💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › drugs › acidinf.fun captured on 2020-10-31 at 19:33:19.
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ySergic acid Diethylamide - - - LSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDLSDL (lsd) Written by Billy The Kid/Bayonet] This is a drug file to clear up all misconceptions about LSD. The outsiders and druggies actually know nothing about LSD. After dealing LSD for over a year, I know it well. Let me give you the facts. Background ---------- Lsd is actually a fungus from wheat (health class) which causes mild hallucinogenic effects. Misconception I: You see pink horses and cows when triping on LSD. FALSE! You see trails (extended movement, where an object glides across field of view, leaving its color and part of its shape behind) and dots and sometimes lines. Remember, druggies lie like hell, because they want you to think drugs are cool and they are privileged to use them. The Government of The USA has done many experiments with LSD on people. This may have been why it was banned. People who drank large quantities of electric (liquid acid) became telepathic, telekinetic, and even prophetic (they could predict future events). Some druggies I know say they have been able to sense when animals were approaching before they were in sight. A friend was trippin' hard, and suddenly, reached his hand down in back of the coach and pulled out a boa constricter.(the guy who lived there owned the reptile) He did it without looking, so I believe this somewhat. People in the study were able to sense humans in a room before they opened the door also. Subsequently, the military became interested in LSD, but I have no more info on that. Misconception II:You can overdose(OD) on LSD. ---------------- FALSE! You can get really,really,really fucked up, but you cannot die from LSD. It is not a stimulent or depressent, so your heart can't stop or have an infarction (heart attack). You just sit there and wear it off. Consequently, you can only get SO high. There reaches a point where your body can use no more LSD, so it sits in you, waiting to be used. Misconception III:You die in your sleep on LSD? ----------------- I put a question mark after this because i have never heard this before except when i read it in this text file. This is crazy! You can't fall asleep while trippin', because your brain is too stimulated. Even if you could theoretically fall asleep, you couldn't enter REM sleep, or dreaming sleep (the 4th level of slumber) because you are on the fucking drug. You may think you are sleeping, but you are just resting. Misconception IV:The quality of the acid depents on the stamp. ---------------- WRONG! Dealers (me) stamp their sheets AFTER they are dipped so it doesn't interfere with the acid-take-on-sheet effect (dipping). I either go to toys-r-us and buy some cute little rubber stamps and a pad of geoffry's rainbow stamping ink or I order an album cover or something from an artist in NYC who has over 20,000 sheet designs. Yes, the blue unicorns were good, because a man with good acid dipped a mess of 'em. But, I could dip blue unicorns anytime i wanted, because that design is one of the 20,000. So, I could dip Blue Unicorns, and sell 'em real expensive, and it could be shit acid. Se how we rip you off? Buy the acid on quality, not the stamp. Also, not buying a stamp because it is repoted is stupid, unless repots are it is poisoned in that area, for the same reason. Misconception V:Double and Triple Dips are Better than One --------------- ZAP! That's stupid too. The blotter sucks up all the acid it's gonna get on the first pass. The effect from a second or third dip will be so small, you'll never notice it. What really matters is what kind of crystal was used to make the sheets. Crystal is dissolved in alcohol and then the sheets are dipped in. Crystal can either be double-set or triple-set. The only difference is the time and equipment that has to be used. It takes knowledge and chemist's tools to make triple, since it is so refined and pure (lacking strictnine). Speaking of strictnine, did you know all acid is poisened? Yes, all acid is treated with strictnine, to make it chemically stable. Cheaper acid has more in it. Maybe baking the sheets and re-dipping them is kool, but that is all i have to say on that. For the most part, triple-dipped is a vauge(i can't spell) term to excite potential buyers. I always maintain a rep. of telling a buyer what he is really getting, they are happier. Always be wary of Black dealers of any kind. Always assume they are out to rip you off (they are) and don't buy your shit from one unless you trust them really,really,really well, and own a sawed-off shotgun (see Bayonet file on sawed-offs). Misconception VI:Dead Shows ---------------- OH Boy. There are many people waiting to rip you off at the show. Always test anything before you buy. at the show, there is everything, anything, and all different qualities. You get a sheet for $40. WOW! Then you find out it is undipped. You buy pot, and it is cut with oregano or is all leaves on the inside. Many weight drugs won't weigh out. My advice is to leave them alone, since so many crooks hang out there. Most shmucks expect harmless love 'n peace hippies, but the rip off artists dress like such and love your money. There are some dickheads there too, selling poison and whatever. This is not to say you can't go to the show and sell rip-offs....muhahaha. Also, when selling, watch out for fucking NARCS! You don't have this worry with buying because of our friendly entrapment act. Misconception VII:Harm ----------------- I tell you, straight up, acid doesn't destroy your body as much as we are told through anti-drug messages. Yes, the studies are true, but the effects are like all chemicals that man has made, i mean, if it's artificial (even though acid occurs naturally in wheat fields), it's gonna hurt you if you take 1 pound of it anyway. For example,Nutra-sweet isn't good for you either. Now you WILL have side-effects from LSD. For example, excess LSD is stored in fat cells, so when the druggie exercises, and fat is burned, he might trip (flashback). You may be suprised to find that your high school teachers took acid. A LOT of people have tried it, and are normal. In some cases, it makes you more creative. Well, it's a drug, and drugs don't help your health any, but acid doesn't kill you so oh well, gotta live sometime! Now, if your trying to break the school record in the mile run, then fuck acid, get high on life. Closing ------- I have never taken acid in my entire life, even though I have sold enough for 100 lifetimes. No one could ever tell though, because i know more about it than the drug-users themselves. Being an extremely dedicated athelete, i refuse drugs, but if I was a good-for-nothing low life, I think I would work at McDonald's and buy hits from some kid for $5. Dictionary 'o Terms (in no particular alphabetical order) ------------------- ACID,'CID,TRIPPIN= LSD TRIPPIN'=getting high off acid by eating it SHEET=100 hits of acid interconnected-about the size of four small postage stamps HIT=One hundreth of a sheet sold for $4-10, calculated as $4.75 by police in raid. STAMP=design stamped on sheet to make it look pretty+sell better BILLY THE KID=me A Joke! question:What is a nigger's sheet? answer:Raid sprayed on a piece of paper! explanation:You should spray raid on a piece of paper and sell it to a nigger. ...my apologies to all niggers (afro-americans) An Offer! handmade,handpainted,cool as shit bongs for $10. Satisfaction gurenteed, or money back! Made from pure, white art clay. Many designs and colors to choose from! Call 216-765-6314 and leave a message for Billy Jonson, I'll get back to you within 3 days! ===========================================================================================BAYONET=PUBLICATIONS========================================================1991=============================================================================================================BTK!