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+++ date = "2019-02-17T09:32:37Z" title = "Cuba: How Workers and

Peasants Made the Revolution (Part Two)" +++

Fidel Castro


Fidel Castro, the son of a rich landowner, was a student at Havana

University between 1945 and 1950. He later said:

At university, which I arrived at with only a spirit of rebelliousness
and some elementary ideas about justice, I became a revolutionary, I
became a Marxist-Leninist, and I acquired sentiments and values which
I hold today and for which I have struggled throughout my life.

He became active in student politics. He was elected by his fellow

students as a class representative, and became increasingly involved in

a struggle for control of the FEU between supporters and opponents of

the Grau government. The FEU leadership, which at the time was

pro-government, at one stage threatened Castro with death if he set foot

on campus. He defied these threats and his opponents backed off.

Castro, influenced by the ideas of Jose Marti, was interested in

democratic and anti-imperialist struggles throughout Latin America. He

became chairperson of the FEU's committee for Dominican democracy, which

campaigned against the dictatorship of Trujillo in the Dominican

Republic. He did not confine himself to propaganda against Trujillo, but

when he heard about a proposed expedition of armed Cuban and Dominican

democacy fighters to overthrow the dictator, he joined up and

participated in military training on an island off Cuba's coast. The

expedition was a fiasco, but the experience helped him develop his idea

on how to carry out an armed insurrection against a dictatorship.

Castro became involved in efforts to build links with students in other

Latin American countries, with the aim of establishing a Latin

America-wide student federation. In pursuit of this goal, he visited

Venezuela, Panama, and Colombia. He happened to be in Colombia in 1948,

at the time when that country's most popular political leader, Jorge

Eliecer Gaitan, was murdered. This provoked a popular uprising in

Bogota. Crowds stormed police stations and seized weapons. Castro joined

in the uprising.

Castro graduated as a lawyer in 1950. However, practising law was not

his main interest.

While at university he had joined the Cuban Peoples Party (also known as

the Ortodoxos). Over time, as Castro studied Marxism, he began to

recognise the limitations of the Ortodoxo Party. Nevertheless, he

maintained links with it, became many of its members and supporters were

radical-minded workers, students and poor people, whose support Castro

wanted to win.

Castro was chosen to be a parliamentary candidate of the Ortodoxo Party

in elections planned for May 1952. (These elections were cancelled after

Batista's coup of March 1952)

When the elections were cancelled, Castro began preparing for an armed

uprising. He recruited 1200 young people, mainly drawn from the Ortodoxo

youth, and gave them some very elementary military training.

Castro says that during this period, he was a ''professional

revolutionary ... I was devoting my full time to the revolution''. As a

lawyer, he defended some poor people in court, but did not charge them a

fee. He was financially supported by his comrades in the revolutionary


During this period Castro organised ''a small circle of Marxist

studies'' for some of his closest collaborators.

The Attack on the Moncada Barracks


On July 25, 1953 Castro called on 160 of the members of his group to

gather at a farm outside Santiago, Cuba's second-largest city. Early

next morning they carried out an attack on the Moncada barracks in

Santiago, as well as on a barracks in the city of Bayamo.

Castro hoped that with the advantage of surprise his forces would take

the Moncada barracks with little or no bloodshed, then use the army's

own internal communications channels to promote rebellion, or at least

cause confusion, among soldiers around the country. He also planned to

issue a call for a general strike against Batista. He was hopeful that

the combination of a general strike and rebellion by sections of the

army would be able to overthrow Batista.

The attacks failed. Some of the attackers died in the fighting; others

were murdered by Batista's forces after being captured. Others,

including Castro, were taken prisoner and put on trial.

Castro's Ideas


There is a commonly held view in the Trotskyist movement that Castro was

just a radical bourgeois democrat at the time of the struggle against

Batista. Even Joseph Hansen, one of the best Trotskyist writers on Cuba,

asssumes Castro was not a Marxist prior to 1959.

However, Castro was very much influenced by Marxist at the time of the

attack on the Moncada barracks. In his 1985 interview with Frei Betto,

Castro stated:

I had already acquired a Marxist outlook when we attacked the Moncada
garrison. I had fairly well-developed revolutionary ideas, acquired
while I was university through my contact with revolutionary

This revolutionary literature included some of the writings of Marx,

Engels and Lenin. Castro added that

my contribution to the Cuban revolution consists of having synthesised
Marti's ideas and those of Marxism-Leninism and of having applied them
consistently in our struggle.

Castro explained his decision not to join the PSP, but to work initially

in the framework of the Ortodoxo Party, as follows:

I saw that the Cuban communists were isolated due to the pervasive
atmosphere of imperialism, McCarthyism and reactionary politics. No
matter what they did they remained isolated ...
So, I worked out a strategy for carrying out a deep social revolution
-- but gradually, by stages ...
I realised that the masses were decisive, that the masses were
extremely angry and discontented. They did not understand the social
essence of the problem; they were confused. They attributed
unemployment, poverty, and the lack of schools, hospitals, job
opportunities and housing -- almost everything -- to administrative
corruption, embezzlement and the perversity of the politicians.
The Cuban Peoples Party harnessed much of that discontent, but they
did not particularly blame the capitalist system and imperialism for
it ...
The people were confused, but they were also desperate and able to
fight ... The people had to be led along the road of revolution by
stages, step by step, until they achieved full political consciousness
and confidence in their future.
I worked out all these ideas by reading and studying Cuban history,
and the Cuban personality and distinguishing characteristics, and

Trial and Imprisonment


Castro used his defence speech at his trial for thr attack on the

Moncada barracks to explain the goals for which he was fighting. The

speech, later published under the title *History Will Absolve Me!*,

outlined his program.

Castro called for the ''restoration of civil liberties and political

democracy'', which had bee suppressed by Batista's coup. He also

advocated granting land to landless tenant farmers, making this

land''not mortgageable and not transferrable''. For wage workers, Castro

proposed''the right to share 30% of the profits of all large industrial,

mercantile and mining companies, including the sugar mills''. He

advocated''the confiscation of all holdings and ill-gotten gains of

those who had ommitted frauds during previous regimes, as well as the

holdings and ill-gotten gains of their legatees and heirs''. To

implement this, he advocated special revolutionary courts to look into

the records of all corporations and banks.

Castro advocated the ''nationalisation of the electric power trust and

the telephone trust \[which were US-owned\], refund to the people of the

illegal \[excessive\] rates these companies have carged , and payment to

the treasury of all taxes brazenly evaded in the past''.

He also advocated setting a maximum amount of land to be held by each

type of agricultural enterprise, and redistributing the remainder

amongst peasant families; promoting agricultural cooperatives; cutting

all house rents in half; and building new houses for city residents.

This was not a socialist program, but a radical democratic program.

Castro later said that if the program had been more radical, ''the

revolutionary movement against Batista would not have obtained the

breadth that it achieved and that made victory possible''.

Castro was sent to prison on the Isle of Pines, where has was able to

read the writings of Marx and Lenin much more extensively, and deepen

his understanding of Marxist theory.

Meanwhile Castro's supporters outside the prison defied Batista's

repressive laws by publishing *History Will Absolve Me!* and

distributing tens of thousands of copies. They built a mass movement

demanding freedom for all political prisoners, including the Moncada


The July 26 Movement


Fidel Castro and 18 other Moncada veterans were released from prison

under an amnesty on 15 May 1955. Castro immediately set to work creating

a new revolutionary organisation, the July 26 Movement. He aimed to

united those willing to carry out revolutionary struggle against the

dictatorship, and succeeded in winning the support of many, including

veterans of the the MNR, such as Armando Hart and Faustino Perez, as

well as Frank Pais, who led a revolutionary organisation based in

Oriente province in eastern Cuba.

Castro continued to believe in the need for an armed insurrection to

overthrow Batista. Nevertheless, before launching an armed struggle, he

tested out the possibilities for peaceful methods of struggle.

The government soon showed that it had not changed. It banned a proposed

mass rally. It banned Fidel Castro from appearing on radio and

television. It closed down a newspaper that printed revelations about

the army's murder of prisoners following the attack on the Moncada

barracks. It began once again making mass arrests of opponents of the

regime. And it began again to murder its opponents. Jorge Agostini, an

army officer who had resigned following Batista's coup and become a

campaigner against his regime, was murdered in June 1955 by Batista's


After two months of growing repression, it was clear that the removal of

the Batista regime by peaceful means was not possible. On July 7 Castro

left Cuba and went to Mexico. There he has his followers carried out

military training in preparation for a return to Cuba to overthrow the

dictatorship. While in Mexico Castro met Che Guevara and persuaded hiim

to join the planned expedition.

In August 1955 Castro issued a manifesto containing a 15-point program

of reforms, including distribution of land among peasant families,

nationalisation of public services, mass education, and


Meanwhile in Cuba itself the July 26 Movement was being built as an

underground organisation throughout the country. Armando Hart, a key

leader ot this work, comments that:

All over the country, the organisation of the Movement continued to
advance. In the weeks preceding the *Granma* \[which reached Cuba on
December 2, 1956\] there was no municipality or corner of the island
without its underground leadership and cell.

In May 1956 the J26M began publishing an illegal newspaper, initially

called *Aldabonazo*, then *Revolucion*. The first editorial said:

For the July 26 Movement, only those who aim at something more than
simply toppling the dictatorship are capable of really eliminating it
... The July 26 Movement asserts that the current government is not
the cause but the result of the republic's fundamental crisis ... It
would hardly be worthwhile to confront the dictatorial, corrupt and
mediocre regime we suffer without aiming for a revolutionary
transformation of the moral, political, economic and social causes
that made possible the criminal act committed by the seditious group
(i.e. Batista's coup).

Thus the J26M aimed at radical social change. But most of its activists

did not regard themselves as Marxists. They were radical democrats. They

were concerned about social justice, not just formal political democacy.

But in the beginning most did not have a clear socialist perspective.

Over time, many of them evolved towards socialist ideas. But some did

not. Some later turned against the revolution as it began to enter the

socialist stage.

Fidal Castro, the central leader of the J26M, was a Marxist, but did not

say so publicly. Some other leaders such as Raul Castro and Che Guevara

were also Marxists. But the J26M also included people who were strongly

anti-communist. US author Julia Sweig notes that

Anti-communism within the 26th of July cadre itself was common, both
because of the Cold War climate of the 1950s and because the PSP,
officially banned in 1952, had a reputation for having collaborated
with Batista from the 1930s.

Strategy of the J26M


While the program of the J26M was bourgeois-democratic, its methods of

struggle were militant. The J26M's perspective was to build up towards a

general strike and popular insurrection. The second manifesto of the

July 26 Movement to the Cuban people, issued in 1956, called for workers

to be organised from the bottom in revolutionary groups in order to

declare a general strike.

Fidel Castro was strongly committed to this perspective, and spoke or

wrote about it many times. In a message dated December 14, 1957, Castro


The workers section of the July 26 Movement is involved in organising
strike committees in every work centre and every sector of industry,
together with opposition elements from all organisations that are
prepared to join the strike ...

Che Guevara was also enthusiastic about the goal of a general strike. He

wrote that

The revolutionary general strike is the definitive weapon, the
intercontinental rocket of the peoples.

But when the July 26 Movement was launched in 1955, it was still a long

way from being able to put into practice the plan for a revolutionary

general strike. This was due both to its still limited roots in the

working class, and to the political limitations of many of its cadres.



Mujal's control of the trade union movement made it difficult for the

J26M to build a strong base in the unions. Nevertheless the J26M did

participate in strike action and strike solidarity where possible.

In September 1955 there was a series of bank strikes led by opponents of

Batista, including the J26M member Enrique Hart, who was arrested and

kept in prison until after the strikes were over.

In December 1955 there was a strike of over 200 000 sugar workers, in

protest at a government move that would have reduced their wages. Strike

leaders included members of he PSP and the J26M, and even some pro-Mujal

union officials who felt the need to support the strike to maintain some

support in the rank and file.

The strike received broad solidarity, including from the students.

According to J26M leader Armando Hart,

A number of towns were virtually taken over by the strikers and
supporters. Virtually all economic activity in these towns was
paralysed, leading them to be termed 'dead cities'.

Batista was forced to concede to the striker's demands.

Castro Returns


Fidel Castro and 81 supporters set sail for Cuba on 24 November, 1956 in

the yacht *Granma*, reaching the Cuban coast (later than expected) on

December 2.

On November 30, the J26M underground carried out armed attacks on army

and police buildings in Santiago. There was also industrial action by

some workers in Oriente province, including a 24 hour strike in the town

of Guantanamo. These actions were intended to coincide with the landing

of the Granma, thereby distracting Batista's army from attacking

Castro's foces before they could reach the relative safety of the


However, the Santiago uprising was crushed before the *Granma* reached

the Cuban coast. Most of Castro's fighters were killed or captured

shortly after the landing. Castro and a few others survived, and a

guerilla front was established in the mountains of the Sierra Maestra.

The guerilla force gradually expanded. J26M activists, including

survivors of the Santiago uprising, came from the cities to join the

guerillas. The peasants increasingly supported the guerillas, and some

joined the Rebel Army. But it did not become simply a peasant army. It

included a large proportion of workers, including both agricultural

labourers from the sugar and coffee plantations and workers who had come

from the cities to join the guerillas.

The J26M continued to build a strong urban underground network, which

sent supplies, money, and recruits for the guerillas; carried out

propaganda in the cities; organised strikes and protests; and carried

out acts of sabotage and armed attacks on Batista's police and army in

urban areas.

The J26M urban underground organised protests against police murders.

For example, on January 2, 1957 the body of William Soler, a teenager,

was found in the streets of Santiago. He had been murdered by the police

after being arrested. Underground activist Armando Hart describes what


This crime caused great popular indignation, and Santiago became a
boiling pot. The idea was raised of holding a women's demonstration
along Enramada Street at the beginning of 1957, and we all went to
work organising it. It was an event that showed the strength the July
6 movement already had among the masses. The men lined the sidewalks,
and the women marched through the streets. There were huge banners
denoucning the intolerable situation and demanding there be no more

The J26M also used public protests, or the threat of them, to prevent

the police and army murdering captured activists. When Armando Hart and

two others were arrested by the army in January 1958, the J26M took over

a radio station and broadcast the news so the army could not kill them

secretly in a fake ''battle'', as they had been planning to do.