Just a guy. I work. I wonder. I write.

Back in Geminispace

Back In Geminispace

After floundering around like a fish for the last year or so I began to crave the slowness and simplicity of the small web so I have decide to return to Gemini, which is about the smallest web that I know about.

Please watch this site. It won't be updated too often but it will be updated more often than anything else that I have online.

Be sure to follow me on RSS and, as always, email is appreciated.




Gemini Feed


PLEASE NOTE: Most of the links on these pages are to sites using the gemini protocol. What that means is that instead of a link being https://example.com the link is gemini://example.com . To my knowledge no regular web browser works with the gemini protocol. Some browsers may have an extension for browsing gemini. Otherwise you will need a gemini browser to work the links.