We have a dig bin for our ferrets containing rice grains. Rice is safe for ferrets to play in but not to eat, as it can cause an intestinal blockage. Last week I needed to step away while the ferrets were playing, and when I came back, I found one of them standing in the dig bin licking her lips. That evening she began making strange noises and defecating less frequently. After an extremely stressful night with her, during which we discovered there are no emergency veterinary clinics in the area that treat ferrets, we took her to her regular vet. It turned out she simply had a minor respiratory infection.
Though I still use the Nokia G400 as my primary smartphone, I've spent some time extensively configuring my F(x)tec Pro1 X. It has all the communication apps, utilities, and network configurations I have on my regular phone, as well as most of the data. There are even a few apps I've fully moved from my G400 to the Pro1 X. My goal is to have a device I can immediately switch to if I'm ever issued a work phone--work apps are the primary limiting factor blocking me from being able to switch right now.
After I reconfigured NNCP several days ago, I had occasion to move several files between my devices and run a few commands. I wanted to use NNCP to do the job, but once I had transferred the packets, I couldn't get the recipient nodes to toss them. This was because I had forgotten to configure incoming file permissions--as well as outgoing permissions and addresses for each peer. A few minutes of copying fixed the problem.
My weight has remained steady so far in 2024. I know why: I've been eating lots of sugary food in the last several weeks, and I have not been exercising regularly. However, I am trying to change one aspect of my diet: drinking more water. My wife and I bought 80 oz (2.33 L) water bottles, and I drink at least one full bottle per day. Sometimes I go through two.
Photo of the week (week 6):
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Ferrets are not treat-driven animals: on the contrary, they tend to imprint on the food they eat regularly and dislike trying new things. One treat the ferrets love, however, is an egg yolk. Chai (left) and Mocha (right) are seen enjoying the snack here.
Photo of the week (week 7):
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We have owned a Pump It Up arcade machine for many years, but when we moved into our current house, we discovered that the cabinet did not fit in our basement. We decided to take the metal dance pads downstairs by themselves and set up a community build of PIU on a standard computer. I finally got around to configuring the dance pads this week.
Photo of the week (week 8):
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My wife and I visited an arts and crafts shop a few days ago. I hadn't been to one in a while, and while she picked out decorations and tools, I wandered down the aisles. This scrapbook, adorned with a world map stylized to look like paint splotches, caught my eye. Most of the world looked okay, but Greenland was in bad shape.
[Last updated: 2025-01-27]