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I closed down my Spotify account but grabbed playlists I had there. Here's the metal one, with one track per band (mostly).
I am aware some of those bands might be absolute fucking assholes (and I filtered out some known ones over the years) but hey, black metal is shit in general, so what else to expect.
Artist Track --------------------------------------------------------- 1349 Nekronatalenheten A Forest Of Stars Raven's Eye View Aara Monolog eines Berges Abigor Satan's Galaxy Abominism Burn Them Slowly Aborym Generator Abruptum Feci Factum Sanguine Gladios Made Abstract Void Wind of Reminiscence Abyssion Pysähdyn Kuuntelemaan Hiljaisuutta Adaestuo The Abyss Aderlating Spear of Gold and Seraphim Bone Adversarial Immersion Void Paragon Aeon Garden of Sin Aevangelist Harken to the Flesh Afgrund Enkelriktat Krig Alfa Obscura The Demon Is on the Horn Almyrkvi Shrouded in Blinding Light Altarage Vortex Pyramid Amnis Nihili Christological Escalation Anaal Nathrakh Man At C & A Angst Skvadron A Song to the Sky Anorexia Nervosa Dirge Requiem For My Sister Whore Antaeus End Of Days Antichrist Savage Mutilations Aoratos Of Harvest, Scythe and Sickle Moon Aosoth Silver Dagger and the Breathless Smile Apparatus Empyreann Arcturus Fall Of Man Arkhon Infaustus Narcofili Sancti Armagedda For I AM His Slave ars moriendi Quantum Ash Borer Oblivion's Spring Athame Witchfather Au Champ Des Morts Le jour se lève Auroch Tipharethagirion Ave Maria Coitus Behind Moral Walls Ayyur The Outcast Azaghal Taman Maailman Prinssi Azarath Behold the Satan's Sword Balance Interruption Morbid Soul Shelter Barshasketh Vacillation Bathory Sacrifice Battle Dagorath Phantom Horizons Beyond Beastcraft Enthronement of the Third Antichrist Bedemon Saviour Behemoth Messe Noire Beherit Axiom Heroine Behexen Temple of Silent Curses Belliciste Nuclear Winter Belphegor Fukk The Blood Of Christ Black Altar Winds ov decay Black Funeral Devourers of Spirit Black Hate Kazudijirzu Black Witchery Kingdom Against Kingdom Blacklodge NeutroN ShivA - Sun, Walk With Me! Blaze of Perdition Into the Void Again Blood Of Kingu Those That Wander Amidst the Stars Blood Red Throne Exoneration Manifesto Blut Aus Nord MoRT (Part VIII) Blutvial Conspiracy Of Optimism Bonehunter Electric Nightmare Brain Tentacles The Sadist Brainoil Gravity Is a Relic Burial Hordes Incendium Caedem Suppressing Shadow Cannibal Corpse Five Nails Through The Neck Carnal Tomb Undead Dread Cavus Discovering from Suffering CeDigest Fermenting Remains Celestial Bloodshed Begone, Chains of Life! Chaos Invocation Menskindrums of Doom Choronzon Topple The Pillar Cloak of Altering Translucent Body Deformities Code Tyburn Coffins Hellbringer Cold Fell Bone Ceiling Coma Cluster Void Iron Empress Conform to Serve Dogma of Sin Consummation Apotheoses Contaminated Squalid Survival Corpse Garden Death Hex Corpus Christii The Gate Craft I Want to Commit Murder Crimson Moon The Serpent Beneath the Skin Crypt Rot Chapters of Torment Cult Of Erinyes Casvs Belli Culted Dirt Black Chalice - Short Version Cultes des Ghoules The Passion of a Sorceress Curse Of The Golden Vampire State Rape Cut Up By Hatred Bound Daemoniac Cursed Hecatomb Dakhma Nanghait (Born of Fire) Dark Funeral Hail Murder Dark Tribe Endless Chains Darkspace Dark 2.1 Darkthrone Graveyard Slut Dawn Of Ashes Sex, Blood, & Black Magic De Magia Veterum The Confusion of Tongues Dead Congregation Serpentskin Deafkids Mente Bicameral Death Fetishist Astral Darkness Deicide Death To Jesus Demontage Mad Thrasher Der Rote Milan Neben und Regen Desolate Shrine Lord of the Three Realms Det eviga leendet Ingest Devathorn Azazyel Iscariot Devouring Star Sin Assimilation Diabolical Masquerade A Bad Case of Nerves Disiplin Ultimatum Dismember Europa Burns Dolorvotre Treasure of Sin Dragged Into Sunlight Part II Drought Fire Breathing (Urdva Kundali Arise) Drug Honkey Pool of Failure DSKNT S.O.P.O.R. DØDSENGEL NO BEGINNING NO END Dødheimsgard Symptom Emperor Ye Entrancemperium Epheles Les Murmures Du Silence Epitaphe Downward Stream Eternal Majesty The Warlord Excommunion Nemesis Expulsion Comatose Fange Roy-Vermine Faruln The Black Hole of the Soul Fifth To Infinity Reapers Wake Five The Hierophant Der Geist Der Stets Verneint Fjoergyn Terra Satanica Fluisteraars Stuk Full Of Hell Shattered Knife Funeral Mist Bringer of Terror Funereal Presence Gestalt Furia Przechrzczony Gallhammer Speed of Blood Gardsghastr Of Crimson Eyes Gateway I Gehenna End Ritual Gevurah The Throne of Lucifer Ghost Bath Burial Goat Semen Altares de Pandemonium Goatfuneral Bastion Lucifer Gorgoroth The Devil, the Sinner and his Journey Hacavitz Deadream Haemoth Slaying the Blind Handful Of Hate To Perdition Havoc Unit I.Esus - The Liturgy of Inhumanity Helel Cosmos Is Out of Order Helfró Eldhjarta Hell Inscriptus Hell Militia Sternenfall Helleborus Colored Spores of Yuggoth Hellripper All Hail the Goat Hetroertzen Perpetual Eclipse Stigmata Hexis Molestus Hissing Backwards Descent Horde Of Hel The Glory Of Massmurder Horna Aldebaranin Susi Horned Almighty Fountain of a Thousand Plagues Hour of Penance The Chains of Misdeed Hryre Devastation of Empires Hymir Rise of the Godking Ignis Haereticum Exercitatus Spiritualium Immortal The Sun No Longer Rises Impavida The First Flame Initiates the Cleansing of Putrid Terrestrial Spirits Impetuous Ritual Inordinate Disdain In Lingua Mortua Skjelvende Av Angst Infernal Coil Bodies Set in Ashen Death Inferno Omega Greater Than One (Oscillation in Timelessness) Insane Vesper Tearing the Veil Invidiosus Thousand-Eye Stare Irkallian Oracle Iconoclasm Jotunspor Sol Mun Svartne Judas Iscariot With Lust and Murder for Our Drink Jute Gyte I Am in Athens and Pericles Is Young Kaleikr Neurodelirium Kaosophia Event Horizon Kassad Madness Kenosis Abrahams Dagger Khaos Dei Sous la bannière noire Kinkshamer Behind Closed Doors Between Beauty and the Beast Knelt Rote Compress Korgonthurus Inho Krater Non Serviam Krypt Death Satan Black Metal Krypts Sinking Transient Waters Kvelgeyst Demiurg - Denaturierung Holobiont Labirinto Divino Afflante Spiritu Les Chants Du Hasard Chant 5 - Le Dieu Leviathan Mouth Orifice Bizarre Liber Null Below and Beyond Lifelost Malign Emanatio Ligfaerd Den Hornedes Klo Limbonic Art Apocalyptic Manifestation Ljå Til Satan Lord Mantis Septichrist Lucifugum Untitled 2 Luminous Vault Charismata Lvcifyre In Fornication Waters Maggot Colony Prayers of the Unbelievers Malakhim The Golden Shrines Malhkebre To Become or Die Mammoth Grinder Born in a Bag Manii Dansen Gjennom Skuggeheimen Mastiff Bubonic Medico Peste Stigmata Martyr Mindscar A Faceless Force That Must Die (feat. Augustus Invictus) Misanthropic Art The Fall Misericordia The Art of Perfection Mitochondrion 137 (Mors Formulae) Mongrel's Cross Rabid Inception Morast Rls Morbid Evils Tumour - Case IV Morowe Tylko piekło, labirynty i diabły Mortuus Layil Murg Grannen är din fiende Mutiilation Acceptance of My Decay Mylingar Obalansen Myrkr The Unseen Light Myrkskog Utter Human Murder Mysticum Black Magic Mushrooms N.K.V.D. U.C.K. Nails Scum Will Rise Napalm Death Metaphorically Screw You Natvre's Natvre's War Necrophobic Revelation 666 Negative Plane All Souls Negura Bunget Maiestrit - In-Zvicnirea Apusului Neige et Noirceur L'eveil Dans La Mort Nekrasov Purity of Oblivion Neo Inferno 262 The Great Industrial God New Lows Born and Razed Nidingr On Dead Body Shore Nightmarer Skinner Nihill Carrion Eaters Noctambulist Atmospheres of Desolation Noise Trail Immersion Mirroring Nox Formulae Voudon Lwa Legba Nullingroots Subsistence NunFuckRitual Christotokos Nusquama Wrevel NyreDolk Blottet for Empati Obliteration Charnel Plains Of Feather And Bone Pious Abnormality Ofermod Chained to Redemption Okkultokrati On Mouth of Hells Omgeving Stille Vernietiging Ondskapt Lord Of All Unclean Spirits Oranssi Pazuzu Vasemman käden hierarkia Orcivus Perdition's Paradigm Order of Orias Cursed Revenant Osculum Infame Dar Tariki, Tariqat Ossuarium Writhing in Emptiness Outer Heaven Into Hellfire Outre The Order of Abhorrence OvO Creatura Palace of Worms Unveiled with Spears Panzerchrist Creature Panzerfaust The First Con Man, The First Fool Paysage D'Hiver Macht des Schicksals Pensées Nocturnes L'Alpha Mal Pestifere Mine Is a Strange Prison Phazm Ginnungagap Philip H. Anselmo and The Illegals Choosing Mental Illness Portal Curtain Prosanctus Inferi Red Streams of Flesh Pseudogod Azazel Purtenance Vicious Seeds of Mortality Ravencult The Sigil Of Baphomet Rebel Wizard Ease of Wretchedness and Wonder Recitations The First of the Listeners Red Harvest Synthesize My DNA Redemptor Tremor Refusal Slaves Reverorum ib Malacht IV Ripped to Shreds Ripped to Shreds Rotten Sound Mindkill Ruinizer The Horror Ruinous From Flames of Malice Born Ruins Undercurrent Sacramentum The Manifestation Sacrilegious Impalement At the Altar Afore Eternity Sadness Pure Dream Saiva En förliden tid Saturnalia Temple God Is Two Satyricon Prime Evil Renaissance Schammasch In Dialogue with Death Secret Cutter Trampled by Light Servants Of The Apocalyptic Goat Rave Destroyed Setentia Beyond Myopic Blame Setherial Ekpyrosis Sguaguarahchristis Act III: Black Waves of Thy Winter Shaarimoth Beast of Lawlessness Sheidim Remnants Sink Justice Situs Magus Oeubre Au Rouge Skaldic Curse Genocide Storm Skeletal Ravaged Skelethal Scaly Smelly Flesh Slagmaur Lange knivers natt Slaves BC Lightbearer Slidhr Their Blood Slugdge The Chapter For Transforming Into A Slug Spearhead The Lie of Progression Spectral Voice Lurking Gloom Spektr Teratology Sun Of The Sleepless In the Realm of the Bark Sunlight's Bane Came No Dawn Superjoint Ruin You Svartidaudi Reveries of Conflagration Svartsyn Great Mysteries of Death Svatan Blessed Be the Godless Man Swallowed Black Aura Syphilic Kowardice, Korruption, & Kapital Murder T.O.M.B. Immitis Tenebrae In Perpetuum Percepire la luce attraverso il sepolcro Teratism He Descends Terra Deep The Navigator - Original Mix Thantifaxath Panic Becomes Despair Thaw Afterkingdom The Amenta Sekem The Axis Of Perdition This, Then, In Paradise? The Beast of the Apocalypse And They Withdrew Up to Their Heavens The Cowards Like Us The Great Old Ones The Shadow over Innsmouth The Konsortium Tesla The Ruins Of Beverast Euphoria When the Bombs Fell The Secret Violent Infection This Gift Is A Curse Wolvking Thorns Interface to God Throne of Katarsis Mesterens Tilbakekomst To Separate The Flesh From The Bones Cold Cuts Tormented Graveyard Lust Tortorum Night of the Witch Torture Division We Are Torture Division Trelldom By My Will Triumvir Foul Urine of Abomination Truchło Strzygi Puls Trupa Tsjuder Helvete - Remastered Tyrant The Rebirth ... ( Reclaim The Flame ) Ungfell Die Hexenbrut zu Nirgendheim Urgehal The Necessity of Total Genocide Ustalost V Vacivus Oubliette Vader Lord Of Desert Valborg Blut am Eisen Vale Final Flesh Valkyrja Welcoming Worms Vanhelgd Relics of Sulphur Salvation Vassafor Phoenix of the Maelstrom Vermin Womb Industrialist Verwoed Bodemloos Vesania Aesthesis Vessel of Iniquity Where Even Nothing Is Something Vetus Obscurum Antidote to Humanity VI Une place parmi les morts Vingulmork Ytterst Vircolac So I Hang from a Wretched Tree Virvel Av Morkerhatet Dissociative Disorder Vithr Hedensk Skikk Og Tro Void Eater Receive Void Meditation Cult Utter the Tongue of the Dead Vom Fetisch der Unbeirrtheit Prothesensucht Vorkreist Maledicte Vorum Rabid Blood VRTRA My Bones Hold A Stillness Walknut Grim Woods Way To End The Sore of Creation Wederganger Gelderse drek Werwolf Ensemble Despair Whiskey Ritual The Forsaken Kings Whoredom Rife Whoredom Rife Witch Vomit Doomed in the Realm of the Dead Witchrist The Grand Tormentor Wode Death's Edifice Wrathprayer Sun of Moloch Wreche Vessel Wrnlrd Black Dress Yellow Eyes Immersion Trench Reverie Yeruselem Autoimmunity Zyklon Zycloned