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Psionics is the exercise of mental disciplines ruled by three factors.
First is the POW of the possessor,and second is the possessor's CON.
Psionics have in addition yet a third characteristic,called PSI.Psionic
strength (PSP) is the sum of these three factors (PSP = POW + CON + PSI).
In addition,PSI regulates the number and strength of the psionic abilities
the possessor has.Each point of PSI is worth 4 PWP,and each psionic
discipline costs 1 PWP per level possessed,sciences 2 PWP,and arts 3 PWP.
A Psionic with a PSI score of 12 could have 4 disciplines at lvl 12, 4 sciences at lvl 6 each,or a single art at lvl 16.The above is to be used
as an example ONLY,as a psionic must have twice as many disciplines as
sciences,and three times as many sciences as arts.Unless otherwise stated,
all psionics usage is equal to 1/PSP/r for disciplines,2/PSP/r for
sciences,and 3/PSP/r for arts.The duration of a psionic ability is equal
to its level on the duration table and its range is equal to its level on
the range table.

PSIONIC COMBAT:Psionics have five disciplines designed specifically for
attack.Against an unprotected mind,the disciplines have precisely the noted
effects when they are successful.However,psionic individuals also have
five disciplines designed specifically for defense.When a psionic
successfull uses a defense against an attacking psi,all it costs him is
the PSP expended to erect the defense.If he fails,however,he loses a
number of PSP's equal to the PSP's the attacker used to attack him
with,plus the PSP needed to erect a defense.The attacker also gains what
is known as a Tangent,which is a 1/3 contact with the victims mind.Three
successful tangents and the attacker has free reign of his victims
mind...the victim gets no saves against anything the attacker might choose
to do for a full day.He may alternately choose to drain one point of PSI
from his victims total,and add it to his own.

This discipline allows the possessor to communicate with various forms of
life that are of fixed intelligence.The more unlike the mind being
contacted is to the psionic,the more difficult it is to establish contact
with it.Psionics can contact the following orders of things:
 Mammals     -1
 Marsupials  -2
 Birds       -3
 Reptile     -4
 Fish        -5
 Insect      -6
 Plant       -7
 Energy      -8
Thus,a psionic with Animal Telepathy 6 could contact a fly,but could not
contact a plant.

This discipline allows the psionic to adjust the weight of his body to
correspond to the surface upon which he is travelling.The psionic is thus
empowered to walk upon water,quicksand,or even a spider's web.If used
while falling,this cost of this discipline will be equal to the total

This discipline allows the psionic to adjust the molecules of his body in
such a way as to act as weapons and armor.Each level increases either the
AP of the psionic,or the damage he does.Thus a psionic with Body Weaponry
lvl 4 could add 2 to his AP and 2 to his damage.

This discipline allows the psionic to use his CON directly to fuel his
powers.The psi can cannabalize a number of CON points equal to his level
in this discipline.Constitution points thus used are converted to PSP at a
rate of 1:8 (1 CON = 8 PSP).This loss of CON is not permanent (CON is
recovered at a rate of 1 per week of REST[!]) Any and all attributes,skill
modifiers,HP,etc that would be affected by a loss of CON are affected by

This discipline allows the psionic to attune his mind to the cells of an
injured creature enabling him to heal wounds at a psp cost of 1/1 hp
healed.The maximum healing a psionic can impart in any 24 hr period is
equal to his level x5.Diseases of a non-magical nature can be cured at a
cost of 5 PSP for the flu,or up to 20 for bubonic plague.

This discipline allows the psionic to concentrate upon a locale and hear
what transpiring within a 20m radius.If the locale is one that the psionic
is familiar with,distance is not a factor..under any other circumstance,
range limits apply.

This discipline allows the psionic to concentrate upon a locale and see
what transpiring within a 20m radius.If the locale is one that the psionic
is familiar with,distance is not a factor..under any other circumstance,
range limits apply.

This discipline allows the psionic to view the aura of creatures and
objects.As the level increases the auras viewed become more distinct.The
basic chance of detecting a creatures aura is 30%,with a 5% chance of
determining the exact alignment.Each of these chances increase 5% with
each additional level.

This discipline allows the psionic to view the magical auras of objects
and places.There is a 5% chance per level of determining the exact type of
magic (conjuration,alteration,etc) involved.

This discipline allows the psionic to detect other psionics with a 5%
chance per level.This assumes that there is no ongoing psionic activity at
the time.If the target is actively using psionics,the chance to detect
activity is 100%,with a 5% per level chance of discerning the exact
psionic ability in use.The possessor of this discipline cannot detect by
any means a psionic protected by severence,mind bar,or other mind clouding
spells/abilities or devices.

By exercise of the power of domination, the psi forces the mind of another
to obey signals from his brain, causing the victim to do his will.
Contacting the mind to be controlled costs 5,at which time the victim is
allowed a save (POW vs. PSI).  If the save is failed, then the user must
expend PS equal to one half the victim's POW (rounded up) each round in
order to remain in control.  Note that under no circumstances will the
victim behave in an obviously self destructive manner.

This discipline allows a sleeping psionicist to do several things.
First,he can enter a state of light sleep from which he can awaken at any
time for any reason.A psionicist can in fact "sleep on the job" during
guard duty,and come instantly awake should he desire to do so.A psionic
may also use this ability to enter the dreamlands,where normal rules
concerning dreamers apply.The psionic can also enter a "deep sleep" from
which he cannot be awakened,but during which all healing,recovery of PSP,
and other regenerative powers are quadrupled.At the fifth level of ability
the psionic can choose ONE of the following special abilities to use in 
the dreamworlds:
 Dream Travel - allows the psi to dream his way to distant places.The
                terrain traversed might not conform to exact geography,
                but should be allegorically correct.
 Dream Importation - the psi has the ability to draw others into his 
                     dreams.Individuals get a save,and are subject to
                     the rules of the dreamlands while in anothers dream.
                     Combat and death are quite possible,but true death 
                     can only occur in the real world.
 Dream Exportation - the psi can enter into anothers dreams,where his 
                     superior knowlege of dreamlore gives him an 
                     advantage.Each night the dreamer enters into his 
                     victims dreams,he has a 2% cumulative chance of 
                     gaining a 'reality grip' on his victim,which he can
                     use to terrorize or otherwise influence his victim
                     as if both were in the real world.
Use of these special powers costs the psi an additonal 20 PSP beyond the basic costs for maintainance,range,etc.

This form of psionic attack requires 7 PSP to use.It takes the form of an
assault on the victims ego,leaving him with feelings of inferiority and
worthlessness.Its effects are similar to the spell demoralize in some
ways.Additional levels of this power represent bonuses to the psionics PSI
score,which is compared to the victims POW score when saving against this
power.(A psionic with Ego Whip 4 and a PSI of 14 would attack as if he had
a PSI of 18.)

This discipline allows the psionic to stretch his body into new shapes.He
does not become any stronger by using this discipline,but does not grow
any weaker either.A psionicist using this discipline could stretch his arm
across a room to snatch a jailkey from a desk,or to lift a dagger from a
sleeping guards belt.

This discipline allows the basic needs, drives, and/or emotions generated
by any unshielded sentient mind to be sensed by the user.

This discipline allows the user to sense things not normally possible.The
psi can thus "know" the contents of someone's pocket,or the face value of
a hidden card.Unlike clairvoyance,which allows the user to view a hidden
locale,ESP merely provides a psi with knowledge.It can also give the psi
information about an individual that even the victim might be unaware
of.Consider it the power to do cheap legerdemain and mentalist acts.

This discipline allows the psi to cause his body to become larger in size,
with a proportional increase in mass and strength.This increase is limited
to 1 STR and 1 SIZ per level.

This discipline affects only sentient beings.  By employing this
discipline the user can instruct a creature as to a course of action which
seems reasonable - no orders to kill self, associates, etc.,and plant a
post hypnotic suggestion as well, the latter of which has a 5% cumulative
chance per day of wearing off. Hypnotism affects a number of beings equal
to the psionic's level.

This form of psionic attack costs 10 points to use.It seeks to turn the
victims id against his superego,basically driving him nuts.A victim who
has failed his save must additionally make an immediate sanity check,
failure costing him 1d10 SAN points.He is also driven berserk for a number
of rounds equal to the PSI of the psionic.Additional levels of this power
add to the psionics PSI score for purposes of determining if he saves.(See
Ego Whip for details).

This psionic defense form has a 3-yrd. area of effect.It costs 8 PSP to
activate, and to maintain.Additional levels of this power work as a bonus
to the psionics POW score for purposes of saving against attacks.(See Ego

This discipline enables the user to become invisible to as many creatures
as the sum of the psi's levels.Psionic invisibility cannot be detected by
any form of magic except a mind bar.  Detection of psionics will reveal
only that someone is present and using this discipline, not his location. 
It is important to note that this power affects minds, not light waves or
similar manifestations: people affected by this ability simply will not
believe the user is present.

This discipline allows the user to lift himself and up to 3 ENC/level.The
psionic can lift himself vertically at a rate of 2'/segment,for a maximum
time equal to his level.The power can be used in short bursts,so long as
the total duration for the day is not exceeded.

The use of this discipline allows the user to produce effects similar to
the wizardy spells faerie fire, dancing lights.The lights produced are
shimmery and varied in color, although the user can choose a particular
color if he wishes.  The variation known as handfire resembles a ball of
fire which once conjured can be moved and controlled.Extinguishing
another's handfire costs 5 points and control of the light in a
competition goes to the individual who expends the most PSP to achieve
control.Another function of this ability allows the user to light candles
or other small flames at a cost of 1 point per every two such flames

This form of psionic defense costs 3 PSP to erect and maintain.It
resembles a carefully built wall of thought repetition,which exposes only
a small part of the mind at any one time.Additional levels of this power
act as bonuses to the defenders POW for purposes of saving against
attack.(See Ego Whip).

This psionic defense costs 1 PSP to erect,but nothing to maintain.It
attempts to hide the mind from attack,making parts of it unidentifiable.
This ability is almost instinctual...if it is possessed,it will almost
always be active.While it costs no PSP to maintain,having it active still
constitutes psionic activity.It is also the only defense form that allows
the psionic to use other abilities.

This discipline allows the psionic to supress or mentally satisfy the need
for food,water,rest,and/or sleep.For each level possessed,the psi can use
this discipline for up to two consecutive days at a cost of 5 PSP/day. At
some point,however,the psionic must spend an equal amount of time in
complete rest to recharge this ability.

This psionic attack form costs 4 PSP to use.It seeks to short the synapses
of the victim by means of imposing the attacker's thought patterns by way
of a short,stabbing thrust into his victims mind.A successful attack will
cause the victim to become subject to a suggestion from the victor.Any 
reasonable suggestion will be carried out.Orders to kill self,associates,
etc. will be ignored unless made to sound reaonable...(Look! The 
doppleganger has possessed Franz!).Additional levels of this power add
to the psionics PSI for purposes of making saves.(See Ego Whip).

This psionic discipline allows the psi to cause the molecules of an item
to move more rapidly than is normal.Only a small number of molecules can
be so moved,but the time requirement shortens by 1 round per level from a
standard of 10.(At the tenth level,it only takes 1 round for this ability
to take effect.)This ability can be used to set paper ablaze,boil small
amounts of water,blister flesh,or heat metal to the point of scorching.If
used offensively,this ability will do cumulative damage in succeeding
rounds.(1st round is 1 pt,2nd round is 2 points,3rd round is 3 points
(doing a total of 9 points of damage by round 3)).

This discipline allows the psionic to temporarily increase a physical
characteristic by expending PSP to do so.Each point of STR,CON,or DEX
so raised costs the psionic twice as many PSP.Adding to his CON will not
increase the number of PSP available to the psionic,but it will effect
anything else that is effected by a higher CON.

This discipline allows the psi to view a limited version of the
future.Unlike the Science of Temporal Displacement,the psi cannot actually
influence events,and can only view a POSSIBLE future,based and colored by
the psionics knowledge.The distance forward that can be viewed is
dependant on the psi's level.

This psionic attack costs 20 PSP to use.It reaches out to shock its
victims mind like a piece of shocking news.When successful,it will
paralyze its victim with fear and indecision for an amount of time equal
to the level of psionic blast possessed.Additional levels of this ability
enhance the psionics PSI with regards to attacks as well.(See Ego Whip).

This psionic attack form costs 14 PSP to use.It is a massive assault on
all the neurons of the victims brain,attempting to destroy them with a
massive overload of signals.If successful,it kills its victim.Additional
levels of this discipline add to the psi's PSI for comparisons (See Ego

This discipline allows the user to detect psychic impressions left on an
object or place by its previous owners or occupants.Thus,by handling an
object,the psi could tell its previous owners race,alignment,and probable
fate.It can also be used to receive visions of those who have suffered
strong emotions or died in a particular place.Not all objects or places
give off such impressions,however.

By using this power,a psionic can tie himself into the sensory organs of
another creature.One sense per level can be tapped into,and anything
detrimental that affects the victims senses also affect the psionic.The
psionic must succeed in a PSI vs POW contest to tap into the sense of an
unwilling or unknowing victim.

This discipline allows the psi to reduce his SIZ & STR by one for every
level of mastery,but only in increments of 1/2 once a size of 1 is
reached.Thus,a SIZ 10 individual with this power at lvl 14 could make
himself 2 cm tall.(The first 10 lvls bringing him down to 30 cm,the next 4
bringing him to 15, 8, 4, and 2 cm respectively.) Note that SIZ and STR
never actually drop below 1 no matter how small the user makes himself.

This discipline allows the psi to virtually cease all life functions (as
far as any but the most detailed examination can tell,the psi is dead).
The psi is able to set himself to awaken again after a period of time,
resuming normal function for an amount of time not to exceed that limited
by the psi's level.

Telepathy is in its most basic form,the ability to receive the thoughts of
others.However,at higher levels,the depth which a psi may probe increases
as follows:
 First: The psi can receive the unshielded thoughts of those within range.
        Thoughts received in non-understood languages will be
 Second: The psi can view simple,short term memories of his subject. (up
         to 2 rangebands old).
 Third: The psi can now detect if a subject is lying,but cannot
        necessarily detect the truth.
 Fourth: The psi can now read long term memories,and can perceive the
         motives,intentions,etc. of his subject. (up to 4 rangebands old)
 Sixth: The psi can detect the truth behind a lie.
 Seventh: The psi can now do an extensive probe of the subjects mind,to a
          rangeband limited only by his own level.
In all cases,the subject is allowed a save (POW vs PSI) to avoid having
his mind probed.The costs of this science are standard except when reading
memories,which costs an additional amount of PSP dependant on the age of
the memories being read.This discipline does not grant the ability to
alter memories,nor does it grant the psi the ability to send his thoughts.

This psionic defense costs 2 PSP to erect and maintain.It clouds the mind
from contact,hiding first one part,then another.It is possible to use
other psionic disciplines while maintaining a Thought Shield.Additional
levels of this power add to the psi's POW when defending against psionic
attack (See Ego Whip).

This psionic defense costs 10 PSP to erect and maintain.It uses the
superego to construct an unassailable haven for the brain.Like Intellect
Fortress,it has an area of 1m.Additional levels of this power bulwark the
users POW for purposes of defending against psionic attack (See Ego Whip).

This discipline allows the possessor to use one sense to simulate another
sense.A psi using this discipline could see with his hands,or hear with
his eyes,if needed.

This devotion allows the psi to falsify someone else's sensory input.
making the victim think that he sees,hears,tastes, or smells something
other than he really does.Nothing can be completely hidden or disguised,
but some alterations can be made.For instance:A human could be made to
appear as a dwarf,but not as a parrot.Oil could be made to taste like
garlic,but not like water.


When a psionicist gains this science,he develops an affinity for a
particular kind of animal.Once an animal has been chosen for the
character,he can claim one of that animals attributes for his own
temporarily.He can gain the animals natural armor,movement rate and
mode,attacks and damage,hit points,or any other special ability.Only one
attribute is gained at a time,and lasts as long as the psionic expends
energy to maintain it.The psionic does undergo any physical changes
required by assuming an attribute.

This science can be used one of two ways.It can be used to change the
personal aura of an individual (to disguise the true alignment and show
one that is false) or it can be used to recognize and alter an unfavorable
(cursed,geased,or possessed) aura in another.The cost in PSP for changing
auras is 2 PSP per change (i.e. a Neutral wishing to appear as Neutral
Evil would cost 2 PSP,but Chaotic Evil would cost 4 PSP.) Such alterations
have a duration equal to the psi's level of aura alteration.The removal of
curses and other unfavorable auras costs a number of PSP equal to the
intensity of the original spell cast upon the creature.Using this science
to expell a possessing spirit costs PSPs equal to five times the
possessing spirits POW.

This science allows the psi to exist in hostile environments,elemental
planes,or withstand substances,magical eminations,or radiations
destructive to his body.For each level of this power,the psi can negate
one die of damage to his body in a single exposure.The cost in PSP for
activation this science is standard (2 PSP) and once activated it will
last for a duration equal to the psi's level.Once the psi encounters a
hostile environment,the PSP cost is equal to the total damage he would
have taken.Note that this power allows breathing under water at basic
costs at first level.

This science is the final defense against unwanted telepathic contact.If
one psi has forced contact with another (thru domination,psionic combat,or
some other means),he can be ejected even after an unsuccessful save by
this science.The cost in PSP is equal to the invaders PSI.It should be
noted that ejection is risky for the user.If the victim fumbles,the
following effects could occur.
(Roll 1d6)
 1. Lose access to all sciences for 1d10 hours.
 2. Lose access to all disciplines for 1d10 hours.
 3. Lose 1d10 + 10 PSP.
 4. Lose 1d10 PSP.
 5. Lose 1 CON permanently.
 6. Lose 1d10 HP.
 On a critical success,the above table applies to the ejected psionic.
This science gives its possessor a fair amount of control over various
energy forms,be they fire,electricity,manna,etc.Each level of power adds
to the amount of energy he can control,and the range it can be controlled
at.For each level,the psi can control an additional 1d6 worth of energy. The energy must already be present to be controlled..i.e. in order to
create a 3d6 bolt of fire,there must be a fire of bonfire size or greater
present for the psi to control.A psi can use this power to bind his own
psionic energy into a prepared vessel (See the Art Power Transfer).When
using this power to finely manipulate energy forms,the psis chances for
success is equal to 30% plus the difficulty of the manipulation times the
psis level (i.e. a psi with energy control 5 attempting a routine task
(difficulty lvl 3) would have a 45% chance for success.The costs for this
science are standard.

This science allows the psi to alter the form and substance of another
being into that of something else.The costs in PSP for this science are as
 For each attribute point added or taken away: 2
 Basic metabolic change (carnivore to herbivore): 20
 Special Attack Form: varies (a 5d6 breath weapon would cost 30)
 Exact replica of another individual: 50
The victim of this science gets one save (POW vs PSI) to avoid any and all
changes.The duration of this science is standard.
By the exercise of this science,the psi forces the minds of several others
to obey signals from his own mind.Contacting minds to be possessed costs
10 PSP,at which times the victim gets a standard save.If the victim fails
his save,the psi then expends PSP equal to the victims INT in order to
establish control,after which he need not expend another PSP to maintain
control for the full duration.The range and duration for which a psi can
control others is standard.Note that a controlled individual who somehow
leaves the range of the psi and reenters his sphere of control falls once
again under his dominance.Beings under a mass domination will never act in
an obviously self destructive manner or against their basic nature.

This science allows a psi to reach into his own or another's mind and
alter or cure it of an affliction.The abilities gained by this power are
cumulative,and listed in order of occurrence.
 First:Dispel Exhaustion - the psi can replenish up to half the fatigue
       points lost to exertion,etc. at a cost of 10 PSP per individual.
 Second:Inhibition - the psi can plant a behavior pattern in an individual
        which that person must make a save (POW vs PSI) to overcome.PSP
        cost is equal to 20 per week.
 Third:Read Memories - the psi can do a more detailed type of telepathic
       probe of memories than normal telepathy.Any of the subjects general
       recollections are open to the reader,at a cost of 5 PSP per age of
       the particular memory.Detailed examination of a hidden or shielded
       memory costs 25 PSP above and beyond the scanning cost,and can only
       be done once per day.
 Fourth: Adjust Memories - the psi can now cause the subject to forget or
         recall some fact,or can create a fake memory at the same cost for
         reading memories.
 Fifth: Feeblemind - at a cost of 15 PSP,the psi can cause the mind of his
        victim to become that of a moronic child.
 Sixth: Cure Insanity or Feeblemind - at a cost of 20 PSP,the psi can
        reverse a feeblemind or restore a person to 1 point over their TIS
        score by use of this ability.
 Seventh: Cure Psychic Wound - This ability can raise a psi from a post
          combat trance enabling him to function normally (though
          non-psionically) until the subject sleeps,at a cost of 25 PSP.It
          can also restore powers lost at a cost of 10 PSP per discipline,
          20 PSP for sciences,and 30 for arts.Powers lost due to PSI
          reductions cannot be regained,however.
 Eighth: Trigger - puts a 'trigger' in a subjects mind so that if tampered
         with in a certain way (like reading memories),feeblemind or death
         will occur at a cost of 35 PSP.
In all cases,an unwilling subject gets a standard save.Range for placing
or curing is always touch.(Inhibitions or triggers have an unlimited
range,once in place).

The science of constructing a mind bar protects the psi from such magical
or psionic attacks as confusion, charm, telepathy, fear, feeblemind, magic
jar, sleep,or suggestion.It prevents the psi from suffering telepathic
influence or possession by such creatures as demons or devils.Psionic or
magical powers of domination, empathy, hypnosis, mental surgery, or
telepathy do not work against a psi with a mind bar.An individual with a
mind bar can also see an individual employing psionic invisibility.In
addition,this science adds its level to any power trying to compete with
Psi Static.The chance for successfully erecting a mind bar (instantly,
under stress conditions) is 10% per level,with a 10% chance per level
above 11th for being able to locate the source of any attack on the psis
mind the instant it is made.The PSP cost for this power is standard.

This science allows its user to alter the basic structure of items so as
to change them into something else.The amount of matter so affected is
limited to 1 ENC per level possessed.The user is also limited by the
relative softness of the materials involved and the psis level.The
following materials can be translated freely between themselves,and is
cumulative. (i.e. at 5th level,a psi could turn copper to paper,or wood to
  1-3.  paper, wood, gold, lead, etc.
  4-6.  copper, silver, tin, zinc, etc.
  7-9.  platinum, nickel, iron, shale, etc.
 10-12. steel, advanced ceramics, granite, etc.
 13-15. mithril, steel alloys, etc.
 16-19. adamantine, duraalloy, etc.
 20+.   orichalic, bonded superdense alloys, etc.
The range for such transformations is always touch,at a PSP cost of 10 per
ENC.The duration for changes is standard,and objects whose forms are
altered while in a softer form,will retain their new form when they revert
to their natural state.
This science allows the user to to travel to the various other planes in
physical form,at the following PSP costs:
  5 PSPs: Border Ethereal or Deep Ethereal.
 10 PSPs: Any Inner Plane (elemental or alternate prime).
 15 PSPs: The Astral Plane.
 20 PSPs: Any Outer Plane.
Since the traveller makes his journey physically,if he dies on his
journey,he is dead.There is also no duration limitations on how long he
stays (assuming the climate is suitable - this power does not grant the
ability to survive,merely to travel).The PSP cost to bring others along is
5 per person.

Psis with this ability are often called "Screamers" by their fellows,as
very few ever master this rare science.The science of psi static allows
its user to interfere with any and all psionic activity within range,
forcing every other psi in the area to match their abilities level with
the screamers level on the resistance table.Thus,a psi with a power of 12
in telepathy trying to read minds while a screamer of equal power was
operating would only have a 50% chance of succeeding.All psionics in range
lose 1 fatigue point every round until the screamer shuts up,as it were.
Psionic combat is virtually impossible while this power is in operation,
and a screamer has only a 2% chance per level of being able to limit their
power.In the above example,the telepath might only be 3 meters away,but
the aforementioned screamer would be drowning out every psionic operation
for 20 kilometers.Note that if a psi does make his save vs. this power,he
loses an additional fatigue point for his trouble,and must continue to
make a save every round that psi static is in use.Once they fail,however,
they cannot attempt to activate any psionic abilities until the static is
shut off.

This science allows a psi to divide his mind into two separate, autonomous
parts.Both parts can communicate,and can use psionic powers.A split
personality can choose to do anything it pleases,i.e. it can do
simultaneous psionic operations,fight physically and psionically at
once,whatever.Psionic attacks directed against a split personality affect
both separately.One side might be dominated,while the other remains
unfettered.The cost for this science is 30 PSP to make the split,and the
standard maintenance costs.

This science allows the psi to move objects weighing up to 1 SIZ per the
factorial sum of his levels.Objects being so moved must always be in view
of the psi,although this may sometimes violate the actual range of the
science.(Normally,the range is standard,but if the object to be moved is
being scryed by one means or another,the range is based on the center of
the scry's focus.)

This science allows the sending and receiving of the basic needs,desires,
and/or emotions generated by an unshielded sentient mind. Additionally,it
permits the psi to influence the emotions of the victim, enabling him to
produce effects similar to the following spells:Charm, Seduce, Berserk,
Fanaticism, or any other emotion influencing spell.Range,duration and
costs are all standard.Influencing a victim costs a 4x the victims POW.

This science allows for the communication of thoughts between sentient
minds,without the need for a common language.Unlike basic telepathy,this
science allows sending and recieveing thoughts,and a psi of sufficient
power can use this science to possess another at a cost of 4x the victims
POW.Such possession allows the victim a standard save.

This science allows its possessor to teleport anywhere within range in
total safety.For each ENC brought along,there is a 1 PSP cost.The basic
PSP cost for this science is 2 PSP per range band teleported.

This is the science of energy to matter conversions.The amount of control
a psi has over the various creations are a function of his level,as
  1-3.  Soft Goods (10 PSP/ENC) rope,paper,clothing,etc.
  4-7.  Hard Goods (20 PSP/ENC) tools,simple weapons,furniture,etc.
  8-12. Complex Hard Goods (20 PSP/ENC) radios,watches,batteries,etc.
           (Note that the psi must have some idea how/why
           these things work...)
 13+    Lifeforms (5 PSP/CP) dogs,cats,horses,snakes,etc.
           (Detailed knowledge of biology/genetics is not 
           required,but all such creations are of fixed INT
           and in no way subject to the domination of their
           creator by means of this science alone.)
The duration of such creations is always the difference between the users
level and the minimum level to form such a creation.Thus a 14th level
telurgist could create a set of clothing that would last 8 weeks,a sword
that would last 3 days,a radio that would last 2 hours,or a cat with a
life expectancy of 20 minutes.

This science allows its user to either view or to travel physically to the
past OR A FUTURE,to a total temporal distance not to exceed the psis
level.This science dodges paradox theory by forcing its user to return to
whatever parallel world is created by his interfering with the past. The
psi who goes and kills his own grandfather usually falls head-over-heels
for grandma,and wonders years later why his grandson-self hates him so
much...Time has a nasty habit of playing tricks on those who try to change
too much.Forward travel has fewer pitfalls,but always contains a 30%
chance of depositing the psi in a slightly different alternate future,so
playing the horses with this scince is by no means a sure thing.The PSP
cost for this science is standard when simply viewing,but is doubled for
actual travel.

This science allows the psi to alter the form and substance of his own
being into that of something else.The costs in PSP for this science are as
 For each attribute point added or taken away: 2
 Basic metabolic change (carnivore to herbivore): 20
 Special Attack Form: varies (a 5d6 breath weapon would cost 30)
 Exact replica of another individual: 50
The duration of this science is standard.


This is the ability to augment psi ability by tapping the resources of
other non-psionic minds.The subjects,who get a save if unwilling,are
placed in a deep trance which lasts for 1d6+3 hours.They cannot be 
awakened by any means until the trance has run its course.While under the
trance,the mental energies of the subjects are available to be employed by
the user of this art.Each point of INT and POW represents 1 PSP that can
be used.The psi can draw this energy at any rate and for any purpose he
desires,so long as he is in range.

This art allows the psi to endow eligible non-psionics with psionic power.
An eligible non-psi must have a POW of at least 16,and must FAIL a save of
POW x 5.Individuals who make the save have no usable talent and cannot
EVER receive psionic powers.As part of the hour long ritual,the endowing
psi must expend 50 PSP,and the non-psi must expend 1 POW,which will gain
him a PSI of 3d6.

This art is for creating both objects of power and psion familiars.Before
attempting to send power into something,it must be primed by the
expenditure of 50 PSP on the first day,and must be warmed up by the
application of 10 PSP per each day thereafter.One point of the users PSI
may be transfered into the object or being each day,and if the psionic
misses a day for any reason,the object or creature is finished as is.Once
the psi has placed all the PSI into an object he desires,he must
concentrate over the object,expending power in whatever disciplines,
sciences or arts he wishes for the object to have for a number of rounds
equal to the level he wishes the object to have.Thus,if he wanted the
object to have psionic blast 5,he would have to spend 5 rounds psionically
blasting it to attune it to that power.Objects will have POW equal to its
makers,and a CON equal to its AP.Familiars created with this art will have
MAKER.When all abilities have been set,the object should be sealed by an
application of permanency,(See Preservation,5th level).If this is not
done,the object will lose 10% of its PSI at the end of each full month of
its existence until it becomes unusable in 10 months.The maker of an
object will be able to sense its presence if it is within 40m,and command
it if it is within 10m.If the makers will is resisted by the current
owner,the object will attempt to dominate him in a POW vs POW struggle.It
will use double its own POW if the user is actively attacking its creator.

The art of preservation is primarily directed at forestalling decay or
preventing demise.It may be placed upon the self or others.Particular
powers are available to the user as he gains levels in the art.
 First: Preserve Corpse - prevents decay for up to 1 full day.
 Second: Trap Soul - Holds spirit in an irrevocably dead body.
 Third: Release Soul - releases a soul trapped as in 2,above.
 Fourth: Siphon Memories - can only be done the first 1-10 minutes after
         death,and only with a 50% effectiveness at most.Also,for every
         minute that elapses after death,5% fewer memories can be
         siphoned.Siphoned memories become a part of the taker,and
         thereafter he can outwardly present that persons
         personality,memories,and aura.But he must assimilate those
         memories within a week,for every day beyond this that he
         delays,he must make an INT x5 and a SAN roll.Failing the INT roll
         means that the memories integrate themselves,driving the psi
         irrevocably insane (psychotic/schizopherenic).Failing the SAN
         roll costs a mere 10d10 SAN.Once the attempt is made it takes
         10-40 turns to integrate the memories with his own,after which he
         can no longer represent the victims aura as his own.
 Fifth: Permanency - can be used to fix the psionic potential of an object
        of power or a psion familiar.
 Sixth: Dispel Permanency - Neutralizes the above power.
 Seventh: Dying Stasis - Stops the process of dying and links the spirit
          to the body.The spirit cannot move more than 10m from the body
          This must be applied to the body within one round of death,
          or the soul will have departed and be unretrievable.A spirit
          held by this power may not communicate with the living except
          thru spells like Speak w/Dead or similar means.
 Eighth: Remove Dying Stasis - Cancels the effect of the above power.
         The body must then be truly healed/cured or it will die.
The range for all of these abilities are touch,and all cost 50 PSP to use.

This art can be used three ways.The first method will restore life levels
lost to level draining,if applied within one day per level of this power.
The psi can extend the deadline by expending 20 PSP per day beyond his
limit.The second function is the first in reverse.(Energy Drain).The third
function has to do with the dual-planar nature of the undead.The psi can
use this art to force undead wholly into one plane or the other for up to
12 hours.(Wights and other level drainers forced wholly into the Prime
Plane cannot drain levels,etc.) Alternately,the psi can enter the
half-world of the undead to meet them on equal terms.The range for this
ability is touch,and the PSP cost is always 30.

This art grants its possessor with the ability to reach into the mind of
another and block the exercise of certain powers.The powers that can be
blocked and the PSP costs are detailed below:
 Divine Spell Use: 10x spell level.
 Wizardry Spell Use: 8x spell level.
 Innate Powers: 10 per ability blocked.
 Psionic Ability: 30 to block all psionic aptitude.
 Shamanistic Powers: 2x POW of the victim.