Hyperband parameter tuning algorithm

Created: 2022-05-30T21:37:59-05:00

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Attempts to optimize "random search" methods because of their conceptual simplicity.

Successive halving: run a set of candidates constrained by some budget and throw out the worst performing halves.

Works by rationing the amount of a resource used for each candidate.

Rationing can be training epochs for neural networks, amount of RAM, amount of data used for training.


for s in S_{max}:
n = ceil((B/R) (nu^s)/(s+1))
r = R * (nu ^ -s)
T = get_hyperparameter_configuration(n)
for i in 0..s:
n_i = floor(n * (nu ^ -i))
r_i = r * (nu^i)
L = {run_then_return_val_loss(t, r_i): t in T}
T = top_k(T, L, floor(n_i / nu))

top_k: returns the top k winners given algorithms and their loss scores


Standard deviations of a model's score during training create the envelope.

If the envelops do not overlap on termination the models can be seen as meaningfully different.