There has recently been quite some buzz in Geminispace about response mechanisms between log posts. I don't propose a solution one way or another, and here I speak only for myself. I see parallels between the analog printing world and Gemini: namely, log entries are like mass-printed books, and e-mails are like letters in the post. One rarely writes an entire book as a direct response to a given book, but the given book might provide some thoughts that spawn further ideas, and those ideas might themselves evolve into a book that cites the given book. This is the role I see responses playing in logs.
I've noticed that a T-38 (or some variant) will occasionally perform a touch and go on one of the runways at KMCI. I haven't been able to figure out where the aircraft comes from, why it performs the touch and go, or when to expect it. All I know is that I've seen it about half a dozen times in the last four months or so. The only other military aircraft I've manage to see at KMCI was a KC-135 tanker, and that aircraft visited the airport a week before the arrival of Air Force One.
Shmups, and specifically bullet hell games, are sometimes considered just as much puzzle games as action games. This is because a large part of the strategy involves understanding how bullets air aimed, so that one can guide bullet patterns in particular directions to leave an opening. Sometimes I find this aspect of shmups intriguing and fun, while other times I find it extremely annoying. Games like Sound Voltex and even Super Monkey Ball focus less on the puzzle element: results in those games are determined entirely by skill in execution, not necessarily strategy.
The biggest issue I've bene facing while trying to lose weight is self-control. I'll see a box of cookies at a supermarket or a fried chicken chain next to the sandwich shop, and in a moment of impulse I'll decide to get the less healthy food. This lax behavior was markedly worse over the last several weeks, coincident with a cold snap that left me with little motivation to exercise, and the result was an upward trend in my weight for almost the entire month of February. I finally began to lose weight again this past week, and as the weather starts to warm up, I intend to keep that momentum.
Photo of the week (week 7):
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An arcade in the region has a fairly new DanceDance Revolution machine. I don't go to that arcade very often, because my preferred dance game is Pump It Up and this location does not have a PIU machine. When I visited last week, I discovered that a broken menu button had been replaced with a button that didn't match the others at all.
Photo of the week (week 8):
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Temperatures have been rising in the area over the last few days, but some snow remains in shaded areas. While walking next to a swimming pool a few days ago, I came across one such place: the thin line of shadow created by the top bar of a chain link fence. A single line of snow found refuge in the shadow, unmolested by the heat of the sun.
[Last updated: 2025-01-27]