End of March Status Update



March has been unbelievably busy in my real life. We are moving into a smaller, cheaper house next month in preparation for my wife to attend graduate school, and we've spent the last few weeks packing like madmen to ready our current house for showings. That, combined with a packed schedule at work has left with little time to relax at all, much less specifically devote to Gemini.

Last week my capsule went offline for two days. The downtime was due to the house showings, which required me to disconnect my home server from the switch. The Ethernet cable had been haphazardly strung across our living room and down our basement steps to reach the server! We worked around the issue using powerline network adapters.

The first wave of packing is now done, which should open up my evenings once more. As a result, I'll likely begin posting more regularly again. I have a number of topics I'd like to cover, from the books I've read recently to more thoughts on sustainability to new gadgets I've purchased. My goal is to be more active in April.


Up One Level


[Last updated: 2024-10-06]