Photo of the week (week 31):
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The grandmother of one of my high school friends lives a few hours out of town. She owns a house next to one of the area lakes and regularly goes boating during the spring and summer months. When my friends goes to visit her, sometimes he will invite me along. This was the first time I'd visited the lake with him since 2018.
Photo of the week (week 32):
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Though I've played Sound Voltex at arcades many times, I often only have time to play during the nightly eAmusement mainenance period, which happens in the middle of the day in the US. I made sure to visit the arcade this week on a day when maintenance did not occur. As a result, I finally got my first two 19 cleras on my eAmusement pass, including a 19 I'd never passed before.
Photo of the week (week 33):
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I don't intend to get particularly good at pinball, but some of my friends go to a nearby pinball bar quite regularly, so I go with them to hang out. One of the tables has a street racing theme, and I started playing it because it was the cheapest table at the bar. Ths week I got an unusually high score on the table--higher even than the average score at the local pinball league match this summer.
[Last updated: 2025-01-27]