2022 Week 19/20: Thoughts and Photos



I've been dealing with sinus and respiratory problems for a full seven days now, and it's starting to worry me. The biggest issue seems to be a prodigious amount of phlegm, phlegm that I feel with seep down my windpipe into my lungs and cause pneumonia unless I cough it out. No matter how many nasal decongestants or throat lozenges I take, I just can't seem to get it to stop. I probably should visit a doctor and have it looked at.

We've thoroughly cleaned and decluttered the house over the past week and a half. Now we can fully enjoy the expansive space our living room and upstairs loft provide, and we're not burdened psychologically with the prospect of having to wash piles of dishes or laundry. It's helped our mental state quite a bit.

I volunteered with a regional anime and Japanese culture convention a number of years ago, and I visited it as an attendee for many years before that. Due to various circumstances, I haven't been to that convention in four years. The next event is due to take place soon, and I plan to visit. It will be interesting to see what's changed since 2018.

I am not fluent in any language other than English (and by my proclivity for spelling errors, that may come as a surprise!), and I don't have any natural talent for learning other languages. If I were to learn one, I'd be interested primarily in an east Asian language such as Chinese, Japanese or Korean, but realistically, my best bet would probably be German.

Final assemble for the F(x)tec Pro1 X is well underway. The first customers to receive the phone will be people who purchased the original Pro1 but never received their devices. Next will be Indiegogo backers, and finally customers who purchased the Pro1 X through F(x)tec's website. At this point I'm simply counting the days until someone on the forums posts the first shipping notification.


Photo of the week (week 19):

T-38 at KMCI

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I've seen this aircraft performing touch-and-gos at KMCI many times, usually on Mondays around noon. I'm not sure why they're performed at a civil airport and not at one of the nearby air bases; this could be a privately-owned plane, or on load to a civilian operator. I'd never had the chance to see it on the ground until this day.

Photo of the week (week 20):


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My wife received a stuffed seal plush in the mail as a gift. It was supposed to puff up to a round shape upon being removed from its vacuum packing, but we've found that it has remained curiously flat. It makes a silly perch for one of her cat plushes.


Up One Level


[Last updated: 2025-01-27]