minor psionic

SKILLS: HTH Martial Arts, all standard Glitter Boy skills,
Escape Artist, WP Energy Pistol, and pilot HoverCycle (once
again, all the commanders get a HoverCycle)

GEAR: Glitter Boy Armor (both personal and power) with full load
of ammo (see note below,) several extra Eclips for his Triak
pistol.  Everything else if provided by the NCR, since he's
their star fighter.

NOTE:  His Glitter Boy armor has See the Invisible built in.

Clutch N. Killum

A former agent of Zazshan, Clutch could never remember her true
name after Syrinx freed her from his control several years back.
 The name she uses was a nickname Zazshan gave her.

TRUE NAME: Unknown

XP: Level 14 Shifter (currently has a hawk for a familiar)


IQ 24, ME 20, MA 13, PP 14, PS 13, PE 15, PB 20, SPD 14

ALIGNMENT: Once miscreant, now unprincipled


MAGIC: None; she has spent her career honing her Shifter skills,
which function at twice what they should (double EVERYTHING!)

SKILLS: Standard for Shifter, plus HTH Martial Arts,
intelligence,  computer hacking, pilot HoverCycle, WP Knife, WP
Energy Pistol, and streetwise.

GEAR: that wierd metal rod all Shifters have, PlasticMan armor,
and knife.


Actually, these are the first 2 syllables of his name, the whole
thing's too big to write, much less say, so he's nicknamed "Argo"

TRUE NAME: Sorry, it would take up the rest of this document! 
(Actually, it would even in this format)

ALIGNMENT: Principled

XP: Level 13 Cyber-Ranger


IQ 28, ME 15, MA 15, PP 12, PS 18, PE 28, PB 16, SPD 30

MAGIC: As a True Atlantean, he has the Marks of Heritage.  PPE 50

PSIONICS: Alter Aura, Impervious to Fire, Impervious to Cold,
Impervious to Poison, Resist Fatigue, Healing Touch,
Bio-Regeneration, Resist Hunger, Resist Thirst, and Deaden Pain.
 ISP 110, Major Psionic.

CYBER-RANGER POWERS: Psi-Bow, 32 MDC, and Enhanced Senses

SKILLS: Speaks/Reads Atlantean at 96%, also speaks American and
Euro at 96%, HTH Martial Arts, WP E-pistol, WP
Sword/Knife/Paired, no others (spent his time developing his
third power)

GEAR: Crusader armor, all standard gear.


Currently has a 50,000,000 credit supply account which anyone
may use once they have Randy's permission.


Rosa and Randy have known each other since they were eleven. 
Abducted at age 13 by Bres the Beautiful (who she managed to
escape from,) she is now a powerful dryad.  She bears an uncanny
resemblance to Syrinx (NOTE: One good way to bring her in is for
everyone to mistake her for Syrinx; remember, bring her in ONLY
after Zazshan is defeated.)

TRUE NAME: Rosa Lang

ALIGNMENT: Unprincipled

ATTRIBUTES: IQ 22, MA 15, ME 20, PS 14, PP 20, PE 12, PB 30, Spd

SDC 120, 80 HP

XP: Level 13 dryad

PPE 166, no ISP

SKILLS OF NOTE: Speaks English, Gobblely, Dragonese, and Euro,
Holistic Medicine, Mystic Herbology, ID Plants/Fruits, Botany,
Biology, Pathology, Chemistry, Basic Math, Wilderness Survival,
Land Navigation, Preserve Food, WP Knife, WP Energy Pistol, WP
Sword, WP Energy Rifle, HTH: Expert, Streetwise, literate in
English, First Aid, Cook, Horsemanship, Athletics General (these
are at Laval 14 proficiency plus bonuses,) Escape Artist and
Hunting at Level 11 proficiency plus bonuses, Pilot HoverCycle
at Level 6, and literate in Euro and Dragonese at Level 3

AGE: 18

APPEARANCE: The only way to tell her from Syrinx is that
Syrinx's eyes are blue while Rosa's are green.  They look
exactly alike in all other aspects.

POWERS: Create herbs, wands, and staves, +6 to save vs faerie
magic and foods/drinks, +5 to save vs poisons and onwanted
potions/foods.  +2 to save vs other magic and +1 to save vs
horror factor

MONEY: 2 million credits

GEAR: Ash wand (heal 1d6 SDC three times per day,) Staff of
Strength, 6 Ash leaf compresses (heals 1d4 HP and covers up
scars, each is usable four times,) 2 Mind's Eye potions (instill
powers of See the Invisible, See Aura, Sixth Sense, and
Clairvoyance for 2d4 melees,) 4 Horsetail Potions (breathe w/o
air for 20 minutes,) 4 magic oak leaves (chameleon power for 10
minutes), lesser rune sword (2d6 MD, soul-drinks and elemental
powers of fire,) med kit, several knives, Wilk's Laser pistol,
laser scalpel, small shovel and hand pick for digging up herbs,
lighter, flashlight, air filter, blanket of healing (from
Millenium Tree,) and Crusader armor (55 MDC.)

CYBERNETICS: None.  Does not want any.


Randy Lee's older brother was killed in a crossfire between two
gangs three years ago.  He later rose as an Immortal (the OCC's
in the Character Information Library somewhere or I can Email it
to you)  He is currently working with the Coalition (who has
absolutely no idea of his innortality.)  He showed a hatred
towards Rosa in his former life; that hatred still exists, but
no one knows why it does.


ALIGNMENT: Miscreant

ATTRIBUTES: IQ 25, MA 23, ME 15, PS 24 Supernatural, PP 23, PP
24, PE 24, PB 18, Spd 18

MDC: 240

PPE 144, ISP 12, no magic or psionics

HORROR FACTOR: 10, but only if his immortality is discovered. 
Randy will notice something wrong, but he does not know the


Energy Aura: This makes him immortal.  All MDC is drawn towards
the aura, so all MDC must be depleted before he can be killed. 
If his neck is not then severed (sword, laser shot, whatever) he
will come back to life within the hour with full MDC.

Cannot become a Vampire

Cannot have his PPE drawn out

Attuned to a broadsword.  The sword inflicts 4d6 MD.

+3 to all saving throws

Heals 3d4 MDC per melee

Can sense other Immortals

XP: Equal to 3rd level Royal Knight and Immortal

SKILLS: Land navigation, Wildernedd Survival, Horsemanship,
Paramedic, Basic Math, Speaks/Reads English/American, Speaks
Dragonese and Euro (illeterate in both,) Sing, Dance, WP Sword,
WP Knife, WP Targeting, WP Energy Pistol, WP Energy Rifle, HTH
Martial Arts, Gymnastics, Pilot HoverCycle, Streetwise, Hunitng,
Boxing, Escape Artist, Auto Mechanics, WP Energy Heavy, Computer
Hack, Computer Program (his hobby is creating computer viruses;
perhaps a way to find him?) Pilot Automobile, Pilot APC.

AGE: 21, appears 18

APPEARANCE: He looks a lot like Randy, but there are three ways
to tell them apart.  First, Randy's are steel gray, Ken's are
brown.  Second, Ken has a scar on his neck from an earlier
battle, and third, Randy should still be rather depressed over
Syrinx's demise, Ken knows nothing of this and will probably
laugh if he hears of the incident.

MONEY: 20,000 credits

ARMOR: Appears to be DeadBoy, but it's just a fake (100 SDC,
it's for show)

GEAR: Everything except his sword (which he will insist on
carrying with him at all times) is provided by the Coalition,
who likes his fearlessness and his uncanny ability to bounce
back from normally fatal situations, although Karl Prosek is
getting a little suspicious.  It is a matter of time, 4d4
months, before he finds out about Ken's immortality (like he can
do anything about it!)

CYBERNETICS: None, will refuse any.  If he does get them, they
will simply fall off to be replaced with the real version of
whatever was added.  Besides, he's MDC!


The final adventure in the NCR series takes place in another
dimension (Wormwood, Palladium, Phaseworld, it does not matter.)
 First, the villain.

Shade (as he is called, no one knows his true name,) is a
villain of considerable power (OK, he's powerful beyond all
human belief.)  As the group should learn at the beginning of
the adventure, he was the one that sent Zazshan to RIFTS Earth
all those years ago.  No one knows how he managed to survive all
those years until the time of RIFTS, but it is speculated that
he hid out in a dimension where time is distorted.


True Name: Unknown.  Only Shade knoes for sure and he's not

Alignment: So evil that he could be consdidered beyond Diabolic,
but I suppose Diabolic will have to do.

Level: Level 15 Riftwalker

Attributes: Over the years, he has accumulated attributes of 30
in all categories except PB, which is a mere 3 (Actually, he
doesn't even deserve a 3.)

MDC: 100,000

SKILLS: First Aid (a skill he will only use on himself,) Speaks
American, Euro, and Spanish at 98% and reads all three at 80%,
Basic Math, DBee Lore, Demon/Monster Lore, Land Navigation,
Astrology, Wilderness Survival, Prowl, WP Sword, Energy Light,
Rifle, and Energy Heavy, HTH Assassin, All Communiactions, All
Domestic, Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Boxing, Wrestling, Streetwise,
Hunting, WP Paired, WP Targeting, and all Piloting skills.

MAGIC: All spell magic, all Spells of Legend, all temporal
spells, all stone magic, has all kinds of tattoos, oh, forget
it!  The guy's got EVERYTHING!  PPE (gulp) 10,000!!!!

PSIONICS: All sensitive, physical, and super powers!  ISP 2000,
master psionic, but saves on a 3 or higher

MONEY: At least a billion credits, perhaps more



This item (there is only one in the Megaverse,) was the result
of a tragic spell mishap.  Using a super nexus point, Shade was
attempting to rift into Wormwood with a large army.  He
succeeded, but something went wrong.  The very ley lines that
created the nexus point, as well as the life forces of the
entire army, were somehow captured and stored in an amulet he
was wearing.  It contains at least 3,000,000 PPE that can be
drawn on in times of emergency, regenerating 1000 PPE per melee.
 It can be used to cast spells, but it is also a terrible
weapon.  It can unleash ley line storms, millenium storms, ley
line surges (remember, repeated surges triggered the Coming of
the Rifts) and even dimensional rifts where there isn't even a
ley line or nexus to support any of these things!  NOTE: Shade
has tried to duplicate the amulet numerous times, but he has so
far been unsuccessful.  Oh, and the amulet is destroyed in the
final battle (see below.)

That's the "Revenge" part.  I think you all know what I mean by
"Reunion" but I'll tell you anyway: In reality, Syrinx was NOT
killed by Zazshan.  She was rifted to another dimension at the
moment the death blow was struck and an illusion was left in her
place.  Needless to say, there are going to be two INCREDIBLY
happy people when she meets up with the PC's again.  Since the
PC's last saw Syrinx:

She has gained a level (now level 14 mystic, telepathic between
Randy and Syrinx is restored, may extend the link to as many
people as they want for 15 minutes per 24 hours)

She has a scar from the original battle with Zazshan (-1 to PB,
now PB 29)

She has several new friends (might I add that she has never met
Rosa, and that they will at first distrust each other, each
thinking the other is trying to steal Randy away,) that may pop
in from time to time, these NPCs can be taken from whatever book
the dimension corresponds to.  These friends will all try to
help the PC's She has also made an enemy out of a villain from
that same book.

Add 2 to all attributes except PB.

She now has a phoenix tattoo

NOTES: First, here's a new spell


PPE: 20 plus PPE for the spells to be used

DURATION: until all transferred PPE is drained

EFFECT: By use of this spell, the caster may give his or her PPE
to another living being.  Enough PPE is transferred to allow the
casting of 3 specific spells, each one time.  The caster may
select these spells, but none above Level 4.  This is often used
by powerful mages commanding large numbers of people, with the
spells reflecting the people's use (i.e. Chameleon and See the
Invisible for each person in a group of spies.)  The use of
Techno-Wizardry may also be chosen to be granted, but this
counts as all 3 spells and costs 50 PPE which are not regained
until the recipient has used them all.  A person may not have
more than 1 grant of spellcasting ability on him or her at any
one time.  Transferred PPE is not regained by the recipient, the
"boost" is a one-shot thing.  This is a popular choice for a
gift to a ruler or other authority figure.


The PC's will meet this villain that Syrinx has made an enemy of
at some point.  Even if the PC's win, Randy is almost killed in
the battle (all SDC and all but 1 HP gone,) putting him into a
deep coma.  During this time (3 days,) just how much Syrinx and
Rosa care for Randy becomes apparent as the two team up to try
to help him.  The two learn to trust and dep[end on each other,
and thus become friends.

The entire NCR is killed about halfway through the final battle
(50,000 MDC remaining on Shade) when Shade throws a massive,
unidentifiable energy sphere at them; only the PC's are left. 
The "ghosts" of the NCR wil act as follows:

Argo and Saki will be incredibly obnoxious to Shade, attempting
to draw his attention.

Clara and Clutch will search the room and will alert the PC's of
anything they find (perhaps weapons?)

Randy and Syrinx are still able to cast spells and will heal the
PC's should they need healing.  They will also try to help as
best as they can in the fight, which is pretty much limited to
cheering the PC;s on, offering advice on strategy, or the use of
Syrinx's Hypnotic Suggestion.

Rosa will be busy, because an old enemy will come back to haunt
the PC's... Ken's "spirit" will return and try to kill the
remaining ghosts, targeting Syrinx first.

NOTE: For some reason, the PC's will be able to see these
ghosts.  They will appear as transparent versions of the living
NCR, but they look as they were in a movie shot with a blue lens
in the camera (they will appear in only shades of blue.)  All
weapons that they carry are subject to the same effect, which
rules out taking their weapons.

When Shade is down to 1000 MDC, something remarkable happens: It
is revealed that all of the NCR posess phoenix tattoos.  When
the 1000 MDC marker is reached, the 7 tattoos begin to glow. 
When 7500 MDC is reached, the NCR's ghosts will return from
shades of blue to full color, though they are still ghosts and
unable to fight.  At 7000 MDC, beams of light from each tattoo
all strike Syrinx.  She is engulfed in a light so bright and so
pure that the battle temporarily stops and Shade takes 1000 MD
damage.  After 3 melees, Syrinx manages to grab hold of the
light and shape and focus it into a brilliant flash.  1 melee
later, the NCR returns to corporeal form.  Syrinx, having
focused the massive amount of PPE from Shade's amulet (which
shatters) goes to a 30 in ME, but it took an immense toll;
reduce her PS and PE to 3 if not lower, and she loses ALL SDC
and all but 5 HP.  She is also knocked unconscious for 8 melees,
during which time she is believed to be dead.  Needless to say,
Randy is furious.  He goes into his frenzy again, only at 10
times the strength of the one that he had fighting Zazshan.  If
the whole team (including Syrinx) manages to strike Shade at
exactly the same time once he's down to 0 MDC, Shade will be
defeated.  There is no other way to kill him.


Based on a character in Final Fantasy II, this lesser
practitioner of magic can do some amazing stuff


ME 16, IQ 15, must start training as a child (All Callers start
at Level 2 except in a few special cases.  For example, in Final
Fantasy II, Rydia would start at Level 1 because of the Mist
Dragon's defeat.)


Contrary to popular belief, most are Unprincipled or good.  Many
tend to percieve them as Miscreant or Diabolic, as the most
famous (and nasty) are evil.


Add 1d6 to all mental attributes


Choose 1 from Level 1 (no spells yet in the case of a Level 1
Caller.)  Add two per level of XP, up to a level equalling that
of the Callers.  At every 1,000,000 XP above Level 15 may choose
1 Spell of Legend or 5 normal spells or 2 temporal spells.  May
learn spells normally, but do not like summoning magic (would
rather use their own powers.)  PPE 2d20 plus IQ plus ME. (only
1d20 for Level 1.)  Add 2d12 per level.


Telepathy and Empathic Transmission (only works on animals and
monsters.)  Good, Unprincipled, or Abberant Callers also have
Healing Touch while evil or anarchist have bio-manipulation. 
ISP 50, add 10 per level (starts with 25 if at Level 1)


Choose 3 animal and 1 monster.  These are bestowed by the
Caller's parent, who can only bestow the tattoos that he or she
was given and will not bestow them upon anyone else unless they
are to become Callers.  May get any new tattoos later, but
double effects and duration of damage to the Caller for Weapon
(simple or Magic) and Power tattoos.


Language: Dragonese (96% plus literate at 80%, drop literacy if
at Level 1.) plus 1 other at 90%

HTH: Expert (may become Martial Arts at cost of 1 other skill or
Assassin (evil only) at the cost of 2 other skills)

Horsemanship (+20%)

Acrobatics and Gymnastics

WP: Blunt +2 other

Streetwise (drop if at Level 1)

Athletics General

Sing at Professional quality (often used to calm animals, which
it can do at a percentage equal to 3/4 the normal percentage. 
Can also calm people at full percentile chance)

MD, but only works on animals (veterinarian, so to speak.)

OCC Related:

Choose 2 more plus 1 at Level 5, 10, and 12

Radio: Basic

Domestic: Any

Espionage: Escape Artist only (+20% if a tattoo can be reached,
but must make a roll to use the tattoo and another to get the
animal do gat the Caller out, and it only works on things the
creature can break)

Military: NONE

Physical: No types of fighting other than OCC skill, but WPs and
athletic skills like running are allowed)

Rogue: So long as it doesn't involve computers, any

Pilot: Forget about Robots, PA, and APC's, but anything else. 
Same story for Pilot Related (no robot, PA, or APC stuff allowed)

Science: Any but MD in Cybernetics

Technical: Same story as for Rogue, no computers, but anything

WP: Any, but tends to use ancient weapons

Wilderness: NO hunting or fishing (the nature of Callers causes
them to absolutely HATE eating meat; they won't comment on
others eating meat though) but anything else.


Can tame any animal (and, if caught at a VERY early age, like
just born or hatchling, monsters) at a proficiency of 60% plus
2% per level.

Can summon any creature or monster PPE: Equal to SDC of
creature, MDC monsters cost 50 PPE per 20 MDC, technique for
calling monsters is learned the same way as spells, with a
different technique for each creature.  The Caller MUST defeat
that type of creature at least once before it can be summoned.

May have a familiar link like a Shifter


If a called monster or creature dies, so does the Caller who
summoned it.  THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE!  Same story
for familiars, but the familiar will otherwise live as long as
the Caller

A caller must be a human or true atlantean.


NO CYBERNETICE OR BIO-SYSTEMS!  Bio-wizardry is allowed, but a
Caller will still only get this when ABSOLUTELY necessary, and
ONLY to replace something that was lost, NO enhancements.  Even
trying to get an enhancement will kill the Caller, though new
things like arms may be added safely if used to replace a lost
one.  Also, something peculiar: If an enhancement is added
against the Caller's will (such as being turned into a
Slave-Borg for the Coalition) the Caller will survive.


2d20x1000 credits, 20d6x100 in balck market items


Light armor (most often Crusader), 1 ancient weapon, one energy
pistol, several sets of travelling clothes, rations for 2 weeks,
and a pet (most often a bird which may be used as a familiar.)

Special thanks to Square Soft.  Please, don't pass this OCC as
your own; I'd rather not have a huge company mad at me.


Believe it or not, once a Cyber-Knight (NOT Warriors, Rangers,
or Ninjas, just Knights) reaches Level 15, the game's not over. 
It is possible to advance still further, but it is not easy. 
First, there are 3 paths to choose from: Cyber-Paladin,
Cyber-Avenger, or Defiler (which, as any Cyber-fighter historian
knows, was the original group from which the Cyber-Fighters
sprang.)  The following applies to all of the

-After reaching Level 15, the Cyber-Knight must spend 2 years in
training in whichever new path is chosen.

-All of the paths use the Ancient Chiang-Ku XP Table.  The
difference in XP is gained through the training so that the new
Super-Cyber-Knight begins anew at Level 16.

-Gains 1 secondary skill each level due to heightened
concentration and mental abilities.  In addition, all
restrictions on skills are lifted.

-Gains the following bonuses:

Add 1 to all mental attributes, add 3 to all physical
attrihbutes except PB, and cannot become a vampire.  Also gains
an awe factor of 10.

-At the end of the 2-year training period, the Cyber-Knight goes
into a week-long trance.  During this trance Lord Coake appears
to the Cyber-Knight in a vision.  When the Cyber-Knight awakes,
all cybernetics, bio-sytstems, and bio-wizard ENHANCEMENTS (if a
new limb, eye, or whatever was simply cloned because it had to
be, it is not affected) are GONE with the exception of
Cyber-Armor with full MDC restored.  In place of the cybernetics
are normal, living, human parts.  From that point onward, the
Super-Cyber-Knight may NOT get any more enhancements.  If such
an enhancement is necessary (to replace a lost limb, for
example) it is allowed under the following conditions: it may
NOT be enhanced (a perfectly normal version of what was lost,)
it MUST be bio-wizardry or a bio-system (though the latter is
somewhat reduced in efficiency; -1 to all physical atributes for
that limb,) and its attributes cannot be above those of the


REQUIREMENTS: PS 20, PE 18, Good or Unprincipled Alignment

MAGIC: At Level 16, starts with no spells, but may purchase and
learn any spells he/she wants.  Gains 2D20 PPE immediately and
gaind 1D10 every level thereafter up until Level 26.

PSIONICS: Choose 1 from Super (except, of course, for Psi-Sword)
and 2 from Healing.  Gains 1d10 ISP and is considered a Master


Psi-Blast: The Psi-Sword of a Cyber-Knight becomes a new,
terrifying weapon.  While it cannot be kept "up" like the
Psi-Sword, it is deadlier.  A column of glittering psionic
energy fires from the Cyber-Paladin's hand, first going out and
then back in like a psionic yo-yo.  This counts 2 melee actions.
 DAMAGE: Unchanged from Psi-Sword at Level 16, add 1d6 MD at
Levels 17, 19, 22, 24, and 26.

Can use the psionic Healing Touch the same as the psionic power
WITHOUT using ISP.  This may only be done once per 24 hours, and
it temporarily drains1d4 SDC from the Cyber-Paladin.


REQUIREMENTS: 20 in all physical attributes, anarchist or evil
alignment (this includes Aberrant)

MAGIC: See Cyber-Paladin

PSIONICS: Gains Bio-Manipulation and 3 of choice from Physical. 
Gains 1d6 ISP and is considered a major psionic.


Physical Psi-weapon: The Psi-Sword can become a psionic version
of any weapon the Cyber-Avenger wants, but it must have a
physical core (a Psi-Chain must have a real chain, a Psi-Pistol
must have a real pistol.)  This physical core may not be changed
once chosen, and the core must be used in conjunction with the
weapon (if the core is stolen, TOUGH!)  The advantage to this
method is that any weapon with ammunition no longer needs it to
shoot (a big plus for energy weapons.)  DAMAGE: Same as for

Gains the ability to induce fear in any creature (horror factor
19) once per 24 hours.  Like the Cyber-Paladin, this action
drains 1d4 SDC from the Cyber-Avenger.


REQUIREMENTS: at least 20 in all attributes, any alignment

MAGIC: At Level 16 gains 10 spells of choice from any level 1 to
6 and gains 1 new spell per level.  Gains another 6d6 PPE.

PSIONICS: 2 Super psionics (once again, not Psi-Sword) and 5
from any other category.  Gains 2d20 ISP, master psionic, +4 to
save vs psionics

POWERS: Can use both the Psi-weapons of any Cyber-OCC (excepr
for the Paladin and Avenger's weapons; those weapons are unique
to those OCC's.)  DAMAGE: Unchanged at Level 16, add 1 die of
damage (D6 for sword, D4 for bow, and so on) every other level.

NOTE ON PSI-SWORD: A Defiler's Psi-Sword can be thrown 15 feet
and it will return.  This does the same damage as the Psi-Sword,
but it costs 2 melee actions to throw it

Gains Nightvision 50 feet



None of the -Runners likes or even respects the Cyber-Runners,
or CR's.  To call any other -Runner a CR is an incredible
insult, and will likely get the one who said it killed.  CR's
are ruthless, uncaring souls who seek only to destroy the other
types or -Runners any anything that stands in their way.  Their
powers are gained by way of a techno-wizard cybernetic implant
so powerful that even the mago-phobic Coalition has looked into


ALIGNMENT: The C-Runner will have eight personalities, one of
each alignment.  To see which one comes out at any one time,
roll 1d20.  On a 1-19, the diabolic personalitiy will surface, 
On a 20, roll 1d8 and consult the table










The number that is rolled corresponds to the personality that
surfaces.  Note that only the Diabolic and Miscreant
personalities can use the CR powers, but each personality is
only aware of the other (the Diabolic personality will NOT let
the Miscreant personality out because "he's a wuss."  The
Miscreant personality considers the Diabolic personality out
because "that guy's crazy.")  The other personalities, however,
are aware of all the other personalities and usually (50% likely
for anarchist, automatic for others) will feel guilty for the
havoc the evil personalities bring about.  NONE of these
personalities will let the Diabolic or Miscreant personalities
surface if they can help it.


BONUSES: +3 to all attributes

PSIONICS: Psi-Sword, Psi-Armor, Bio-Manipulation, all kinds of
-kinesis, Hypnotic Suggestion, Telepathy, and Death Trance. 
Permanent ISP 500

MAGIC: None.  PPE 6d6

SKILLS: As for former OCC, but gains Pilot Robots & PA (what's
honor to a CR?)

MONEY: These guys are greedy beyond all human belief.  Often,
the typical CR (which, I will stress again, is a VILLAIN and
should NEVER be used as a player character,) has at least 20
million credits and 100 million in black market items.

GEAR: Varies from CR to CR, but ALWAYS has:

a suit of power armor, various kinds of rune weapons, usually
several robots, and a whole lot of other valuable stuff.

FRIENDS: Evil personalities: Splugorth and Coalition

Other personalities: Anything else (note that Abberrant counts
as an "other" personality)

ENEMIES: Evil personalities: Anything that could be considered a
friend of the other personalities

Other personalities: Splugorth and Coalition



Anyone who's read the section in the RIFTS ENGLAND book on the
Eternal City knows about the Eternal Knights.  For those of you
who haven't read about them, the 500 Eternal Knights are
"official champions of the city."  The trouble is, the book
never rounded out the Eternal Knights by telling us what exactly
they were, so they have often been assumed to be ordinary
knights with a name for their organization.  However, Mrrlyn's
spies recently found out that the Eternal Knights are more. 
Much more.



ALIGNMENT: Principled, Scrupulous or Unprincipled.  Most are

MAGIC: Knows none at start, but may learn 1 spell per level. 
May not learn spell magic above level 5 or any temporal or
warlock spells.  PPE 4d6, add 1d6 per level

PSIONICS:An Eternal Knight has the power to send brief
telepathic messages in the form of an image to another Eternal
Knight or the King, who also has this power (very effective
distress call.)  This power costs 5 ISP and has an unlimited
range (with the exception that the sender and reciever must be
on the same dimension.)  ISP 3d6 (a roll below 5 is adjusted to
5,) minor psionic.  


Land Navigation +10%

Wilderness Survival +15%


Speaks and reads Euro, +20% for both.  Speaks 2 other languages
at +20%.  Reads one of these languages at normal proficiency.



Escape Aritst +10%

WP Sword

WP 2 ancient, 3 modern


HTH Expert.  Can be upped to Martial Arts at the cost of 1 other

Select 4 other skills, add 1 at levels 3, 7, 11, 15, and then 1
more every million XP.

Communication: Any

Domestic: Any

Electrical: Basic

Espionage: Any +10%

Mechanical: Auto

Medical: None

Military: None

Physical: Any

Pilot: Any except tank or spacecraft.  VERY few get Robots & PA
(dishonorable except in cases of extreme emergency)

Pilot Related: Any

Rogue: Any + 20%

Science: Any, but must be chosen at Level 1.  May not be added

Technical: Same story as Science.

WP: Any

Wilderness: Any

Choose 3 secondary skills without bonuses.

OCC BONUSES: Add 30 SDC in addition to the 1d4x10 used for men
of arms.

+2 to initiative

+4 to save vs horror factor

lives 4 times as long as normal humans, 240 to 400 years.  How
this is accomplished is not known (only the king of the Eternal
City and perhaps the Eternal Knights know, and no one is

ENHANCEMENTS: May be gained, but if they are gained the Eternal
Knight loses the longevity that gives the Eternal Knights their
name.  This can be very depressing if the knight is more than
the age at which a human knight would retire or worse, older
than a normal human lives.

GEAR: first-aid kit, camping gear, 150 ft.rope, a grappling
hook, an IRMSS kit in case of emergency, 2 weeks' worth of
rations, and 3 weapons of choice.  The exact weapons can vary
from Eternal Knight to Eternal Knight, but most have at least 1
ancient weapon or a high-tech version of one (like a
vibro-blade) and an energy pistol with another "signature
weapon."  TW weapons are popular.  Also starts out with MDC
armor of any type (sorry, no power armor.)

MONEY: The Eternal City pays the Eternal Knights well, 3000
credits per month.  Starts with 2 months' pay.

IMPORTANT: Always remember that all the Eternal Knights are
employed by the Eternal City as an elite fighting force.  An
Eternal Knight is a member of this force FOR LIFE, as a rogue
Eternal Knight is hunted down and killed for fear of the secret
of their longevity being revealed.  However, every 4 years the
Eternal Knight gets a yeear "off" to adventure, as the Eternal
City knows that adventuring is good for the knights and can be
used as training.  If this entire year is not used, the time can
be saved up.  There is a catch: If a war breaks out, all 500
Eternal Knights must fight; those on vacation are called back
(see the Psionics section.)

Uses the Royal Knight XP table


Mago-Runners (also called "M-runners") started to appear about 5
years after the Psi-Runners appeared.  They like Psi-Runners and
will do anything to help them, but the Psi-Runners are annoyed
at them, believing them to be "copycats."


ALIGNMENT: Starts out good or unprincipled, but may turn evil


BONUSES: +3 to ME, +2 to PE (added AFTER the character has
qualified to be an M-Runner.  Sorry!)

PSIONICS: Psi-Armor and Telepathy.  Should the character be in a
situation where they may gain psionics, NO healing psionics are
allowed.  ISP 100 permanent

MAGIC: May choose 2 spells each from Levels 1-4 plus 1 more of
any level up to 4.  Gains 1 spell per level, equal in level to
the M-Runner's level.  If the M-Runner's ME is below 15, he
cannot cast spells of a level higher than the ME number (i.e. ME
13 means no level 14 or 15 spells.)  NO temporal spells, warlock
spells, Spells of Legend, or any healing magic of any sort, no
matter what.  PPE 2d4x10, add 1d10 per level.


M-Runners are a loose bunch with no real formal training in the
way of skills.  Choose 30 skills except medical, computer hack,
or pilot Robots & PA (just as dishonorable for an M-Runner as
for a Psi-Runner.)  However, will have these skills
automatically, in addition to any chosen:

Speak 3 languages

WP Knife


CYBERNETICS: Same story for tattoos as for 'Runners, any except
for the rose or phoenix.  Same story for penalties on the
phoenix tattoo, but the rose halves PPE, not ISP, on an
M-Runner.  Would rather die than get any other kind of
enhancement (NOTE: Psi-Armor is a little wierd for these guys. 
If they lose a limb, that limb will still appear on the
Psi-Armor.  The armor that is where the missing limb should be
will be animated in such a way that it may be used as a normal
limb with -1 to hit and -5% to all skills.

FRIENDS: Everything that is good, especially Psi-Runners

ENEMIES: Coalition, Splugorth, evil things.  Consider Time
Runners to be copycats (they're my next RCC)

MONEY: 1d20x10 credits

GEAR: Same story as for Psi-Runner


These guys are yet another offshoot of the Cyber Knights.  They
use the same XP table as Chiang-Ku dragons


Spd 17, PE 15


Add 2d6 to Spd and 1d6 to PE (no, this CANNOT be used to push
you into the range required for a Cyber Ninja)




Have a special form of Alter Aura that allows them to cause
their aura to disappear for 1 minute per level.  During this
time, however, they are -10 to save vs. psionics.  ISP 30.

PERMANENT ISP 100, minor psionic


Any, but most (95%) are Abberant


All espionage

All rogue

English, Japanese, and 1 language of choice excluding Techno-Can
(98%, literate in Japanese at 80%)



Wilderness Survival

WP Sword

WP Chain

WP Paired

Select 1 WP of choice

HTH: Martial Arts (Functions at one level higher than normal, at
Level 15 gets Deathblow on an unmodified 17, 18, and 19, and on
ANY 20 or greater)


The Cyber-Ninja has devoted his life to the study of the ways of
the Ninja.  Therefore, there are NO OCC related skills


Choose 3 from any category except Technical or any MD.  Gets a
+5% to Physical skills


A vibro-blade, a Ninja outfit, and 25 throwing stars.  This is
only the STANDARD.  Gets 5000 special credits to spend on more
gear.  If it's not spent right then, it's lost.


1d6x50 credits


Cyber Armor and a bionic arm with a large secret compartment. 
Choose either Infra-Ultra eyes or Cyber Disguise AA-1 (the fancy
kind) CANNOT get any others, even the one he did not choose at
the start.



This is a kind of boomerang throwing star.  It costs no ISP to

Damage: 1d4 MD per level, but on its return trip, the
Cyber-Ninja must roll to hit the shuriken or he takes half the
amount of damage that whoever it hit took.  If it missed, roll
for normal damage and multiply by 1.5 rounding down (it was not
weakened by hitting someone.)  As an option, the Cyber-Ninja can
choose to avoid the star to let it hit someone behind him, but
that person takes half damage and the Cyber-Ninja MUST roll to
hit the star with a -4 penalty or take DOUBLE DAMAGE!

Range: 100 feet


+2 to save vs poison

cannot be turned into a vampire


Anyone the Cyber-Knights can tolerate.  Do not get along well
with Cyber-Rangers, but if hard pressed they will cooperate


Coalition, which executes them on sight


The Psi-Runners take great pride in the fact that the first
anything-runner, a Pre-Rifts superhero, was a Psi-Runner, and
thus any other kind of -Runner is a copycat.  What they do not
know is this: the very first -Runner only called himself
"Psi-Runner.")  He was actually a Time Runner.  The Time
Runners, or T-Runners, know this, but they keep quiet about it. 
First things first though:



CATEGORY: None.  Available to all OCCs/RCCs

PERCENTAGE: 20%+5% per level

EFFECT: Those with this skill are extremely compassionate.  This
basically works like Charm/Impress with two differences: first,
anyone can have this skill, and second, it can be used in
several ways.  The original Time Runner used it in these ways,
but there can be more:

1) to comfort those who are sad (which can lead to powerful

2) just to make friends

3) +5% to Charm/Impress or Invoke Trust (not to intimidate)

4) to bribe guards

5) The original Time Runner was not above pretending to join
forces with a villian.  While a check must be made every day to
check whether the victim believes the the user, it is a very
useful technique for spies to have.


REQUIREMENTS: ME 14, PE 16, PP 13, MA 17, IQ 15

BONUSES: +2 to all mental attributes

ALIGNMENT: Always good or unprincipled. The alignment cannot be
changed by ANY means whatsoever (except becoming a
Cyber-Runner); no one knows why.

PSIONICS: Psi-Armor, Psi-Sword, Telepathy, and Mind Block AD. 
ISP 2d20+IQ, major psionic.  Add 1d10 ISP per level.  At Level 7
may select one more psionic, but NO HEALING (starting to see a
pattern among the -Runners?)

MAGIC: knows five temporal magic spells of choice.  May learn 2
spells every level, but no warlock spells, normal spell magic
above Level 4, or Spells of Legend.  PPE 4d20+IQ+ME, gains 1d20
every level.

SKILLS: Time Runners usually begin life as one of four classes:
City Rats (the original Time Runner was not really a City Rat,
but would fall into this category simply because it is the
closest thing,) Vagabonds, or the occasional Scholar or
Scientist.  As such, these classes may become a Time Runner at
any time by seeking out either a good-aligned Temporal Raider
(no easy task, that's why there are only fifty known Time
Runners in the Megaverse) or a willing Time Runner (even rarer.)
 They retain all skills of their former OCC with the following

-HTH is upped to Martial Arts

-Gains 1 additional language and literacy in any language the
T-Runner speaks

-Gains WP Sword

-gains Acrobatics and Gymnastics, even if the skills are not
normally allowed to that OCC

-Gains Friendship if not already posessed

-All medical skills except for First Aid are DROPPED.  Pilot
Robots & PA may be kept, but it is EXTREMELY dishonorable to
actually use these things (instructing others on how to use
Robots & PA is not a dishonor.)

Secondary skills are not affected with the exception of the
above modifications


REWIND: Just as the name implies, the T-Runner can travel
backward through time and possibly bring others back with him
(which is exactly what the original Time Runner did once) but
not without a price.  First, the character loses 1 level of
experience every time the trip is made (Level 1 Time Runners,
obviously, may not Rewind.)  Second, upon returning, the
T-Runner goes into a catatonic state for 2d20 hours and  cannot
be roused in any way before that time expires (people brought to
the future are not affected.)  Third, the T-Runner suffers 1d20
damage DIRECTLY TO HIT POINTS for every creature coming back to
the present (1d20 for only the T-Runner, 2d20 if a companion is
brought along, 3d20 for two companions, and so on.  Again,
companions do not suffer damage, though they will be disoriented
for a while after being taken to the future.)  Also, while the
T-Runner may bring back as many people as he or she pleases, the
T-Runner must venture to the past alone.  To make matters worse,
the T-Runner is in a semi-phased state in the past; he or she
cannot kill or even harm anybody, not even with psionics. 
INTERESTING FACT: A 10-foot radius globe is left where the
T-Runner was at the moment they Rewinded.  Anyone looking at
this globe can watch the T-Runner going through time.  In the
case of a Fulfillment, the globe either expands to a 100-foot
radius or fills the nearest flat object (a window, a wall, etc.,
but the total area must be no less than 1000 square feet.  This
globe will also stretch into several random dimensions during a

FULFILLMENT:  Sometime during the Time Runner's life, something
terible happens to someone in the T-Runner's abscence.  This is
inevitable and cannot be stopped.  Sometimes the victim is known
by the T-Runner, sometimes not.  However, correcting this
incident is the T-Runner's job and that T-Runner's job alone; it
is their destiny.  The T-Runner does not know what this destiny
is, but there are signs.

1) If the T-Runner does not know the surviving victim (assuming
there are any) they will meet soon after the incident and become

2) If the T-Runner knows the victim, the two will become very
close friends, or closer than before if they are already
friends.  In some cases, the T-Runner has been known to fall in
love with the victim.

3) The T-Runner has a desire, though not an obsessive one, to
correct the incident.

Fulfilling this destiny gives great power to a T-Runner,

1) Add 3 to all attributes permanently

2) Normal penalties for a Rewind are not suffered for this
incident.  However, the ability to Rewind is PERMANENTLY lost.

3) Immediately and permanently gain 100 extra PPE

4) gains 1 new psionic immediately and from then on gains 1
every level (NO healing powers allowed, unless...)

5) Roll 1d100 once and apply the result rolled

01-20 Instill supernatural strength

21-40 Gain the ability to use HEALING powers!  This applies to
the psionic immediately gained as well

41-60 SDC is dropped and becomes MDC.  However, Psi-Armor must
now be active for any other psionic to work.  Also gain 50 ISP.

61-80 Gain 5 levels of experience

81-00 gain the ability to use ANY spells!

Needless to say, a T-Runner can only be fulfilled once, though
even a Level 1 T-Runner may Rewind if it is for a Fulfillment. 
Also, a T-Runner can not Rewind into another T-Runner's destiny
(though the T-Runner will know that he or she has tried to
Rewind into another T-Runner's destined incident and the Rewind
penalties are not suffered for a failed Rewind.)

Oh, one last thing.  As soon as a T-Runner is Fulfilled, they
are elevated into a new level of respect.  A Level 15 T-Runner
will show the utmost respect to and even obey the orders of a
Level 1 Fulfilled T-Tunner (or F-T-Runner, in T-Runner jargon.)

MONEY: 1d6x100 credits

GEAR: Nothing of measureable worth except for 1 weapon of choice
and a martial arts uniform.  As with the Psi-Runner, often has
numerous mementos of family and friends.

ENHANCEMENTS: NONE.  Not even tattoos unless fulfilled, and even
then only if the Runner can use healing powers or any spells.

FRIENDS: Will give good creatures the benefit of the doubt, but
is wary of everyone and will not completely trust a person until
they are well known or can prove themselves trustwothy.

ENEMIES: The Splugorth, the Coalition, any evil creature, and
anyone who harms a member of the T-Runner's family or a friend
of the T-Runner (the T-Runner will almost automatically attack
and kill such a person if the two meet again.)

Use the Dragon XP table


This is the fourth of the Elemental Children.  Uses the Earth
Child XP table.


ME and PE 10+, Spd 13+


2 languages at 96%

Literacy in one of these languages at 85%

All Pilot skills relating to aircraft (+20%)

Detect Concealment

First Aid

Weight Lifting

2 WPs of choice


Select 10 other skills from the following list.

Domestic: Any

Espionage: Any

Physical: Any

Pilot: Any

Rogue: Any

Science: Any

Technical: Any

If a category does not appear in this list, the Breeze Child
does not select from that category.




Levitation only.  30 ISP, minor psionic


Transform into air.


INVISIBLE.  This applies ONLY to normal sight.  See aura, see
the invisible, and radar will all pick him up.  Also, if a room
is filled with anything, the Breeze Child will appear as an area
of freah air or an air bubble.

SEE THE INVISIBLE.  Same as spell.

Others can actually breathe the Breeze Child when there is no
air.  This can be done for up to an hour; any longer kills the
Breeze Child with no hope of recovery.

WIND RUSH.  The Breeze Child can control the winds within a
1-mile radius, from as little as a gentle breeze (1 mph) to a
devastating hurricane (300 mph)

FLY AS THE EAGLE. Same as spell, indefinite duration, max speed
of 500 mph




Same as Star Child.


The Breeze Child CAN get them, but they'll fall off as soon as
he turns to air.  The place where the implant was does not heal,
so VERY gruesome situations result when he turns back to normal


They like Star Children.  Do not get along well with Earth
Children, but if hard pressed, they'll tolerate each other for a
little while.


(NOTE: This RCC is taken from an AD&D artifact, the RING OF GAXX)

About 50 years ago, a group of aliens tried to visit RIFTS Earth
on a mission of peace.  Unfortunately, whatever it is that keeps
ships from entering or leaving RIFTS Earth demolished the ship,
but not before leaving its mark.  300 plain-looking rings the
ship was carrying fell to Earth, scattering into various
regions.  Thus the Gaxx RCC was born.


None that apply to attributes.  However, the character must
possess one of the rings.  This ring may be found or bought
(price: 5000 credits for someone who does not know what it can
do.  Anyone who knows what it can do will refuse to sell it. 
Remember, there are only 300 rings in the world.)


In human form, attributes are normal.  In Gaxx form:

-2 to IQ

-2 to MA

+4 to ME

+2 to PP

+8 to PS and is supernatural (ONLY in Gaxx form)

+12 to PE (supernatural only in Gaxx form)

-10 to PB (Need I say the transformed Gaxx is REALLY an ugly
thing to see)

+ 15 to Spd

HORROR FACTOR: 4 to anyone who sees the ring, 10 in Gaxx form,
15 during transformation


SDC/HP: 5d6 of each.  Add 2d6 per level (counts only in human

PSIONICS: Any resistances and imperviousnesses, See Aura,
Bio-Regeneration (self only), and Mind Block AD.  ISP 50, add 5
per level.  NOTE: A Gaxx can be any OCC in human form, but that
OCC's abilities, including psionics listed here, can ONLY be
used in human form.

MAGIC: None.  Zip.  Nada.  Get the picture?  This means NO magic
OCC's PERIOD.  EXCEPTION: The ring has its own powers (see
below).  PPE 3d6 permanent


In Human Form: Immune to Horror Factor, Cannot become a Vampire,
Gaxx transformation, the ring's other powers.

In Gaxx form: 100 MDC (if drained, reverts to human form with
3d6 damage direct to HP and cannot transform for a week),
equivalent of Infra-Ultra eyes (works only in the dark,
otherwise normal vision), physical attacks as described below,
does not breathe, and all powers that it has in human form
except for ring's other powers


Symbiotic relationship with ring: If the ring is removed and not
put back on within 3 days, the owner of the ring DIES with no
hope of ressurection.  Also the owner loses 1/3 of his HP per 
FULL day spent without the ring (several hours without it will
cause no damage.)  This bond does not form until 4 full days are
spent with the ring.

In Gaxx form, daylight becomes painful (-2 to hit, anything
brighter means -6 to hit, a Globe of Daylight means -10 to hit!)

Gaxx transformation only lasts 5d6 hours MAXIMUM.  Character
automatically reverts to human form afterwards.

At Level 5 MUST roll 1 frenzy from Crazy table.  During this
frenzy, the character automatically transforms into the Gaxx.


As per human OCC.  All skills may be used in Gaxx form, but at a
-10% penalty (this includes languages.  If a language check
fails, the transformed Gaxx simply cannot make the correct
sounds.  It has no effect on fluency.)


First, there is the Gaxx transformation, which may be used 3
times a day.  All other powers may only be used in human form. 
Also, the wearer of the ring lives four times as long as normal
humans; 240 to 400 years old, aging at the rate of one year
every four (a 60-year old Gaxx will look like thay are 15)

STONE SATELLITE: Gravel flies up and spins around the Gaxx,
doing 2d6 SDC to anyone within 3 feet and giving attackers a -2
to hit.  Lasts 5 meelees, usable 2 times per day.

May cast Invisibility: Simple once per day.

Can heal 5d6 SDC/MDC twice per day (the Gaxx or someone else can
be affected)

Can cure normal diseases three times per day (may not affect the

Cast Superhuman speed once per day

Cast Fly as the Eagle twice per day

Cast Fire Bolt once per day

Laser Beam (2d6 MD, range 100 feet) 5 times a day

Cast a spell so that undead may not come within 50 fet of the
user (duration 15 minutes, usable once per week ).

HTH ATTACKS: Begin with four, add 2 every 5 levels!

NOTE: In Gaxx form, no WP's may be used and an additional -2 to
hit applies to any weapons the Gaxx uses in Gaxx form.  Weapons
may be used normally in human form.


In both forms, the same attacks are possible in Gaxx form as in
human form (punches, kicks, and whatever attacks skills give the
character) with no penalty (in Gaxx form damage becomes MDC.) 
In Gaxx form however, add:

Horn: 1d4x10 SDC

Power Horn (2 attacks): 1d4 MDC

Bite: 1d6x10 SDC

Power Bite (3 attacks) 1d6 MDC

Super Bite (all attacks): 1d6x10 MDC plus save vs. lethal poison
or lose an additional 1d10 MDC.  NOTE: In cases where blood can
do damage (as in Aliens) the Gaxx takes double damage and in the
case of SDC attacks, the damage is MDC.  Also, the Gaxx venom
(what causes the additional MDC loss) does not affect creatures
in armor or Power Armor.

Charge Attack (all attacks for 2 melees) 1d6x10 MDC to anything
that can move and double damage to anything that can't (trees,
buildings, etc.; the target must be rooted to the ground for the
effect to take place.)


In human form: normal

In Gaxx form: Body is covered in thick gray scales.  Add 3 feet
to height.  6-inch horns grow from the forehead and develops
fanst that are twice as long as a Vampire's.

ENHANCEMENTS:If you even try, you'll kill the Gaxx.  This means
that a character cannot start out with enhancements to begin as
a Gaxx and one who finds a ring later is in serious trouble
(though the ring will not kill them until the symbiotic bond is
formed.)  Tattoos are allowed, but with so little PPE, what's
the point?

GEAR: As for human OCC plus RING OF GAXX.

MONEY: As per human OCC

Use the Dragon XP table for human OCC (human OCC and Gaxx RCC
increase at the same time)

Once again, I give credit to TSR for designing the RING OF GAXX.
 Please, I don't want to make them mad at me, so don't go
passing these off as your own inventions, OK?

HSIAN (shee-AN)

Somewhat related to Hsiao's, "Hsian" is a Hsiao word meaning
"the winged humans."  In fact, the Hsian are a Coalition
experiment gone seriously wrong.  Their original experiment,
which crossed the DNA from humans, hsiao's, and one of three
species of birds (there were plans to use more breeds, but they
limited themselves to 3 until the experiment was proven to
work,) worked great, but the 100 Hsian that were created
rebelled and broke loose.  Needless to say, the Coalition no
longer creates Hsian, and neither group likes the other very
much.  NOTE: There is a rumor that someone slipped a fourth
species of bird into one of the experiments; the Coalition
flatly denies this



OCC/RCC: May not take a psychic RCC like the Mind Melter or
Burster, but otherwise may take any OCC or RCC they wish.

ALIGNMENT: Most are unprincipled, but any alignment is allowed

ATTRIBUTES: IQ 4d6, MA 2d6, ME 3d6, Spd 3d6 walking. As for
physical attributes (including flying speed,) remember how I
said there were 3 kinds of birds used in the experiment?  Roll
1d100 to see what kind was used in the PC:

1-50: DOVEWING: PS 3d6, PP 3d6, PB 4d6, PE 3d6, Spd 5d6 flying. 
Has the following psionics: Healing Touch and 3 of choice from
the Healing category.  ISP 60, major psionic.  Does not recieve
psionics from OCC except for a Cyber-OCC's Psi-whatever the OCC
has (Sword, Axe, Bow, or Shuriken.)  Cannot fly in rain, snow,
or similar rough conditions.  Also may not fly if more than half
SDC is depleted.

51-90: EAGLEWING: PS 4d6, PP 3d6, PB 3d6-3, PE 3d6, Spd 4d6
flying.  Has the following psionics: Summon Inner Strength and 1
of choice from Physical category.  ISP 35, minor psionic. 
Recieves OCC psionics same as Dovewing.  May fly in rain or
light snow, but no seriously rough conditions.

91-99: HAWKWING: PS 3d6, PP 3d6, PB 3d6, PE 4d6, Spd 6d6 flying.
 Has the following psionics: See Aura and 2 of choice from
Sensitive category.  ISP 40, minor psionic.  May fly in any

00: Player's choice.  If the GM decides to place a fourth kind
of bird in the experiment, it may be chosen but cannot be rolled

PSIONICS: See above

MAGIC: It all depends on the OCC

SKILLS: As for OCC with the following additions:

Speaks and reads Hsian and Hsiao (the two languages are
incredibly similar) at 96%.  Will only speak 1 other language,
even if the OCC allows more.  Note that the Hsian language is
not spoken per se, it is actually sung (the tones are used much
like voice inflection; different notes imply mood, sarcasm, and
stress.  There are even "accents" among the 3 different kinds of
Hsian!  Note however that words (perhaps lyrics are a better
word) are still used.)  Thus, also gains the ability to sing at
professional quality (a literal case of "before they could speak
they could sing.")

Gains Aerial Navigation (which works exactly like Land
Navigation, only it works in the air and not on the ground.)

MONEY: Hsian often start quite poor (assuming they are still in
North America, where they are hunted by the Coalition and have
been forced to construct elaborate villages of tree houses. 
These villages are truly awe-inspiring because of the intricacy
of the various bridges and the ingenious methods of camouflage.)
 If the Hsian lives in North America, they start out with only
half the money that their OCC is allowed.  If they live anywhere
else, however, they are often treated well on account of the
fact that they can fly, and a few have even become
"superheroes."  These Hsian start out with the full amount of
money their OCC begins with.

CYBERNETICS: May get Cyber-Armor, but NOTHING ELSE.  A normal
cybernetic or bionic will be useless; bio-systems or
bio-wizardry will kill the unfortunate Hsian.  Tattoos, however,
are allowed (owing to the fact that their DNA does have some
Hsiao and human DNA.)

APPEARANCE: A winged human of either gender.  These wings make
them easy to telll apart from humans, and thus they have a
slight problem when it comes to trying to get into a Coalition
city.  There are 2 ways around this: a Hsian's wings are
extremely flexible.  They can either be simply folded and
concealed under a shirt, though there will be somewhat of a
bulge where the wings are (a Hsian doing this will often walk as
though it has a very bad back; it enhances the appearence. 
Another way to conceal this bulge is to lift weights or
otherwise work out enough that the bulge can look like more
muscle if it is corectly shaped) or once the wings have been
folded, a harness can be made out of almost anything and used to
fold and keep the wings even flatter, flat enough that they are
concealed beneath a shirt and the Hsian will look like a human
and does not need to walk as if he or she has back trouble.  One
disadvantage to this way though: the harness will be somewhat
uncomfortable, a problem if the Hsian cannot readjust the
harness every 10 minutes.  Also, when the wings are released
from the harness, they will be rather wrinkled, no flight
allowed for 5 hours while the wings smooth themselves out.

FRIENDS: Just about anything except the Coalition, vampires, of
the Splugorth.

ENEMIES: the Coalition, vampires, and the Splugorth.

SPECIAL NOTE: The Hsian CAN become vampires, owing to the human
DNA that was crossed in with the Hsiao and bird DNA.  In this
unfortunate situation, they are easily told apart from their
living cousins; a vampire Hsian's wings will turn a flat black
color, a color that no living Hsian's wings are (the closest
they can come is a glossy black; there is no shine in a vampire
Hsian's wings.)

HSIAO RCC (pronounced sh-HOW)

Based in the D&D creatures, these giant owls can be REALLY
annoying at times, but can be entertaining to play.


ALIGNMENT: Any, but few are anarchist or evil.  However, all
have a personality quirk: Hsiao's know a LOT, and jump at any
chance to share it, often going into long, boring speeches.

ATTRIBUTES: IQ 4d6, MA 3d6, ME 3d6, PS 5d6, PE 5d6, PP 2d6, PB
4d6 (once again, these guys are usually cute,) Spd 2d6 walking
(or should I say waddling) 6d6 flying.  Strength is supernatural
in terms of carrying capacity, but not for damage in combat (see

MDC: 5d6.  Add 2d6 per level

MAGIC: Equal to a Mystic in all aspects.  PPE 6d6+IQ+ME.

PSIONICS: Healing Touch, Bio-Regeneration, See Sura, and Sense
Evil.  ISP 4d6, add 1d8 per level.


FLIGHT- I think this is self-explanatory.  Can carry substantial
amounts of gear, some even give people rides occasionally

See The Invisible and Eyes of the Wolf constantly in effect.

Ley Line Phasing the same as a Line Walker

Impervious to all forms of poison, toxins, or harmful drugs.

Nightvision equal to normal vision


First, these guys are birds.  There are some things a human can
do that a bird can't.

Second, they're not only birds, they're owls.  Therefore, they
are rarely awake during the day (though a Hsiao can train itself
to sleep at night and wake up in the morning; most adventuring
Hsiao's do this)

Third, their feathers do have some limitations.   Every time a
Hsiao is struck with a cutting weapon or one that utilizes heat,
there is a 1 out of 20 chance that a feather is damaged.  Only 5
feathers may be damaged or given away in any one month (30 days)
or the creature will only be able to fly at half speed for a
month while new feathers grow (roll once for every 5 MD
inflicted.)  If more than 15 feathers are damaged, the Hsiao
will lose all flight capabilities for a month.  Also, diving
into water will make a Hsiao unable to fly for three days while
the feathers dry.  After this time, it must preen itself
(proficiency of 95%) or it will still not be able to fly until
it is properly preened (may try once per day, any other attempts
automatically fail.)


Languages: Hsiao's have their own language, speaks this and 3
others of choice at 96%.

WP: Energy Heavy

WP: Any, but you'll have to use common sense; a 10-foot owl
simply cannot use some types of weapons (pistols, for example,
are too small, and must have the WP to use a rifle WITHOUT

First Aid (-20% owing to the fact that once again, these guys
are BIRDS here.)

Cook (however, remember this is an owl.  Some foods may be,
well... unappetizing to humanoids.)

Hunt (good hunters, +20%)

HTH Basic (cannot be upped, once again, this is a giant BIRD.)


Select 10 other skills.  Use common sense here; an owl simply
cannot do some things (like gymnastics, computer hacking MD in
Cyberneitcs, etc.)


Claw 6d6 SDC

Diving Claw 3d6 MD (3 actions, but can pick up victim on a
natural 20)

Bite 1d4 MD

Diving Bite 3d4 MD (3 actions, may not pick up victim)

Peck 3d6 SDC

Diving Peck 3d6 MD (2 actions)

Wing Swipe 1d2 MD (can only be done on the ground)


May be used, but must be modified for Hsiao's (which means
triple normal cost.)  Also, don't get too silly, NO extra wings
or claws.  Tattoos are allowed, but area that the tattoo is to
be applied to MUST be plucked first (1d4 MD from pain, disable
flight until new feathers grow.)  If it actually gets tattoos,
it does not need to touch the tattoo to activate it (having to
touch it would lead to disastrous, if not hilarious, crashes in
the air)

GEAR: A month's supply of Hsiao Food, 1 weapon of choice, a
special saddle in case it wants to give someone a ride, and a
set of any light armor (modified for use by Hsiao's, AR 15,
costs 5 times what the same kind of armor would cost for a

MONEY: 1d20x1000 credits, but Hsiao's are very charitable

ALLIES: Anything good

ENEMIES: Everything else

SPECIAL NOTE: In some areas, Hsiao's are hunted down.  Their
meat is incredibly nourishing (1 meal gives sustenance for 2
days) and it never spoils.  The feathers (a Hsiao may freely
give up to 5 feathers a month without any penalty) makes a
powerful healing potion, full SDC or MDC is recovered, diseases
are urged, poison neutralized, and just about anything else
possible.  3 feathers are needed to make the potion.

Uses the Dragon XP table.


These guys are basically large MDC energy spheres.  They have
awesome psionics, but not much of anything else.


IQ 17 and a will to play a character with no physical
attributes.  Only 1% are evil or selfish.  Of those who are
good, 70% are Scrupulous


IQ 5d6, MA 4d6, ME 3d6+4, Spd 10d6 flying, PB 1d6


MDC: 1d6x10, add 3d6 per level


All spell magic from Levels 1-4 plus 1 of choice.  PPE 4d6x10,
add 1d6x2 per level.


All kinds of -kinesis, See Aura, and Psi-Sword.  ISP 300, add 20
per level.  Needless to say, Psi-Stalkers LOVE these guys for
all their power.  Ley lines affect magic and psionics normally. 
Master psionic.


Never scared by horror factors

Cannot become a vampire (they have no teeth; how could they


Speaks 5 languages of choice at 98%, literate in all of these at

WP Sword


Select 2 from any category except Physical and Military.  Add 1
every 5 levels


None.  Could care less about money


On an energy being?  Please!


Other than all their knowledge, Kinetixes can fire 6 energy
blasts (Any amount of damage, up to 1d6 MD per 2 levels and
another 1d6 at Level 15) per melee or 1 magic or psionic.


Meknoids are a rare race of humanoid Bot-type creatures.  They
basically look like 3-dimensional, human-shaped circuit boards. 
Because of their name, they are often mistaken for mechanoids,
which is unfortunate, for the Meknoids were created by the
Kittani to destroy mechanoids.


Any good or selfish, NEVER evil, not even Aberrant


I.Q. 4d6, M.A. 3d6+6, M.E. 5d6, P.S. 2d6+4, P.E. NA, P.P. 3d6+2,
P.B. 4d6 to Techno-Wizards and Operators, 2d6 to all others,
Spd. 2d12

Add 1d6 to rolls of 16, 17, 18 for PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES

P.S. is supernatural, inflicting Mega-Damage


Unlike most MDC beings, Meknoids have hit points.  Roll 1d6x100.


Modest MDC being; 3d12.  Add 2 MDC per level of experience.


12 to mechanoids


Knows Call Lightning and Impervious to Energy, no others, never
gets others.  5d6 permanent PPE.


Has Electrokinesis and Telemechanics.  80 ISP, does not change
with level.


Unknown.  Every 20 years, the nuclear system must be replaced by
a Kittani.  May not use Techno-Wizardry unless they become a
Techno-wizard device.  I'll explain that later.


Any, but afraid of magnets.  A toy magnet inflicts 2d6 MD,
ultra-powerful magnets spell INSTANT death.  May be
"resurrected" by a Kittani, but reduce all mental attributes by
2.  GMs, I leave it up to you to decide MD for magnets.


Get along well with all races.  Well, almost.


HATED by mechanoids.  The Coalition will pay 20,000,000 credits
for a Meknoid to use as a slave.


Atlantean+1 more language(98%, literate in both at 86%);
Gymnastics; Espionage; Advanced Math at 98%; Streetwise (+20% in
Kittani territory); WP: Energy Pistol, Energy Rifle, 3 more of
choice; Demoltitons; Computer hacking, repair, and programming
(all at +30%!); Robot Combat: Basic; Pilot Hovercraft; Hand to
Hand: Martial Arts (NOTE: Against Mechanoids, Hand to Hand
combat is equal to Assassin)

Select 8 other skills, limited to the following:

Communication: Any (+10% to laser)

Domestic: Any

Electrical: Any (+50%)

Espionage: Escape artist only

Mechanical: None

Medical: Any except M.D. and M.D. Cybernetics

Military: None

Physical: Any except wrestling

Pilot: Any

Pilot Related: None

Rogue: None

Science: Any

Technical: Any (+20% to languages)

Secondary Skills:

Choose 5 secondary skills from the previous list without benifit
of plusses.

Choose 1 more at Levels 2, 4, 8, and 15.


IMPERVIOUS TO ENERGY: Even MD energy weapons inflict half
damage.  IMPORTANT: No healing magic or psionics will heal a
Meknoid, but a Call Lightning HEALS 2D6 MD!

ISP: None, canstant

OVERLOAD: the Meknoid can overload its systems and transfer the
energy to a Mega-Damage energy burst.  Range: Must touch the
subject, like a mega-damage hand buzzer.

ISP: None, but the Overload does hurt the Meknoid.  Costs 1 MDC
for every 2 MDC inflicted

MECHANO-BOND: Exactly like the Heroes Unlimited power of the
same name.  Allows the Meknoid to plug into the machine and
learn everything the machine knows

ISP: 10

REGENERATIVE MINI-ROBOTS: A psionic IRMSS kit, basically.  Heals
2d6 MD.

ISP: 30

TECHNO-WIZARD CONVERSION: Just what it sounds like.  Allows a
Meknoid to use Techno-Wizardry, but Call Lightning no longer
heals.  Ley line energy now heals MDC as it restores PPE, but
the Meknoid must recharge every so often by walking into a nexus

Charge duration depends on when the nexus was entered.

Normal: 1 month

Noon or Midnight: 3 months

Vernal/Atumnal Equinox: 6 months

Solstice-Morning: 2 years

Solstice-Dusk: 1 year

Partial solar eclipse: 5 years

Total solar eclipse: 10 YEARS!

At Super Nexuses, duration of charge is doubled

PPE Cost: 4000!

Spells needed: Call lightning, energy bolt, energy field,
impervious to energy, and fire bolt, all cast six times at 8th
level strength or higher.

Material requirements: Diamond worth at least a million credits.

Cost of Conversion: 500 million credits.

NOTE: "TW-Meknoids" are easily distinguished from their regular
cousins because of the huge diamond in the TW-Meknoid's forehead.

SUPER OVERLOAD: This truly awesome power inflicts immense
damage, but only at the cost of the Meknoid's life.  The Meknoid
may still be resurrected by a Kittani, however.The power causes
a massive electrical surge within a 2000-foot radius.  NOTE:
TW-Meknoids CANNOT use this power.  Damage is as follows:

NOTE: All damage equals the Meknoid's remaining MDC times a
certain number.

Touching the Meknoid: INSTANT VAPORIZATION!

1 foot from the Meknoid: MDCx10,000

10 feet: MDCx1000

100 feet: MDCx100

1000 feet:MDCx10

2000 feet: MDC

CYBERNETICS: Incompatible, but has equivalents of:


Sensor Hand

Multi-Optic Eye


Energy pistol, Energy rifle, modified RMK kit, and full wet suit.

CREDITS: 1d4x100 and NO black market items

WEAKNESSES: In addition to magnets, Meknoids can also be really
hurt by:

Copper-double damage and loses one attack that melee.  SDC
attacks inflict 1 MD

Water-normal water causes loss of ALL attacks that melee and
does 1d4x10 damage DIRECT TO HIT POINTS.  Salt water causes
double all ill effects.


Often simply referred to as "P-Runners,"These guys are a lot
like superheroes.  Actually, this is an RCC only because of the
fact that they are powerful psionics.  NOTE: "-Runner" with no
prefix means that it applies to Psi-Runners, Mago-Runners, Time
Runners, and Cyber-Runners.

First things first though...




ISP: 10 per minute

DURATION: 5 minutes (20 melees) per level maximum

MDC: 100

This power strengthens the user's aura to the point where it
becomes MDC armor (equivalent to 11 pounds, full mobility, 20%
prowl penalty), similar to an Immortal's aura.  All called shots
will hit the armor with one exception: the head is left
unprotected and can be hit, though the would-be killer is at -10
to hit.  Other psionic powers may be used in conjunction with
this power.  One thing though: the armor may appear as any kind
of armor, but there is always a large blue gem that glows with a
bright light, hence the prowl penalty.


ALIGNMENT: Must start out good or unprincipled (most are
unprincipled) but can turn bad like anyone else.



+3 to ME (no, this can NOT be used to push the ME to 17.  This
is AFTER the roll.)

+2 to PP and Spd

MAGIC: A strict no-no for Psi-Runners.  PPE 6d6

PSIONICS: Psi-Armor, Psi-Sword (1d6 MD until Level 3, then go as
a Mind Melter,) Telepathy, and 1 each from Sensitive, Physical,
and Super.  Gains psionics per level the same way as a Mind
Melter, but may NOT get healing psionics.  ISP 1d20x10, gains
1d20 every level!  Master psionic.

SKILLS: Speaks 2 languages of choice (literate in one at 96%,
the other one at only 60%)

WP Sword

WP 1 ancient, 1 modern

Computer Program



HTH Expert (upped to Martial Arts at the cost of 1 other skill)


Sing (often used to calm hysterical people down; can even calm a
Crazy's frenzy, but the chances are slim, 3% per level)


Select 5 other skills.  May not get Computer Hack, any Medical
other than first aid, or Piloting: Robots and PA (HIGHLY
dishonorable, even the most evil Psi-Runner will not use it) but
can get any other skills.  Choose another skill at levels 5, 7,
and 10.  All skills start al the base skill level

ENHANCEMENTS: Can get tattoos, but NONE that cause healing (rose
or phoenix.)  Getting a rose tattoo will permanently halve the
P-Runner's ISP and is completely useless, a phoenix will kill
the unfortunate Psi-Runner with no hope of ressurection unless
the tattoo is removed (might I add that the tattoo causes the
Psi-Armor to kick in permanently, even after the Psi-Runner is
dead?  If all its MDC is drained, you have 5 minutes to remove
the tattoo before the armor returns with full MDC.  No one knows
why this happens, but it only affects -Runners.)  No other

FRIENDS: If it's good, it's a friend.

ENEMIES: Anything evil or the Splugorth in any case.  Most also
hate the Coalition.  Will also sometimes challenge a Mind Melter
just for the heck of it.

MONEY: 2d4x100 credits, 2d4x1000 in black market saleable items.

GEAR: Not much!  several sets to travelling clothes, CD player,
1 weapon of choice, and an assortment of small items (usually
things to remember the 'Runner's family and friends by, but can
be anything except armor and weapons.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Even evil P-Runners will NOT betray a friend,
not a real one anyway.  If any P-Runner hears that a friend or
family member is in trouble, they MUST help.  To do otherwise is
even more of a dishonor than using Power Armor, and if any
P-Runner is dishonored IN ANY WAY, all other -Runnners in the
Megaverse will know who was dishonored and why, and will usually
attack that person on sight.  Even an evil P-Runner will not
dare incur the wrath of every single one of his colleagues in
the entire Megaverse.

Wave Child RCC

Wave Children are similar to Earth and Star Children, but their
powers are attuned to water.  Use the Earth Child Experience


IQ of 10 or above, PE of 14 or above

Hit Points: 3d6.  Add 1d6 per level

SDC: 1d6x10


Speaks English/American and one more language at 96%

Literacy in either language (NOT both) at 86%

All espionage skills

WP Energy Rifle


Swimming (+50%)


Hand to Hand: Martial Arts


Select 5 Secondary skills from any list.  Add 1 every third
level of experience.




Hydrokinesis, choose 3 from Physical.  ISP 3d6, add 1d6 per
level.  Major psionic.


See Underwater (Constant)


Impervious to kinetic attacks: Bullets (including rail guns) and
physical attacks inflict no damage.  Lasers inflict full damage.

Mega-Damage: 10 MDC per level.  All MDC is healed by diving into
fresh water.  Regenerates 10 MDC per minute.

Ooze: The Wave Child can ooze through cracks, keyholes, etc.

In wave form, Hydrokinesis costs half normal ISP.

Water Phase: Similar to Ley Line Phasing, but with water.  The
Wave Child can step into a body of fresh water and instantly
transport himself to another point on that body of water. 
Sorry, salt water does not work.

Water Meld: Same as Shadow Meld, but with water.  Again, salt
water won't work.


Earth and Star Children, anyone these two can get along with.


None, but tend to avoid Bursters and fire dragons.


1d6x10 credits


A no-no.  Besides, they'll fall off as soon as the Wave Child
turns to water.  The ONLY exception is bio-system prosthetics. 
Oh, by the way, the place where the cybernetic was attached will
not heal.  This won't affect a Wave Child in water form, but it
can be REALLY depressing when he changes back!


Starts with the same equipment as a vagabond.


Actually, this is a lot like a Bot.  The character literally is
transformed into a rune weapon!  This RCC is way powerful, with
serious limitations.  For one thing, the character mist be Level
15 to make the transformation.


ME 20 or higher


Unchanged, but drop PS, PE, PP, and Spd.  You' re a weapon; you
don't need them anymore!


Roll 1d100.  On a 1-50, the character reverts to Principled.  On
a 51-00, alignment is unchanged

HP/SDC: DROP!  Impervious to everything except the Magic
Cauldron of Destruction (which they cannot escape from, which
makes these cauldrons a SERIOUS threat.)


Same as before.  Rituals and circles may not be performed unless
the owner is controlled.  PPE: Same as before.


Only these may be kept, assuming the character had these:

Psi-Sword (now equal to a CyberKnight's), any kind of -kinesis,
healing touch, any sensitive, and induce sleep.  All psionics
now function at the level of the USER, not the player.  ISP same
as before.

NOTE: May be commanded to use magic or psionics.  The weapon MAY


At Level 15, automatically has indestructibility and MIND
CONTROL, as well as any magic and psionics posessed before.

MIND CONTROL: The weapon may control its user at certain times. 
This may happen when:

1) the weapon is first handled

2) someone who the weapon thinks is more worthy comes along

3) These weapons are intelligent, and may get into arguments. 
This is their way of winning.

To check for control, add up the weapon's IQ, MA, and ME.  The
user must beat this number on 3d20 or be controlled.  While
under the control, the user will do ANYTHING the weapon
commands.  In fact, many a sword has used this to get a few more
jewels on its hilt (each 10,000 credits worth of jewels
increases the weapon's PB by 2) Every 2 levels, the sword may
gain a new power, although Principled swords may not soul-drink.
 This starts at level 16.


Double normal damage, then convert it to MD.  Add 1 die every 4
levels.  If a rune gun (like that one that looks like a dragon
in the shape of a pistol) is created, the weapon starts shooting
2d6 MD pulses of force.  It may shoot other things later on
(fire, ice, etc.) but each new projectile counts as a power.


The weapon may not move under its own power (duh.)

The weapon only gets XP for killing things, and then only if it
deals the death blow (it only has to strike the death blow,
otherwise anything else can attack whatever the weapon must
kill.  NOTE: The weapon gets NO XP for soul-drinking!

If the weapon should happen to get stuck in a cauldron of
destruction, it may NOT try to get out.  Roll percentile dice
every 10 minutes.  On a 1-10, someone walks by, but runs away. 
On a 00, someone pulls the weapon out of the cauldron.  NOTE:
for every hour spent in the cauldron, the weapon loses a level
of XP.  Increase the chance of being rescued by 2% every time
someone walks by.  If the weapon in in the cauldron less than an
hour, no damage is done.  Otherwise, round fractions up.

May not use skills.  Totally dependent on its user in this
field.  If the user is controlled, the weapon may use its skills
through the user, but not the user's skills.


OCC/RCC: Any OCC or RCC may be a rune weapon, so long as it was
15th level in that OCC or RCC when it was transformed.

GEAR: None

ENHANCEMENTS: On a weapon?  I don't think so!

Uses the Ancient Chiang-Ku experience table 

(levels 16-26.)  After this, the weapon must double their XP to
get to the next level.  May rise as high as it can, until it
gets all the powers (which takes a while.)  After this, raise
the MD of the weapon 1 die every level.

NOTE: These weapons are INCREDIBLY rare!  Currently, there are
known to be:

3 swords (one each in North America, Ireland, and Phoenix)

1 staff (in the NGR somewhere)

1 axe (Triax found it, but they can't seem to find a way to
duplicate it; they think it's some kind of technology)

1 sharpened boomerang (where else-it's in Australia)

5 daggers (scattered all over the place)


These psionics are to be used by anyone who can use Super
Psionics ONLY!  Unless otherwise stated, only these characters
may use these.  If "Rules" is ststed under Who Can Use, only the
psionics who can use Super psionics may use these.  EXCEPTION: A
Kinetix RCC may use any and all of these.


ISP cost-30


Powers of Air:

Vacuum- The psionic may suck all the air out of a 30'x30'x30'
area.  The air can be held back for 5 melees per level, killing
a humanoid in 20 melees.  NOTE: good or unprincipled characters
will almost never use this power.  It is devastating to Breeze
Children, causing 2d4 damage PER MELEE direct to HP.  This will
ONLY happen if the Breeze Child is currently in air form; he or
she will not be affected by this in humanoid form.

Create Air-On the other side, the psionic may create air,
filling a 30'x30'x30' cube.  This will simply cause a large air
bubble underwater, but anything weighing less than 4000 pounds
(this is TOTAL weight, a 3081 lb object and a 20lb object will
not both be lifted) will be carried to the surface; a potential

Wind Rush-Here, the psionic can regulate the speed of wind to as
fast or as slow as he or she wants for 1 melee per level.  This
can power all sorts of craft-a few psionics have used it to
power TK-gliders.



DURATION-up to 4 melees per level

The psionic can control the light, intensity, formation, etc. of
light as he pleases, with two limitations.  First, it caanot
make things invisible (it can make something look like something
else, however) and it cannot duplicate a BLINDING FLASH spell. 
It also cannot create light-there must be a source to draw upon.
 There is a loophole; the psionic may take light from outside
and "carry" it into a house or cave.  Great against vampires.


ISP COST-30 (starting to see a pattern here?)

DURATION-Up to 5 melees per level

The psionic can control sound, with two exceptions: it can't
cancel out sound (minimum of 1 decibel) and it cannot deafen a
person either.  This is great for anyone being chased who comes
to a fork in the path, especially when combined with
photokinesis: the psionic may split the light going out from him
in half (now appearing to be 2 semi-transparent versions of
himself) and send the sound in the direction of the fake version
of himself.


I doubt I'll be creating any new RIFTS stuff for a while.  I'm
out of ideas, and it's time for some other guys to keep us all
informed about the ongoings in the RIFTS Megaverse.  Bye for now!

A Huge Collection of RIFTS stuff by DaBeechMan.

E-mail me with any questions.  Enjoy!