While dealing with some tough moments and situations in the past few months, I've begun to explore the area. Some of the discoveries have become places of great sentimental value to me.
I began personal therapy several weeks ago, whose sessions are scheduled near the end of the workday. Of course it would be inappropriate to discuss personal issues at my workplace, so I found a park close to my office that I can quickly drive to before session started. I've now attended the majority of my therapy sessions while sitting in my car at that park. As a result, that park has become a metaphorical place where I can speak my mind openly and frankly. I almost don't want to go back there under other circumstances.
Near the pinball bar I visited last week is a hill that overlooks the local river and gives a clear view of the office buildings beyond. At sunset, the buildings are bathed in golden light, creating a dazzling view--especially when the Moon rises behind or next to them. I've recently visited the hill several times, sometimes to take photographs.
These sites, and others like them around the area, have greatly helped me in dealing with recent stresses. They are calm places, where I can let go of my worries and doubts, listen to the sounds of nature or the faraway bustle of traffic, and let the world pass me by for a while. I've often had moments of clarity while exploring the city that never would have occurred to me had I stayed in my house or at my office, or even at a friend's house.
[Last updated: 2024-10-06]