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PhreeX Methcathinone Recipie It would appere alot of you are having problems with the easy meth synths. So, I offer you a methcathinone ("Cat") synth. "Cat" is like meth in the sense it speeds you up, however, its completely lacks the mental stuff meth offers. You won't have those "I can take over the world" fealings. Cat offers more of a "silly" high. Not the type thing you would sit around all night talking about Canada's Biotoxic Chemical Weppons and their conspiracy to dominate the world on, but if you were going to a carnival or maybe shroomin' then this will work fine! Dosage ammounts are MORE then meth, to REALLY get the cat fealing your going to have to do ALOT more then if it were meth. Alot of people have totally written this drug off, personally, I enjoy the cat high - and its so easy to make (as well as CHEAP) that its worth it. If you can NOT make this, then there IS NO DRUG you can make. Cat is as easy as they come. ALL the chemicals are sold at hardware stores and you don't need anything but a few snapple bottles for glassware. The recipie I offer is one that I have (dreamed of) using MANY MANY times and it has ALWAYS made me a good 3 grams of good cat (in my dreams, since making methacathinone IS illegal and PhreeX dosen't do illegal things) Most of this information was taken from the Methcathinone HCl FAQ v2.2 as well as the submissions from others online. THIS EXACT recipie has been tested (by people who are not me, since this is illegal) Chemicals KMnO4 [Potassium Permaganate] - This is sold at 'Sears' in a blue bottle (catalog #4234415) Its used to remove iron from water filters Pseudephedrine HCl - Get a box of 96 'Equate' Tablets from Wal-Mart Isopropanol [Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol] - Any grocery store or pharmacy Hydrochloric Acid [HCl] - Sold as "Muriatic Acid" Acetone - Sold at any hardware store or paint store Distilled Water - Sold at any grocery store Lab Stuff Strainer - The smaller the holes the better! (hehe guess this applys to other things as well) Plastic Funnel - Check your local grocery store Coffee Filters - Use "Maxwelll House" 3 Snapple Bottles - I perfer pink lemonade. Not that it really matters, it the bottle we need but hey, gotta empty it somehow! Large Jug - Like a glass fruit juice jug Measuring Cup - Marked if mL's Syringe - The kind they use to feed babys by mouth, marked in ML's Pyrex Dish - PYREX only! Access to a refridgerator Access to a microwave Pseudoephedrine Extraction - Take all 96 pills and put them in the strainer. Add some crushed ice, you want more like ice shavings than big chunks of ice. Simply shake the strainer back and fourth, as the ice melts you will notice the red coating on the pills comming off. You may want to QUICKLY rinse the pills once or twice. When you notice most of the red coating is gone (the pills will be a light pink in color) its time to take the pills and put them in one of the Snapple bottles. You must now add 150ml of distilled water. Now place the jar in the microwave (leave the cap off) and heat until the water is HOT - NOT boiling but HOT! Shake the bottle (with the cap on) till all the pills break apart, then let it settle. Using the plastic funnel and coffee filters you now want to filter the water into another Snapple bottle, cap this bottle and set it aside. You will want to scrape all the crap from the coffee filter BACK into the first bottle, add 150ml of distilled water and heat again. Filter adding the water to the second Snapple bottle (that all ready has the 150mLs from your first filtration). Again you will repeat this process (another 150mL of water) You should now have 450mL of water in one bottle and some gritty crap in the other. Cap the bottle with the water and put in in the refridgerator. Wash the other bottle out and set it aside. The bottle with the water contains the pseudoephedrine. You must now prepare your KMnO4 soultion. This is done by adding 7.43 grams of KMnO4 to 100ml of water. Measure out the 7.43 grams (if you don't have a digi then estimate a little high, if you UNDER this wont work but its fine to be over). and put them in the clean, empty Snapple bottle. Now, add 100mL of distilled water, cap, and shake the shit out of it. Using the syringe measure out 15.5mL of this soultion, and add it to 250mL of distilled water in the 3rd snapple bottle. Cap, shake, and put it in the refridgerator. You MUST allow both these liquids to cool. If they are NOT cold then your reaction will FAIL So leave them in the fridge for a good 4-6 hours. Go hang out on IRC and brag about how you're some super leet drug chemist. Now its time for the actuall reaction. You simply mix the 265.5mL KMnO4 Soultion, with the 450mL Pseudoephedrine extract in the jug (or other container). Just cap, shake, and set it in the refridgerator for at least 8, but no more then 12 hours. Go back on IRC and continue to brag about cool a drug chemist you are, maybe download some porn, masturbate, something of that nature - just make sure you let this mixture react in the refridgerator for a good 8 hours! After about 8 hours check the mixture to see if there is any purple color, if there is then let it set for another hour or so. Once you see there is no more purple, remove the soultion from the refridgerator. It should smell sweet, kind of like pistacio ice cream, or like a young virgin girl in the springtime .. eating pistacio ice cream! You must now add 100mL of Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol. This is done so that the remaining KMnO4 wil have something else to oxidize (instead of the pseudoephedrine). Just let this mixture sit out for about 2 to 3 hours. Return to IRC and tell everyone how you're almost done with your 10 kilo batch of pure MDMA. They will probably bow before you, since they think your a scary drug chemist! Your mixture should now be at about room tempature, its time to FILTER! Set up the funnel over one of the Snapple bottles used earlier (WASH IT first damnit!). Put about two or three coffee filters in the funnel and SLOWLY pour the soultion thru them (slowly so all those maganeese particles in the bottom don't pour out and clog your filter). You will proably need to filter three or four times - you want your liquid to be as clear as possible. You need to adjust the pH to about 5 to 6.5. To do this, use a little muriatic acid JUST A FEW DROPS! Once you have the correct pH, swirl your final mixture and let it set for a while. Now, filter it thru about five coffee filters - this is your LAST chance to get any crap out of it. Your liquid should be almost totally clear. What you have is methcathinone, you can drink some of this (taste like shit) but thats no fun, so were going to crystalize it - then you can snort it, or sell it. Pour all your liquid into the pyrex dish and set in on the stove (low heat) for about 3 hours, you want to evaporate MOST of the liquid. Once you notice you have a mostly gummy subtance left, remove the dish from the stove. Now you can either use a blow drier, or as I perfer to do, simply leave the dish out for about a day. You should notice crystals in the dish, thsee are going to be gummy so you simply add some Acetone, the methcathinone is NOT soluable in Acetone, the other gummy shit is. After adding the acetone, swirl it around as the shit disolves, pour it off, and you SHOULD notice some brownish to white crystals - this is your cat! You may have to do this again, just let the crystals dry and add more acetone. Once its all dry, scrape the crystals out of the dish into something. You should have about 3 grams of Methcathinone HCl - A Schedule 1 drug, so don't get caught! I have seen this sell for about $75 a gram. Its best you DON'T shoot this. Again, if you found this TO DIFFICULT then I'm sorry ot say - there is