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                         EXE Self-Disinfection
                            By Dark Angel

In the last issue of 40Hex, Demogorgon presented an article on self-
disinfecting COM files. COM file disinfection is simplistic and very
straightforward. In this article, we shall deal with the somewhat more
complex topic of EXE file self-disinfection.

You should already be familiar with the EXE file header and how each of the
fields work. A brief summary follows (a fuller treatment may be found in

Offset Description
  00   'MZ' or 'ZM' EXE signature word
  02   Bytes in last page of the image
  04   Number of pages in the file
  06   Number of relocation items
  08   Size of the header in paragraphs
  0A   Minimum memory required in paragraphs
  0C   Maximum memory requested in paragraphs
  0E   Initial SS, offset from header in paragraphs
  10   Initial SP
  12   Negative checksum (ignored)
  14   Initial IP
  16   Initial CS, offset from header in paragraphs
  18   Offset of relocation table from start of file
  1A   Overlay number (ignored)

There are several methods which allow a virus to infect an EXE file. The
most common method involves the virus twiddling with the entry point of the
program to point to the virus. Another involves the virus altering the code
at the original entry point to jmp to its own code. A further method
involves the virus simply overwriting the code at the entry point and
storing the original code somewhere else, possibly at the end of the file.
A final method involves altering the structure of the EXE file so it is
instead recognised as a COM file. The ideal self-check routine should be
able to handle all these cases.

Part 1 - Detection
The strategy for detection is simple; one simply needs to store a copy of
the original header and the first few bytes located at the entry code. When
the program executes, simply check these bytes to those found in the copy
of the program located on the disk. If they differ, then there is clearly
something amiss. This is essentially the same as the process for COM self-
checking, but an extra layer of complexity is added since the header is not
loaded into memory at startup. This minor difficulty may be readily
overcome by simply physically storing the header at some point in the

Since the header is not known before assembling the file, it is necessary
to patch the header into the file after assembly. This may be done rather
easily with a simple utility called 40patch. It will insert the header and
the first 20h (32d) bytes at the entry point of an EXE file at the first
occurence of the string 'Dark Angel eats goat cheese.' in the program. This
string is exactly the length of the header, so be sure to allocate an
additional 20h bytes after the string for the entry point code.

A sample self-checking program follows:

----EXE Self-Check Program 1 begin----
                .model  small
                .radix  16
; Self-Checking EXE 1
; Written by Dark Angel of Phalcon/Skism
; For 40Hex #13

; To assemble: (tested with TASM 2.0)
;   tasm <filename>
;   tlink <filename>
entry_point:    mov     ah,51                   ; Get current PSP to BX
                int     21
                mov     ds,bx

                mov     bx,ds:2c                ; Search the environment for
                mov     es,bx                   ; our own filename. Note that
                mov     di,1                    ; this only works in DOS 3+.
                xor     ax,ax
                dec     di                      ; It also won't work if the
                scasw                           ; environment has been
                jnz     $ - 2                   ; released.

                xchg    dx,di
                inc     dx
                inc     dx
                push    es                      ; filename to ds:dx
                pop     ds
                mov     ax,3d02                 ; unless this handler is
                int     21                      ; tunneled, a virus may
                xchg    ax,bx                   ; infect it
                mov     ax,_DATA
                mov     ds,ax                   ; restore DS and ES
                mov     es,ax
                jc      error

                mov     cx,1c                   ; check the header for
                mov     si,offset header        ; corruption
                call    read_buffer
                jc      close_error

                mov     ax,4200                 ; go to the entry point
                xor     cx,cx
                mov     dx,word ptr [header+8]
                add     dx,word ptr [header+16]
                rept    4
                        shl     dx,1
                        adc     cx,0
                add     dx,word ptr [header+14] ; add this to the entry point
                adc     cx,0                    ; offset from header
                int     21
                jc      close_error

                mov     cx,20                   ; now check the first 32 bytes
                mov     si,offset first20       ; for corruption
                call    read_buffer
                jc      close_error

close_error:    pushf
                mov     ah,3e                   ; close the file
                int     21
                jc      error

                mov     dx,offset good          ; In an actual program, replace
                                                ; this line with a JMP to the
                jmp     short $+5               ; program entry point
error:          mov     dx,offset bad
                mov     ah,9
                int     21

                mov     ax,4c00
                int     21

read_buffer:    mov     ah,3f
                mov     dx,offset readbuffer
                int     21
                jc      error_read
                cmp     ax,cx
                jnz     error_read

                xchg    dx,di
                rep     cmpsb
                jz      $+3
error_read:     stc

good            db      'Self-check passed with flying colours.',0Dh,0A,'

bad             db      'Self-check failed. Program may be infected!'
                db      0Dh,0A,'

header          db      'Dark Angel eats goat cheese.'
first20         db      20 dup (0)
readbuffer      db      20 dup (?)

                db      100 dup (?)
                end     entry_point
----EXE Self-Check Program 1 end----

----40patch begin----
                .model  tiny
                .radix  16
                org     100
; 40patch
; Written by Dark Angel of Phalcon/Skism
; For 40Hex #13

; To assemble: (tested with TASM 2.0)
;   tasm /m 40patch
;   tlink /t 40patch

; Syntax:
;  40patch filename.exe

; 40patch will take the executable <filename.exe> and patch in the
; header and the first 32d bytes at the entry point in the first
; occurence of the string 'Dark Angel eats goat cheese.' in the
; executable.
patch:          mov     ah,9
                mov     dx,offset welcome
                int     21

                mov     si,82
back:           lodsb
                cmp     al,0dh
                jnz     back
                dec     si
                xchg    si,di
                mov     byte ptr [di],0

                mov     dx,82
                mov     ax,3d02
                int     21
                xchg    ax,bx
                jnc     open_okay

                mov     si,offset extension

                mov     dx,82
                mov     ax,3d02
                int     21
                xchg    ax,bx
                jnc     open_okay

                mov     dx,offset syntax
error:          mov     ah,9
                int     21

                mov     ax,4c01
                int     21

open_okay:      mov     ah,3f
                mov     cx,1c
                mov     dx,offset header
                int     21

                mov     ah,3f
                mov     cx,20
                mov     dx,offset scratchbuffer
                int     21
find_signature: xor     ax,ax
                mov     di,offset scratchbuffer + 20
                mov     cx,(100 - 20) / 2
                rep     stosw

                mov     ah,3f
                mov     cx,100 - 20
                mov     dx,offset scratchbuffer + 20
                int     21
                or      ax,ax
                jz      signature_not_found
                add     ax,offset scratchbuffer - signature_length + 20
                xchg    bp,ax
                mov     ax,'aD'
                mov     di,offset scratchbuffer
try_again:      scasw
                jz      signature_check
                dec     di
                cmp     di,bp
                ja      try_next_bytes
                jmp     short try_again
signature_check:mov     si,offset signature + 2
                mov     cx,signature_length - 2
                rep     cmpsb
                jz      signature_found
                jmp     short try_again
try_next_bytes: mov     si,offset scratchbuffer + 100 - 20
                mov     di,offset scratchbuffer
                mov     cx,10
                rep     movsw
                jmp     short find_signature

                mov     dx,offset no_signature
                jmp     short error

signature_found:sub     di,bp
                sub     di,1c * 2
                xchg    dx,di
                or      cx,-1
                mov     ax,4201
                int     21

                mov     ah,40
                mov     dx,offset header
                mov     cx,1c
                int     21

                mov     ax,4201
                xor     cx,cx
                int     21
                push    dx ax

                mov     ax,4200                 ; go to the entry point
                xor     cx,cx
                mov     dx,word ptr [header+8]
                add     dx,word ptr [header+16]
                rept    4
                        shl     dx,1
                        adc     cx,0
                add     dx,word ptr [header+14]
                adc     cx,0
                int     21

                mov     ah,3f
                mov     dx,offset first20
                mov     cx,20
                int     21

                pop     dx cx
                mov     ax,4200
                int     21

                mov     ah,40
                mov     dx,offset first20
                mov     cx,20
                int     21

                mov     ah,3e
                int     21

                mov     ah,9
                mov     dx,offset graceful_exit
                int     21

                mov     ax,4c00
                int     21

welcome         db      '40patch',0Dh,0A,'

graceful_exit   db      'Completed!',0Dh,0A,'

syntax          db      'Syntax:',0Dh,0A,'  40patch filename.exe',0Dh,0A,'

no_signature    db      'Error: Signature not found.',0Dh,0A,'

extension       db      '.EXE',0
signature       db      'Dark Angel eats goat cheese.'
signature_length =      $ - signature
header          db      1c dup (?)
first20         db      20 dup (?)

scratchbuffer   db      100 dup (?)

                end     patch
----40patch end----

To test out the programs above, first assemble them both. Next, run 40patch
on the EXE file. If the EXE file is -subsequently- altered in any way, then
it will alert the user of the problem. Note that this will do nothing for a
program that is infected prior to 40patching, so be sure to run it on a
clean system.

This simple self-checking mechanism won't catch spawning viruses. However,
it is trivial to add such a check.

Part 2 - Disinfection
Usual methods (for there are many oddball variants) of infecting an EXE
file involve appending the virus code to the end of the executable. With
this knowledge in hand, it is sometimes possible to reconstruct an infected
EXE file without too much difficulty. A simple modification of the previous
program will suffice:

----EXE Self-Check Program 2 begin----
                .model  small
                .radix  16
; Self-Checking EXE 2
; Written by Dark Angel of Phalcon/Skism
; For 40Hex #13

; To assemble: (tested with TASM 2.0)
;   tasm <filename>
;   tlink <filename>
entry_point:    mov     ah,51                   ; Get current PSP to BX
                int     21
                mov     ds,bx

                mov     bx,ds:2c                ; Search the environment for
                mov     es,bx                   ; our own filename. Note that
                mov     di,1                    ; this only works in DOS 3+.
                xor     ax,ax
                dec     di                      ; It also won't work if the
                scasw                           ; environment has been
                jnz     $ - 2                   ; released.

                xchg    dx,di
                inc     dx
                inc     dx
                push    es                      ; filename to ds:dx
                pop     ds
                mov     ax,3d02                 ; unless this handler is
                int     21                      ; tunneled, a virus may
                xchg    ax,bx                   ; infect it
                mov     ax,_DATA
                mov     ds,ax                   ; restore DS and ES
                mov     es,ax
                mov     errorcount,0

                mov     cx,1c                   ; check the header for
                mov     si,offset header        ; corruption
                call    read_buffer

                mov     ax,4200                 ; go to the entry point
                xor     cx,cx
                mov     dx,word ptr [header+8]
                add     dx,word ptr [header+16]
                rept    4
                        shl     dx,1
                        adc     cx,0
                add     dx,word ptr [header+14] ; add this to the entry point
                adc     cx,0                    ; offset from header
                int     21

                mov     cx,20                   ; now check the first 32 bytes
                mov     si,offset first20       ; for corruption
                call    read_buffer

                mov     ah,3e                   ; close the file
                int     21

                mov     dx,offset good
                cmp     errorcount,0
                jz      $+5
                mov     dx,offset errors

                mov     ah,9
                int     21

                mov     ax,4c00
                int     21

read_buffer:    mov     ah,3f
                mov     dx,offset readbuffer
                int     21
                jc      error_read
                cmp     ax,cx
                jnz     error_read

                xchg    dx,di
                mov     bp,si
                rep     cmpsb
                jz      read_buffer_ok

                push    ax
                xchg    ax,dx
                neg     dx
                or      cx,-1
                mov     ax,4201
                int     21

                mov     ah,40
                xchg    bp,dx
                pop     cx
                int     21

                mov     dx,offset bad
                inc     errorcount
                jmp     short $+5
error_read:     mov     dx,offset read_error
                mov     ah,9
                int     21

read_buffer_ok: ret

good            db      'Self-check passed.',0Dh,0A,'

errors          db      'Errors were detected.',0Dh,0A,'

bad             db      'Self-check failed. Fixing (may not work).'
                db      0Dh,0A,'

read_error      db      'Error reading file.',0Dh,0A,'

header          db      'Dark Angel eats goat cheese.'
first20         db      20 dup (0)
readbuffer      db      20 dup (?)
errorcount      db      ?

                db      100 dup (?)
                end     entry_point
----EXE Self-Check Program 2 end----

In general, it is poor practise to rely upon self-disinfection. The ancient
(!) adage 'restore from backups' is best followed upon the discovery of an
infection. However, it is helpful for programs to have a degree of self-
awareness in order to alert the user of a virus's presence before it has a
chance to spread too far. Disinfection will allow the user to continue
using some programs (under certain circumstances) without fear of further
spreading the virus.