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      tHe sTonEr'S gUiDE tO a
           HaPPy hIgH

            t H e
     d U s T  r H I n O

       fEB 14, 1987


fIrsT oF aLL I WouLD lIkE tO tHAnk The FollOwiNg peOplE FoR HeLPiNG mE mAKe
mY LiFE bEttR:

ThE sTonEr: FoR gEtTing mE sTArTeD iN dRugS
ALl mY DeaLrS: PaST, PreSEnt, AnD fUtuRE
AnD Of COUrsE AlL tHE PeoPLe thAT gET HiGh anD GeT mE HiGH....

             BoNg RiPs

boNgS aRe a uniqUe iNvention. by filtEring the weed smoke, yoU gEt a moRe
puriFied hiT. iF yoU wanT to get a rEal killer hit, do the followInG:

load the bowl, and pacK it fairly tigHt (not too tight!). liGht iT and inhALe
SloWly. try to inhAle as slow as you can AnD stIll be gettinG a hiT. thiS way
you don'T Waste valuable dOpE and you gEt more hiGh! iF you cAn, try TO kEep
the saMe water in the bong aS Long as You can. aftEr a few monThs of use, the
water will have lIttle particLes of pot flOAting arounD in it. thesE Are
called watEr CrUMbs. iT is not advised to sCrapE youR bOng until AFTer at
LeAst A yEar oF usE. yOU wiLL be gRAtefuL WHEn youR reallY DespARAte and have
to ScraPe SOmetHing! Now we moVe on To Pipes...


pipes arE Alot of fun tO use, And they Are alSo mY FaVorite way of sMoking
doPE. iF made CorrEctly, A PipE caN be TotaLlY air tIGht. thE REAson this is
goOd Is becaUSe you geT a hit straiT frOm the bowl, and yOu losE No smoke in
the prOcesS! i havE fOund thAT if you pack a nICe TighT bowl, to tHe poinT
WHere yOU can't fit anymore in, you Will Get sToned fast. ThE MorE
cOncentrAted the weed iS in the bowl, the MoRe reSinated The wEed at tHE
boTtom of thE bowl gets (thiS is THe same prIciplE as roacHes). oNe word Of
cAutiOn: nevEr use a suCK-throuGh bowl oN a pipe. you'Ll fInd yourself
inhaling A Cherry That burns the helL out Of YEr LuNgs! aLl pipE ARe good, But
the beST are bouGHt froM Pipe shoPs Or smoking shoPs (bElive iT OR Not, I
Bought a piPe at disnEYLaND! therE'S a Pipe sHOp on maIn STREEt!! wElL it iS
fun FOR the WhoLe FAmily..). neveR make a Pipe From pvc pipE! you inhale Any
fUmeS frOM pvc and yOu Might As well KisS youR ass gOodBye! cOppeR IS another
NO-no. copPER WIll mElt and Also gIVE of toXiC FUmeS. tHE bESt maTErIAl fOr
Pipes is bRasS. SteeL, ceRaMic, glASS aNd Stone Are ok ALso. a WOoD pipE is
up TO YOu. i FouNd that wHeN i hIt fRom A WOoD pIpe, I Get mORe oAk than DoPE!
enoUGh Of PiPes, let's TalK aBoUt jOints...


joInts (HooteRs, MarijUana CigArettes, 'j', Etc.) aRe fun to smokE. perSoaNlly
i Don't likE Them cUZ you dOn't GEt a straiT hit. it's mORE Air thaN sMOke
(UNLess you likE to nIGGer lip, which Is'NT pREFErRed..). bUT tHen some
STONers rolL joInts ProfessIOnaly. to tHe joinT roLLer iT is nOt jusT a way
To smoKe dope, it is an art, a cRafT, hObby, Or skIll. i admIre a persoN
that can roLl a PErfect joint, bEcuz I can'T! jointS hold oNly a sMAlL amOunt
oF weed, aNd when YOu Smoke one, you hAve to roll anoTher (tHiS caN take 5
mInutes to aN Hour dEPending on your cONDition!). but on the other hanD, YOu
CoulD walk doWN the STReet noNChalant WiTh a hooTeR hanging oUt Of Your mouth
anD to thE cAsual onlOoker iT would Appear tO be A CigAretTe! if a joint is
rolled To lOose, wheN you SmoKe it, the PreciouS dOPe wILl FalL. i'M sUre
peopLE coUlD puT up aN arGUmeNT as TO what FucKs You Up more: a jOint or pIPe
toKe. i Would say a joinT CoulD fuck yOu uP bad, bUt sO coULd a pipe hit. it
all dePenDS On THE peRsOn. i reMembEr (oR do i?) WhEN me and a fReiNd smoked
tWo joiNts. HaLFway tHroUgH tHe fiRSt one i FOund mySelf staRiNG aT tHinGs,
Incoherant AND GEl baiT. hAlFway throUgh THe SeCond JoinT i was laugHIng
unCoNtRollaBly and I cOULD'nt EVen TaKe A HiT wIthoUT laughing it Out! WeLl,
we smokeD BoTH jOints anD WE wEre WAStED...LetS moVE On TO A difFeReNT
subjEct: LSd


lsd. jusT tHose thRee LetTer Make yOu want To trip! To ThOse Of you who never
knew what those three letteRs sTooD foR, HEre'S A deScRiptIon:
lySergic acid DIethylAmide (c  H  n o)
                             20 25 3
fRy, as is Written on mY peEchee fOlder, is a sOCiaL drug. there are two Types
of trips you can have: GOod and bAD. if yoU wanT to Have a gOod trIp, dROp it
when your dOinG someThing you Like to do (BOwlIng, vidEogames, etc.). this
won't iNsuRE a good Trip, but it wIll SeT yOu on Your coursE. if YOu staRT to
have a bad tRIp, tHe oNly thing you CAn do is to TRy to havE fun (tHIs is haRd
but NoT ImpossiblE!). leT me TEll yOu oNE iMporTaNt tHInG abouT frY: it is
tRipPy! tHe firSt time i FrieD, i was watcHing the smURFs, ANd the tv SCreen
sTarted tO wave Back anD foRTh. istEad oF A lIsT oF thInG yoU cOuld Do tO triP
out wHEn fryiNg, i wiLl lEt yOu maKe yoUr owN liSt. You WIll finD SomeThing to
trip oUt on when your FryinG, beliVe me! unLEss you DRop muSical noteS or somE
OtHer type of frY that makeS yoU Hear thInGs raTheR than seE THings, i would
sugGESt PlayIng nINteNDo Or your cOmpuTeR's gAmes, or BEttEr Yet, Go to AN
arCaDe with lOTS of money, And i wiLl AssUrE You, YOu wilL triP oUt! IF You
find YOurself not affectEd aFter takIng fRy, maybe yoU need A juMP stArt.
DriNk somE orAnge jUice Or lemoNade. theSe liquIdS HAve ciTRis juiCE, whIch
is raW eneRgy. it WILL stARt yoU oN Your TRip. aNotheR Thing You coUlD Take IS
viTamiNs, LOts oF them! To Put it in iT's sImpleSt teRms, JUSt gEt some soRt
of EnerGy (spEeD peRhaps!) anD you wilL jUmP starT. DEPEndIng oN What type of
fRy aNd hoW mUCH and often You dO it, usUally a hIt will gEt YOu off. tWO HITs
aNd YoU WIll TriP good, thREe aNd yoU WiLl trip hard, foUR yoU wILL
be In la-lA LAnd, and five, you WILl Be iNsaNE. THe usual dURatioN of THe
dRUGs EfFecT(s) Is aboUt 6-8 HoURs, and thE TYpE Of fry aNd how much And ofTen
yoU FrY wIll aFfecT ThIs factoR. tHe mORe hitS YOu taKe, the lOngEr AnD HarDeR
You WiLL FrY, But be careFul! doN't TakE to much uNLeSs you WaNT tO Die. suRe,
soMe pEOpLE can TAKe masSiVe aMoutS anD sTIll Live, BUt thEIR bRAiN sizE
ProBibaLly resemblES a mArBlE or bb! thEre waS oNE gUy wHo wenT to WyoMing to
visit hiS cOusIN, ANd hE droPpEd 40 Or so hits Of fry. hE Took hIS unClEs
12 GauGe ShotguN AND WEnt ouT shOotING cats. weLL, tHE cOps ArrestEd Him (ANd
FoUnd HiM UNdER tHE iNfLUenCe of LsD) And hE WaS pUt iN a PAdDeD cEll FoR A
feW days. iM suRE yOu'Ve heaRd storieS Too, But i woUld'Nt bElIve aLl of them.
enoUgh Of fRy, leT's move On to a more intEREstInG suBJECT: weEd!


pOt iS a NatUral dRug, the Best Grown uNder cOntrOlLed cOnDitiONs and wITh a
lot Of cArE. therE ShoUld bE no REason For pOt to be ilLeGAl. wHeN goD CREAted
tHe world, he put All the planTs On it toO. noW if GoD dID'nt mEan For us to
get hIgh, thEn he would'nT haVE madE this FiNe RaRitY. belivE it oR noT, You
CaN eat AmouNtS oF cannIbis aND gEt STONeD. thE efFecTS TaKe A whiLe To hit,
But it Does the jOb. i woUld RatheR smoKE it, enjoYIng watChInG it SmOke And
bURn, have the sWEEt SmEll of dope fLoaTinG To My nostrIls, anD TasTing It's
bEutiful FlAvour. buDs arE a GooD Way TO esCape reAlitY. iT's HIgh is
dIfferent from aNy OTher, yet so alIkE. a bud HIgh iS inDeScRibablE,
DeSirabLe, laugHabLe, and mOst of alL, enjoyABLe. if you sMokE BuDS, YoU
KnoW WHAT I meaN. THe onlY Thing i dislIKE abOut gettINg STonED Is whEN yOu
cOme down. DEpending on The TYpe Of Dope, the UsUAl downFall Is tIrINg and
GelliSH. if yoU arE cOMing DowN anD wish tO get HIGh agAin, JuSt TaKE a few
hits And iT WilL pEp YoU riGht uP. vidEo gAmeS Are tRipPY WhEn PLaYeD stonED,
especialLY When yOU are NoT cOmINg down, bUt not HigH, kiNda at tHe trIp
STage. sOme fun ThIngs to do wHEn Stoned witH a frIend are to geT SOMe sORT Of
stOpwAtch And stArt tiMIng YoursElVeS. A wHile lAter you stoP tHe wAtch aNd
whoeVer has tHe wATch aSKS ThE othEr perSon: "how lOng do you tHINk iT'S been
sincE I STarTed TiminG us?" the oTHer Person(s) hAVe TO gUESs. bElivE me, It
wilL trip you out. YoU WIlL saY 10 miNUtes aND iT wILl hAvE ONlY Been 3 oR so!
anOther THing I have FOUnd to DO WhEn Im stOnED iS draW. whEn i Draw stoneD,
I DRaw! eVeR liTtLe dEtaIL, and usuAlLy iT LOOkS FaIRlY rEalistIc, or It's
just PlaiN TriPpy. ridiNG motorcyClEs OR BIkeS OR ATc's Is tripPy TOO, but
uNleSs you know whAt yoUr DoIng (I.e. a fAIRly eXPEriencED RidEr) it IS iLL
aDvisEd. some Advice on bUYing Dope: try TO gEt your MoneY's wOrtH! i tRY
tO get At LeaST mY mONEys woRTh or mAybe A couplE dOllARs lEsS (dEpEndinG oN
tHe aMount Im BuyIng). nEVEr gIve YOur moNey To soMEbODy wHO Says ThE'Ll gEt
It TommOrOw or iN a few daYS, unLEss yOU KNOW The pErson weLl. If yoU Do, you
eITher Wont GEt It fOr a while (a LonG wHILe perHAps!) or yOu just Wont gET
it pEriOd! So bE carEfuL! and also WAtch who YoU buy from! theSe stuDeNt
Narks ARe geTTIng wOrSe! Try TO Buy FroM somebodY yoU kNow and TRusT wElL. iF
yOu bUY bY ThESe ConDiTIONs, bElivE mE, yOu WiLl hAVE a sAfe drug deAl. ThE
same gOeS For SeLlIng. If YoU are sEllinG, teLl YoUr cuSTomeRs NoT to briNG
ANy NEw faceS AroUnD, JuSt teLl tHeM to WAIt somEWhERE And you wilL Go Get
the scOrE. YoU NevEr CAN bE to cAreful. UNlesS yOu KnOw tHE PerSoN(S) iNvOLed
welL (i.e. Best FRiEndS, NEiGhBOrS, ETC.) yOu DOn'T hAVe To listen to my
warNiNgs, buT YoU nEvEr CAn Be tO careFul AS i said. enouGH Of wArnIngS, lEts
diSCUSS thE typeS Of bUDs tHAT ArE gOod tO BuY. If yoU want CHEaP bUds AT
A laRGe QUaNtItY, redhair is thE BEst (smoking hoMegrowN Is NoT reaLlY
FAvoReD). if YoU WAnt SWEeT smelLiNg bUds, sKunk is for yOU. if juIcy, oiLy
bUds are yoUr fAVOrITe, tHEn geT iNdIcA. if yOu wouLd PREfEre A DrY, InTeNsE
high, geT TaI budS. Of courSe ThEre ArE otHer TYpes, LiMEgrEen, CeST, aNd MaNy
oTheRs, but thE aBOve ArE juSt YouR basic grOups. I RecommENdED Type of buds
ARe HaWiIAn. as of Jet I still haVe To tRy ThesE buds, bUt i Have HeArd that
thEY are kiLlER! If YoU would, wrITe A FIle coNtAINig alL The nAmEs of BuDs
that YOu KNow, and u/l iT TO The boarD yoU gOt ThIs filE from. i NEEd thE
infoRMAtion For MY upCOmING fiLe, StonerS gUIDe part ii: druGS in dETaiL. iF
you liKe thIs filE (or AT LEAsT think it'S OK) then You'Ll Like tHe NExt ONe!
letS stOp WIth thE buDs aNd coNtiNue wItH:


if yOU want tO add a littLe exciTeMent to smOking bUds, you maY optIOnally
sprinkLe cOcaine or craNK ovEr a loaDEd bOwl. i HAve FounD That cocAine and
Buds are a rad combiNAtion. You get The normal buZz, But you arE sPeEded up.
youR nOt alL bummEd oUt likE when You Just smOke buds, bUt yoU finaLly haVe
the enerGy to do more tHings. the bAd part is WhEn yOu Come dOwN. i doNt lIke
the TasEt of Crank when i smokE it wIth buds. it mAkes The buds tAste lIEk
shIt. it DOesnt reAlLY do AnyThiNg too, unLess iTS ReaLlY gooD shit. tHAtS alL
for nOw.


If tHIs fIle iS a sucCeSs, I will Make My nexT uPcOmiNG fIle, SToNErs guide
parT Ii: DRUgs in deTaIl. iF you haVe aNythiNg you wOuld LiKe Me To puT in,
sUch aS tIpS, ideAS, or infOrmATion, jusT writE a teXt fIle With wHAtevEr yOU
wiSh and uPloAd it tO the bBS tHaT yoU got this file FrOm. pUt iT on tHE samE
voLumE or drIve IF poSsible. If Not, put It On tHE Next hIGhEr oR LOWer vol./
driVe. lEaVE YoUr name(hAndle) and any ComMents you Wish to inclUDe. iF yoU
wISh, LeAVE yOur Phone and maYbE WE could gEt in touCH and pondEr ideAs For
stoNers GUiDe iii! all InfO wILl be greaTly appRecIaTeD! thankS for reAding
thIs fiLe, and uNtil the next onE, stAy hiGh!

ThIs haS BEen a loAded BoWl PRoDUctiOn (c) 1987

cAll tHesE rAd bordz:

    (604) 522 - 4242  the LaB AE
    (415) 961 - 9337  rOgUeS gAllery  (oTher phone #  941 - 1990)
    (818) 957 - 0347  thE gLendAle priVate LibraRy   20 MegZ
    (408) 245 - 7726  dArK sIdE aE
    (504) 834 - 5171  apPlE maGiC
    (305) 286 - 6519  transfEr zOne
    (805) 252 - 8488  paNTheR Ae/Bbs
    (215) 921 - 1053  tHe wIsdOm oF thE maGi
    (201) 879 - 2693  tHE alLIancE
    (804) 973 - 3644  ciRcUs maXiMus
    (305) 429 - 9962  heLtEr sKeLTer
    (206) 779 - 7567  aPple sWap sHop
    (206) 694 - 1574  iRish hiDeoUt
    (312) 234 - 4843  Jolly roGer sHoP

  liZzie bOrdeN took an axe, gaVe Her mOther 40 whAckS. when she Saw what she
  hAd doNe, gave heR fatheR 41...

 ??                    The PIRATES' HOLLOW                         ??
 ??             Gfile Distribution Center / MASS Megs              ??
 ?? 415/236/2371          RoR - Alucard               415/236/2371 ??
 ??  Sysops: Doctor Murdock ~ Sir Death ~ Dark Nite ~ Ratsnatcher  ??
 ??Shawn-Da-Lay Boy Production Inc. The Electric Pub : 415/236/4380??
 ??????       The Gates of Hell are open Night and Day;        ??????
 ????   ?     Smooth is the Descent and Easy is the Way      ?   ????

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