Created: 2024-01-22T04:59:16-06:00
Voting is to separate genuine discussion from trolls, spam, and other kinds of attack posts.
Disagreeing with a comment is not grounds to downvote it.
Normal: This is a normal post.
Off topic: This post has nothing to do with the OP.
Flamebait: This post is intentionally trying to inflame people or start an argument.
Troll: This post is intentionally trying to confuse people.
Redundant: This post offers nothing new; its contents are already covered by earlier comments or the OP.
Insightful: This comment adds something interesting to the discussion. For example a story about a tool might have insightful comments about uncommon uses for it.
Interesting: This comment is interesting (moderator's opinion.)
Informative: This comment adds additional context to the OP.
Funny: The comment is amusing (moderator's opinion.)
Overrated: The moderator believes the post has unfairly received a lot of up-votes.
Underrated: The moderator believes the post has unfairly received a lot of down-votes.
A copy of the action is sent to the meta-moderation queue.