A friend of mine came by this week to help update my Pump It Up arcade cabinet, which runs a fan-maintained version of the game. We intended to transfer several hundred gigabytes of data between two SSDs. After nearly four hours of copying, we discovered that a large cache directory had never been cleared out, and we had only copied the cache instead of any actual content. He'll need to return another day to finish the transfer.
I intend to write on my Gemini site about mathematical topics that interest me, and I want to put links to a PS or PDF version of each article. In the past I've written LaTeX source files for this purpose. I haven't written documents in LaTeX for years, and I discovered today that I've forgotten everything. Time to study anew.
Today's bike ride was not very long, but over a 3.7-mile stretch of trail I managed an average speed of 13 mph, my fastest average speed yet.
My family owned a Windows 95 PC many years ago, and when I ran DOS games on it, music and sound effects were pitched down slightly. When i run the same games on DOSBox today, of course the audio plays at the correct pitch. I'd like to figure out a way to force DOSBox to play audio "incorrectly" and recreate the experience I had as a kid.
My wife and I went on a picnic this week, and the park we went to is a few miles away from the airport. A Boeing C-17 departed form the airport while we were there, and I was able to see it climb out. It was the first C-17 I've ever seen in real life.
[Last updated: 2024-10-06]