After having stalled since late July, my weight has finally officially crossed the 220-pound barrier. This is the first time my weight has crossed a multiple of 10 since September of 2020. My current mini-goal is below 218, at which point my BMI will drop below 30 and I will no longer be considered obese by that metric.
It seems the biggest factor in my weight loss in the last three weeks has been calorie reduction. I haven't been deliberately starving myself, but there have been at least three occasions this month when I didn't have time to eat lunch. In the interim, I've been finding that my appetite has slowly been shrinking--I ordered a French dip sandwich at a restaurant yesterday and was barely able to finish half of it.
I don't think I'm going to go to the local arcades on Wednesday again, even though Pump It Up and other non-redemption games are half-price that day. Because of the number of people who come, I barely get to play--and since I primarily play to work out, I hardly get any exercise. This week I was at the arcade for two hours and only got to play two rounds, yielding a total of about 20 minutes of cardio.
My wife and I set up our Christmas tree this weekend. She particularly loves ornaments, and we have several dozen we put on the tree every year. I sometimes worry that we won't find room for them all, but somehow we manage to fit them all on. The tree is quite captivating to look at in direct sunlight.
Photo of the week:
(PNG, 800x450, 243 KiB)
I was fortunate to arrange on very short notice to see Air Force One visit KMCI on Wednesday. Despite increased security, I was able to park at a well-known but officially off-limits location to see the aircraft up close. This photo, as Air Force One prepared to depart that evening, turned out particularly well.
[Last updated: 2025-01-27]