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                                                 K-K-?s GUIDE TO
                                                  USING TROJANS

Ok im only gonna tell you this once (lets face it i dount want to just every 
txt file these days has one) its not my fault
for any damage caused by the information in this txt file if you those to do 
any of the activities then it your own fault.


1: Whats a trojan?
2: Why would any one want to use them?
3: do"s and dounts
4: Using Netbus
5: Getting IPs
6: Im in now what?
7: Using SubSeven
8: Ports and ports scanning
9: Using BO2K
10:The pigs are at my door!

Whats a trojan?
Ok well a trojan is a peice of software used to hack into brake into and spy 
on some ones computer there are normaly two main
parts of a trojan a server and a client the server is a program that needs 
to be installed on some ones computer in order for
you to hack them and a client is the part you control/hack the computer with 
so if you think about it a trojan is like a
bugging transmitter it lets you spy on some activitys while there on the 

Why would any one want to use a trojan?
Well there are many reasons realy maybe you want to snoop round some ones 
computer just to see whats on there or maybe you
want to keep tabs on some one to either see if there talking about you 
behind you back or maybe you just want to have some
fun and scare some one shitless.

Do"s and dounts
Dount infect people you dount know very well for the simple reason there dad 
could be a pig and have lots of connections
or he could be a programmer or something and they know how to trace you 
dount just delete random file i mean if you do this
your realy just BORING i mean for one you wount be able to watch them second 
if they found out it was you,you will get done
for criminal damage the only time you start to delete is when you realy HATE 

                                              A Beginners guide to

NetBus 1.7
a computer connect to the net
a chat program iCq MSN MESSENGER  YaHoo! messenger

Ok lets say you realy dount like some one and you have there hotmail/yahoo 
email address ok now make a new hotmail/yahoo
account (just for a bit of cover) add them gain there just talk to them get 
to know there intrests then asuming you have
NetBus there will be a progam called "Patch.exe" ok DOUNT open it this 
little program is the server I.E the program that
must be running on the victims computer for you to hack them. So you need to 
send it to them lets say there intrest is
Monster trucks rename the server Monster trucks game or monster truck rally! 
i mean its not to hard but the victim has to be
attracted to this file enough for them to accept it

Getting IPs
Ok so whats an IP address IP stands for Internet Proticol an IP address 
looks some thing like this it a number
that identifies one computer from another (your ip address changes every 
time you come online) the way you get an IP address
is from the netstat -n command from MS-DOS. Before you send them the server 
file go to MS-DOS and type in Netstat -n
and it should come up with some thing like this

C:\Windows>netstat -n

Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State


It should look like that any we give or take a few IPs now send them the 
server once they have accepted the server file
type in Netstat -n again and some thing like this should come up

C:\Windows>netstat -n

Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
  TCP     ESTABLISHED (Ok this 
is there IP address)

you can tell because it is a new active connection it wasnt there before.
ok now you have there IP put it into NetBus (port 12345) and hit connect 
hopefully if you have done it right it should say
some thing like "Connect NetBus Version 70

Im on now what?

Well your now in there computer just look at some of the options im mean 
come on

Open CD-ROM dive Close CD-ROM drive
Show images
Swap mouse bottons
Run programs
Send messages
Screendump(see whats on there screen)
Get computers info
Play run sounds
Shut down computers
Active windows
Control mouse
Keylogger(see what there typing on there keyboard)
and of course File manager

Just try not to let them know you in there get what i mean or they will 
catch on to you:-)
ok now you can use NetBus lets learn some thing a little harder 
SubSeven2.1.3 Bonus by mobman

                                        A Beginners guide to using

Ok now there a 3 parts to SubSeven a client a server and an edit server now 
this is the good part of SubSeven insted of
some one telling you what port you should run on what the server icon should 
look like and how the server should start up
you can choose your self ok open Edit server now it will first say at the 
top server select the server then start up
method(s) if i wure you i would click all of them expet Win.ini then victim 
name leave it blank here we go E MAIL
NOTIFY! this realy is a good option type in your email addres where it says 
Notify to then server if you use HOTMAIL
the server will be MAIL.HOTMAIL.COM if you use Yahoo! it will be 
mx1.yahoo.com and here are some other servers.

hotmail.com    	-> 	mail.hotmail.com
yahoo.com      	-> 	mx1.yahoo.com
hushmail.com   	-> 	www.hushmail.com
rocketmail.com 	->	mta1.rocketmail.com
altavista.net  	-> 	spool.globecomm.net
angelfire.com  	-> 	mta1-mail.angelfire.com
juno.com       	-> 	a.mx.juno.com
mailcity.com   	-> 	mta5-mail.mailcity.com

Ok now the startup port now it will have the defaut port in there 27374 you 
can leave it at that there no problem with that
but you can change it to some thing like 1234 or 124356 what ever you want 
then server password it is a good idia to use this
so people carnt steal your victims then heres a good one enable fake error 
message this lets you make an error messager
so when the victim opens it the will see an error like "COULD NOT OPEN FILE" 
but use what ever you want then in the top
right change server icon! this is realy good for making the server look like 
games and things then save your server and now
your ready to send the server to some one (do the same thing as you did with 
NetBus MS-DOS netstat -n)then hit connect it
will say some thing like "Connected 8:21pm Version 2.1.3 Bonus". here are 
just some of the options on SubSeven

Ip scanner
Computer info
Home info
server setup
send keys
chat with victim
THE MATRIX.... :-) this is a gr8 option ill leave you to find out what it 
Spy (spy on convos)
password reciver
App processer
file manager
windows manager
process manager
webcam spy
and LOADS more

Ports and port scanning
ok now once you have a port scanner you can scan random IPs for open ports 
like 27374 and 12345:-) providing they dount have
password on them here are a few trojan ports worth scanning

Ports| trojans|
-----  --------
31, Master Paradise
121, BO jammerkillahV
456, HackersParadise
555, Phase Zero
666, Attack FTP
001, Silencer
1001, Silencer
1001, WebEx
1010, Doly Trojan 1.30 (Subm.Cronco)
1011, Doly Trojan 1.1+1.2
1015, Doly Trojan 1.5 (Subm.Cronco)
1033, Netspy
1042, Bla1.1
1170, Streaming Audio Trojan
1207, SoftWar
1245, Vodoo
1269, Maverick's Matrix
1492, FTP99CMP
1509, PsyberStreamingServer Nikhil G
1600, Shiva Burka
1807, SpySender
1981, ShockRave
1999, Backdoor
1999, Transcout 1.1 + 1.2
2001, DerSpaeher 3
2001, TrojanCow
2023, Pass Ripper,,,
2140, The Invasor  Nikhil G.
2283, HVL Rat5
2565, Striker
2583, Wincrash2
2801, Phineas Nikhil G
3791, Total Eclypse (FTP)
4567, FileNail Danny
4950, IcqTrojan
4950, IcqTrojen
5000, Socket23
5011, OOTLT
031, NetMetro1.0
5400, BladeRunner,,,
5400, BackConstruction1.2
5521, IllusionMailer
5550, XTCP 2.0 + 2.01
5569, RoboHack
5742, Wincrash
6400, The tHing
6669, Vampire 1.0
6670, Deep Throat
6883, DeltaSource (DarkStar)
6912, Shitheep
6939, Indoctrination
7306, NetMonitor
7789, iCkiller
9872, PortalOfDoom
9875, Portal of Doom
9989, iNi-Killer
9989, InIkiller
10607, Coma Danny
11000, SennaSpyTrojans
11223, ProgenicTrojan
12076, Gjamer
12223, Hack?99 KeyLogger
12346, NetBus 1.x (avoiding Netbuster)
12701, Eclipse 2000
16969, Priotrity
20000, Millenium
20034, NetBus Pro
20203, Logged!

                                         A Beginners guide to using

BO2K or Back Orifice 2000 is one of the most POWERFULL trojans/admin tools 
out there well for the microsoft environment
its not just a trojan thought its also a remote network administration tool 
so you can use it to hack and if ur an admin
it can make your life a bit eisier i belive if you can master this trojan 
you can master any trojan this is realy only for
advanced users (as it was first made for linux) its default TCP port is 
18006 if its UDPIO the port will be 54320.

Make your server
Like SubSeven there is an edit server this is called bo2kcfg open it it will 
ask you for ports and passwords just use the
default port 18006 for TCP networking then it will go onto BO2K server 
configuration select your server (BO2K) and insert
the BO_PEEP plugin this comes in the zip file adding this plugin will add 
the vid streem option and hijack option BO_PEEP
also lets the server communicate better with the client then go to the 
stealth sub folder and enable the server to start up
on the victims startup and you can change some default ports if you want but 
its not a good idia another good plugin to have
is Rattler v10 this send an email when the user is online but you need to 
configure this from the client. again re-name
the server and then get the IP from netstat -n now heres some thing 
differnet open bo2kgui this is the client then click the
little computer in the bottom left it will come up with edit server settings 
name of server well say you named the server
my pic put my pic in there the server address if there ip is 123.456.78.910 
and ur port is 18006 put in there
123.456.78.910:18006 then click ok then connect...
it will say something like <BO2K BACK ORIFICE 1.0> in the server responce 
section now this is pritty hard to master lets say
you wanna log the victims key strokes you go to keylogging log keystrokes 
then it will say diskfile this is where you wanna
log the key strokes to type in a path like 
C:\windows\system\catroot\{127D0A1D-4EF2-11D1-8608-00C04FC295EE} some where 
will never look then wait for around 20mins then go to stop keylogging and 
send the command then to view keystroke logs
C:\windows\system\catroot\{127D0A1D-4EF2-11D1-8608-00C04FC295EE} then send 
command it will the let you view the logs in the
server responce section just mess around with it you will get it its one of 
those trojan that you need to work out your self
theres just so many commands for me to go frew them all but heres some 

M$ networking
network mapping
file manager
and more and belive me there is loads more also you can infect networks with 
this trojan but its not a good idia because
an admin will spot it right away unless your an admin your self and want to 
use it to well admin things....:-)

What if the pigs turn up at your door
Well as long as it your first offence and you didnt FUCK SOME ONES COMPUTER 
UP just admit that you did it becuase they will
be able to ask your ISP and the can trace you any time any where and also it 
will give the police the idia that your not
realy that bad you have admitted it and your ready to face what you did(they 
wount do any thing unless you fucked up some ones

Any way hope this has helped some one
