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:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: -----=====Earth's Dreamlands=====----- (313)558-5024 {14.4} - (313)558-5517 A BBS for text file junkies RPGNet GM File Archive Site .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. By: Lord Dynthian ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Martial Artist Kit Ever since I bought the Complete Fighters Handbook, I had been enticed by the martial arts additions. To that end, I created a Fighter Kit for the complete Martial Artist. Special Benefits: Of course, there are the normal benefits for specialization in weaponless combat. With the kit, however, the fighter is allowed to add his Martial Arts bonus (the number of points devoted to the weapon proficiency after the initial one) to his armor class. The true martial artist does not wear armor, but his quick reflexes and defensive training make him far more difficult to hit. This bonus may be added to the dexterity bonus as well, so a fighter using this kit can have a low armor class while wearing no armor (as such would interfere with his combat style). Special Restrictions: In combat, the Martial Artist cannot wear armor (including helmets and shields, but excluding bracers), cloaks, boots, or gauntlets (although gloves are acceptable). He also cannot use weapons in his off hand, as Martial Arts use both hands and feet. The DM might also want to add a code of honor or conduct to these restrictions, as Martial Arts require a great deal of discipline. Recommended Proficiencies: Jumping, Tumbling, and one I created, Anatomy. This proficiency allows the MA to have specific knowledge about vulnerable points of the body. One slot allows the study of one species (or very closely related ones, such as human, elf, and half-elf. The same proficiency will not work on orcs or halflings...they must have their own slots). When fighting that type of creature, the MA is allowed +1/slot devoted on the martial arts table. This is NOT added to the to hit roll or the damage adjustment...it only increases the range on the table. Thus a MA fighting a species with which he is familiar will be more likely to get a KO (as reflected by the table modification). All other restrictions for MA apply, including the limitation on initial proficiency slots. A fighter may not devote all four slots to MA. 2 must be placed on other weapons (I specialized in thrown daggers...a very effective combination). I used this kit in a Dark Sun campaign. It was very effective in a realm where armor is too hot to wear and metal is so rare. * Origin: Deltona Lakes BBS * Deltona, Fl * HST * (407) 574-9246 (1:3618/0) :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: -----=====Earth's Dreamlands=====----- (313)558-5024 {14.4} - (313)558-5517 A BBS for text file junkies RPGNet GM File Archive Site .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. From: BRUCE NORMAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Martial-Priest Kit: Starts off with 0 weapon profs. Three non-weapon profs. These profs are restricted because of the time spent learning martial arts. Martial priests attack using the priest THAC0 table, and may make physical attacks with their hands and feet for greater than normal damage. Damage against large creatures is at -1. Damage against non-human creatures is at -1hp. Minimum damage from an attack is 1 hp. Strength bonuses *do* apply (all this garbage about strength not mattering when you're punching or kicking someone is rediculous). In additon, knowing martial arts lowers your armor class. When fighting someone who is also using martial arts, knowing martial arts allows you to add a further bonus of +1 to your AC for ever 3 levels of experience. Dex bonuses do apply in full when calculating your armor class. When wearing armor heavier than leather, no AC bonus applies (hey, we have to keep these guys from being too tough :) Level Damage AC Bonus. 1-2 1-3 1 3-4 1-4 2 5-6 1-4+1 2 7-8 1-6+1 3 9-10 1-6+2 3 11-12 1-8+2 4 13-15 1-8+3 4 16+ 1-8+4 5 Other classes: Other classes may use this martial arts system. It costs 2 weapon profs and one non-weapon prof to "purchase". Once purchased, the purchasor uses the table as if he was level 1. However, the purchases will advance at *double normal rate* until such time as he "catches up". Lets give an example..... Boris the mage is 7th level. He did not spend his *innitial* weapon prof and now gains his second. He spends both of them, and 1 non-weapon prof, to learn this simple martial arts system. Boris now attacks using the level 1 table, making one attack for 1-3 points of damage, and gaining an AC bonus of 1. Boris gains one level. He now attacks as using the 3rd level table, as he is progressing in martial arts at double normal rate. When Boris is 13th level he will fight using the 13th level table, and will have completely "caught up". He now progresses *normally*, so at 15th level, he'll still be in the 13-15 level bracket. I realize this martial art is somewhat "boring" compared to the Oriental- Adventures "Eagles Claw, 3-30hp of damage" type, but so what? I think its more realistic. * Origin: CrossRoads II Kingston, ON <HST> (613)545-1374 (1:249/132) :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: -----=====Earth's Dreamlands=====----- (313)558-5024 {14.4} - (313)558-5517 A BBS for text file junkies RPGNet GM File Archive Site .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. Martial Artist Ability Requirements: Strength 14 Dexterity 14 Constitution 11 Wisdom 13 Prime Requisites: Strength, Dexterity Races Allowed: Human, Half-elf Martial Artists are men and women who practice rigorous mental and physical training and discipline in order to become superior through the martial arts. There are many ways Martial Artists put their talents to work; some fight for causes, some act as body-guards, some just wander from place to place, trying to fit in. Although there are few examples of Martial Artists of this sort in medieval history, the Shaolin Monks of China, and the Karate masters of Japan and Okinawa, are good role models. Caine, from the television series, ``Kung Fu'' is a Martial Artist. A Human or a Half-elf can become a Martial Artist. He must have minimum ability scores of Strength 14, Dexterity 14, Constitution 11, and Wisdom 13. A Martial Artist with Strength and Dexterity of 16 or better gains a 10 percent bonus to the experience points he earns. Martial Artists are masters of armed and unarmed combat. A Martial Artist may learn to use any weapon, however he must learn the bo staff before learning others. Since this is the traditionally preferred weapon of the Martial Artist, he gains a +1 onto his ``to-hit'' rolls when it is used. A Martial Artist's empty hand attacks consist of a combination of kicks and punches. When he fights an opponent more than one and a half times his size, his open hand attacks do only half damage. Starting at fourth level, Martial Artists get multiple empty hand attacks. This differs from other Warriors, who do not get multiple attacks until seventh level. A Martial Artist has a special armor class. The armor class represent the Martial Artist's evading, blocking, and parrying ability. This only works when the Martial Artist can defend himself and is aware of the imminent attack. A high dexterity can further improve a Martial Artist's armor class. A Martial Artist has the following special benefits: A Martial Artist can run very fast. The Martial Artist's movement rate is listed in Experience Table. A Martial Artist is good at stealth. A Martial Artist has the following Rogue skills: Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, and Climb Walls. These skills are listed in Martial Artist Abilities Table. A Martial Artist has special combat maneuvers. Martial Artists have combat options not available to other character classes. These are listed in Manuever Table. Each maneuver uses up one weapon proficiency slot. The special maneuvers are classifed by the method used and the difficulty of each maneuver. The lower the number of the maneuver, the easier it is to perform. When selecting maneuvers from a method, there must be a progression from 1 on up, i.e. a maneuver can be learned only when all of the easier ones from that method are known. A Martial Artist can heal himself. The amount of damage which can be healed is two hit points per level. This self-healing ability can be used twice a day, requiring only a moment of concentration, and can therefore be used without withdrawing from melee. A Martial Artist can feign death. At fourth level, a Martial Artist gains the ability to use self-induced catelepsy to appear dead. This can be done perfectly, as the Martial Artist is able to lower his or her body temperature and heart rate. The Martial Artist is able to maintain this state for twice the number of turns as his level. He is fully aware of his surroundings while in this state and can revive himself within one turn. A Martial Artist can use Ki power. At seventh level, the Martial Artist gains the ability to give a powerful Ki --- a fierce battle cry that channels the Martial Artist's energy and gives him a +2 bonus to his strength (e.g. a 17 strength becomes an 18/10) for that round and a +1 for the next one. A Martial Artist can use this Ki twice a day. At 17th level, the Ki ability gains the additional effect of the 4th-level Wizard spell, Shout usable once per day. A Martial Artist has special immunities. At 10th level, the Martial Artist gains immunity to diseases, haste, and slow spells. At 14th level, the Martial Artist becomes immune to poisons. At 17th level, he becomes immune to all mind-controlling spells such as Geas and Quest. A Martial Artist can attract students. This occurs when the Martial Artist reaches 10th level. These students have heard of the Martial Artist's reputation and seek to benefit from his expertise. They will obey his orders with great loyalty. To attract students, the Martial Artist must have a school or temple. A Martial Artist ages slowly for his race. At 12th level, the Martial Artist enjoys slower aging --- he ages at one half the normal rate for his race. A Martial Artist can blur his form in combat. The Martial Artist gains the ability to Blur, twice a day starting at 13th level, as the 2nd-level Wizard spell. A Martial Artist can wound and cure with his hands. At 19th level, the Martial Artist can Cause or Cure Critical Wounds, as the Priest spell, each usable once per day. No spell casting is required; the Martial Artist need only touch the recipient for the latter or hit his victim for the former - in which case, the damage inflicted from the strike is added to the total. A Martial Artist has the following restrictions: A Martial Artist can not wear armor. This includes all armors, including magical and elven ones. A Martial Artist must give away part of his treasure. Martial Artists must tithe 10 of all treasure gained to their home temple, or to another temple of the same order. Furthermore, Martial Artists may not own more wealth than that which they can carry with them. Excess money or equipment must be gotten rid of in any way the Martial Artist deems fit. Martial Artist Abilities Table -------------------------------------------------------------------- Empty hand Empty hand Hide in Move Climb * Level AC attacks/round damage Shadows Silently Walls * 1 7 1 1-6 (1d6) 10 15 65 * 2 7 1 1-6 (1d6) 15 21 71 * 3 6 1 1-6 (1d6) 20 27 77 * 4 6 3/2 1-6 (1d6) 25 33 83 * 5 5 3/2 2-8 (2d4) 31 40 89 * 6 5 3/2 2-8 (2d4) 37 47 95 * 7 5 3/2 2-8 (2d4) 43 55 -- * 8 4 2 2-8 (2d4) 49 62 -- * 9 4 2 3-9 (2d4+1) 56 70 -- * 10 4 2 3-9 (2d4+1) 63 78 -- * 11 3 2 3-9 (2d4+1) 70 86 -- * 12 3 5/2 3-9 (2d4+1) 77 95 -- * 13 3 5/2 3-9 (2d4+1) 85 -- -- * 14 2 5/2 3-9 (2d4+1) 95 -- -- * 15 2 5/2 3-9 (2d4+1) -- -- -- * 16 2 3 3-9 (2d4+1) -- -- -- * 17 1 3 3-9 (2d4+1) -- -- -- * 18 1 3 3-9 (2d4+1) -- -- -- * 19 1 3 3-9 (2d4+1) -- -- -- * 20 0 7/2 3-9 (2d4+1) -- -- -- * EXPERIENCE POINTS Hit Dice Level Experience (d10) Move * 1 0 1 12" * 2 2,500 2 12" * 3 5,000 3 13" * 4 10,000 4 13" * 5 20,000 5 14" * 6 40,000 6 14" * 7 80,000 7 15" * 8 160,000 8 15" * 9 320,000 9 16" * 10 640,000 9+3 17" * 11 1,280,000 9+6 18" * 12 1,580,000 9+9 19" * 13 1,800,000 9+12 20" * 14 2,100,000 9+15 21" * 15 2,400,000 9+18 22" * 16 2,700,000 9+21 23" * 17 3,000,000 9+24 24" * 18 3,300,000 9+27 25" * 19 3,600,000 9+30 26" * 20 3,900,000 9+33 27" * MANEUVERS (see Oriental Adventures, pp 103 -- 105) Kick Movement Strike Weapon * 1. Circle kick 1. Prone fighting 1. Feint 1. Weapon catch * 2. Flying kick 2. Immovability 2. Iron fist 2. Weapon break * 3. Backward kick 3. Missile Deflect 3. Crushing Blow 3. Leap * 4. Leap 4. Eagle claw * 5. Speed * Lock Throw Training Vital Areas * 1. Choke hold 1. Fall 1. Meditation 1. Pain touch * 2. Locking block 2. Instant stand 2. All sight 2. Stunning touch * 3. Incapacitator 3. Hurl 3. Ironskin 3. Paralyzing touch * 4. Immobilizing 4. Great throw 4. Levitation 4. Distance death * Sweeps * 1. Foot sweep * 2. Scissor sweep * 3. Drop sweep. * Sweeps: The following is a description of the sweeps. These is a five percent chance per sweep level of stunning an opponent on a successful sweep. Foot Sweep. Using the lead or rear foot, the Martial Artist attempts to make the opponent fall to the ground. If a successful attack is made, the opponent must make a successful dexterity fall or the ground and lose his next round of attacks. Whether or not he makes the check, he still suffers a penalty of 2 to his armor class for the rest of the round and the next. In any of the above cases, the Martial Artist suffers a penalty of 4 to his armor class during the round in which he makes the sweep. Scissor Sweep. The Martial Artist drops to the floor, scissoring the opponent's legs out from under him. If a successful attack is made, the opponent must make a dexterity check or fall to the ground --- face up or face down, depending on the Martial Artist's whim. If face up, the opponent takes 2d4 hit points damage from the fall, but can fight or get up the next round. If face down, the opponent takes no damage, but must take an extra round turning over before attempt to fight or getting up, and additionally suffers a armor class penalty of 2. No matter what happens, the Martial Artist falls to the ground, too, but in such a way that he sustains no damage. Drop Sweep. The Martial Artist drops to his hands, and swings his rear leg around to sweep the opponent's legs out from under him, sending him crashing to the floor. If the Martial Artist makes a successful attack at -2 to hit, the opponent falls to the floor and takes 2d4 hit points of damage. If the monk makes a successful dexterity check --- whether or not he hits --- he can choose to remain standing after the maneuver.