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by Gordon Longley

To make creating and  casting  magic  in  a  hurry easier to remember,
number the symbols one to 6. So a  low power light spell becomes "1 4"
and a slightly higher power "2 4"  and so on. The following spells are
all written in their least  powerful  form.  A  character must have an
empty flask in either hand before creating a potion.

MA  - 1 1     - Stamina                 DANE - 1 1 5 3 - Wisdom
VI  - 1 2     - Health                  NETA - 1 1 5 4 - Vitality
YA  - 1 1 5   - Shield                  ROS  - 1 3 5 2 - Dexterity
BRO - 1 2 5   - Poison antidote         KU   - 1 4 5 1 - Strength
EE  - 1 6 5 5 - Mana

1 1 4 - Party shield    1 4 5 4 - Party fireshield

VEN - 1 6 1 - Poison. The flask is destroyed when you use this, so use
the Poison bolt spell instead.

1 4   - Light                           1 1 5 2 - Glowing footprints
1 6   - Open/Close doors                1 3 2 5 - see through walls
1 3 1 - Poison gas                      1 3 2 6 - Invisibility
1 4 4 - Fireball                        1 3 3 5 - lightning bolt
1 5 1 - Poison bolt                     1 3 4 5 - Long lasting light
1 5 2 - non-material beings             1 5 4 6 - Makes it dark again
(Does away with elementals)             1 6 3 5 - ZO KATH RA

NB: Poison Gas and  Poison  Bolt  spells  can  be fired through closed
gates. Poison gas is very effective  on  Rock  Monsters  - 5 3 1 turns
them to rubble - and is  also  useful against wasps. Multiple Strength
and Vitality potions are essential  for fighting Chaos Knights, though
other magic spells are useless. This is also true for the Stone Golems
on Level Seven.

Delta = +1 to Mana
Diamond Edge
Dragon Spit = +7 to Mana
Inquisitor = +2 to Mana
Hard Cleave - you need to  have  attained  high fighter levels to make
the most of this.
Vorpal Blade = +4 to Mana. Use against non-material beings.
Teo Wand = +6 to Mana
Wand = +1 to Mana
Staff of Manar = +10 to Mana
Snake Staff = +8 to Mana
Moon Stone = +3 to Mana

Select four characters from the mirrors.  WUUF's a good choice because
he carries a flask and you  can  start creating potions early. He also
learns the spells quite quickly and  has  good Health and Mana points.
GANDO and WU TSE are good too.
        Don't  be  too  passive  -  you  can  start  to  develop  your
characters' attributes as soon as you resurrect them. Get them to cast
simple spells - Light, Health or  Stamina  - while you search for your
next character and their mana  soons  starts to recover. Initiallty, a
character's Mana level  recovers  by  one  point  at  a  time until it
reaches 40, when the rate doubles.  By  the time your characters' Mana
gets to 80 it recovers at three times the original rate, so it's worth
using any object which enables Mana to be recovered more quickly.
        Try making priests  learn  wizard  spells,  and  wizards learn
priest spells - they're not  very  successful  at  first, but they can
gain a character level before you enter  the next part of the dungeon.
You must also keep practising spells - the first fireball you throw at
a monster is unlikely to work, so  be  prepared to fight your way out.
You can also try throwing weapons through gates to avoid close combat.
Be sure to master the Poison  Gas  spell  early  since you need it for
Level Three.
        Always  wear  the   best   clothing/armour   when  it  becomes
available. If you get  lost  use  the  scrolls, discarded clothing and
other junk to mark the passageways  you've completed. It can be useful
to mark your route, so you can avoid being trapped down a cul-de-sac.

There's a gold key lying  on  the  floor  which opens the locked gate.
Next you find a Topaz key. Now  operate  the levers to open a gate and
close the pit. You find a gold key.  Go back to the two gates and find
the emerald key. Go through the  room  with two pressure pads avoiding
the second to get past the gate. Find  the solid and iron keys go back
across the pressure pads. Use the keys on the doors to your right.
        The plain wooden door can opened  by  using the gold key which
lies nearby. Alternatively, you can hack down  the door if one of your
characters has a Chop option and  save  the  key for Level Three. This
door leads to a large room  with  nine  pressure pads on the floor and
two gates at the other end. Walk up  to the first gate which closes as
you get to it. Step back  one  pace,  then walk forwards to the second
gate, back one step and through. You  can find another gold key at the
far end of the next room.

Step inside take a ride
Enter the transporter to find another  gold  key.  Put a rock onto the
pressure pad to close the pit, walk past the next gate and you come to
a gate with a monster. There's  an  iron  key behind you for this gate
and a key of B inside for the previous gate. Enter a large room with a
button on the wall and a pressure  pad. The button opens your exit and
the pad  closes  it  again.  Pull  the  levers  at  the  end  of  both
passageways to open the gate  opposite,  take the right passage first.
"To close pit, drop valuable" - transport any object across the pit to
close it, and find the gold key.  Now  pick  up the copper coin in the
next room.

None shall pass
There's a blue curtain round the corner, beyond that a chest which you
can't reach. Simply chop the plain wooden door to get the chest.

This fountain accepts one wish
Use the copper coin to open  the  door.  Ignore the gate to your left,
but take the next left turn  and  pull  the  lever. Now go back to the
gate, pull the lever inside and go  back  to the first lever to find a
secret room. The next gate you come  to  leads to the stairs and Level

Walk eight paces down the  corridor.  On  the  left wall is a pressure
switch which reveals a secret passage.  Walk  up to the curtain at the
end of this passage and quickly take  two paces forward when it fades,
collect the compass and other items, then  step into the curtain to be
transported back up the passage.
        Keep walking down the  main  passage  until  you  come to some
gates which lead to Level Four,  but  first  find the gold keys to get
through. It's worth leaving any  heavy  items  - chests, for example -
here. Now go back to the turn-off you passed earlier.

Choose your door, choose your fate
The passage opens up to a large  square with six doors leading off it.
Each door leads to a gold key -  the  chest you find is useful for The
Vault room. When you've got three  keys  it's worth going back to open
the first gates because you  find  useful  objects  and some more food
there. The RA key opens a door on Level Seven.

The Matrix
This is the easiest place to  start.  Walk  down the passage until you
come to  a  room  with  many  junctions.  Some  of  these  rotate your
orientation, so a compass proves useful.  Walk  into the room and turn
left, walk four paces forward past  the  arrow, now walk into the wall
and there's a secret space.  Go  in,  turn  right  round and walk back
eight paces, turn left and  walk  six  paces.  Turn left and walk four
paces. Step right and  press  the  switch.  Step  left  and walk three
paces. Step right and forward one to find the key.

Time is of the essence
"Hit and Run." If you have difficulty here drop any heavy items so you
can move more quickly, or use  Strength potions. Press the blue button
and quickly take four steps to the  left and two steps forwards. Press
the next blue button, turn left  and  throw an object into the curtain
to transport it on to the pressure  pad  which closes the pit. For the
next pit press  the  button  and  quickly  step  backwards  two paces.
There's another button round the  corner  to  close  this pit for your

Chamber of the Guardian
Be careful the guardian doesn't  get  behind  you and block your exit.
There are seven gates with a  chest  behind one of them. Keep pressing
the button to the left  of  the  chest  until  it's transported to the
bottom of the passage. Half way  along this passage opposite the gates
is a small blue eye - use the Mirror of Dawn from the chest on this to
reveal a short passageway.

Room of the Gem
"Step right up, going down."  Drop  an  object  on the pressure pad to
close the pit. When you press  the  blue  button  on the other side to
open the door the object is transported across as well casuing the pit
to reopen, so toss it back again.  There's  a switch at the end of one
of the passageways which opens a wall to reveal the blue gem. Use this
to open the door near the entrance.

The Vault
"You must pay for your  entrance."  Use  the  two  gold coins from the
chest to open the inner door. When  you see "Cast your influence, cast
your might" - cast ZO spell 1 6  to open the door beyond the pit, then
throw an item onto the pressure pad.  Replace the silver coin with any
object to keep the next door open, then  use the coin to open the door
after that. Finally use one  copper  coin  from  the chest you find to
open the wall to your right and look  for a small button which opens a
secret room.

Creature Cavern
Try to lure all the monsters to the  gate and use Poison Gas or Poison
Bolt spells. Don't leave the gate open or the monsters get everywhere.

Before you leave the level use  a  gold  key  to open the wooden door.
Inside is a small button to open  a  short passage two paces back. You
may find it helpful to use spell  1 3 2 5 to see what's behind first.

"Prepare to meet your  doom."  If  you're  not  already doing so, it's
worth having Health potions prepared in advance. Use the most powerful
you can create. The poison antidote should also be kept in readiness.
        "Don't let a closed door stop you,  " so chop it down. Further
on is a pressure button on the  floor  which opens the gate ahead when
you trigger it. Turn left  and  press  the  button  on  the wall to be
transported to the gate, then quickly  step  two paces right. now turn
round and pull the lever to  open  the  gate  again. Turn left. On the
wall in front of you is a cup  with slime oozing out, click here for a
gold key.
        When you get to the next wooden door turn round and go back up
the passage. Keep walking in a straight  line until you reach the wall
opposite, step left and walk into the  wall.  Now go back to the door.
Past the next door is a coin slot. This switches on a blue curtain.
        "Short cut." Use  a  gold  key  to  switch  on the transporter
curtain. From "short-cut back" go  through  two  more wooden doors and
walk into the wall opposite the door, then turn to your right for some
hidden objects.
        When you come  to  a  room  full  of  tree-like  monsters, use
magicdefensively -  Magic  Party  Protection,  Strength  and  Vitality
potions - and fight them to boost  your fighter and priest levels. The
tree-monsters are also going to be your major food supply from now on.
With your back to the gate  step  left  and  walk three paces into the
wall ahead for some more hidden items.
        "This is my prisoner, let  him  suffer."  Kill him to open the
gate to Level Five.  This  also  releases  some  worms  -  quite a lot
actually - so it's worth exploring ahead before you do.

Walk five paces and climb the  stairs  on  your left. Press the button
for a short cut back to Level Four.

Treasure stores
        Square room with four doors leading off. Turn right. The first
door leads to a room full of  blue transporter curtains. Step into the
room, then step right, back, forwards, left, right and back.
        Second Door When you're half  way  down  the passage turn left
and you come to a room. Press the button and two walls move, revealing
two more buttons. From the  end  of  the  passage walk straight to the
opposite wall, turn right and press the button, step three paces right
and one pace forward Press the  button,  step right, turn right round,
walk to the opposite wall and press the next button. Provided you have
ignored the other buttons take onestep  back  and three paces right to
find a secret room.
        Third Door. When you come to a room turn right and walk to the
wall, turn right and press the button.  Now walk back past the passage
you started from and round  the  edge  of  the  room until you come to
another passage. As you search the passages you step on a pressure pad
which opens a secret passage for your return.
        Fourth Door. You enter  a  large  room  with  26 pressure pads
which open pits as you try to  cross  the room, Some pads open several
pits all round you while others  may  toggle one specific pit open and
closed. I crossed using Z, W, X, Y, X, Y, T, O, J and E but was forced
to use a slightly different route when I attempted to repeat it.

---A  B  C  D  E----
   F  G  H  I  K
   K  L  M  N  O
   P  Q  R  S  T
   U  V  W  X  Y

Try to reach the right exit first. If your way is blocked, look to see
if you can return to  the  place  you  were  forced to step back from,
since this may close the offending pits.  If  you fail, try to reach C
because this toggles the pit at  A.with A closed try to reach the left
exit in a similar manner.
        From the left exit turn left.  Three  paces down on your right
you find manacles on the wall. Walk  into  the wall here, to your left
is a water fountain. Turn to your right  and step left into it - leave
an object on the floor to mark  your  exits. Go back past the pit room
and you come to stairs leading down. Look  on the wall to the right of
the stairs for another button, this  opens  the  wall at the bottom of
the short passage to your  right.  -  on  this  is a short-cut through
Level Six, but don't take it yet.
        Go down the stairs and press the  button on the wall to reveal
a large room under the pits. From the start of this room turn left and
walk two paces and enter  the  wall  here. The blue curtain transports
you back to Z in the pit room.

You now come to the Riddle Room. There are 4 alcoves here, each with a
riddle inscribed nearby. You need  three  items  to open the gate, the
fourth riddle reveals a key.

I am all, I am non = Mirror of Dawn.
Hard as rock, blue as sky, twinkle in woman's eye = blue gem.
I arch yet have no back = bow
A golden head and tail but no body = gold coin

You enter a room with a pit  and  a gate which shuts when you approach
it - NB: the chamber under  the  pit  room  it a useful short-cut back
through this level, see later.(*). Go to the lever and place an object
on the floor behind you - the gate now opens when you pull the lever.

"The grave of King Filius, explorer of combinations."
There are four buttons around the room, only two are needed. Go to the
inscription. Step right two paces, forward one and press the button on
your left. Turn left, walk three paces, turn left again, step forwards
one, press button on  your  left.  You're  now  in  the  grave of King
Milias. Place a gold coin  in  the  tiny  hole.  "If  you want to stay
alive, you'd better turn and  run"  Take  the  right passage. "I don't
like to be ignored." Walk to the bottom, step right two paces, walk to
the bottom. There's a button on the  left wall which opens the wall in
the far corner behind you. When you find  it look on the left wall for
another button which opens the wall  near the previous button. There's
a button on the floor in this room which opens a wall when you step on
it - get the skeletons to stand on  this to enter the space behind - a
Magic Box is useful here.
        Left passage "I hate cowards". After  the  next door is a door
to your left, on your right there  is  a metal ring fixed to the wall,
click this to reveal a secret  passage  opposite  the door. Look for a
button three paces from  the  end  of  the  passage for another secret
passage. When you go through the  next  door it slams shut behind you.
There's a pressure pad past  the  door  in  front  which opens it, but
first you need the key. To your right is a blue curtain which prevents
you reaching the gate beyond it.  Cast  a  strong ZO spell to open the
gate, drop any heavy items and armour  so you can move quickly. Timing
and speed are important here,  two  steps  gets past the first curtain
then take another two steps to get  past  the second. You find a solid
key inside.
        "Test your strength." Throw a sword or dagger to open the gate
at the other end. Anything else just  hits  the back of your head. Now
go down the right passage. At the  next  junction look for a button on
the wall, this reveals the  other  stairs  from  Level Five. There's a
room further on with a transporter curtain  which makes up more of the
short-cut through this level. The transporter takes you to a room with
a door leading off. The lever  up  the passageway opens this door, but
pressures pads on both sides cause it  to close again when either you,
or monsters step on them, so it  can  take a number of attempts to get
in and out again. The last room before the stairs to Level Seven has a
pit in it, look down there for  a Magic Box. The transporter takes you
right back near the start (*).

The Tomb of the Firestaff: use  the  RA  key  "The keys to passage lie
hidden deep." The RA keys are on  Level Nine and 12, you must retrieve
them before you go any further  on  this  level. Go on to Level Eight.
Return with the RA keys and go  through  the next two doors. The Stone
Golems on this level take some  beating  -  fireballs are useless - so
use priest skills to create  lots  of Strength, Vitality and Dexterity
potions. Give the potions  to  two  of  your  characters, who cant hen
fight them while using  Magic  Party  Protection.  Make  sure you have
plenty of Health potions prepared too.  There are four doors along the
right wall - you can open one of these with the turquoise key you find

Door One - Gem of Ages, Sceptre of Life, Illumley.
Door Two - Dragon Spit, Boots of Speed.
Door Three - Crown of Nerra, Magic Box.
Door Four - Flamebain, Bolt Blade.

"Danger enter with caution." Use the  Ruby  key  from Level 11 to open
this door. In  the  room  at  the  end  of  the  passage  you find the
Turquoise key under some  ashes.  Step  left  and  press the button, a
short passage opens to your left  where  you  find  a RA key. When you
leave this room take four  paces  along  the  right wall and press the
button to  reveal  a  long  passage  further  on.  when  this  passage
straightens out, walk seven paces forward to find a button on the left
wall which reveals the Winged  key  at  the  end of the passage behind
you. The other end of this passage  leads  to stairs down to Level 13.
Take the stone club dropped by the  Golem,  go down and open the wall,
drop the club here to mark the passage then return up the stairs.
        Use the RA key near the  "danger  enter with caution" door. At
the end of the passage go left or right - they both end up at the same
place - and the next junction  you  come  to  is  the end of the other
passage. Go down both passages here and kill the Stone Golems guarding
the Firestaf - you need the  Master  key  from  the end of Level 12 to
collect it.

This is a large open area with numerous pits, fireball-spewing cannons
and blue curtains. The curtains rotate  the fireballs sending them all
around the level. If you fall down one of the pits, explore it to find
many useful items. From the  stairs  turn  left, dodging the fireballs
and turn left when you come to the  wall.  You find a chest at the end
of a short passage - don't hang around or you get hit by the fireballs
from the cannons. Look to the  left  of the blue curtain, opposite the
cannons, for a button which reveals a space containing a green button.
Use the green button to turn off the curtain.
        There are five more  buttons  to  find  around the walls which
reveal secret areas. One of these has  a very long passage - there's a
transporter which sends you back  to  the  start,  making it seem even
longer - walk 26 paces and wait,  the wall behind you opens. The short
passage with a door is your way to  Level Nine. You need the solid key
which can be found on the floor directly opposite the cannons and past
the jutting wall. Near  the  stairs  is  a  skull  on  a wall. Use the
skeleton key from the chest to open up the master stairway to Level 14
and the Winged key from Level Seven at the bottom.
        You can access the stairway via  a skeleton key on each level.
Unfortunately, there aren't enough keys  to  open each level, so leave
out Level Ten, otherwise the monsters keep bugging you.

"When is rock not rock" Step left and walk through the wall - mark the
other side in case you want to return. There's a button in the room to
the left which reveals a  secret  area.  Cast the marks your footprint
spell to help you with the passage to your right. After the next door,
look for a button near the  left  far  corner. Ignore the next door on
your left and you come to a gate  with  a chest on the other side. The
lever opens a pit, close the  pit  again  then go back to the previous
door and down the stairs to retrieve the chest.
        There are stairs leading up at the end of one of the passages.
Look in the room above for a  button. Drop any shields and swords down
the pit as they're  useful  for  solving  the  next  puzzle. Drop down
through the pit and you're on the outside of the gate.
        "What is under foot is soon  over  head." The pressure pads on
the floor cause fireballs to  be  fired  from  the wall ahead. Drop an
item on each pad, then avoid  the  fireball. You can now cross without
triggering more fireballs.
        Down the left passage is a  button which reveals a secret room
at the end. The right  route  leads  to  the  "lighter than a feather"
gate. Place Corbanite in  the  alcove  to  open  this. You should have
found an open gate near here, close it. The room beyond is useful as a
feeding station but unlike  Level  Four,  these  monsters  are hard to

"Beware my  twisted  humour,  the  deceiver,  the  snake."  Try  to go
straight ahead and you're transported  back  to  the stairs. Go to the
far left and forwards,  then  far  right  and  forwards,  far left and
        There are two wooden doors and  a  key of B lying nearby. Both
routes end up at the same place. Inside both sides one of the monsters
has the key of B which opens your  exit. You can use this on the other
door instead so completing both sides.
"Zooooom." This sends you round in  a  circle and needs careful timing
to get off at the right place. The blue curtain transports you back to
the stairs.
        Gate with a "+" shape button  on  the wall - inside here there
are loads of monsters, but they're  unable  to move very far. When you
leave, the button or pressure  pad  releases  them. From the gate walk
five paces forward and look on the right  for a button to open a space
in the corner. Follow the passage round  until you come to door on the
left. This room is a useful resting  place.  Look for a button to open
the wall  in  here  -  you  can  transport  back  to  this  room later
($).Outside the door the passage opens up to a small room. Look in the
left corner for a button, turn right and walk to the wall, step right,
forward one pace and right  two  for  another  button to open the wall
back where the other button was. Walk  into the wall there for another
item. There are two open gates  close  together which lead to the same
place. Further on  are  two  more  open  gates  spaced  further apart.
Outside the left gate, press the  button  in  the alcove on the right,
now look inside for another button to open the wall round the corner.
        There is a room off the  passageway  with a '+' shape button -
press this to transport between the room mentioned earlier ($).

Go down the stairs  and  you  find  yourself  in  square passage which
doubles back on itself. In fact,  there  are  four of these and you're
transported between them as you walk round. On one of the walls is the
inscription  "Turn  back."  In  the   corner  opposite  is  the  first
transporter which is activated when you turn right to face the stairs.
        From the stairs walk to the opposite corner, turn right twice,
then turn left to find an iron  key  in  front of you. Now turn right,
walk forwards and you  come  to  another inscription "clockwise." Turn
right and walk one  pace  forward,  turn  right  round  to see a brown
keyhole in the wall, use the iron key  to open the gate. Open the wall
behind the gate. Inside the chest is  a solid key. Go back through the
gate turn left and walk to  the  wall,  turn right, one pace forwards,
turn round and walk anti-clockwise until  you  come to a gold keyhole,
use the solid key  to  open  the  wall.  Now  walk  clockwise from the
keyhole, take one pace round the third  corner and turn right round to
see "turn back" in the very first passage.
        At the end of the passage to the right is a sword. Don't panic
when you pick it up, stay where you are. When the gas clears leave the
room one step at a  time.  Search  the  the  passages until you hear a
click. Go back and look for a button which opens the wall, revealing a
skeleton key.
        Three Doors and a cross  key  on  the  floor.  Pick one of the
doors and look forthe two copper coins  inside. The centre door is the
shortest route. When you emerge from the exit, the two doors you can't
open are the exits for the other  routes. Go through the next door and
search for a button at the end of the passage to reveal some armour.
        "Enlarge my view." Use  the  magnifier  to  reveal a Ruby key.
Outside the door from here  step  right  two  paces  and walk into the
wall. Step right and forwards, now turn right.
        Past the stairs is a room  full  of  coin slots for the copper
coins you found earlier. Working  anti-clockwise these reveal: a green
Magic Box, a chest of food, a Cross key  - so you can go back and find
more coins - two copper coins,  another  green  Magic Box, a FUL Bomb,
another FUL Bomb and a final green Magic Box.

At the end of the  passage  from  the  stairs  is a pressure pad, this
opens and closes a line of pits in the room ahead when you step on it.
Step into the room then  back  to  close  the pits. There are passages
from here leading left and  right.  From  the  left passage is a large
room with a door in the  centre,  rather  like  an island. Inside is a
Topaz key.
        From the right passage, go past a gate. On the left is a small
room. Enter it and you  find  a  letterbox-shape  button on you left.,
press this to open the island room. First look round the wall opposite
the entrance for a small button.  Use  the  Topaz  key on the gate you
past earlier - kill what's  inside  to  get  the  Emerald key. Use the
Emerald key on the gate at  the  end  of  the passage. In an alcove on
your left you find the RA key. Now go back to Level Seven. In the next
room from where you found the RA key is a big green button, this opens
a door at the end of a passage on the other side of the level.
        When you return, do the  left  side  first.  From the big room
there's a passage with a door  and  a  gate  on the right, look on the
opposite wall for a  button  to  open  the  wall  just after the door.
Search all the passages. At  the  end  of  one  passage  is a door. Go
through and down the passage to the  left  .Stand near the end of this
passage for a moment and the  wall  opens.  The last door from here is
opened with the green button. Fight  your  way through the passages on
the right.
        "Cowards will be hunted down  and  killed." There's a pressure
pad here which opens all three doors when you step of it.
        Rotating pits stand on the left of the room. Run forwards when
the pit moves away from you. Fnd the Master key. Go down the stairs to
the right and you see  the  stone  club  marking  the stairway back to
Level Seven. Use the Master key to unlock the Firestaff.

This is the final level, so do  level  14 first. The Dark Lord resides
in the main chamber, but you're  safe enough in the outer passageways.
The chamber is divided in two by  lines  of fire elementals and one of
the pits - if you get into serious  trouble you can escape to Level 14
by dropping down a pit. Use  the  Party shield and Fire shield spells,
then beat down the fire elementals with the Vorpal blades and kill all
the demons. Many attempts at  this  are  needed as the fire elementals
reform whenever  Lord  Chaos  appears.  Finally,  trap  Chaos  in  the
fluxcage and fuse him with the Firestaff.

Use the Winged key to open a passage. At the end of this is a lever to
open the wall to the dragon's lair.  Be  careful. Use the Horn of Fear
in combination with Brandish  from  the  Snake  Staff  to frighten the
beast, you can now chase the monster round the chamber.
        Under a pile of ashes close  to  where  you came in you find a
square key, use this to open the door to the left. Cast the ZO KATH RA
spell to release the power gem and  click on it with the Firestaff. If
you walk outside this room  holding  the  Firestaff  and Power Gem the
main stairway seals, trapping you in  the  lowest levels - the dungeon
doesn't like you taking it  passed  Level  13  and  tries to stop you.
Instead toss the Firestaff  through  the  doorway.  The  stairs at the
other end of this chamber lead up to Level 13.

 Another file downloaded from:                     The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven

 & the Temple of the Screaming Electron   Taipan Enigma        510/935-5845
 Burn This Flag                           Zardoz               408/363-9766
 realitycheck                             Poindexter Fortran   510/527-1662
 Lies Unlimited                           Mick Freen           801/278-2699
 The New Dork Sublime                     Biffnix              415/864-DORK
 The Shrine                               Rif Raf              206/794-6674
 Planet Mirth                             Simon Jester         510/786-6560

                          "Raw Data for Raw Nerves"