I've been dealing with some personal tribulations in the last few months. Things were looking up through May, but now in early June, some old feelings have come back to haunt me. I won't go into details, but the situation has caused a good deal of emotional pain, and I'm trying to work through it as best as I can.
So far I've cleared a total of fourteen current 19 charts in Sound Voltex. (Two other charts were rated 19 at the time I first cleared them, but they were later downgraded to 18.) It took me five years to clear the first eight of those fourteen. The lats six were all cleared in the past two weeks. I think I'm definitely beginning to improve.
My wife and I went swimming at our neighborhood pool yesterday, our first visit this season. After splashing around in the very cold water, we relaxed on lounge chairs in the sun. Apparently I didn't put on enough sunscreen and my chest is now moderately sunburned. Lesson learned: reapply frequently!
There are really only two things preventing me from using my Gemini PDA as a daily driver computer. The first is that the Google Earth, the only Google product I enjoy using, has not been ported to the device. The second is that neither CIFS nor NFS modules have been compiled into the kernel, which means I can't mount my NAS in Debian--a major hangup, as my NAS is where I store essentially all of my files.
Photo of the week (week 21):
(PNG, 800x536, 493 KiB)
Spring in the area has been unusually rainy. The clouds partially broke on a day when we needed to move some arcade equipment, allowing us to keep the electronics dry, but rain continued to fall to the east, producing one of the strongest rainbows I've seen for some time.
Photo of the week (week 22):
(PNG, 800x450, 213 KiB)
Two examples of the Boeing B-29 Superfortress, the only aircraft to deliver nuclear weapons in combat, are flightworthy today. One of them, 44-69972 "Doc", visited an airfield not far from us on Saturday. I was incredibly fortunate to be able to take a 30-minute ride in the bomber. As an aviation enthusiast, it was one of the most amazing flights I've ever taken, and one I'll like never be able to do again.
[Last updated: 2025-01-27]