Created: 2023-03-25T21:34:49-05:00
This card pertains to a resource available on the internet.
Designed to be a simpler approach to SVG for "the majority of use cases" for deploying vector graphics in the wild.
Two dimensional cartesian grid for coordinates.
Encodes a palette of swatches which may be referenced later whenever a color is needed in the drawing.
Uses a simple binary encoding to hold all data and shapes.
Outline: Draw the outside of a shape
Fill: Draw inside the shape
Polygon: A shape defined by its perimeter lines; each line is straight, details are made by having many short lines.
Path: A complex Turtle-like operator.
Loop: A series of lines; with an implied line between the ending point to the original beginning point.
Strip: A series of lines; each point from the second draws a line to the previous point.
Fill styling: solid, linear, or radial gradient.
Lines, cubic and quadratic beziers, arcs, and end of path.