DMSO: Nature's Healer by Dr. Morton Walker
Created: 2021-08-05T09:46:56-05:00
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- DMSO useful for inflammation, treating injuries, delivering medicine through blood brain barrier, possibly protection against radiation.
- FDA won't approve DMSO for drug use because despite hundreds of studies they aren't double blind trials.
- Texas doctor had license revoked for using DMSO to help install a stint in woman's vagina to counteract rare disorder where it was closing up; patient treated with no complications but medical board was butthurt.
- Dr Eva Lea Sneed treated women with DMSO to increase elasticity of patient's vaginas, to install a stent to counteract the vagina closing up. Patient successfully treated but had medical license taken.
- Dr Lorae Avery treated phantom limb pain accidentally
- Dr Murray Franklin treated swollen knees
- Crosses blood brain barrier; can be used to deliver medication to the brain, sinus or ear canals
- Has been used to reduce tooth decay and repair gum disease
- Treatment of periodontal disease with the use of indomethacin and DMSO
- Multiple [lesser] pharma companies tried to get approval to start using DMSO as a drug but the FDA continuously rejected it, complaining about the quality of studies.
- Black market sales including one endpoint in an ice cream parlor
- Use of DMSO on recent injuries to prevent complications.
- Theories about DMSO operating as a scavenger of free radicals.
- Normal oral dose is 2-3 teaspoons per day; taken with juice to mask the taste.
- May be applied to heal recent scar tissue or to prevent scarring.
- Immersion of heavily burned limbs in to DMSO for extended periods (>20minutes) has sometimes been found to result in tissue healing, preventing loss.
- Dilates blood in small vessels; some help against diabetic neuropathy.
- Used in conjunction with cortisone to resolve chronic a headache condition; after repeated treatments headaches stopped happening.
- DMSO is "seven times safer than aspirin" (LD50 of aspirin: 558mg/kg for monkeys, LD50 of DMSO: 4,000mg/kg for monkeys)
- One gram per kilogram of gel applied to skin for 14 days; no eye harm detected (n=65.)
- Intravenous DMSO is useful for serious conditions but will result in objectionable bodily odors. Drinking raw milk may reduce the odors somewhat.
- Attempts to create double blind studies prove difficult; even with garlic to simulate the odor patients and doctors can still tell DMSO from placebo.
- May help with shingles infections.
- Has been used to lessen some forms of brain damage which lead to retardation.
A 70 percent concentration of DMSO mixed with water in volumes ranging from 8 to 12 ml, applied on and around the injury in a wide area at least three times daily, will provide effective healing response for four out of five people. Some benefit will be experienced within twenty-four hours.