2023 Week 26/27: Status and Photos



We live in a small farm town, with fewer restrictions than the nearby suburbs. Our neighbors take full advantage of this by shooting off a phenomenal number of fireworks. This Independence Day, our house was surrounded with a constant display of lights and sounds in the sky. We invited a few friends over and fired a few pyrotechnic rounds ourselves. It was quite an experience.

I'm planning on putting many of my electronics into a box for a while and reduce the number of devices I use to a minimum. This is because I find that I fret over them too much, and I try to use them all, which is wasteful. I think I'd prefer to limit myself to a few low-impact tools, and work on getting those to do as much as I can make them do.

Over the weekend my wife and I had a chance to connect with some of our relatives with whom we have not spoken for quite some time. I tend to let my connections fall by the wayside when I get too absorbed in my own projects, which happens frequently. I want to reach out more regularly going forward.

I find it interesting how differently I use my phone from how my friends use theirs. I use OSMAnd to store maps offline and never use navigation. I keep all my photos on SD and back them up to my PC directly. I even use Kiwix to read an offline version of Wikipedia. And most of the time, I perform tasks in Termux using a command line instead of inside apps. Reflecting on this just makes me want a full Linux-desktop phone even more.

Things have otherwise been slow on Rob's Gemini Capsule. I hate to make promises anymore, as they s rarely seem to come to fruition. But I suppose we'll see what the future has in store.


Photo of the week (week 26):

Pre-Fireworks Sky

(PNG, 600x450, 136 KiB)

Over the weekend we were invited to a fireworks show in a city south of us. The venue was a small park with a lake in the center, but we chose to park by the nearby access road and watch the show from there. I was struck by how open and calm the sky was before the show.

Photo of the week (week 27):

We're All Mad Here

(PNG, 450x600, 165 KiB)

We stayed at a hotel recently with a strong art-deco theme. The room was inexpensive but well-furnished and very comfortable, though of course we spent very little time there. One of my favorite features of the room was its "Do Not Disturb" sign.


Up One Level


[Last updated: 2025-01-27]