I finally managed to upgrade my laptop to run Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal. Upgrade went smoothly and everything is working just the way it should be. And yes, the web apps rock.
The UI feels a bit more polished compared to 12.04, although, I can't really tell what has changed.
Some of the Compiz desktop effects feel slower when my laptop is connected to an external display. But when I'm using only my laptop display the same effects are faster than in 12.04.
In 12.04 all the effects were consistently fast both when using only my laptop screen and with an external display attached. It's a bit strange and I'll have to look into this later on.
The biggest thing for me is the web apps. I haven't had time to try to write my own web app but I think this is very promising.
Integrating web site notifications with the Unity messaging menu is great. The only problem, in my opinion, is that you actually have to have the integrated web site open either in its own tab or in a separate window.
It would be cool if the integration worked even if the site is not currently open. But this is a good start and I can't wait to try this out myself!
January 17, 2013 - ubuntu, web apps
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