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                        Or.. How to Hack Into Prodigy
                              By: Dave S.O.B.


     The Beginning is a good place to start so I will start there. What you 
are about to read or just glance over is a thorough document on the Prodigy
services and a particular bug in their billing system that will allow you the
hacker to make an account there and keep it indefiently without ever paying
a cent. Before finding this bug I just hung around Prodigy and laughed at the
Lamer infestation which is currently there. Even then it had potential, but
now the most vurnable online system in america has new features for the 
underground world to take advantage of. Prodigy will now; Send faxes for you,
allow you to recieve Internet Mail, Send U.S. Mail <Usefull> and a few other
things. What is better though is that Prodigy always assumes that you are a 
good customer and does not really look at each user as a potential loss of 
profit. So prodigy is free game and easy to get in to.. Even little 13 year
old jerkoffs can make fake accounts on prodigy. I hope that after reading 
this document you will have enough information to become as the prodigy local
lamers call it 'A Prodigy God' and make the morons do your bidding.


     S.O.B. stands for Servants Of Babuska. We are a small group, but when we
got on to prodigy as the only real hacking group around we where meet with 
open arms and kids who where willing to do anything just to get a text file.
Our group which has been together for about two years has stayed local with 
a few members on prodigy <or trainees as i called them> and we just 
concentrated on getting into the systems in town. Well, I the author and 
current group leader got into a nice system in middle Texas when I found out
about the bug in the billing system. So I decided to write the document for
two reasons 1) To upload it to other systems and get on the good side of 
SysOps and get some file points 2) To tell the world that we are here. So 
here it is, the first of possibly many documents by me.. Dave S.O.B. Oh well
I guess that's enough.. on with the document.

_1.1_Table Of Contents_

_0.2_S.O.B. Introduction
_1.1_Table Of Contents
_1.3_A Warning or two
_2.1_Prodigy Account Structure
_2.2_Adding More Accounts
_2.3_Logging on for the first time
_2.4_Method of Payment or How the hell are you going pay us <Bug Explained 
_3.1_A Flaw in the Bug
_4.1_A list of popular abbreviations on Prodigy
_5.1_Bulletin Boards or Message Bases
_6.1_Prodigy Clubs
_6.2_How to Destroy a Prodigy Club
_6.3_A List of some Prodigy Clubs
_7.1_Ordering and downloading programs from Prodigy
_8.1_Custom Choices
_9.1_Your Mailbox
_10.1_Mail Manager
_11.1_Your Internet Adress
_12.1_Having fun with Prodigy
_13.1_Closing Notes

     This Document was written for the sole purpose of informing the world 
about the prodigy service and some of the potential it has. Any real life 
use of the document is not my fault. Thou I do not condone it, I do not 
recommend it.

_1.3_A Warning or Two_ 

     While on Prodigy never give out your real name or phone number. Some of
those kids might get mad at you and turn you in. Their a fickle lot so make
sure and keep your indentity safe. Also never use your own adress when 
sending things by Credit Card to your house.. always put an abandonded house
or a willing idiots adress so you can pick up whatever you want.

_2.1_The Prodigy Account Structure_

     Unlike many other online systems that use numeric combinations for 
naming their accounts Prodigy uses a very easy to remember alpha-numeric code
assigned to each account. The sample of which goes like this.. AAAA00A. The
first four letters and two numbers indicate the account itself, the last 
letter tells what household member it is. You see, when you get your prodigy
account you recieve an 'A' Account or the parent account who supposedly pays
for everything, he is also the only one they ask for an adress for. But from
this 'A' account you can create 5 other branch accounts which your friends 
can use. So the 6 accounts would look like this: AAAA00A, AAAA00B, AAAA00C,
AAAA00D, AAAA00E and AAAA00F. The 'A' account controls acess to the other 
accounts. This was orginally made so that the parent could control what their
kids where doing and that each household resident could have his personal 
account. Also accompenied with the A account is a temporary or 'intial sign
on' password. It is a 6 letter combination like wjsjfu. It is also used when
the branch accounts log in for the first time. After you log in once you can
set the password to your own prefrence up to 10 letters.

_2.2_Adding more accounts_

     Ok, so you logged on and made an account <described later> now you want
to make some branch accounts for your friends to log on with and use as well.
Ok, go to the bottom of the screen <when you are logged on> and click the
TOOL function. Then go to the Add A Member menu. From their it will take you
to another member.. go to adding another household member. Then add an 
account. Make sure to allow use of Plus Serivices or your friends cannot use
the Bulletin Boards <Message Bases descirbed later>. There you go, give your
friend their account name and the intial logon password which should be on
the add a member screen. They can log on and add their own information name
and the like.

_2.3_Logging on for the first time_

     Ok, you just got the A account and the intial password. You have two
options.. you can set the number to you local Tymenet site or let the program
call the Prodigy Number Directory where it will give you your local number to
call to log on. Either way it is safe. Ok, you will see a little screen after
you connect to the Prodigy Service <not the number directory> which will say
Prodigy Enrollment. It will then ask you for your name, adress, phone number,
Date Of Birth and method of payment. Ok... Your name can be anything.. I am
Mau'Dib Gates currently. Your adress should be an abondened house or a 
willing reciepent so you can reicieve any packages you order. The phone 
number does not need to be provided.. but doing so does not hurt. Ok, now 
for the Date Of Birth.. Make sure you put your self at atleast 18 which you
have to be for prodigy to let you own the A account. But don't make yourself
over 20 or you can't use the 'Teens Bulletin Board' which is where alot of 
people always are. Ok.. next comes the method of payment which is really
how the hell are you going to pay us. This is where the bug comes in.. and I
will describe it in detail next.

_2.4_Method Of Payment or How the Hell are you going to pay us

     Ok, here comes the long awaited bug. It will ask you what you would like
to pay by.. Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover, Check or Prodigy
Auto Pay. Prodigy Auto Pay is where they debit your fees directly from your
banking account. Check is ok but you can't get into the premium services with
it. So choose a credit card.. Then get an old credit card number you have 
that you know the company will reject but numerically is correct. In other 
words a credit card that looks ok numerically but will be rejected by the 
company... Why you ask? This is the bug. After Prodigy finds out that the 
Credit Card is bad and the company is specific won't pay for it they will 
send you a nice friendly letter saying it was and that the bill will be sent
to the adress you gave them. But according to Prodigy's Billing Computer you
are paying by credit card and you owe them nothing. 

_3.1_A flaw in the bug_

     Even though the Billing Computer will be fooled the rest of the system
won't be.. so sign up for any of the 'Custom Choices' you want before the
credit card is rejected.. you usually have a few days to do this.

_4.1_Popular Abbreviations in use on Prodigy

     Ok.. Now you are on Prodigy and you read the notes they left.. Now what
the hell are they saying.. what does ROTFL mean? For the abbreviation 
ignorant here comes a list of popular abbreviations used on Prodigy.

<g>       -Grin
<bg>      -Big Grin
<vbg>     -Very Big Grin
<eg>      -Evil Grin
<veg>     -Very Evil Grin
<s>       -Smile
<l>       -Laugh
<ROTLF>   -Rolling on the floor laughing 
<ROTLFAO> -Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off <not often used>
:)        -Smile
:>        -Smile
=]        -Smile
:(        -Frown
:~(       -Crying
p*        -Prodigy

h*        -Hacking or Hackers
b*        -Bashing or Bashers
ID        -Prodigy Account
eye dee   -Prodigy Account
I|)       -Prodigy Account
BB        -Bulletin Board
RS        -Rebel Space
RPG       -Role Playing Game
RP        -Role Playing
UG        -Someones mailbox used for private conversations
_5.1_Bulletin Boards or Message Bases_

     Bulletin Boards or BB's for short is where you can talk to other prodigy
members. There are many subjects.. Teens, Games, Arts, Computer BB and 
others. But they are censored.. you cannot openly cuss <unless you are 
speaking in a foreign tounge or are putting *'s for letters>. Unless you are
on one of the Custom Choice bulletin board's. A Custom Choice is a game or
service that prodigy charges you extra to use beacuse it is better. And the
BB's that the Custom Choice's have usually have something called auto posting
or instant posting, which means that the post is not censored and goes up the
moment you click the send button. These Auto Post BB's are the closest thing
to live chat you can have where more than one person can respond and talk 
with no delay on waiting for a response other than his slow typing speed.
Now, when you get into a BB it will have a little menu. It will say oldest
notes to look for, which basicly means look at notes that where posted since
the date and time you specify. The next is wether or not to include older
posts that include replies that where made after the date and time you 
specified. Then comes the topic selection. From there you can pick the topic
of which you want to read from. Next will come To and From where you can 
specify all posts that a person made or sent to him. You don't put his name,
you put his prodigy account name. Then there is begin reading notes which 
will let you pick a note in the topic you picked to start reading. All notes
are alphabatized for order. Next is the Exclude ID function. With this you
can input some people's ID that whose posts you would rather not see. Then
the last choice will be Wite a Public Note.. this function will let you write
a new note of your prefrence that can start up your own conversation.

_6.1_Prodigy Clubs_

     Most of the people on Prodigy like to band together in clubs. There are
three types of clubs on Prodigy. There is a Talk Club, a Talk Club is where
the members just socialize and talk. Then there is a RP club, where the  
members pretend to be someone else and have a community of sorts. Finnaly
there are the little bash and hack clubs. On Prodigy a Basher is someone
who goes around and insults people.. they are harmless but annoying. A 
Prodigy Hacker is usually just someone who has a couple of text files, or 
has a couple of Prodigy Accounts or likes to try to guess people's passwords.
So all these clubs are pretty pathetic, but they can be a pain in the ass to
you when you are trying to do something. So you have two options.. befriend
them and trade knowledge for their services <such as bashing other people for
you or getting some lamer to leave you alone to do other things>. Or you can
try to get rid of them. Most of these basher clubs have divisions. A hacker
division and Basher Division etc.. they try to structure their members like
military men. They also have spies which are people who use a seperate 
prodigy ID to assume another alias and join another club. Prodigy clubs love
to fight on another.

_6.2_Destroying A Prodigy Club_
     Though it may seem stupid at first these bands of morons can be 
annoying when you are trying to do something or if you move into their 
'terrirtory'. Usually showing them how lame their leader is or just continual
public bashing will drive them apart and send them on their seperate ways.

_6.3_A List of some clubs_

     You are bound to run into one so why not know who they are eh?

EOTH - Empire of the Huns. These guys are mostly a bunch of 14-16 year old
       lamers who are lead by a guy named Blue Tooth. Their objective is to
       'control' ever Prodigy BB. Unfortanetly since Prodigy does not like  
       bashers they always get their notes deleted and their accounts cancled
       alot sooner than anyone elses

LOP - I'm not sure what LOP stands for but I know the guy who formed it. 
      He calls himself Dragon Slayer... he's alright. They are mostly a 
      talk club.

AWP - Anyone Want to Party. AWP is one of the bigger and lamer of the talk
      clubs out there. All they do is talk an throw little 'parties' where
      they all get together and supposedly dance.

MED - Or Juanolia is a RP Club.. it is set in medieval times and they just
      sit around.

XTC - Extacy is another little Talk Club with a bash and hack 'division'.

PUO - Prodigy Underground Organization. This does not really exist.. some
      little lamer named White Knight made this up to try to trick me out of
      my real name.

Acid Alliance - Thou this does exist on Delphi it does NOT exist on prodigy
                it is just another lie by White Knight.

TC  - Total Chaos. This clubs orginal intention was to some day put a virus
      into prodigy main system.. make it crash and a little screen saying
      TC come up. How ever after showing them that with what little they
      knew this would be frankly impossible they became just another 

     Well.. that's all the major ones I can think of right now, If I ever
decide to update this document I will add on to it.

_7.1_Ordering and Downloading things from Prodigy_

     Every time you go to a Prodigy merchant and order something it asks you
to enter a credit card. Thus you can use diffrent ones every time. One good
thing about this is that Prodigy does not care about name or experiation 
dates they only care if the number seems valid. This is especially nice when
you are want to buy a program that they will let you download online.. all 
you need is to run checksum <included in the package> to generate a few 
credit card numbers and you have many free downloads to come. 

_8.1_Custom Choices_

     Now when prodigy makes something they consider to be especially good 
they want to charge you extra for it. So they call it a custom choice.. or
if you want it .. you got to pay extra. A few Custom Choice included ..

Rebel Space - A Game where you and other players go head to head in 
              Intergalatic combat while an old empire is falling and new
              alliances are being made.. There BB the Stargate Cafe has 
              auto posting.. I can usually be found there.

The Prodigy Network Golf Tour - This allows you to play against other 
              Prodigy members in a gmae of golf. It is done offline and your
              scores and courses are downloaded to you.

Baseball Manager - A Fantasy Baseball League where you play against other
              Prodigy Members.

Fantasy Football League - Own and run your own NFL team. Compete against 
              other players.

     These are the games.. there are also some other stock managers and the
like you can use.

_9.1_Your Mailbox_

     Each account has it's own seperate mailbox. In this mailbox you can 
recieve letters from other users and since Prodigy tries to 'keep the ut most
privacy of your mail.. you can usually trade information such as credit cards
and codes through that without worry. Mail boxes can also be used as UG's
which is where all your friends have acess and everyone can have a 
discussion without having to worry about prodigy Censors. Oh.. UG stands 
for Underground. Unfortanetly Prodigys account will only let one person use
them at a time.. So if you are using it and another person logs on.. you get
knocked off.. 

_10.1_Mail Manager .. your friend and mine

     It took Prodigy awhile to make an offline mail manager and when they 
did they made a nice one. With such features as a Internet mail, File
Transfers, US Mail, Sends Faxs and allows you to download your mail. And for
the low 'cost' of 4.95 charged to your account it can be YOURS! Mail 
Manager will keep all your mail so that you never will lose any important 
information sent to you. 

_11.1_Your Internet Adress

      Each account has its very own Internet Adress.. which is your account
name and .prodigy.com Like this: AAAA00A.Prodigy.Com. Unfortanetly Internet
mail can only be read offline. No direct Internet acess is being granted yet
but there are rumors that it is coming soon.

_12.1_Having fun with Prodigy

     Here a few things you can do.. 

1) Once you make your account you can change your first name any time you
   want.. such as Fuck You Smith.. or Mike Rotch etc.. etc..

2) Go to the TV BB.. there you will find the Save by the Bell fan club. Hours
   of fun for the whole family.

3) Have fun with lonely little girls..

     etc.. etc.. etc.. etc.. etc..

_13.1_Closing Notes_

     Oh well.. that was it... just a short document about Prodigy. There is
more .. but that can be saved for another time. I hope what I have given 
to you the reader was worth your reading time. I invite you and anyone else
to come onto Prodigy and help stop the Lamer envistation that seems to 
plague Prodigy. So I look forward to a Prodigy in the future where some of
the elite community will come to speak freely and anonymously to the rest of
us and just have a decent time... 

                            See ya there,
                             Dave S.O.B.