2021 Week 14: Thoughts and Catch-Up



This observation is made purely on the grounds of aesthetics and should not be read into any further than that, but I find women wearing aprons to be quite attractive.

I need to stop thinking to myself that today has a "2009 feel" or a "2011 feel" or a "2015 feel". Today has a 2021 feel. What matters is now, not then.

It annoys me when sites tell me that I "need to enable Javascript for the application to function". I don't want to run an application; I want to visit a web page. If I want to run an application, I'll download and run an executable file.

I've heard it said that you're beautiful when you're young and you're wise when you're old--that's the deal life gives you. These days it feels like the world moves so fast that any wisdom one could accrue is obsolete in a decade or two. Instead of being sagacious or prudent, old people are seen as being senile and out of touch. The second part of life's deal has been rescinded. Maybe that's why so many people are terrified of growing old.

I discovered on Friday that Twitter had suspended my old account, possibly because of rules against namesquatting. Surprisingly, all I had to do was send in a short appeal, and the account was restored in only a few minutes.

Some people have told me that 29 is the last hurrah before one's 30s. I feel differently. To me, 29 IS 30; one just hasn't told the rest of the world yet.


Up One Level


[Last updated: 2024-10-06]