While the front face of Rob's Gemini Capsule hasn't seen much activity, I've continued to make lots of changes behind the scenes. I continue to update my weight graph and "Where in the World?" log, though I did neglect the latter for some time. Other projects have taken up my time too: diving into git's `fetch` and `push` commands to see if they can be adapted to use an asynchronous protocol like NNCP, as well as setting up Yggdrasil nodes on my home network. Other tidbits are appearing on various pages as I have time.
I've been toying with an experimental upload script for Gemini over this weekend. Upon learning that `ncat` can connect to servers with user-defined SSL certificates (rather than merely listening with them), I got the idea to use two scripts--one client-side and one server-side--to split a base64-encoded file into chunks and upload the chunks as query strings. It's not finished yet, mostly because I want to add robustness such as server-side file resuming.
Meanwhile, Hogwarts Legacy has dominated much of my free time. I was a little more than a casual fan of the original Harry Potter books as a kid, but I wasn't obsessed with it like my sister or my wife were. Now, however, we've put over 80 hours into two save files in the game. I think about the next quest or character we'll meet all the time. Even my wife is starting to get burned out on it long before I am.
We are preparing to downsize in the next few months. As part of the packing process, we cleaned out our basement yesterday, packing boxes, sorting loose piles, and deciding what to keep and what to give away. Among other things I've been looking for for quite some time, I cam across my PlayStation 2 and a memory card with FreeMCBoot installed. I think it's time to pull out Linux for PlayStation 2 again.
Photo of the week (week 7):
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Kansas City International Airport has a new central terminal. Ahead of starting operations, and before even some of the gates had finished construction, the building opened for limited tours for the general public. It was odd seeing a terminal with no open businesses, no airline staff, and no aircraft: observant viewers will notice the empty ramp on either side of the walkway joining concourses A and B.
Photo of the week: (week 8):
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One of my college friends is an avid home cook and sometimes invites us over for hot pot. I've attended several times, but my wife never had the chance until this week. Luckily for her, this time he prepared quite a spread, including shrimp, bok choy, and pork belly.
Photo of the week (week 9):
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My wife and I went out for breakfast on Saturday morning. While waiting by the front counter for an open table, a little girl and her parents came in. The girl may have been coming from or going to some kind of event, as she was wearing a dress and a plastic tiara. She immediately walked up to us--total strangers in her eyes--and handed us small pieces of blank paper, saying we were invited to her princess party. I knew I had to take a picture to "save the date".
[Last updated: 2025-01-27]