2021 Week 44/45: Thoughts and Catch-Up



Since January 2020 I've maintained an offline micro-journal, using the microblogging script found in the "Files" section of this capsule. Last week I reached ten thousand posts in the journal. It didn't really occur to me how often I was dumping thoughts into the file, until I realized that my public Twitter account never reached ten thousand posts in 12 years.

I've seen some talk around Geminispace about small, simple devices with which to browse the small Web. One device that would not fit this role but I still love is the Sanyo Innuendo by Kyocera. The Innuendo is a budget smartphone from 2010 running BrewMP, operating exclusively on 2G CDMA networks and featuring no WiFi. Needless to say, it can't connect to any wireless service today. The form factor is fantastic, however, and someday I'd love to see an updated version with a larger internal screen, WiFi support, and running straight Linux instead of a JVM.

My wife and I use the same room as personal studies. I have a desk set up on one side of the room, and her desk is on the other side. The majority of the bookshelves, closet space, and wall decorations are hers. I'd like to have my own separate study room, but the rest of the rooms in the house have already been set aside for other purposes, including in the basement.

A friend in the arcade community built a plug-and-play Monkey Ball console last week. I had a chance to try it out at a different friend's birthday party over the weekend. To prepare, I played through the original Super Monkey Ball on the Nintendo GameCube, and I discovered how out of practice I really am. I want to get back to the level I played at in 2013 and 2014.

Over the last few weeks I haven't been exercising as much as I should, usually only one or two days per week. This week I got in four days of exercise, but that was offset by eating more calorie- and fat-heavy foods than I should have been. My weight loss has continued to stall as a result. I'm determined to change that this week--my goal is sub-220 by the end of the month.

We had an unseasonably warm day last Monday. I took the opportunity to work remote, and I decided to go to the local airport. The simple act of sitting and watching certain jets pass by brought back memories of flying on those jets. Some memories I hadn't thought about in years. It was a fantastic way to spend an afternoon.


Photo of the week (week 44):

A Night at the Arcade

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I and many of my friends have slowly been returning to arcades since the worst of the pandemic has tapered off, but we often go on different nights. Wednesdays are usually half-price night for non-redemption games, however, so most people like to go then if they can. This week we had 11 people come to the arcade in one night--the largest group I'd seen there since 2019.

Photo of the week (week 45):

Delivered Donuts

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When I visit Chicago, one of my favorite places to visit is Stan's Donuts and Coffee. A friend, whose birthday party I attended this weekend, was the one to introduce me to the shop. We live far away from Chicago, but surprisingly, Stan's delivers anywhere in the continental United States by airmail. We ordered two dozen donuts for the party.


Up One Level


[Last updated: 2025-01-27]