While trying to setup a finger server on my VPS, I was faced with the problem of updating information associated with my user account, like office location and phone number.
It turns out that there is a utility for doing that: `chfn`.
Just call `chfn` as the user you want to edit (root can access the whole user database, see man-page for details), and it will fire up an editor where you can edit the following information - at least on FreeBSD:
Login: user's login name Password: user's encrypted password Uid: user's login Gid: user's login group Class: user's general classification Change: password change time Expire: account expiration time Full Name: user's real name Office Location: user's office location Office Phone: user's office phone Home Phone: user's home phone Other Information: any locally defined parameters for user Home Directory: user's home directory Shell: user's login shell